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Scream VI 2023

Damn, this was really bad. I miss the first ones.
It's like they don't know how to do good movies this days anymore.
And the whites are the bad guys and the blacks are the good ones,like in most recent movies. It's just ridiculous at this point all this woke, white discrimination thing.

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This franchise just needs to be left alone now man. Silly silly film, in a universe where the abstract of a ‘noisy neighbour’ is non-existent

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I have seen the first one in theaters, totally game changer, also the second one, then i grow up and opt-out. I thought i see this one now which made a great deal of buzz.
My God it was so dumb! Killer always got hit on the face really hard but have no scratches or marks or bruises when you see him. Constantly on every 10 minutes there he was trying to kill someone.

How on earth do people survive, they got stabbed multiple times put knives into mouths and eyes but somehow no one dies or they got up from the hospital and return to the scene!

No script no dialogues totally bad acting. The main reason i saw this was Hayden (horny leftovers from save the cheerlader save the world) but i have one big question:

Why the heck on the entire 2 hours , i do not know 2 weeks timeline movie she wore the same clothes ?????????

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Everything goes wrong in this episode. They just killed the franchise !

Where is the plot seriously ? You surfed from each killer’s name of each episode, in order to give you … some fan service… but this is so poor!

And seriously, the fact that it’s happening in new york bring absolutely nothing in the directing or the screenplay, the only place in 2 hours interesting is the subway during 10min… Oh no it’s a mess!

I really don’t recommend it.

Trailer Spoiler: Ghost Face use a shotgun !! Wow they ‘ve just made a brand new movie!

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Sadly the survivors from the last one are back but like 5 they are so forgettable. I don’t know or care about them. The killers are even more ridiculous than last time. With a 90 pound girl and her 80 pound brother supposedly doing the most of the kills because their father is usually seen somewhere else, and I don’t think the ghost face mask give you super strength or teleportation.

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An exceedingly dumb piece of shit filled with unlikeable characters, laughable acting, tv level cinematography and amateurish directing. The third act denouement had me rolling in stitches, it’s remarkably idiotic. This franchise is so watered down at this point that it has become the exact thing it was once an antidote to. Just fuck off already.


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If you're a fan of the first couple movies, don't watch this. You're going to be very disappointed..

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If you look at Courteney Cox, this is why you don't get plastic surgery.

Jasmin Savoy is obnoxious.

They are just gonna drag this franchise out and out and out.

Why is Billy Loomis' kid latina? He was white lol

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-03-18T16:24:48Z— updated 2023-04-07T14:36:29Z

Scream Vl is simply Ghostface tripping over objects, getting smashed in the head, and breaking through locked doors. It feels like the same chase with different characters until the end, when the stupidity of the plot is fully revealed.

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6 is actually alot better than 5

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As someone who's only watched a brief summary of the first five this was an awesome movie with awesome twists and 4th wall breaks and everything! (appreciated the Denzel Curry track asw)

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Definitely a step up from Scream V but unfortunately carries over a lot of dumb shit from that movie. The direction is awesome, the open through the bodega scene is near flawless but does fall apart by the end and loses all of it’s stakes.

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Boring. Not scary. Not real NYC…

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The reason the police are never anywhere you'd expect them in NYC is because the entire budget was put towards DNA testing with a 4 hour turn around.

It's about as nonsensical as a slasher can get, but whatever, I had fun. People get stabbed. Absurdity happens. You laugh, people die. A lot better and a lot worse for this series.

The real villain here is whoever did that to Courtney Cox's face

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Getting stabbed in this movie doesn't mean shit, they didn't even patch up Tara and she was ok to walk to home? Even Mindy and Chad?

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The overacting. The Dialogue. The Script????
So Cringe.

“Someone took our all our knives :knife:!”
Is used as an explanation why three adults can’t fight of one average build person with a knife.
I bet no one even proof read the script. It’s full shit like this.

Most of the actors do a terrible job. But what the f is with Jasmin Savoy Brown. I guess this is partly the fault of the horrible script, but jeezz poster-child of overacting.

The “Meta” self referential bullshit is so overused. “The franchise” needs to die.
It didn’t work in the last movie, and it did not work this time.

If you want shivers, go, check out Ari Aster. Skip this garbage. :wastebasket:

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This thing words.. feels like riding a dead horse.

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unwatchable.. and I am sorry cause i love Jenna Ortega.. if you like this movie literally ask yourself...

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Sam's best line to Ghostface "the previous ones died, you're going to die, are you sure you want to go on? They stab people and go on as if nothing, they beat Ghostface and don't keep on beating him, justify why he does it in 6.

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Just 1 movie after the soft reboot that was Scream (2022) the franchise again feels pretty weighed down by it's own legacy and perhaps in need of some fresh direction.

