The animation is pure art. I didn’t blink for 2 hours.

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There's no way they could top the first.

...but then they did

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It's the art style and animation for me. Different from all the other Pixar inspired animated movies from the triple A productions out there. It's like this one has it's own identity, its own brand and feel.

In terms of the movie itself, its pretty different from the first one, but at the same time, tries to follow the rhythm the first movie set. The multiverse concept is picture perfect, the characters just class. 9.

Surprise! It's a 2 parter. Can't wait for part 2- "Beyond The Spiderverse" soon enough

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I saw an early release of this in a theatre, yesterday. The art work is amazing. The attention to all the history of the canon was admirable and the imagination of what could be was unmatched. BUT it was chaotic, so much happening at once, dialogue cascading over other dialogue, images flashing by so rapidly there could be little appreciation of the panoramic art and world building. It all became a blur. The worse sin in my eyes was that there was never a clear direction for the primary story arc. All the little origin stories that were included interrupted the basic story (was there really one?), so much so that when they returned to the narrative they repeatedly had the repeat the salient points of the narrative in a lot of mini-synopses. And the final insult was that it was TO BE CONTINUED. This movie needed a narrative edit and a completed story line. The chaos made the action cheap and at times boring. I give this film a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Marvel Superhero Action Adventure]

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This movie is unbelievable. I could write a whole book explaining how insanely amazing the animation, the plot, the details, literally everything is. I think you already know it all.

I truly believe we are witnessing a literal revolution of movie animation.

This is automatic Oscar material, don't even bother having other candidates because it would just be embarrassing to put them against this.

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Across the Spiderverse redefines what animation movies can be. A perfect blend of style and subject, painstaking detail in animation and universally relatable themes make this one of the best movies in the last couple of decades.

Since Into the Spiderverse is about Miles accepting himself, Across the Spiderverse is about his friends and family accepting him, I shall assume Beyond the Spiderverse is about the multiverse accepting Miles. Add to that the reveal in the climax and we got one hell of a movie coming up.

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So good!!! Oh my god!!!

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An incredible treatment of the multiverse. The best of any superhero movie. Miles is Spider-man and we will see him fight to be himself.

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Shout by Chilkara
BlockedParent2023-06-01T21:42:28Z— updated 2023-06-06T18:07:17Z

Different from the first in all the right ways while expanding its own identity. The villain becomes secondary to a larger plot in a natural way.

This sequel takes even more liberties with the art style and uses each dimension’s art to set them apart beyond just structure. Gwen’s universe in particular uses constantly shifting colors and focuses to show character emotions visibly, which I appreciated more the second viewing. The story, this time, still features Miles but isn’t only about him. At first, I was upset, but the film came to balance all the threads. I kept fluctuating between hating and loving other characters (Gwen). Also, this film isn’t afraid of silence and pauses, which was refreshing in this ‘constantly stimulated’ day and age.

Incredibly rare for the first and second to be this highly rated by me. The first is more emotional, second brings more conflict and group dynamics.

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Miguel!!! Miles!! The other miles!!! Peter B. Parker!! Why is everyone so hot???!!!

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Perhaps the multiversiest film ever! Now we just need the next movie to cross over with The Flash, and the singularity will finally be reached...

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Like a meeting with the art department: very animated but goes around in circles and nothing gets decided.

The animation here is still next level and begs to be seen on the biggest screen possible, but the story gets bogged down in personal drama and relationships, the main villain has fewer than 10 minutes screen time and there's a "To Be Continued" card at the end so...

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Way too much unnecessary melodrama. I was basically begging the movie to end after a certain point.

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I guarantee when the second part comes out, it will show that there was absolutely no reason this had to be separated into two movies.

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Could this movie be any longer or slower??? Sure let’s make Part 2.

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The good stuff:
- Animation and score were straight fire!
- Gwen/Dad moments were touching.
- All the action sequences were straight-up breathtaking, especially that sick chase and the Nueva York train scene.
- The Spot was a boss character, for real.
- The ending had a nice double twist.

