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The Batman 2022

I just want to thank the cinema gods for this absolute dream. It feels like I passed out and when I came to I could remember a very good and satisfying Batman film.

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I can't watch Robert Pattinson as Batman. I'll just watch the Dark Knight again and again.

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The Worst Batman Movie of All Time

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Highly recommended. Great cinematography, soundtrack and atmosphere.

More details, no concrete plot spoilers but I'd rather not spoil it for some who want to go completely blind: First half or two thirds of the movie are amazing, dark without going over the top. Last half or third of the movie is a little weaker (adding a lot of unnecessary clichés that had been avoided until that point, costing it its 10/10), but still very enjoyable. Was my favorite Batman movie until that point, now I'm not sure.

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Matt Reeves explores the detective side of Batman in DC’s latest relaunch of the franchise, The Batman. Batman finds himself drawn into a serial killer case when the killer leaves riddles addressed to him at the crime scenes. Starring Robert Pattinson, Jeffrey Wright, Zoë Kravitz, Colin Farrell, and Andy Serkis, the film has a strong cast; though Pattinson isn’t a particularly compelling Batman. And neither is the story for that matter. In fact, it’s needlessly convoluted. Also, the film’s near 3-hour length and slow pacing doesn’t help either. However, the fight scenes and chases are intense and exciting, and there are some interesting changes to the Batman mythology. Additionally, the score by Michael Giacchino is quite good, and helps to set a dark, noir-ish tone. The Batman is one of the weaker takes on the DC property, but is still entertaining.

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I recommend the "The Batman Unmasked" fanedit.

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i'm not going to rate it, because clearly i was not the intended audience for this movie. cinematically it is gold. pattinson's batman is also the most accurate to source material i've seen -

but this movie was so damn slow. i was so bored. it just felt unnecessarily long for no reason just so they could squeeze in all of the cinematic shots, and then the plot didn't make up for the wait.

this one wasn't for me.

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It was a long film, but that in itself is a very neutral quality. I liked this film since it had wonderful cinematography, acting, and a respectable amount of action. It also had a plot that I found to be interesting, somewhat tedious in some areas, but overall strong with an alluring villain (who likes telling riddles)! Of course, there was chemistry between the main leads as well, which also helps to elevate this film. As a whole, the Batman movie was a long but fun ride, and I can't wait to see more from Robert Pattinson.

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Pattinson is the best Batman ever.
he is so tortured, his emotions are sincere. He's the darkest and most precise batman out there.

the visuals and the soundtrack are incredible and take you into the thoughts of the character.

For me it’s a masterpiece.

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Worst Batman movie ever. Those costumes were a joke(And so we're the actors). At least the Batmobile was cool.

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Fucking awful

Why the fuck is everyone whispering, all the time?
Everyone on this cast is irrelevant, no clue why any of them were cast for a Batman movie.

Could go to any crackhead in LA, give him $10 worth of crack and he'd make a better movie.

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Sllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. terrible reboot. not worthy of your time. 2 hours 56 mins you are NEVER getting back.

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Pattinson is poor as Emo Wayne. I like the setting and the look, but boy was it boring. A 90 minute film stretched out to double the length.

I don't make a habit of watching comic movies, but the DC content I have seen recently was a lot more fun and irreverent than the Marvel identikit movies. This, however, was as dull and portentous and po-faced as anything from the Marvel cookie cutter.

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Wow! I'll definitely need to rewatch this, but after my first viewing I can say that this is easily in the top 2 Batman movies ever made. I'd need to rewatch both this and The Dark Knight to decide which is better, but man was this a good movie.

Pattinson's Batman is the best version of the character to date. He is absolutely fantastic, and there's so much depth to his performance, and it was amazing to finally get the world's greatest detective on screen! Though, I will say that I found his Bruce Wayne to be lacking in comparison to Affleck or Bale. Not that he was bad as Bruce, but it felt a little odd. Perhaps because we're used to seeing Bruce Wayne as a billionaire playboy rather than a reclusive and 'emo' type.

The craft behind this movie must be praised. Every frame is stunning. Easily the best looking Batman movie ever made - Reeves truly shines here.

I'll probably update this after a rewatch, but for now, this is at least a 9/10.

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It was long and forgettable.

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Didn't like it. Aborted watching in the middle of a movie. Personally I like other versions better.

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An unexpected visitor: Knock Knock...

Some random security guy: Who is it?

