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Tenet 2020

I have almost no idea what happened, but I liked it. Might be my favourite James Bond film.

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Love the layers in this movie. Couldn't stop thinking about it after I left. I've seen it twice already. In fact, as I was leaving the theater, I saw myself going in and thought, "Man, he is going to love this!"

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This movie is absolutely worse if you understand physics or are a student of physics. Nolan burnt hundreds of millions into this and didn't bother to consult even a high school physics teacher? Does he know what entropy is. Does he think entropy and time are same things? I understand we need to keep our brains at home when watching scifi but the plot is so convoluted and complex that I cannot forgive the stupidity of the premise. This movie is a stupid person's idea of what an intelligent movie might be.

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Finally saw it. The experience of watching Tenet is oddly similar to watching University Challenge in the sense that you'll spend most of the time in awe at the intelligence and feel very proud when you actually can work something out.

It weird because it's also simultaneously too long and not long enough. It does need a little bit more quiet scenes just to let the audience breathe more than anything.

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Christopher Nolan creates a temporary palindrome. A James Bond movie that incorporates concepts such as time clamp, entropy of objects, and reversed motion. Everything is too dependent on this narrative puzzle, even the development of the characters. But great action sequences that explore new visual approaches is magnificent. An impressive cinematic representation of the Sator square (Opera/Arepo, Sator/Rotas).

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Best movie this year so far!!!

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If i watch It in reverse does it get better?

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It's quite difficult to understand this film, and I'm not speaking about the time paradox. Absence of plot, no character building, no emotions, poor sound mixing add to the confusion. Looks more like a bunch of demos of special effects put together to impress.

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I have never been so confused and yet so absolutely amazed and intrigued at the same time. Some scenes will make you go 'How the fuck did they even film that', and my jaw literally dropped at some of it. The mindfuckery in this movie is probably the most out of all of his movies (IMO).

It is one of those movies which needs more than one watch. You would have to watch it the first time to be completely amazed and just enjoy the mind boggling cinematics, and the second time to understand what is going on.

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Maybe I'm just not smart enough, but i have NO idea what the fuck I just watched was or why it was so fucking long, but it looked good visually.

I missed like every character's name besides "kat"

I felt no connection to anything going on other than all the michael bay esque "look at all this shit get blown up" scenes.

I imagine this is what people felt like when the matrix first came out.

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2 1/2 confusing hours, great cast with solid performances. The movie missed the mark don’t waste your time.

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The movie is a pretentious piece of shit, a James Bond movie with people walking backguards and time travels. But the protagonist is maybe the worst actor I've ever seen... and I saw a lot of bad actors.

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This is not Nolan's best film but it's still enjoyable. I think I've seen too much time travelling films/series (and films/series that use time manipulation techniques) to find the plotline confusing and hard to follow. This Nolan film also reminded me of Doctor Who, this time, River Song's and the Doctor's relationship: the first time one member of the pair meets the other is the last day of the other member. They have a strong connection despite drifting away from each other in time. I would be interested in seeing how The Protagonist said goodbye to Neil in the future.I like that we do not know and will not know much about The Protagonist (not even his name). I could also understand Kat's character but the main villain not so much. I also like the specific time-manipulation technique the film uses, however, there are certain holes I got annoyed by. Sure, inversed people need their own oxygen to breath and wear masks, but how can they see like at all?

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It's a good film but it's not Nolan's best work. The plot is confusing, rushed, and occasionally too clever for its own good. The special effects were great, however, and the direction was slick. However, it's not the Bond movie people were comparing it too, and it's not the sci-fi classic people expected. I enjoyed it, and while i don't mind a movie that causes me to think, I do prefer a film that offers a little more coherency.

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One of those movies that needs to be watched, pondered, then watched again. I’ll have to revisit this comment in the future to see what my past self thinks about it.

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Another Nolan fuck up. He should stop using IMAX cameras and start using his brain :brain: to do a movie.

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... I am wondering how Christopher Nolan could make such a weak sauce. A 3 minutes terrible story prolonged for 150 minutes. I have been waited for so long to see what Chris Nolan have in the hat and then this.

