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Sonic the Hedgehog 2020

i don't know what i was expecting but it was definitely not this? such a fun movie to watch, i'd honestly see it again, multiple times.

Also, baby sonic was adorable and tails! aAaa

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Really happy to see that Paramount redesigned Sonic after the trailer came out! :hugging:

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Immensely fun, would go see it again.
I've been a sonic fan since Sonic 1 and 2 on the Genesis, enjoying both the comics and some TV shows as well. This FELT like sonic to me. It captured his confident attitude and gave him a backstory that was really touching and a great character motivation. Fans of the Mobius universe will recognize more references to the franchise, but this film is great for casual fans or even newbies to the franchise too.

The most jarring element for me was Jim Carrey's Robotnik. He didn't feel like any iteration of Robotnik or Eggman that I know. He was a fun character all the same but aside from his final costume he felt maybe 5-15% Robotnik throughout the movie.

The jokes were well done and there were times the wpile theater was in stitches. Lots of dad jokes, but the kind that makes you actually laugh.
Over all this is definitely a 10 for me, one I want to buy when it comes out and I am sorely hoping we get a sequel.

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Incredibly fun, supremely enjoyable, extremely funny! This was an awesome film and provided a rather enjoyable and immersive experience. The comedy worked so well and was plentiful. The music choices were impeccable and fitted so well with the film - round of applause to the people in charge of that. Sonic was so cute and adorable and the CGI for his character was great as well, very very well done, and the reanimating him to be less human-like was worth every penny they spent to do it. Man, I just enjoyed that film so much!

The post-credits scene has me rather excited for a Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - I can't wait for the next instalment!

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2020-03-08T04:58:34Z— updated 2022-05-08T04:42:23Z

:heart: x7
So glad they redesigned Sonic. If you want to see a movie where you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the fun - this is it. It's not a great movie, but it is enjoyable. Jim Carrey seemed to actually enjoy playing Dr. Robotnik. His performance was slightly subdued from his other madcap characters.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I have missed this version of Jim Carrey SO MUCH! For the first time in a long time, he's back to being the crazy, elastic, physical comedian that he once was in "Ace Ventura" & "The Mask". Overall, "Sonic the Hedgehog" is so-so as a movie and I'd almost rather they had animated EVERYTHING instead of just Sonic, but Carrey is like a living cartoon when he's on his game, and James Marsden does a pretty good job of being funny too. I've liked Tika Sumpter in everything I've seen her in. Also glad they fixed how Sonic looked...although based on the story in the movie it at least makes a bit of sense as to why they originally animated him to look a little more human. Kids will definitely enjoy this one (my 10 & 6-yr old sons sure did).

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It's existence adds zero value.

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Look, I'm probably on my own here, but I thought the sex scenes were way too violent.

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Jim Carrey is the only good thing in this movie.

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he went so fast and that’s all that matters

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It's so much amazing movie. It brought back my memories.

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"This is MY power, and I'm not using it to run away any more! I'm using it to protect my friends!"

The moment I decided to one day watch Sonic the Hedgehog was when I found out that Idris Elba will be voicing Knuckles. Just that alone for me is enough. When I played Sonic I always just wanted to fly through the game as Knuckles and him being in the sequel and being voiced by Idris is reason enough for me to watch this one.

I went in not expecting much except for Jim Carrey playing Jim Carrey (which will be up a 1000000 in the next film) and for what I was expecting it lived way above it. It didn't bore me. It has a lead character named Donut Lord. It was dumb citizens of a small town. Sonic loves movies and quotes them. I loved the animated credits and it didn't drag.

But yeah, I can't recommend it. Still KNUCKLES in the next one? and Tails? And there is already a third one announced? Will we get Shadow in that one? Super Sonic? HOW FAR CAN THEY TAKE THIS?

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I really enjoyed the movie... Jim Carey really gave the film some much needed energy

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Usually I really enjoy these types of movies but ... this is focused on the younger audience (also genres should be reordered: family, action science fiction, comedy). That being said I lost my interest about half way through, stayed till the end for Jim Carrey performance + CGI.