The not-so-good stuff:
- Too fanservicey sometimes, with those unnecessary live-action meta references.
- Miles/Parents scenes dragged on too long.
- Miguel's origin was overlooked and his plan contradicts Spider-Man's core beliefs.
- Why does Peter B. Parker keeps taking his daughter everywhere with him???

Overall, 9/10

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Hands down, one of the best movies I have ever seen.
The Animation, the Story, The characters, The Music, and everything else, is just perfect.

To put in one word, this move is "Jodd"

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Shout by Alan Stingyal Pigott
BlockedParent2023-06-27T22:50:19Z— updated 2023-09-07T06:26:34Z

Spider-Man and the Yawniverse.
(three of us considered leaving halfway through)

The first scene is great, it instantly sucks you in like the first one, this is gonna be another masterpiece, this
Gwen's story should have been its own movie.

then we fall in with Miles, and this is good, some neighborhood stuff builds up to a damn interesting new villain The Spot , this could be one sweet multiverse poking story!... then he disappears :(

and the boring festidull proceeds.

Everything Spiderman is thrown at the screen, but it's so much, it becomes a noisy where's-the-easter-egg-blink-and-it's-gone-explosion, along with any interest, and kinda makes you sleepy

jokes are flat, action becomes nothing.

it's absolutely beautiful again, but beauty isn't enough.
I really have no interest in the next part.

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Misses the feel of the first movie. The first 30mins are very slow… The animation is still amazing but the music feels like its missing its hook that the first movie provided. They mention Alchemax frequently but not Rapture or Miguels Origin?… The briefly touch on it when they show Miguel using medication in a syringe gun but thats it? Theres more to the Lyla AI than meets the eye… Very surprised they have not touched on Venom yet especially as they are so engrossed in the depiction on the Spider-verse. One or two small quips/nods but thats it… I was expecting more from this but looks like they are out to milk this one :sweat:

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THIS is how you do a multiverse film. I could not be happier as an avid Spider-Man fan right now

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one of the BEST spiderman movies tbh but WHY WAS IT LEFT ON A CLIFFHANGER :sob:

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everyone involved should be so incredibly proud, such a fantastic film and experience. A M A Z I N G

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This movie is extremely irritating. The animation is beautiful and exceptionally well done but unfortunately it is trying too hard to be cool. The breezy quickness and wall to wall references I just plan annoying... it ends up being a shallow movie that tries to tick all the boxes of pop culture trying to be relevant. I found it to be really tiresome.

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Visually insane but too long!!! nearly 40min useless

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The art is gorgeous, even better than the first chapter. The plot is really forced however, with at least 45 useless minutes, and the whole seems more a connecting episode than a self-contained movie with an ending.

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Tbh the whole film felt like it was an unnecessarily extended version of the first half of a film
and basically nothing happens the whole first half and then Spot was so minor ugh

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Same old shit with nothing of substance added from the previous endeavor. Less creative. Insanely padded with filler content clearly so it could be a two parter. Barely any plot. Nothing to see here honestly.

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I felt asleep. Boring b o r i n g :confused:

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Shout by Vassilis
BlockedParent2024-01-26T08:55:45Z— updated 2024-02-01T18:26:41Z

I don't even know how to start. Hands down the best movie of 2023. No not just animation, movie. Give them the Oscar of best picture, i mean Barbie is nominated and BirdMan have won so why not, lets be creative.

I have expressed my frustration about multiverse many times but here we witness a masterpiece. Yes sorry other movies, this redefines animation, this redefines everything. The plot the story the music the quirky and extremely funny dialogues OMG the last 20 minutes of the film!!! 2 hours and 20 minutes and i didn't move a muscle. again OMG the last 20 minutes.

What a captivating and a masterpiece written story and plot, why can't marvel deliver this in real life but instead they release "The Marvels". Who wrote this ? who directed this ? Take them and make every movie of Marvel.

I have stop watching "adults" animation or Finding Nemo and Toy Story stuff but here is a reinvention of the animation and this style of animation.

I just can't get it out of my head since last night. What a joyride, so entertaining it blew my mind.

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Watching it a second time literally makes it better idk how but it does :sob::sob:

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I've tried three times to get through the first 20 minutes of this film and just can't do it. I've seen so many people praise the animation, but to me it was just a blur of colors. I don't have epilepsy but I think I might get it if I watch the whole thing.