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Yeah..... this kinda broke my brain:confounded:.
After 3rd viewing it almost made sense :joy: and is a great film though. Christopher Nolan is a genius.

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Not quite inception level but still a decent film with some good action that was different and cool effects also that couldn’t make it’s mind up in going backwards or forwards and made it very confusing at times also felt the plot was rushed and not enough information.

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It's okay, nothing too special. Not as good as people make it out to be, and definitely overhyped.

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Interesting and confusing, but I'm not sure if that makes this good. So like, save her in the past to change the future? But also plutonium? Generations from now something something? Too many ideas at once and nothing solid to ride on nor care about. I'm good with not watching this ever again.

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Was bored out of my mind. Have no clue what happened in the movie.

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Brain hurty!

This was, undoubtedly, the best Mission Impossible movie since the Brian De Palma one!

When Christopher Nolan messes with Physics, you know you're in for a wild ride! Confusing, at times, but the way things pick up, kick into full gear and every piece starts falling into place (literally backwards) during that delightful crescendo approaching end, it all provides for a very entertaining and satisfying experience!

Really, as corny as this may seem, don't try to understand the movie, try to feel it, instead.

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I bet many people looked at the screen like what's going on. But it was worth watching trying to figure out who what or when. Took 2 and a half hours with a glimpse for me. Aside from all the actors, respect to Nolan. He is such an artist.

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I watched this movie in the theatres and left with a headache. I’ve understood absolutely nothing from the movie since the beginning. And I’m glad that my family, and people who watched it too feel the same way because I felt as if I was brain dead...

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I want to watch this without knowing anything about it (never see trailers etc) and I must say I like this movie a lot. Its a bit confusing but such a cool concept and execution! 9/10

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Way to much illogic and plot holes, stuff that just happens, stuff that the lead for no apparent reason or explanation just knows. Another attempt of a time travel movie down the drains.

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If you scratch the patina of the subjects of temporality (the future and the past, the causes and the consequences) and entropy (also wrong, and I wonder if the film had any scientific advisors), the film is a banal, bland example of artificial intellectualism. Speculations from the art market, travels around the world, the arms industry, each part of the film seems to need conceptual arguments to make sense of it. But it doesn't happen anyway.

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It is what most movies who are more into "diversification" and try too hard to appear sophisticated end up being - a mess

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The set pieces are all excellently crafted and memorable, epic action and the score is so thrilling and immersive. The reverse technology stuff is a good concept. Excellent cinematography.

Poor characters in general and they lack development, completely unrelatable and cold. Ordinary acting, nothing stands out to me. I'll be honest, no idea what was going on most of the time in the story. I don't think it's because it was too hard to follow, but rather because I lacked the interest (never gripped me).

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I am at a loss about why people consider this a good movie. It's only very mildly entertaining. Sure, it has an interesting concept, but other then that it's one cliche after the next. Waste of time..... time, get it?
John David Washington has the emotion of a doorpost. 0 chemistry between him and Elizabeth Debicki and supposedly he risks all for the girl? Yeah right.

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When it comes to paradox movies, if you don't like gratuitous explosions and high speed car chases, I highly recommend you skip this one and go right for "Predestination". Say what you will about Nolan's screenwriting and directing, but Heinlein is actually a scifi writing master and can make a paradox that doesn't have science holes large enough to drive a "must have a" firetruck through.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2020-12-13T22:16:56Z— updated 2023-06-23T19:26:53Z

Nolan had a good idea with Inception, but not with this. The plot is confusing not because it's smarter than you, but because the premise collapses on itself. If you step in and out of a machine that inverts time for you in relation to the rest of the universe and are allowed to interact with that universe still, you instantly become a paradox. Anything you do from that point on goes on an infinite loop of altering the past, thus making it impossible for the past to lead up to any moment where the past altering events you cause occur, thereby nullifying yourself. No need to try to wrap your head around the "how it works", because it doesn't.

The problem is the movie delves so deep into this premise, that I'm constantly reminded of the paradox while watching it. Given this distraction I found the movie difficult to enjoy.

