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Serenity 2019

WHAT?!! NO BROWN COATS??!!!!! What a gyp!!!

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It's a great movie, with a high degree of symbolism, metaphors and good acting. Don't expect a comedy and ignore all the bad reviews. You need to have a fucked up childhood or compassion to appreciate this movie.

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Ok I loved this movie despite the bad reviews.... and well Matthew is not hard to look at. The story has a lot of twists and turns that still somewhat confuse me but the movie was good. Past and present, reality or game.... this has it all! Will watch again I loved it so much!

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I don't know why this is rated so bad.

The description is a bit missleading, but the story and the acting is actually pretty good. Which is more than I can say about most movies these days.

P.S.: The ending was near perfect, but i guess most ppl didn't get it because they were too busy being fucked up about the fact, that this wasn't about a totalitarian island full of imortals like the description suggested...

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Serenity is a surprisingly good mystery: how in the world did anyone get Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway to sign up for this sci-fi fantasy thriller that mixes genres as well as spaghetti and sushi ice cream?

Only Jason Clarke escapes from this boat wreck in one piece, thanks to his strong showing as an abusive husband. Everyone else should've followed the audience and abandoned ship.

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Full of mystery and intrigue, Serenity is a dark and provocative film. The story follows a fisherman on the verge of bankruptcy who’s approached by a former girlfriend to help kill her abusive husband. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Djimon Hounsou, and Jason Clarke, the film has a pretty strong cast; but none of the characters are all that likable. However, the plot takes a really interesting, surreal turn and tackles some controversial issues. Also, the writers do a good job at building suspense and tension. It’s kind of a mess at times, and there are some tonal problems, but Serenity is a unique and daring film.

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Great cast, intriguing story. Watch out though, it's definitely not a crime or action flick, not recommended after a tiring day. It's a tense drama about obsession and abuse, mental issues and the purpose of our lives. It requires some effort, but it's worth a shot if you like a movie which gives you something to think about. I really liked the analogy between the repetitive nature of everyday tasks vs. videogame quests, also obsessive tendencies vs. failing in a game but still trying again and again.

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Another waste of Djimon Hounsou. When is Hollywood gonna do you right, Brother?
Oh, and this movie is trash, don't bother.

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High-concept movie strives for greater significance than it possesses. I guessed the mid-film twist early on - the clues are in plain sight - and while I applaud invention, the unfolding events really do stretch the bounds of credibility.

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I am so, so curious how this D-grade, movie length Black Mirror episode wannabe attracted such a great cast, who are given so little to do.

My comment won't spoil the movies major twist, though I actually reckon knowing about it would make zero difference to enjoying this movie. Quite a few people seem to think this movie is so-bad-it's-good, I think I'm more in the camp of it's simply a bad movie.

Some of the locals are cool, there are some gorgeous shots, and a few fun noir tropes, but overall there are just much better ways to spend 2 hours - watching a better movie, for example.

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This was a really great movie about a young boy's grief and the effect of domestic abuse on children. It was a little confusing at times, but it came together in the end. A little sad when you realise how psychology damaged the boy is and how he created the game in order to cope with reality

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Don’t be fooled by the great cast. This movie is a complete mess. A completely ridiculous twist does nothing to make an already poor plot any better. Avoid.

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Plot is mediocre but cast is great and their performance is excellent. Ending is okay so its worth watching if you have the time to spare.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney

The twist is absolutely nuts. So many wtfs were said while watching this. I can't believe this actually got made. How did this get two Oscar winners? This feels like a bad mix of The Truman Show, Black Mirror and a Lifetime movie. Plus it seems like Steven Knight doesn't know what a video game is. Still it's worth a watch.

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Truman Show… Hold my beer!

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Decent movie that I think would have been better without the uber twist at the end.

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PLS don't let the bad reviews influence you. These honks ultimately didn't understand the movie °!° believe...

If the movie triggers a personal feeling in you or makes you think, then it has achieved exactly what it set out to do!
interesting cast, genius plot and all good acting... Anne is generally a bombshell and Diane acted a lot of great movies... [8/10]

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I was completely fooled by the cast. What could have been a great movie, due to its interesting plot and good actors, but the script is just dumb and the direction did nothing to improve the movie. I truely regret having spent my money to watch this.

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It was a good idea, I liked the twist in the middle, but ended up not so good or weak.

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Serenity is a dark and riveting thriller that keeps you hooked from start to finish. The film's plot twists keep you engaged, constantly guessing what's going to happen next. The cast delivers solid performances, with standout performances by Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. Their chemistry on screen is great and adds another layer of intensity to the gripping story. A good watch for fans of the thriller genre.

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I can not say it's a bad movie.but it's not what I expected from this movie.

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"Wait...what?"-The movie

Holy cow.

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Shout by Micke

Worst movie of the year, easily. Started out OK but then the twist ruined it.

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Well, i rented both Holmes & Watson AND Serenity this weekend..........:joy:

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was left confused..... really confused

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