A noob hero waiting at the front door. I'm Vengeance!

What a disaster.

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As huge batman fan this movie is best live action batman i ever seen.i enjoyed every second of it. I understand some people don't like it cuz they never seen this side of batman in previous live action.
To me this movie is like reading a comic book . I love it!

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im not a batman fan but WOW this movie its excellent i love it. battinson its just a GOD and ofc the riddler its the best villian ever !!!

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It's fine. It's not great, it's not bad.

It has the same problem that DC movies always have, it takes the natural ending point and then tacks on an additional 90 minutes for no good reason.


Batman is a detective
Batman actually is a detective and a good one
Strong villain with believable motivations
Great actors


Batman is a caricature of Batman - overly moody and dark
Bruce Wayne is also moody and dark - a pretty bad alternate identity
The tacked-on arc at the end feels out of place and goofy in addition to dragging the movie out (but had potential)
Redemption/development of Batman seems bland due to the lack of nature
Wayne subplot is uninteresting and distracting

I'd probably watch it again, but it's not a priority

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Like a solid punch in the gut, only you're the one punching for a change.

A hard-boiled Gothic grunge tour de force.

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The comments here really are a fine example as to why Batman has the most toxic fanbase in existence.

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OMG, so many haters commenting. Anyway, I loved it!

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Truly remarkable world-building that we’ve not seen in other Batman’s. You feel more of the city’s pulse and nightlife here. The cinematography was beautiful at every turn. Tension was constantly high without dragging on. Poignant score and spot on casting.

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The Batman 2022
Lived totally upto the hype i had for the film. Matt Reeves totally did justice for the all the characters. The casting was too good to be said anything bad about. Pattinson, Kravitz, Dano, Wright, Farrell, Turturro were all simply brilliant. And the music by Michael Giachinno was such a pleasure to experience and the cinematography and editing were top notch work too. And yes the film had certain influences. Matt Reeves's Batman is a film that should be consumed in it's entirety.

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Why? Why? Why is there another Batman movie? At this point, studios should be paying us money to go watch another remake of a movie. I really hope this movie flops so badly that they never think about making another Batman movie ever again (unless of course it's something more original).

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I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be a 10h tv show, wrapped up in the worst possible way to get a big screen release, because no writer could do this abomination without a fair reason.

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I liked many (not all) of the previous Batman movies for different reasons but this is the new benchmark for me. I liked every second of it and even at three hours I never felt bored.

This will also be hard to follow up because now expectations are sky high.

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Horrible! I lost my interest after 30 minutes. Since 30 years it's always the same story, over and over again. His parents died and he wants revenge. Yes, I can't stand DC but I'm still trying to find something to like, but there is nothing. Maybe one of the worst movies ever made. What an utter waste of time. Oh, and why are they whispering the whole time and turn the techno music up? Maybe to distract from the fact that there is no story? Seriously, to make a movie with no story, you have to be John Wick, then you're at least cool. Oh boy... Sooooooo bad!

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Horrible Batman, this should of went straight to VHS

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Everyone is breaking their back to say how much better this version of Batman is. I think it is just "okay." Certainly gritty and dirty, but not all that "super hero-ey."

I think I'll just watch the Gotham TV series if you don't mind.

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It wallows too much in its own darkness, and once again the writers of Batman and superhero movies flaunt their poor grasp of realpolitik. But that's not the purpose of this movie and any superhero movie's. So just stock up on snacks and wallow along. Because it's damn fun wallowing. And everyone is so damn good. What's more, Batman is returned to his detective roots.

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Was kinda boring in a lot of scenes. The hero costumes looked cheaply made. Robert's voice as bruce and batman were practically the same. Not much action or gadgets to make him feel like batman. Glad I wasn't hyped for this movie, otherwise I'd be really disappointed. And thankfully, I saw it for free.

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Great movie, even for non batman fans. Still a bit too relying in the telltale batman wayne story arc but still great. The joker at the end was unnecessary

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Underneath the bridge
Tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from my ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Underneath the bridge
Tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah

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Boring, so damn boring. And that catwoman? When will we have a real blond fair beautiful Catwoman again?

But a very good movie if you have insomnia.