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!gnihtyna dnatsrednu ton diD .hctaw ot ysae saw eivom sihT

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What a mess !!
I understand he tried to do something different with time travel stuff, but this is totally confusing.

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Simply time reverse movie with a lot of plots, this movie is a hot mess wasn't executed right.

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It's obvious to me now after this moive, that Christopher Nolan's career, is on the down slide. This movie completely sucked. Bored the hell out of me. I won't watch another one of his movies unless it has batman/christian bale in it reprising his role.

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This movie was a refreshing addition to the action / thriller genre. Rather than just having a run-of-the-mill bank robbery or stop-the-master-villain movie they came up with a fresh angle. That said, it is not always an easy watch. I love movies that are complicated and require thought. If I am being honest I didn't always understand everything about the sci-fi aspect of the film, but it really didn't matter. I got the gist of it and could follow along (towards the end of the movie it makes more sense). It kind of felt like a Bond movie without having to be limited to the expectations that come with the Bond character. The lead was excellent, although he could be a bit wooden when delivering some of his more conversational lines.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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I didn’t rate this because I think I need to watch it a few more time first. And get a “Tenet for Dummies” book. My brain can only hold the simplicity of time travel movies the way Marvel does it.

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What a crazy movie!

I haven't looked at time this way. It was very interesting and intriguing. Opposing flows of time existing simultaneously on the same place. Brilliant execution too. I love how there were no loose ends, a common mistake in time travel stories (or usually ignored).

Highly recommended if you want to challenge yourself.

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Shout by Nathan
BlockedParent2022-07-07T00:19:13Z— updated 2022-07-08T16:55:13Z

Tenet on paper is a super interesting that I think I would have a great time with, but the execution fell flat on its face. The entire plot is so purposefully convoluted that it is really hard to follow. Christopher Nolan whips from one scene to another so fast to cram as much exposition in that so many moments just got right over the audience's head. Half the scenes are just exposition dumps with audio so poorly done that you have to read the subtitles the entire time to even understand what they're saying. The acting is all fine in this movie, but I spent so much time trying to understand the film that any mishaps could have gone right over my head. The only redeeming aspect of this film is the fights and heists. These scenes were filmed with incredible precision that really showed off the scope that the protagonist was trying to accomplish. I had a good time with that, but that was few and far between.

Verdict: Bad

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83 | Tenet is a visionary film. Some of us might be don't understand it, but all of us certainly can feel it. How Christopher Nolan and his crews craft this film is beyond our expectations. Tenet needs a couple of times to view it because of how extraordinary the substance of the story that it brought. It also made us imagine what the future might be like. It made us wonder if we are living in the past or the future. Tenet explores another mystery that our reality has. It gives us a glimpse of answers and a bunch of questions about our belief in God, faith, reality, and future in general. The relationship between the protagonist and Neill ended and begin beautifully written. What's happened, happened.


Rating: 82.15


25%: 2.3
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.5
100%: 2.6

Favorite Characters

  1. Neil: 2.6
  2. The Protagonist: 2.5
  3. Kat: 2.2
  4. Andrei Sator: 2.1
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Unfortunately, the first 2/3 are very hard to understand, the pace of the film does not allowed us to make sense of it. The ending in the style of Inception explains a lot, but also leaves room for speculation.

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Complex, troubled, flawed... and yet: Brilliantly entertaining. Only Nolan could deliver a movie like this!

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This movie desperately wants to be so much better than it is. Pretentious, hard to follow and confusing for the sake of it. Most of the time you don't have a clue what's going on, the poor acting and bad script make it so you don't really care. I've seen reviews saying you need to watch it 2-3 times, trouble is, I'd rather read a telephone directory than sit through this garbage again.

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I would like to this movies next time . It is really good.

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Wow! It was extremely boring and I literally took the last 45 minutes forward. The start was good, but it was a real disappointment for Nolan.

I do not recommend watching it, especially if you are related and knowledgeable about Physics, check out other movies :)

Atmosphere: 7.5 / 10
Story: 6.5 / 10
Flow: 5/10
Display: 8/10
Charm: 3/10
Acting: 6/10

Overall score: 6/10

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This movie is like a really good piece of steak, cooked well done with no seasoning.