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Better than ok, and definitely better than watchable. It's good, but not that great. Jim Carey was the best plus in the movie. CGI was really well done, and had a lot of good jokes for the folks in the back. Story made sense and kinda followed what was SEGA's version of the character. It's super fun for a lazy afternoon on a weekend with the kids or just some friends.

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Your usual Hollywood adaptation.
Your usual orchestral soundtrack.
Your usual trendy gags.
Your usual forced heartwarmimng friendship.
Unusual production history that created quite a buzz to it's benefit.

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Had low hopes for this but it was such a good watch. They got sonic really good and I am glad that they did not use his bad personality traits from more recent games. Jim Carrey is the star of this movie

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I'm so glad Jim Carrey's in this movie. This would definitely be terrible without him. I guess it's a 6.5/10 for me. The comedy was too scripted. Not spontaneous kind of fun. And I also wished I didn't watch the trailers on youtube.. :sob::sob: The good scenes were all on those trailers, and probably caused my lack of enjoyment with this movie. Note to self: Avoid trailers from now on.....

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Jim Carrey is the king of comedy, he really made Dr. Eggman scary and dangerous really steals the show with a phenomenal performance he was amazing like always and of course Sonic looked great. A very fun movie for the whole family. When I saw the original trailer I was genuinely horrified in Sonic's design, like a person in bad cosplay. After the redesign many like myself felt the need to support this movie to honour the fan service and genuine care. I'm sure glad that I did.

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Jim Carrey just felt off in this movie, felt like he was somebody trying to impersonate Jim, his Robotnik was okay but it felt really off every scene hes in.

Sonics and Tom's(Marsden) relationship was actually really believable and pretty darn adorable, and while were on sonic, what a perfect actor for the role.

also bonus points for the whole xmen type super speed moment.

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Jim Carrey can be an acquired taste and I must admit over the years I have not really warmed to his movies. However watching him recently on both Colbert and Conan I changed my opinion of him. He is really a funny human being. He plays an excellent villain.

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Acting: 1/3
Cinematography: 1/3
Story: 1/3

Enjoy: +1

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Sonic the Hedgehog is a fun and very enjoyable movie. I'm not a fan or even deeply invested in the sonic franchise but I very much enjoyed the movie. I played as a kid Sonic Advance and Sonic Adventure Rush but I lost interest in the franchise until the movie.

I much enjoyed the storytelling and the production quality was pretty good. The CGI and special effects are well integrated and the story was catching from the beginning. But the best part is of course Sonic. It’s lovely to see how he connects with Tom and has his first friend while being cute and telling enjoyable jokes.

It's probably one of the best movies based on a game and has a lot of rewatching potential. A very good and enjoyable way to spark new interest in the Sonic franchise or to just have an enjoyable movie night.

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-1 point for the inclusion of that Fortnite dance.

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Unique story for Sonic but also gives some good fan service that doesn’t take away from the story

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it feels like an afternoon movie but is sooo much fun, I laughed hard with the the rock joke

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Some surprisingly thoughtful moments between a lot of the decent ones shown in the trailers. I’m surprised I chose to round up from the 6.5 in my head, but I stand by it.

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Meh, just meh. I bet even Americans did not like the "childish" dialogues. Sonic's target audience is 30+ people, not infants.

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I think I liked this only because I was obsessed with sonic when I was younger. It wasn’t very good, but it was nostalgic. I am really glad they changed the animation though.

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I wish they would release the a version (or at least of short version) with the old Sonic design, just for fun.

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I legitimately laughed through 90% of this movie. Probably because I got every single reference to the film.

Sonic still looked odd to me. I could also tell that James Marsden was holding a doll or stuffy. It wasn't convincing at all.

Jim Carrey had me thinking of all the films I saw him in as a kid. It was great, except the very end scene. It wasn't funny.

I enjoyed myself.

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The script is very badly written and not plausible at all.

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A lot of minor, beautiful nerd bait for me, an amazing performance by Jim Carrey, surprisingly consistent amount of good jokes, and the few action scenes there are delivered so much, the actual plot is a predictable family movie, but it's seeing Sonic and how they adapt this that rules. Kid me would have loved this movie, and adult me also loves this movie, if you like Sonic or could use a easy to watch family movie, highly recommend it.