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This film is a eyegasm for me everything is so pretty the Animation is so smooth the world feels alive low-key the best spider man

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So Spider-Man means everything-has-to-be-all-the-same-a-verse. Yay for mediocrity! I hate the art and story for this one. And they wasted 2+ hours and didn’t finish a bad movie.

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Across the Spider-Verse has better animation than the first but the story isn't as strong. It takes a minute to get where it wants to go and the many Spidermen aren't as endearing.

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Found it pretty boring to be honest. Started off quite interesting but it dragged on.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2023-09-08T02:38:28Z— updated 2023-09-14T03:06:09Z

Cape shit turned cape cuisine

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Loved the first rendition original medium. Was different and so fun. Different renderings and aggressive art formats was a bit much. Too much was going on. Especially having different art forms for multiple characters was a bit much.

The movie itself had way too much drama. The perfect mix between action & comedy was lost. Way way way too much emotional drama sprinkled in with action.

Ive watched this movie 4 separate time in hopes it'd change my opinion but it has not. Movie is mid at best

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"Taking a crap in the establishment, I salute you."

Across the Spider-Verse is everything I want from a Spider-Man movie. It's got heart, soul, emotion, memorable characters, and exciting action set pieces.

If the third movie is fantastic, we are in for another amazing trilogy. These movies are taking animation to another level.

However, my favourite part of the film is the opening scene with Gwen Stacy, as we get more character from her, where she is emotionally vulnerable and how she uses quips as more of an emotional façade than genuine banter. The score is so beautiful and badass, which also adds to her character, as the music conveys how alone and full of remorse she is, someone who carries a lot of pain inside. The scene between her and her father was so moving. I loved the world of Spider-Gwen with the pastel art style of the animation.

So yeah, great movie. Bring on the third one!

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I think I’m the only one who didn’t like how they doubled down on the comic book art style. A lot of the scenes seemed very cluttered and hard to follow along with what was going on. Don’t get me wrong, everything looked beautiful. I’m sure if you paused the movie at any point, it was a frameable picture. It just was really hard to figure out the scene/environment they were in a lot of the time.

Also the cliffhanger was kind of annoying. They literally answered 0 questions through out the whole movie. At least give us some sort of resolution on a plot point.

I really need to watch it again.

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THIS is what I mean when I say I love animation. I love the beautiful, crazy, unique, artistic things animators can do, the characters they can create, the way their art can depict emotion and feeling on a different level. I’m so so happy this movie exists, if only for that reason. Here’s to a new era of animation.

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Amazing art, and it's great to see some innovation, but it can be too chaotic at times. I liked the first one much more.

On the other hand, the Spider-Man vibe is completely anecdotal.

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So much better than the first with some quality animation, love the work they’ve done on this one, bring on part 2!

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I was COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FLOORED by everything that happened for those 130 or so minutes. This team continues to bring amazing heart and passion into these projects and I will never forget this experience.

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I am so sick of super hero movies! They used to be cool af! Superman, Batman, Ironman, Dark night series. Now its just played TF out!

How many f'n times are they going to remake the spider-man series and add sequel after sequel. I am done!

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This movie stole my money. It stole all our money. Stop rating it so high.

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That was so freaking, it’s literally my favorite Spider-Man movie, the animation was beyond good, i really can’t wait for part 2, you have to watch it :sob::heart::heart::heart:

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Please release the next part immediately! I want to see it right away!

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Shout by Frikilax
BlockedParent2023-06-02T21:22:18Z— updated 2023-06-05T05:04:27Z

wooow !!

remember what you loved about the first movie? well, prepare yourself for something even better!

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Why are people complaining about too many stories?! You're in multi verse, all spiderman has to contribute something. I know we love Miles but gotta respect the vision and motto here. People really lack patience and attention these days. IMO it was a great movie. waiting for more.

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As someone that LOVED the first, there was no way the sequel could live up to my expectations. Welp, it managed to subvert expectations and stand wonderfully on its own. The animation is top tier animation across any movie ever. The action is awesome. There is simply so much care put into every single scene (verbal, non verbal, scene focus, scene background) that it’s hard to portray what specifically makes this film incredible. If you love Spider-Man, you will love this!