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Horrible aggravating quasi music in every second scene. Incomprehensible plot. Somewhat interesting effects.

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Great idea, great story, great acting, but totally ruined by the sound. This is an example of a director gone mad, thinking he knows best. About 50% of the dialogue is inaudible. It would appear that it has been intentionally mixed in this was through a misguided notion that it pulls the observer into the movie. The only thing I can hope for in this movie is that someone re-edits it and makes a version that normal people without the hearing of a dog can enjoy. This director needs to be kicked into touch, typical god complex, he knows best.

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Yes, Tenet is a complex movie, but what else to expect from Nolan. I think complexity is a way to achieve the goal of creating a fantastic movie, but sometimes I feel complexity is a goal on it's own for some directors. Too complex movies tend to lose the viewer after a half hour, where it just gets worse and worse sinds youre completely in the dark.

Tenet makes some of that mistakes, but even as a lost viewer the movie is not really that attractive. Yes, it's visually pleasant and some great shots and locations are nice to see, but rather than that it's kinda shallow. Boring characters, not a great soundtrack... The movie missies emotions to me. It's just kinda bland. A lot of jadajada, some reversed action scenes.. It just doesn't do it for me.

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Christopher Nolan films never lack in striking visuals, with Tenet having a number of slick scenes and a consistent look. But would this be beautiful trash like Interstellar or Dark Knight Rises, or would it be an intriguing puzzle like Inception or The Prestige? For me, I was sucked into Tenet, even if it can fray apart when you sit and think about it too long. It feels very much like a spiritual successor to Inception in that the mechanics of the film are what drive it more so than the characters. And that's fine for me. This came across as a modern Bond-esque film with a truly sci-fi sheen. I seriously enjoyed every minute of this. I can understand some of the criticism, but I also think some of it was a bit overblown.

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Yeah, that was terrible. Don’t waste 2 1/2 hours of your life. I like sci-fi movies, I like action movies, but some of the cheesy lines in this were laugh out loud bad. And that’s not a good sign for what should be a tense film

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I am very, very forgiving with most media that I consume, meaning that I can usually be entertained by most things that I watch. Tenet sucks. Nothing makes sense, the sound and mixing is horrible, and the whole thing was just...boring? I love insane action scenes - nothing here was that great. I tried 2 previous times to get through the movie but fell asleep both times, and when I finally sat through the whole movie in one sitting on the 3rd time, I was the most underwhelmed that I’ve been in a long time. I can’t recommend this movie less, glad it came and went during COVID. Let’s leave it in 2020 with the rest of the garbage from last year.

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What a complete and utter mind f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:k. I struggled to keep up with it so much, I think I must’ve been inverted.
That said, what a brilliant, non-stop action-packed masterpiece.
Great performances all around, especially from Washington and Pattinson!
Great CGI and special FX too.
Would definitely recommend this movie - but not if you’re not able to stay completely focused!

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An entertaining action movie with no personnality nor atmosphere, and almost no real science-fiction features, that should have been intriguing rather than confusing.

The proposed concepts are not that complex to assimilate and understand, this is the lazy storytelling that makes the movie looking mindblowing, when it's really not... or you have never seen anything with time travel related content.

Nolan did a much much better job on Memento (which is imho closer of Tenet than Inception, even if completely different).

If you want to see a much more interresting movie (in every ways) about time "manipulation", with thriller and action vibes, just try "Triangle" (2009)

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This movie aimed to be the next Inception. In terms of powerful visuals, complex narrative and truly mindboggling concepts that require you to think deeply to truly understand. It did not fully accomplish this incredible feat, but it did manage to pull some good punches.

I did find that the film lacked sufficient character development, and quite honestly, the emotional acting didn't seem very strong. While the action scenes could have me at the edge of my seat, any of the character development/emotional building scenes left me feeling underwhelmed.

Ultimately, they had a lot of the aforementioned characteristics but it simply wasn't done smooth enough. Oftentimes the plot felt jagged as you were torn from scene to scene. They handles the the explanation of the mind-bending concept, but they simply couldn't make the entire film feel smooth and connected. Despite understanding the plot and the internal physics quite well, I couldn't help but find myself lost in a way that did not make the film appealing.