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What can I say about The Batman (2022)...... Watching this movie made me feel like I was 6 years old again and seeing Batman the Animated Series (1992) for the first was beautiful, visceral, intense and incredibly shot. Not only was it visually pleasing, but the soundtrack and score for this movie was fuckin mesmerizing, Michael Giacchino just wow. The thing is, this wasn't just an amazing Batman movie, it was an amazing movie in general. Gotham and all of it's desperate and fucked up inhabitants never felt this real. By the end of the movie I had the biggest smile on my face, I just wanted more... I wanted another mystery, another case....I was so sad for it to end. Matt Reeves & Greg Frasier thank you....this is the Batman we needed, this is the hope we needed. 10/10:popcorn::fire:Now excuse me while I reinstall Batman Arkham City:blush:

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The Batman
I don't understand what's all the praise about.
Maybe Pattinson didn't appeal to me as much as Affleck or Bale did. had less action than usual but the music was great.
the only dark shade was the music.
change my mind.

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10/10 Amazing cast, amazing soundtrack, interesting plot with possibly the second best live action batman villain next to the great Heath Ledger. Pattinson and Kravitz had great chemistry. Batmans portrayal was my personal favourite out of all the live action ones

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I would put this masterpiece near the dark knight but …. Better than it in a small level

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Paul Dani is electrifying as the riddler

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Just more woke Hollywood crap imo worst Batman movie I have ever seen, So bad in fact I’m not even gonna purchase it to add to my DC collection.

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I want to watch this again just to confirm my opinion on it, but this is a series of great individual Batman moments that struggles with connecting them together in a coherent package (which is surprising considering the amount of footage here).
Stylish, gorgeous and oppressively dark, this is possibly one of the best looks and takes on the character, but I can't help but feel like something is missing to make it feel complete. It does have the feeling that it's going to make a superb sequel though.

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This is one of those movies that needs to be seen on the big screen. Absolutely captivating experience.

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It wasn't the worst Batman by any means but wasn't as groundbreaking or as entertaining as the series with Bale, or even Keaton. Pretty much boiled down to an emo remake of Batman Returns but Batman is more in touch with his feelings and the characters are a little more woke. I've watched The Dark Knight a couple of dozen times and I've seen the first Keaton version a few times but I don't think this one is worth a re-watch. Maybe the next one will be better but Pattinson doesn't make a very good Batman.

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wokeman to the rescue. Seriously, wtf is this trash. Batman needs to save gothem city from rich, white people?

Not sure who's idea that stupid trash was, but it's a good way to offend your entire customer base no matter what skin color they are, since batman is suppose to be a hero (or antihero in some cases) for everyone and not some woke social justice warrier.

They killed any idea of a shared world / universe as well, after the reboot of Justice league finally put them on the right track.

The movie is unnaturally slow, and it just grabs on for no reason at all at points. Act 3 should have just been removed completely.

They decided to make it pg13, which helped make it even more out of place. There were other odd submessaging, like all the white people are evil in some way but the black chars are good somehow.

Not to mention, they had the justice league chars in a TV show on hbomax like a week ago which doesn't line up to this at all.


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"It can be cruel, poetic or blind. But when its denied, it's your violence you may find."

This is the Batman I have been waiting for. I am so happy Matt Reeves is getting his chance to do a trilogy because this is what this character was needing. They are putting "Detective Comics" back into Batman. Paul Dano is incredible, and Gotham is so gritty and dirty, yet cinematic. It felt a little long and yes, the third act isn't perfect, but this film was a much needed direction change. Shout out to the incredible sound design team and the strong soundtrack.

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I went into this expecting it to be either atrocious or amazingly well done. I can tell you that DC may have fucked some things up in the past, but this was so refreshing. This was beautiful, suspenseful, and incredibly engaging. It's something new. I love it. Please if you're going to do something, go see it.

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"Fear is a tool. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call. It's a warning."

Let me start off by praising Robert Pattinson. He is so much better then I could've hoped for. Really enjoyed him as Batman and Bruce Wayne.

Anyway The Batman looks fantastic. The way Gotham is portrayed is simply fantastic. It took me back playing the Arkham games. Which is amazing. I also loved the slow-paced story. Almost no back story just drop us right in. We all know the Bat's story by now right?

Overall the cast is fantastic. Colin Farrell as the Penguin who you also don't recognize, Jeffrey Wright rocks it as Commissioner Gordon, Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle, Andy Serkis not in a CGI role and Paul Dano as the updated Riddler. Fantastic casting.

So yeah the Batman is a great start of the new trilogy and hopefully Reeves will stay attached. The film looks fantastic, never fails to entertain and is dark and gritty.