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My 7 year old loves Sonic and couldn't wait to see this movie. Let's be honest, the plot isn't the best, parts are cheesy, the ending isn't great, but mynson loved every second. It's a fun movie if you don't go in expecting too much and can suspend your sense of reality for 2 hours.

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I remember having fun but I can't remember what this movie was about. Can't decide whether that's good or bad either. Welp.

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This movie is for three types of people: kids, fans of Sonic and people who like to have a good time.
This movie is fun and should be seen... And not only for the simple fact the director actually listened to the fans and changed the god-awful first "design" of Sonic into actual Sonic. Without this the movie would have definitely bombed but with it it's a fun movie for the whole family. Some jokes clearly aren't for adults and fall a bit flat but it usually gets an adult joke in there right after making it all better again. Foremost this is a kids film but adults who have played the games and are still young at heart wil enjoy this.

I did and what I hoped would happen happened at the end credits and I hope to Robotnic that this will get a sequel.
Support this movie and show Hollywood that fans matter, that our geekculture matters and shouldn't be stepped on by some hotshot who thinks it's all poppycock and things his idea is better (it's not).

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Kinda hoping for a sequel just because i love tails so much

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An absolute blast!
fun and entertaining.. all around family friendly fun movie. great script. huge props to the writer and also the DP Stephen F. Windon.

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Here's a shocker. I had a great time, and the group I was with, did as well. We all had a lot of fun here. Sure, there are some bad jokes - but if you compare this to other films like Smurfs, etc. this is a FAR better film.

Jim Carrey is back and while he's not given great material, he still makes it work. As I said, some of the material does suck, but generally I laughed. It's good for kids and for adults. Critics are being quite harsh on this film, while it seems audiences are enjoying it.

Stay for the mid-credit scene. It got a genuine reaction from the audience. Go support this film, even if you catch it at a cheap session. It's deserved. This won't be near the bottom of my 2020 list - and that's a surprise. There's also a fun sequel being set-up.

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It's some good fun and it's great to see Jim Carrey back doing some crazy stuff. Sonic looked good and I'm glad the redesign of Sonic worked out well.

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Great Movie.
But if you are german, do yourself a favor - watch the english syncro!
The german dialogue book is terrible and "Julien Bam" did a horrible job with the sonic syncro. Just got the job of his popularity.
Even if you don't speak the language and compare english audio with german audio you will get the quality gap. It's day and night.

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I suspect for preteens to children it will be a hit.

I sadly expected a little more catering to the fans who grew up with Sonic. All in all a pretty mediocre movie... But once again, if you got children it will be an enjoyable family movie.

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Shout by JC

Half star off for the copaganda; there’s even line about the cool charming cop getting to abuse the power entrusted to him so I can’t look past it especially in a movie for kids. That aside, it’s still nothing special outside of Schwartz’s performance. He’s as charming as ever, and I respect the different spin on Sonic- often either his age is a non factor or he’s a cool teen, but here he’s a kid desperate for affection and validation, with even his quips rooted in it, and it works. Kids relate to it, shifting the power fantasy from a sort of unattainable cool to being a goofball who can run fast and has friends. It makes Sonic feel real even in the face of shoddy CGI.

Carrey is slumming it but even that means an entertaining performance. Everything else is a run of the mill family movie, from the road trip to the comedy to the rest of the cast. It flies by fast, but you won’t think about it for long after.

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Very good references and at the right times without seeming forced. Overall it's a watchable movie, especially with the family.

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Sonic's super speed is kinda inconsistent in some scenes (one example is he could evade tons of missiles directed at him easily but still got shot by a tranquilizer gun), though I guess it was necessary to move the plot forward. Overall it's still a fun movie with lots of funny moments, so go watch it!

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Not watching it for the plot lines, but there were some solid jokes that had me rolling

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Started off good with the cute turtle scene, and then just went downhill from there.

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It's a harmless kids movie. It's not bad, but now that I've finally watched it I really don't get the hype.