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Unwatchable. Not entertaining. Not good. Had super high expectations of Christopher Nolan that to put it mildly were not met. Did anyone manage to suffer through to the end of it?. "...Tenet doesn't make any sense Morty..."

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Shout by Narate
BlockedParent2021-01-05T00:55:47Z— updated 2021-01-07T21:40:37Z

"Don't try to understand it. Feel it."

Tenet had me interested, then confused, then I was like whoa, then when it ended I looked at my loved one and said: I need to watch this again. I don't think watching one time is enough for a full review. Robert Pattinson is so cool, and Nolan loves the concept of time.

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A total waste of great actors and stunning visuals since you will end up being too much distracted figuring out what is happening to care

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This would have made a fine short Black Mirror or Twilight Zone episode, but it's far below cinema quality:
- the Protagonists's dialogue with other characters was void of emotional conflict and was for the most part scatterbrained attempts to rapidly explain the story
- motives of the villan were exceptionally corny
- backward time concept had a wildly inconsistent delivery

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That's it? All this "So complicated", "Impossible to understand it at the first time" bullshit for a straight forward bad and boring bond movie...

Surprised? Come on...

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The idea is cool, impressive and i understood the movie. Time was circular for them and they did what they needed to do. Classic "time is circular" idea. The problem was the acting, flow of events, dialogues. Oh God! The dialogues! Did he think he made it sound cool? They just sounded irrelevant. I couldn't connect with the protagonist and this was Nolan's mistake. It was because of the flow of the scenes also. He should have made it look smoother. Sometimes it felt like you are watching a slide show. Nolan wanted to sth different again. But the problem was what he did wasn't different, it was just a classic mindfuck time shit movie. Plus, the flow of the scenes, dialogues were badly arranged. Nolan is better than this. Btw, if you didn't get the movie, it's Nolan's fault. Because the idea is simple, time is circular.

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An extremely fast-paced action packed high concept spy thriller that masks its utterly mundane and bland story with time travel shenanigans and not ever really explaining itself. But entertaining for what it is and enjoyable enough. Score was excellent but for some reason, the editing was actually AWFUL in certain parts.

I'll say the movie is actually not all that confusing though it does try to confuse you. People who watch sci-fi and read other time travel stuff will see the twists coming a mile away. The rest of the plot is relatively easy to follow if you just accept the premise

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This movie is confusing as hell and there's no fn way anyone got it without reading 10 articles about it and having seen it more than once or even twice.
And unlike Inception, it doesn't invite for repeating viewings. Take away the cool looking action scenes and you have nothing. NOTHING.

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This movie really f'ed my brain, gotta watch it reversed to fully understand it I guess. Bonus points for the originality
and messing me up. .pu em gnissem dna
ytilanigiro eht rof stniop sunoB .sseug I ti dnatsrednu ylluf ot desrever ti hctaw attog ,niarb ym de'f yllaer eivom sihT

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Not the director best but but I liked it

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A worse version of inception. The movie is ok, it gets more interesting towards the end..but other than that it's your average movie with a huge budget

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Bad actors. Horrible and unnecessary complicated story. I lost interest very quickly. It's like you start watching a new series at the last episode. You got zero connection to any character and it's not worth to invest your time trying to understand what's going on. Yeah, I get it - that's the point - reverse time and all this Memento BS. No thanks, it's not intelligent, it's just crap.

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A Christopher Nolan's film for sure. It has all the action, all the twists, all the intrigue. I cannot say much without spoiling the film. I liked it even without understanding everything that happened, but I think Nolan tried to create another blockbuster masterpiece like Inception but didn't achieve it. It seems way more pretentious than Inception and less solid. The music (or sound) is great and accurate to the film. The acting is also great. The movie is really good. But I have the feeling that there are some inconsistencies or plot holes and it is necessary to watch it again (maybe backwards, if you know what I mean) to determine if they exist or not. I am glad I could watch it in theaters, it's totally worth it.