Rating: 5/5 - 9.5/10 - Highly Recommend

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Shout by Parzival
BlockedParent2023-06-17T13:27:14Z— updated 2023-10-03T12:25:05Z

It's how you wear the mask that matters.

This is unironically the best thing marvel has ever done, AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT!

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is an absolute triumph that takes everything we loved about the original film and cranks it up to a whole new level. This stunning sequel is a true testament to the power of animation, storytelling, and the enduring legacy of everyone's favorite web-slinger.

This isn’t just any animation this is THE animation.
Truly one of the best films I’ve ever seen. A true masterpiece, a sensory overload in the best possible way.

Boy oh boy, hands down to Hobbe, My man.

We don't have the power of the state. We don't have the authority on our side, the cops, or the media. What we have are angry hearts. Clenched fists. Love and rage... and 15,000 watts of punkrock, - Hobbe Brown

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Shout by NealZ

Love me some cliffhanger after a 2 1/2 hours movie. Not.

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Spider-Man across the spiderverse is top tier.
Visually amazing, great unexpected story & loads of nostalgic flashbacks.

This is how you make a multiverse movie folks. Take notes Kevin Feige. Can’t wait for part 2!

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After nearly 2 hours I was thinking about how can I rate this film 11/10 but after this cliffhanger bullshit just fuck you!

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Come for the animation and stay for the plot, themes, and music.

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Greatest Animated, Spider Man, Comic Book Movie ever made...:100:/:100:

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Although it loses a sense of direction at times and is not as enthralling as the first movie, it is still incredible and beautifully animated. Great film and excited for the second part.

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Just couldn’t finish it. Opening was horrible. After about 20-30 minutes was a little better but by that time I was just bored. Made it to about 1hr and never came back from restroom break. Maybe finish when it streams.

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I think they understand what being Spider-Man means, they created a really good story that left me intriguing, I do think that it has a very slow pacing at the beginning and mostly at the ending, but it was great

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I liked this movie until I found out that the creator of Spider-Man 2099 is having to raise money to pay for his cancer treatment, and Sony, which is making good money with his character, won't give him a single penny.
bitch fuck with the guy

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The half-movie it took them 2 hours to show was pretty good. Never resolves into a proper end/cliffhanger.

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Shout by darksidelsd
BlockedParent2023-07-02T09:44:06Z— updated 2023-07-17T21:27:35Z

It's a goddamn masterpiece.

My personal rating:
-Plot (Story Arc and Plausibility): 9.5/10
-Attraction (Premise & Entertainment Value): 10/10
-Theme (Identity & Depth): 9/10
-Acting (Characters & Performance): 9/10
-Dialogue (Storytelling & Context): 10/10
-Cinematography (Visual Language & Lighting, Setting, and Wardrobe): 10/10
-Editing (Pace & Effects): 10/10
-Soundtrack (Sound Design & Film Score): 10/10
-Directing (Vision & Execution): 10/10
-The “It” Factor (One-of-a-Kind & Transcendent): 10/10

Overall: 10/10 || 97.5/100

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Film of the year so far.

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Absolutely stunning visuals... using colors to depict emotions in the backdrop was the stand out thing that I loved in Spider-Gwen's universe. Everything about this film I adore. I was purely amazed at every frame! (+plus all the lovely little Easter eggs and memes)
Just wow... huge props go to the thousands of dedicated artists on the film!

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When everybody said they thought Into the Spider-verse was their favorite Spider-man movie (and some even favorite SUPERHERO movie!) I didn't really understand it. It was a good movie, with great animation, but I didn't think it was GREAT exactly. If people are going to say that about this movie... NOW I get it. This movie was incredible. It blew me away. I was on the edge of my seat almost the entire time, and can't wait for the next one!

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This film is pure joy. One of the greatest pieces of animation ever put to screen.

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Wow just wow, this was everything it needed to be and more

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It was so random and chaotic that I turned if off before the end. Interestingly, reading the reviews here say it ends with "to be continued." I guess I did the right thing!