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It took me a while to watch it because I didn't believe that a movie about sonic would be good, but it's kind of nice. it's fun and even well-constructed, unlike the children's movies that hollywood has been shoving us down our throats in recent years (looks like there really was someone wanting to make a decent movie and not just make money off of a famous character*). like it or not, it surprised me a lot, point to Jim Carrey who is genius even in B movies, but a negative point because of the fortnite dance (and the effects that are even ok if you think they changed everything at the last minute)

*only one because making a sonic movie in 2020 is just because of the money

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Well, that wasn't the yellow of the egg.
Probably something for the younger generation. However, nicely animated.

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Shout by hash

Was hoping that he would start spinning really fast by using a ring.

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A fun road trip film, with Jim Carrey stealing the show. Suffers a bit from it's lack of faithfulness to the source material.

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If you watch this movie with the right mindset, you'll enjoy it :blush:

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Was fun to watch because I like sonic and Jim Carrey is great. The story has exact story beats you saw a 1000 times. If you aren’t a fan of sonic already wouldn’t recommend it.

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Ok. This movie has a lot of these "love and friendship always win" stuffs, the conviction of the characters is ridiculous and it disrespect a lot of physical laws, but what am I talking about? It's such a funny movie and also it's marvelous to see Jim Carrey in it (specially in the dancing scene).

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6.5/10 - It's weird, doesn't make a lot of sense, and the CGI didn't seem impressive (but not every movie does have to use state-of-the-art CGI). It had a happy tone though and was even a bit funny at times. There was also quite some action.

I don't understand the appeal of Dr. Robotnik but I also never played the games (at least not longer than a few minutes). IMO they could've left him out but maybe some find him entertaining.

In the end it was worth a watch (CGI, joy, decent music) and left me with some happy vibes but I don't think I'll remember much of it (and I'm pretty sure I won't rewatch it).

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Shout by Deleted

Only 2020 release I saw in theatres, and what a way to go out. With a good video game movie. I'm shocked myself.

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"Gotta go fast!"

I am not sure how to say this... but I actually had fun watching this movie. With all the negative feedback about the CGI last year (and rightfully so), they actually changed his design to a more classic look, so I decided to give it a chance.

Keeping in mind that this is a kids movie, it has heart! Ben Schwartz did a good job being the annoying hedgehog that struggles with being lonely, and Jim Carrey is classic 90's Jim.

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Shout by the_guy_with_the_hat
BlockedParent2020-10-31T21:30:17Z— updated 2022-04-14T23:42:30Z

Wow, i did not expect to like this movie that much. I liked the Sonic-Tom-Scenes. And the overall family-type tone of the movie.

And Jim Carrey fits strangly perfect.

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Much better than I thought, and as an old-time employee of Sega Australia, I have a very warm and soft spot for all things Sonic.

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Silly. Delicious. In 5 words, sillicious.

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Decent movie but for little kids. Considering that probably a lot of the original sonic fans are in their 30s and with kids themselves in can understand what they were trying to do.

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Not as bad as I expected.

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Well could have been much better but then still pretty fun and enjoyable. Definitely should go for a sequel since Dr. Robotnik's character can be explored much more as long as Jim is doing it.

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I'll keep this one short and sweet, Sonic is a really fun film that can be really silly at times but for the type of film it is a bit of silly is exactly what it needs. The film had me laughing the entire way through and is the perfect film for the entire family as it has elements for everyone.

I don't know how accurate it is to the character in the video game, but speaking from someone who has seen some truly awful video game films, this one is actually pretty good and in the same league as Detective Pikachu. Also, both Jim Carrey and James Marsden are really good in this film as they both nail their characters and had me cracking up constantly.

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I can’t say It’s a bad film or brilliant but I enjoyed It and think they worked on it well with the cool effects and funny script, also heartwarming at times.

I did think some of the cast was a little cheesy but glad to see Jim Carrey in a good comedy role again and felt he pulled it off without it being too cheesy.

I’m happy that they changed the image of sonic because it’s so much better and lives up to sonic.

Who do you think you are?! The Doughnut lord motherfucker!! ha

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Good family entertainment. Sonic was so cool! Really enjoyed it for light entertainment. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Good family entertainment. Sonic was so cool! Really enjoyed it for light entertainment. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Sonic! Sonic! Sonic! why are you so cute :hearts:

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It's not a perfect movie by ANY stretch of the imagination but if I were a kid and I saw this I would feel proud to say I was nostalgic for this movie. It's VERY enjoyable. It even has fun after credit scenes.

