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The Butterfly Effect 2004

Watching this movie again after 15 years feels like experiencing a completely different film. As a teenager, I was captivated by its central premise: what if you could correct that one mistake in your life? I was also thoroughly entertained by the time travel elements.

Now, I perceive the film as a form of therapy where you revisit your childhood errors as an adult and learn to respond differently to the same situations. Even if you can't alter the past, you still possess the power to change how you react to it and, in doing so, mend yourself. We all have the ability to time travel in our minds and reshape our past experiences.

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Worth seeing. Even if you aren't a fan of Punk'd or Dude Where's My.. you'll enjoy seeing Kutcher in this role. The story is very gripping and almost makes you review how things could have changed in your life had some different events altered it.

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This film gets better every time I watch it, just never goes right for (Evan Terbon) The butterfly effect is reality in many different ways..

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I don't know how but luckily i watched this film without analizing everything of it (which i do almost always) and i have really enjoyed it. Time travel is so fcking messy so surely there are a lot of things wrong with the script but if you sit willing to watch an entertaining and good movie this one is for you.

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Shout by MisterX867
BlockedParent2021-09-05T02:26:39Z— updated 2023-02-08T20:36:48Z

The video game, Life Is Strange, took a lot of notes from this movie if you ask me. I will admit, this movie definitely calls for a quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, there's one plot hole that sorely sticks out, but despite that it was still very intriguing and entertaining, the ending even caught me by surprise (I watched the director's cut). I will have to watch this one more than once.

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Buena y triste, recomendada para los amantes del misterio.

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I don't know what to say (in a good way)

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Very thrilling and with some nice plot twists.

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Really interesting, yet really sad concept...I guess you never know what you've lost, if you haven't had the opportunity to lose it...

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Watching the movie with my 14 year old son tonight, 20 years later. Still so great. Love it. In my top 20 movies, ever.

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Fairly well executed with some shortcomings, but an enjoyable ride.

Even though the director’s cut has the hilarious “baby hangs itself in the womb” scene, it was pretty ridiculous and absurd. Theatrical cut has a much more sensible ending, albeit too happy.

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This is a less-than-good movie, with several uni-dimensional characters, an abundance of beaten movie and TV tropes, bad pacing, and unable to decide if it is a rom-com (the whole storyline about frat life) or a murder thriller (the first few scenes, with some not-really-creative use of sound for scare jumps). It ends up being nothing, or at least, nothing remarkable.

What tries to pose itself as a complex, sophisticated storyline of multiverses is just a mumbo jumbo of shaky letters, unremarkable graphic effects (even for the time), and bad writing. If you want to be challenged intellectually by the concept of multiverses and walk down memory lane, there are so many better movies.

I remember hearing a lot about it when it came out (probably because it has scenes of Ashton Kutcher without a shirt) and then never hearing about it again, and now I understand why. I just wish I could go back in time like the main character does and prevent myself from watching this movie.

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What an innecesary movie. Overrated. I understand the hype tho, it came out in 2004. Aged like milk, that's it.

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This movie is the origin of the baby from Death Strading.

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I still think it was all inside his head and he’s actually stuck in that mental hospital

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Directors cut

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"You can't play God, son."

I watched the Director's Cut of this and it was much darker and sadder than I remember the original being. Highly recommend people watching that version. It's a pretty great premise that can almost be confusing but they handle it pretty well.

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Shout by Khawlah

Rewatched this for the first time in years and I thought I was losing it when the end came up. One youtube search later and I found out there are 4 different endings and I guess the director's cut was the one in the version I watched. Not a fan. But I liked how it gave an explanation for the stillbirths. Which I guess is an added scene/detail in the director's cut version cause I definitely don't remember too. I don't know if it's because it's literally the first thing that comes to mind when I think about this movie or hear Stop Crying Your Heart Out, but I will always love "the theatrical cut" ending of them passing each other by as strangers.

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Come on, I know they wanted to make clear what is the butterfly effect, and the idea from this movie is very interesting, but why do they have to make the protagonist do the dumbest decisions? Why don't he simply stayed away of the bomb, for example? This movie is one exemple of good idea, but bad execution.

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