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I liked that the movie also focus more on Gwen instead of give all the importance to Miles Morales, the villain is a big improvement and everything that has to do with Miguel is great, although I have a huge problem, I hate all those "unfinished" movies, it's unsatisfactory watch a built up of 2 hours that never explodes.

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The character development isn't as strong as the first one, but Jesus the visuals alone are bonkers.

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I just don’t get it. Took me several sit downs to plug through this slog. I didn’t mind the first one, the only reason I watching this is cause I try to watch all the Academy Awards films. I dug all the other entries but Robot Dreams and this. I don’t understand how people like this stuff. Not for me.

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suck spidervers, ghibli finally got what it deserved for years with the 2024 Oscar for best animation

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Can not wait for the number two

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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A truly fantastic film! The animation is beautiful and impressive, while the story is captivating. The characters are well developed and extremely interesting, making the viewer want to know more about their stories. It is certainly a film that awakens curiosity and the desire to explore more of this world.

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Too much 'sequel' in the writing but when viewed outside the lens of 'one of the best films ever', and even 'of the year', it's so damn respectable and a more-than-worthy follow up to what was, and still is, an astonishingly iconic film.
Love how much heart this has.

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Miles Morales is back in action alongside all of the characters we know and love from the first film, but this time, he is the one traveling to unfamiliar lands and trying not to glitch out of control. Though I think I like the first one slightly more, this movie does a wonderful job of avoiding the typical sequel slump. The story is riveting, the characters are true to themselves, and the twists keep the audience interested until the very end. Thank God they left it open for another one because I am not ready to leave the Spider-verse.

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The story is not as strong as the first one, but the animation is superb, feeling I'm watching moving art on screen.

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Just as good, if not better then the last.

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That's just AMAZING! I'm absolutely speechless!

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It’s easy to paint all superhero movies as equal, but this is about as good a counterexample as any. There will be people who refuse to recognize it because it is animated, or because it is a Spider-Man movie. Their loss. The animation is god-tier, easily some of the best you will ever see. And the way each world uses different animation styles that reflect their characters is so well thought-out. The score is stunning. But beyond all of that, the reason it remains in my top movies of 2023 is the character work. The twin perspectives of Gwen and Miles work in tandem to explore both blood and found families, to explore what it means to truly have values and the conviction to stick with them even when it is not easy, and to fight against the very idea of fate. Gwen Stacy in particular was the real highlight for me, with her storyline really resonating multiple times throughout.

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The comic book animation continues to delight. Although at times the film is a bit too fast-paced and certain tidbits are easy to miss.

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Honestly I was having a great time and then it ended. Knocking off a whole point for the unnecessary sequelisation

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God damn it, this is some impressive shit. My expectations were high, but this is so much more than another awesome Spider-Man story. Everything is on point, but the animation stands out so much! It’s like art. The whole multiverse thing is executed perfectly. The cameos of the live action universes and everything else is just sublime. This has the potential to become the best trilogy of all time. I’m sure of it.

If I had to name something that I didn't like as much, is that this doesn't stand on its own as the first one did. Personally, I would've loved if they introduced Miguel as the villain for the third one in this, but finished the Spot-storyline too, so this one had a conclusion of its own, while still setting up the rest of the story. Still, that is nitpicking, because it's an amazing movie.

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How will Beyond top-this I have no idea.

Literally the definition of beauty.


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The story is strong with this one.
You know it's not just the story... artwork, music, animation, scenes, fight sequences, grey areas. It is an excellent movie for sure.
Every 8/9/10 rating here says what I want to say.
Love this spider-man.

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Really great story line and I liked the different styles of animation. I am really looking forward to where the story goes from here. There are some parts that a nods at other spiderman movies - that was a lot of fun.

My husband couldn’t watch the animation because it triggered a headache, so be forewarned.

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I really liked the plot and the ideas it presented. The animation was solid and they do quite a lot to develop Miles' character.
On the bad side, Peter B Parker was criminally underused and I dont appreciate him endangering his daughter.
The cliffhanger ending also let a bad taste in my mouth, but I am certainly excited to see how it ends!

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