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The 40 Year Old Virgin 2005

Know how I know you're gay?? Cause you're on trakt

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Really entertainment and funny in some points..I didnt expect that.7.5/10 with some great characters!

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It feels a little dated and is too long but it still is pretty funny at parts and Steve Carell is great.

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Shout by Paddington
BlockedParent2023-12-29T04:37:03Z— updated 2024-04-15T05:02:16Z

The idea of three men helping a 40-year-old virgin man to start approaching women is actually pretty heartwarming to me. You're tackling a story of a man whose - let's say - stuck in life, not seeing positive change, unhappy with his lifestyle, and uncomfortable expressing himself to women. A movie like that could be insightful and inspirational for those who (at least somehow) relate to 40-year-old virgins. It could be a deep, meaningful movie for those people.

Instead, we have a Teen Rom-Com turned upside down. We know the memes -- the shave, the bags of sand, how I know you're gay. At some point, this movie becomes nothing but a compilation of jokes. And the jokes fell flat. The story and its characters began to lack depth. At some point, the movie lost momentum. It just became its own thing.

I wasn't emotionally invested in any of the relationships, or ex-relationships. Andy and Trish's relationship didn't mean much to me. BUT... I did find David, Jay, and Cal's support for Andy to be pretty nice to see. People should support each-other with that sort of stuff.

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Funny stuff.

Good pacing - usual comedy issue around 20 mins from the end when it loses momentum.

Consistently funnier than it should be. And has heart.


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Quite funny, although in my opinion not one of the best comedies ever made, as a lot of people claim!

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Are you 6?

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Top notch movie. Very funny

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Very funny, but I feel it is longer than it should be. The ending is amazing.

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Funny comedy, suitable to spend a relaxed evening. The genre has definitely better, but certainly we can not complain. Without infamy and without praise.

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This is a feel-good film to lighten your mood.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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I'm too embarrassed to watch this film while being a 20 year old virgin.

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This is pure Judd Apatow: seems super shallow, given the title and plot, but has a ton of heart that's made it resonate for almost 20 years.

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Shout by Nitemice

A pretty good movie, with a weirdly stacked cast. Although it is a bit long, it doesn't drag too much. It does end up a bit torn between being two fairly different types of movie: a sex comedy and a heartfelt rom-com. For me, the rom-com is the endearing part here, and the other part can tend towards being crass, predictable and dragging.

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Some parts are hilarious, but the movie took to long. The ending was amazing watched this with a friend, that makes it so much more fun. If I watched it alone I wouldn’t make it to the end, took to long.

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A comedy film centered on a person who has been a virgin for 40 years!
His friends are trying to get him out of this state.
This movie provides good humor in some sequences.

Overall, it was an average comedy.

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Not the kind of movies I enjoy. Predictable. Dumb. Not very funny for me. It is just meh.

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