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I feel so stupid!
The principle of the film is so simple.Yet i could not figure the working and understand it.I was watching the movie like a fool the entire time.Not rating this

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I would really like to write something about the movie or even rate it but I'm not sure I've seen it, yet. I feel like I fell asleep several times watching it and I missed parts of it. Parts I need to understand it.
The different planes of time I understand. That's pretty much sci-fi 101. But the whole thing is absolutely emotionless. Why should I care for the characters and what happenes to them or the world ? On the technical side I really had difficulty hearing the actors at times. Like everything that seemed to be important to understand this story was mumbled on purpose. The stunts were good at first but it wore out the longer the movie went on.
The movie is probably intented to watch more then once. Normally I would let some time pass and do that, with subtitles if nessessary. But it didn't tickle me enough to do that.

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what a successful, flop of a movie

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I always like it when I can express a few tears of joy at the end of a film.

Now, I've prolly gotta watch it a couple more times to understand everything that happened in the middle, but, luckily, I knew that'd be the case going in.

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Seeing Tenet in the cinema means I understood ~90-95% of it. I'll definitely watch it again at home to get better comprehension. Great movie tho.

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this movie was so insane but i think in a very good way. I was confused many times but it still captured my attention i loved it

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I liked it. For me, it wasn’t about “feeling” at all. It was just a neat exploration of an intriguing sci-fi idea. It didn’t move me in any deep way and that was OK for me.

4DX probably improved the film experience for me as well.

Washington’s acting still remains suspect in my opinion. Everyone else was solid.

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This movie encapsulates my favorite saying of "I don't know what it is. But I want it". I have little to no idea what in the world was happening during the movie but I loved it. I'm gonna have to watch this at least 3 more times (and with subtitles) to even figure out what the hell exactly happened.

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Expected more......felt like an Inception rehash....with Fringe and Counterpoint thrown in.

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I liked it. At some point in the movie I figured out how the flow was going (still no idea how it actually works, but like they told in the movie "Don't try to explain") and started for looking for some clues that later in the movie came back. It was a very fun movie and sure it takes some time to get into. It can be very confusing if you miss some part, because the movie is going very fast. That was my con about this movie. For a 2,5 hour long movie this movie is going to fast sometimes. I wished they took more time for several scenes so that they could give some more impact or let me sink everything in.

Also very nice cast and great acting work.

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The best movie I have seen in a while. While year after year we are surrendered by superhero craps fed to us by Marvel and alike (and we have to watch them all for some reason), this is a kinda action thriller movie that has a new idea, something to say and keep you on the edge of your seat all along. Amazing.

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The premise was a brilliant rethinking of a much covered SciFi trope. It was a spectacular exercise of the mind to unravel its mysteries. The filmmaking and sound track were innovatively executed. The only problem was I couldn’t understand 50% of the dialogue, much of which was given through oxygen masks or under the noise of battle by an international cast with all the glory of their divergent English accents. In a film so rooted in complex intellectual constructs and subtle plot twists, it sure would have been nice to hear what they were saying. I’ll look forward to seeing it again, for the first time, with subtitles. Although we were in a state of the art theatre, I discovered that one of the other four in the Auditorium was able to catch more of the dialogue from her seat at the elevated back of the hall. I think this film rates a 9 (superbly clever) out of 10, but I won’t know until I see it again with subtitles. [SciFi Action Adventure]

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My ear still ringing from the killer soundtrack and my head still turning from the plot and my heart still swooning over the suits. Can't wait for my second viewing !

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Amazing movie in my opinion. Keeps you thinking and guessing. Some nice not too over the top political topics to think about as well. Lots of paradoxes to think about and the way time travel / reversing time would work

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How could people rate this already? Based on the trailer? Or where you part of the crew? I don't understand this...

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Shout by Gon
BlockedParent2020-08-27T14:26:54Z— updated 2020-09-14T00:37:16Z

My thoughs about Tenet:

.niaga ti did naloN .hguone ti dnemmocer t'naC

.ssel os dootsrednu I mlif a hcum os dekil I erofeb reveN .revetahw ,t'now rO .ti dehctaw t'nevah I taht ecnuonna ot evah I ,ylreporp ti weiver ot redro nI

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