A new Batman era has begun and who would've thought our Batman would be Robert Pattinson. Go watch this one ASAP. I'm off playing Arkham City.

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This is the Dark Batman movie that Dark Knight Rises should have been.
While I still rate the Nolan Triology both collectively and individually as the best Batman movies ever made, there are elements in The Batman that far surpass what Nolan did in his approach.
The soundtrack is impecable, the cinematography hypnotic (that hallway fight lit by the rifles' shots looks amazing), and the cast is superb in its own way. I started this review by comparing this movie to the Dark Knight Triology, but you really can't. It's a whole different movie, not an action thriller, not the world's greatest detective, but rather a slow, deep cutting mystery where you see the Hero come to terms with his own flaws, his own grief.
This movie is a Journey and you should take it as such. Go into it with whatever expectations you have, and ler it take you somewhere else. Amazing!

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Wonderful, amazing cinematography, actors, story. Haven't been bored for a second, and it is a very long movie. Recommend watching it! :slightly_smiling:

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Surprisingly dark and good! :bat:

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The mature and dark crime/drama/detective Batman movie I wanted for years!

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For me, this was a breath of fresh air in the superhero genre.

Both Pattison and Dano delivered masterful performances capturing a dark and gritty Batmam that DC needed in a time full of over the top and over produced superhero movies.

The cinematography and score of this film are perfection and while long I didn't tire and was always kept engaged with the story.

I can only praise this film and can't wait to see what comes next.

10/10 - Outstanding film, a must see

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very monotonous, I know Batman is the greatest detective in DC comics, but they had to make a movie that boring and why don't they use the other villains from his gallery, like Batman has one of the best villains galleries ever Super heroes.
When are you going to use Mr Freezer, Clay Face, Human Bat, Solomon Grundy po It's high time to get over the Nolan movies and move on and do something more different that captures the spirit of the 90's Bataman animated series

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Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2022-10-19T02:14:21Z— updated 2023-04-17T08:15:44Z

So... I had such high hopes for this movie. The trailer looked absolutely incredible.
I was so excited I went to an early access screening in IMAX, just to see it 2 days early!

But... not to be a Nolan fanboy, but the Dark Knight movies absolutely nailed the perfect balance between making Batman a cool, mysterious superhero, while also convincingly existing in the real world.
This movie works so hard to make Batman real that he is no longer interesting at all. The one time we see Batman try to fly in this film, he fails spectacularly and crashes HARD.

Want to see a realistic, gritty crime thriller like Zodiac? Watch Zodiac.
Want to see Batman? I recommend sticking with the Dark Knight trilogy.

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turned off movie at 1hr42min after the "White Privilege Assholes" comment by Catwoman. Hollywood just can't help themselves. I wanted to enjoy a movie without rich racist POS Hollywood writer's preachy Woke nonsense.

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Far too long. Got bored after 30 minutes. Only the last 30 minutes saved this movie.

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Shout by aniforprez
BlockedParent2022-04-25T11:27:59Z— updated 2022-04-26T21:17:39Z

An incredibly messy and janky script that doesn't know what it wants to be. It's stuck between trying to be a neo-noir detective story and a superhero movie with a supervillain and fails spectacularly at being either and both. So many scenes that are supposed to be tense that have zero stakes set up including the finale, which comes out of nowhere, dramatically raises the stakes with no setup at all and is executed awfully. And so. many. plot. holes.

This isn't a bad movie but it had no right being as long as it did. A tight 2 hour script that ended at a certain point would have made for a perfectly fine detective crime movie with a little bit of the Batman sprinkled in. As it is, it's a really meh film that ruins its own good parts with an equal amount of bad

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3 hour film that could have been done in less than 2, very little action and an awful lot of meaningless chat.. Very disappointing film..!!

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I really think all these high scores are from Covid lockdown and so anxious to see a movie anything would be good.

If you compare the villains it does not even come close in the trilogy. Also, the action scenes are weak sauce. Even the gadgets are so basic. I thought it was way too long with not much going on. It was worth a watch but not even close in my opinion to the trilogy of Christopher Nolan made.

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Catwoman wears a beanie hat with a huge hole for eyes. That's all you need to know about this movie.

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bad acting, catwomen like robot..

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Very fine. But I don't think there is anything to say around this movie, and it really doesn't warrant any new discussion.

