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Seven Psychopaths 2012

Get a little ( ok a lot ) weird, but it´s a fun ride brought by Martin McDonagh.

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A unique dark-comedy, with amazing characters, perfectly portrayed by the actors, and a thoroughly entertaining, well-thought out story.

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Shout by Redouane
BlockedParent2015-08-25T23:49:47Z— updated 2016-08-15T18:26:25Z

― It's just fucking great! Oh great!
Do you know how good this movie is?
― Great?
― It's just fucking great!

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can't get over quite how bad this film is, complete and utter bollox. avoid.

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Shout by Deleted

Needless to say, you shouldn't listen to MrBamber. Watch this for yourself and decide.

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"Life-affirming, shmife-affirming. It's about seven fucking psychopaths!"

God I love Sam Rockwell.

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Not bad.

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Actually mrbamber is spot on.
I really don't get why people like this movie.
It is BAD. I admit it's a bit funny at times , but other then that it has nothing going on for it.

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There is something spectacularly amusing about the way Sam Rockwell says the word “cunt”

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"You can't let the animals die in a movie ... only the women."

One of the funniest dark comedies. Martin McDonagh really can write them

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 7.2

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The script is a mess, the pace is poor, the humor try-hard. A bad Tarantino knock off.

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"You don't believe in guns? They ain't fucking leprechauns, you dumb Mick."

I am not sure how I feel about this movie. It is odd, funny, and has a stacked cast... yet I wasn't every really fully immersed in it. I am a fanboy of Colin Farrell so of course everything with him had me cracking up, but I think this is a middle of the road comedy.

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This operates in the same ballpark as early Tarantino and Ritchie. I’m generally not the biggest fan of those films. Tarantino as a filmmaker in his early days is pretty uninteresting me, with lots of scenes that drag on for way longer than they should. Ritchie’s movies, on the other hand, lack wit and suffer from frantic pacing. But this sort of gets everything right. Its biggest issue is that it doesn’t really deliver on the promise of its title; most of the movie is about four psychopaths. If that’s my biggest complaint though, you’re doing basically everything right. This movie looks amazing, the acting is fantastic, the comedy hits, lots of memorable scenes, great technical craft; it’s unfortunately really overlooked nowadays.


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Tbh I don’t expect nothing about this movie,but it was good,I like it.

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An excellent example of a movie that is "in" on the joke, and chooses to not take its self too seriously. Funny, dark, violent, everything I really want from a black comedy.

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Poor overall. It feels like someone wanted to create a Tarantino film after watching In Bruges.

It is humorous in parts but not a comedy. There is comedic violence. It has several criminals depicted but it doesn't really feel a crime caper.

There is a stellar cast and for the most part they deliver above and beyond what is a very tenuous plot. The one oddity seems to be the lynchpin leading man, Colin Farrell. He seems intent on "realism" acting but falls totally out of sync with the OTT Sam Rockwell and the caricature-of-himself-for-several-decades-now Christopher Walken.

If Farrell had sold it, the editing tightened up a little for pace, and a little more gravitas to the plot added, then this might have approached something close to a weaker imitation of Out Of Sight or - if all the cards fell perfectly - even True Romance.


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Not bad, just nothing great wish I could've cared about the characters or been more into the storyline because it is a cool concept but if this didn't have an a-list cast I probably would've mentally checked out.

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Trailer made this movie good but didn’t really care about this film

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Failed attempt at a meta film within a film. Expected a lot more given Three Billboards and In Bruges are both fantastic.

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A weird movie but very smart and has some good dark humor. Colin Farrell is a very underrated actor. Woody Harrelson is great as always.

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Rewatched this since I'm riding the high of The Guard/In Bruges. About halfway through I'm thinking maybe this isn't as awesome as I remembered. Maybe because when I first watched it I didn't expect much and was pleasantly surprised. And now that I'm watching it expecting awesome, it doesn't live up.

Then the rest of the movie happened. By the end I'm right back thinking it's great. I really walked away with a feel good, life affirming feel just like the movie said it would have, which is odd considering how things end. But it works.

Super pumped for this director's next movie. Too lazy to add IMDB link but it's got "Three Billboards" in the title, comes out next year, and has a STACKED cast. Thursday night watcher for sure.

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weird movie, didn't enjoy it so much. i wouldn't recommend it to friends

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Good movie. Lots of breaking conventions.

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Wow, I heard such good things about this movie, but it was really bad IMO. So much talent wasted on a movie trying too hard. I wish I could think of one redeemable quality about this movie, but I'm drawing a blank.

Just plain dumb.

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If you loved this movie you will love "In Bruges"

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a bit too gory, but enjoyed the story

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Shout by Deleted

Surprisingly thoughtful and gleefully violent, this movie has a strong performance by Colin Farrell and an interesting blend of high concept action and meta contemplation.

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I expected not so much. a good friend of mine saw it a couple of months ago and he was disappointed. So i had low expectations.

When you watch the movie, the funny parts, the crazy things that happend are fun. But in the end the movie is too confusing.

I don't want to spoil anything, but it uses a special movie-technic - and the movie use it that way to often.

Some parts are intensive and clever and then you are disappointed again.

my rating: 6/10

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Shout by Deleted

Love it

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The cast is good. But the movie itself sucks. It was a huge disappointment.

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This was like Big Fish for me, totally fucking weird the first time but going in, understanding it the second time.. it was really fucking decent.

Don't trust anyone who's only seen it once. High chance they just didn't understand it/weirded them out. But it's a hilarious film, and actually well written.

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Since there is Woody, it deserves :D

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Dsappointing. It's one of those movies that plays out in a dream like world that's completely unfamiliar. All the characters are caricatures, the story not very compelling. Not many will enjoy this.

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Liked it. Definitely not the best move ever, but entertaining.

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Stunningly original, well-written comedy. Totally unpredictable and surprisingly emotional.

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A great movie. I loved how unpredictable it is. It takes a bit of time to understand what's going on, but then it's jokes all the way through.

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Shout by Deleted

Not as good as the ratings, but not that bad either.

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I'm generally a fan of McDonagh's work and dark humor, but this film I was a bit disappointed with. The story I saw from the trailer was much different than the story I watched on film (which is fine by me). However, although the story has its usual McDonagh-witty parts and clever laughs (most of which are seen in the trailer), it simply tries too hard. With it being so obviously self-referential and copying Tarantino even as the latter's films are becoming obnoxiously predictable and self-deprecating, not to mention the poking-fun at Hollywood (yeah, no one likes Hollywood, I get it..), the film just loses all its steam and energy that I saw in the beginning. It's not a horrible film by any means, but it just had a lot of potential to be better. And thank McDonagh for pointing out that he has no true female characters in the film...well, at least he's self-aware...

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Shout by Deleted

toootaly ninja movie)

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Shout by Deleted

Already after the first scene, I knew that I'll like this movie :)

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I thought this was alright watching it, but a week so later I don't remember anything about it - actors, plot, nothing. I'm not the kind of person that forgets a movie straight away either, some stories get stuck in my mind for weeks.

Your time is probably better invested elsewhere.

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It felt like a mixture of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Smokin' Aces. If you like those films, you'll probably like this.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome flick! Loved the dark humor and the characters were great!

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Shout by Will

Fun ride for sure.

Have to say, I was NOT expecting 1 & 7. lol

Nice little twist and a very good clue! ;)

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