Jim Carrey is inspired as Robotnik. It's weird to say but it's true. He's got the EXACT right amount of Jim Carrey. He's not so over the top it hurts but he is FUN.

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Earns an extra point because of Jim Carrey, but otherwise, this is an uninspired transition to the big screen for the speedy hedgehog.

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I did not had high hopes for this movie, but it was more fun that i thought. Funny scenes in it and the story is best ok. Good movie to watch with the kids.

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kudos to Tyson Hesse and the team that redesigned Sonic - they did an amazing job, especially in the time frame and urgency in which the project had to be completed to get this movie out in theaters, after the backlash of the original trailer.
James Marsden, also, did a great job - the man knows how to act alongside a CGI character and sold me on the interactions and friendship between Tom and Sonic.
this is definitely not a perfect movie, but i enjoyed it and would love to see a sequel, especially after the mid-credit reveal of Miles "Tails" Prower
7/10 - Good

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Jim Carrey being the old Jim Carrey again!

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Awesome movie, kinda one which makes you wish you were 10 again!

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Not bad, but nothing stellar either, much like Detective Pikachu. Enjoyed a few of the subtle nods to the series like game music adapted to be fitting background music, Green Hills and Mushroom Hill Zone making an appearance. Jim Carrey completely dominates the scenes he's in and it's nice to see him back as a zany on-screen character again. Very watchable indeed.

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Shout by Deleted

Its good, but is not like the video games

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was my Black Panther.

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This was worth it for the old school Jim Carrey. The plot is pretty ho hum, like just good enough. But worth the watch to see Jim Carrey just crush every delivery. The line about how jogging is bad for your bones, they solved it or whatever, I was dyin!

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My last review is a little all over the place. Too lazy to edit it and put everything in order lol.
I will say seeing it in the movie. I enjoyed the movie more. James Marsden does make you think of Hop. Sonic is way better though.
Sonic is pretty faithful to the game and entertaining for the whole family. One critic a gave it one star compared it to E.T. ?
I will never say that any family film should be compared to E.T. If you’re going to compare anything made today. To E.T. Of course Sonic isn’t that good but who ever expected it to be ?

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now and wait for when sonic and knuckles come out in the next movie, and there is an expectation for blaze or the perfect chaos to appear in it

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Entertaining and enjoyable, I thought it was a very good adaptation of the video game that I played so much as a child.

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You'd think when they make a movie of a popular video game, they'd keep what made the video game popular in the first place (way to go Silent Hill: Revelation!) and not excise all the fun to replace it with a story line that has nothing to do with the original characters. A movie where Mario and Luigi are gigolos? Where Donkey Kong is a marriage counselor? Where Sonic is a lonely soul who just wants to make a friend? Who would want to watch that?

Sonic the Hedgehog is a movie for kids who never played the video game because this film has absolutely less than nothing to do with the Sega original. The rings, the speed, the adrenaline have all been replaced with heart as plastic as the fast food collectibles this boring little beast of a movie will undoubtedly spawn.

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Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be my almost 7 year old loves it

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My friends and I saw the Sonic the Hedgehog movie yesterday and we enjoyed it! I'm so glad the portrayal of Sonic was spot on, and that the delay to redesign the look of the character for the film was worthwhile. It was great seeing Jim Carrey back on the big screen and doing silly things. Though the pacing was zig-zaggy through the first half of the film, a few played-out jokes thrown in, but it amps up with some good action and fanfare later. Seeing Sonic go against Jim Carrey (Robotnik) was the best part! It's definitely a fun family-friendly film with a good message. I spotted a few hidden Easter Eggs and references including the classic emblem from the games, a Sega Saturn logo, and a little piano melody of the Green Hill Zone theme. Mid credits scene had me hopping out of my chair clapping and shouting the name of a familiar character and stoked for a possible sequel. :fox: For a video game adaptation, it's decent and worth seeing if you're a fan of SEGA/Sonic the Hedgehog or even enjoyed similar films like Detective Pikachu. Also,


#SonicMovie :hedgehog::blue_heart:

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Is it in cinemas in November 2019 as trailer says on the end or February 2020 as written above? A bit confusing....

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