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Ben Affleck is still the best Batman but this film is the best solo Batman movie to date. I know a lot of fans love the Nolan Batman trilogy but I'm not one of those fans. As much as I rate Christian Bale as an actor, I didn't like his take on the dark detective. However Pattinson does a very good job of portraying Batman in his early years and with the backing of a great supporting cast who all do well in their parts, this ends up being a really good story that focuses more on the detective side of Batman's story.

I very much look forward to more of this Batman and his story.

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Well done matt on directing a well made batman film with fantastic effects and quality cast that all did well in their roles, it did drag little thought and lacked action for your normal batman film but can’t complain because it was definitely worth my time.

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The 6th best Batman film ever made

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I like the open of this movie a lot and the way the voice over plays out, you can visualize how it would be laid out in the panel of a comic book and I sort of appreciate the feel they are going for it just doesn’t ultimately land for me. I don’t really need Batman to be this dark and gritty, it starts to become self parody and the grounded realism makes the guy standing in the crowd with a bat suit on look goofy. A lot of this wouldn’t stand out as much if the movie could justify its runtime, but it ends up being a dull, long version of Seven that has a super hero bomb set piece at the end.

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Caught a sneak preview in IMAX tonight. You will not be disappointed. Great movie and glad to have Batman back.

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Not even xompleted or released yet - Due in 2022 but already 100 votes giving it a r ating of 84% . Some RP fans , Batman obsessed fans, DC fans - Distorting Real rating even before movie is seen by public to be accurately call a hit/miss. This is whay I do not trust ratings anymore because these obsessed fans cannot be trusted to leave unbiased ratings and reviews to them just a trailer is worth a 10/10. RT , IMDB , Crot* Critics of the past were more trustworthy with ratings and opinion. Pre social media reviews were honest and popularity etc was based on a great film being promoted by word of mouth i.e friends and family recommending to each other. A good film does not need PR, Falso* falsified ratings and disg* dishonest reviews from fans to prove itself worth the hype/awards.

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Robert Pattinson, we are together!

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Shout by Kouji *:・゚✧
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-12-08T12:08:23Z— updated 2023-10-20T04:40:13Z

Another masterpiece, the film at the beginning is a bit confusing, but as it unfolds, it turns out to be a great plot, quite consistent.

The amazing thing about this movie is the old villains from previous ones.

The new actor who plays batman, married the character well. I look forward to the continuation of the plot.

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just very bad writing, unnecessarily slow pacing

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I really wanted to like this more than I did. I like the extremely gritty tone and the OST is also good, but something is missing from this. I also don't like emo Bruce Wayne, he's a bit much for my taste. The flamboyant genius is more my jam. It's fun to see a more Detective-minded Batman tho, but it bugs me that he doesn't actually solve anything. What's the point of watching Batman if he doesn't prevent or solve a crime? Riddlers' plan was executed almost perfectly and he let himself get arrested in the end. Everyone who was supposed to get killed by the Riddler got killed by him and he blew up the dam so hundreds (thousands?) more died. But hey, guess Batman got a few people to safety inside the flooded stadium. What a joke.

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One of the most boring action movies I have ever seen. Slow, but noisy. Plenty of scenes with angry-whisper dialogues. Truly not a movie for me

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Really dull, slow-moving and pointless.

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I'm sorry, but I hate this Batman installment. So little of it rang true to the character, Pattinson is easily the worst Batman ever, he's just creepy. And honestly, 2 hours too long. If they trimmed out all the drama and slow play nonsense you would have a great first episode for a series. Of course, special effects are great, costumes are great, but oh boy is the slow and tedious.
A pass for me.

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Great batmobile.. good villain too..its better than a 7 but just not 8 great

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I though that Batman with George Clooney is the worst Batmen ever... but I was wrong, this is even worse

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I never in my life thought I’d enjoy watching a movie with that wanna be vampire punk…. But I must say, not bad! I really wanna see what the sequel will bring. But Zoe stole the show… that is the hottest Selina Kyle ever…. Wow

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after 30 minutes it whas enough

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I hate this version of Batman. Simple as that. Mentally ill emo boy walking in shadows and winning gunfights with his fists. This works in comic books but in movie its funny. No chemistry with Alfred. Completely retarded version of Bruce Wayne, and i could go on and on….
Bring back master Nolan please.

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this movie is about the riddler's parasocial relationship with batman

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The Batman resembles a classic film noir. The soundtrack is great and Gotham City provides a fantastic backdrop. Matt Reeves hit it out of the park.

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