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Scream VI Likes Born to Race Funny

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I don’t know how these creators pulled this off, but they are doing a great job with continuing the scream franchise. They have managed to get a lot of the old characters involved, but on the flip side, they are really doing a good job at bringing in newer and younger talent. I was so over scream back in the day when the second one came out, but the way these new ones are going, I’m looking forward to the next one. These ones also have a different feel to them, it I like it!

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Uhh, I guess this movie is a parody of the original series. Some characters had insane plot armor, recovering in mere hours of severe stab wounds.

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Jenna Ortega, I don't get it.

She’s like a textbook example of BPD borderline personality disorder. Loves playing the evil/dark side & then pretending it’s just an act. She really is evil & thinks it’s cute. It’s genuinely the most feminine dudes with 0 backbone that look for a dominating woman with that personality. She looks like a 5 foot, 14 year old crackhead, that’s tries waaaayyy too hard to seem like “I don’t care, I’m original” when in reality, she’s the least original, narcissistic type. She looks like 17 and 47 at the same time.
Oh, and she can't act.
No, Wednesday wasn't good either.

As overrated as Billie Eilish, basically the same thing, just with music.

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Not sure why Ghostface has superhuman strength in these new entries..

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Melissa Barrera needs an acting coach badly...

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The first is still the best. All the sequels have been basically the same, which is kinda boring.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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what a dumb movie... they are ruining the franchise producing shit like this

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Shout by Alan Stingyal Pigott
BlockedParent2023-03-14T21:32:37Z— updated 2023-05-21T06:20:56Z

It's better than the last one. Mainly because Jenna Ortega does most of the co-hero work, and we don't have to try to read all the emotions from the abysmal living potato.

Lotsa nasty gore again. Lotsa tensionless attacks on characters who mean nothing. Another 'yeah' ending.

Could have been anywhere, the New York setting was basically 2 outdoor scenes.

annoyances .. the potatoes' secret boyfriend telling us 'their thing' on the stairs. once the kiss happened, we all know what was going on.

Kirby's fucking hair, and how she walked into each scene like she just got up from 10minutes of spraying at make-up.

The stabbings mostly do nothing, some get a graze and struggle (for a bit) but then walk pretty normally.

Terra walks at the end after her shoulder and stomach stabs (guess that was part of reshoots)

I'm guessing the chopped up fridge prosthetic cost a million dollars, since it's used more times than that car crash scene in every Troma movie.

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Entertaining, but I really can't understand how is it that nobody does something smart when they have the killers knocked down. I mean, I get you don't have a killer instinct, but you can totally break those bastards' legs, just pull the leg in the opposite direction of the knee and that's it.

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best scream yet I loved it it was great to see in New York where I'm from

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-03-10T05:33:24Z— updated 2024-04-16T04:00:48Z

There’s plenty of edge of your seat moments. The movie just falls apart a little when the killer is revealed. Was I think the worst acting from the killer. Well I will say the oldest actor of the killers lol.
While it’s starting to get too obvious who will survive for now on. Which makes it somewhat corny.
Henry Czerny and Dermot Mulroney should have switched roles. Dermot is a fine veteran actor but he wasn’t able to pull off most of what was expected of him. Spoiler: Let’s just say that Henry plays a better asshole without even trying.
The movie was close to be being one of the best but also the worst, at the same time. Great kills, disappointing killers. Predictable face palm, survivors. It was like “really ? they had to survive again after all that.”
Need Oprah in the next one “you survive! you survive! and you survive!”

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Nice one, gotta be one of the best in the franchise

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I kind of liked that it was action from the get go and basically built the story in between the action. I probably should have read a synopsis of all the previous movies since it referenced them so much but I got what I wanted out of a typical Scream movie.

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I definitely don’t agree with the majority here. The Scream franchise is continuing to disappoint with this entry. Silly dialogue, weak plot, lame dramatics, implausible wounds and recoveries. Reveal needed a lengthy explanation that was silly. Few decent parts but it’s kinda bad.

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Surprisingly great. Even better than the requel. Great opening and kept the momentum for most of the film plus a few fan service scenes thrown in.

Chad was underutilised for most of the film. I hope they give him more purpose if they ever bring his character back.

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More scares and mayhem await in Scream VI as the new cast carries on the legacy. After moving to New York to look after her sister while she attends collage, Samantha Carpenter once again finds herself and her friends being chased by a Ghostface killer. Most of the cast from the last film return, and are joined by Dermot Mulroney, Samara Weaving, and Hayden Panettiere (reprising her character from Scream 4). In a lot of ways the film’s a retread of Scream 2, but it also does a number of interesting new things; such as its innovative opening kill and carrying out attacks in public. And the kill scenes are incredibly intense and can be quite brutal (more so than in the previous films). One of the better entries in the series, Scream VI delivers some frightening thrills.

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Is this movie for real? :joy:

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"I got it wrong again. Fuck this franchise!"

They keep finding ways to keep me coming back. NYC is a horror show as is so it makes complete sense why it would take place there. The kills are violent and brutal and that's all I really care about (as long as the story isn't total doodoo). They better bring Neve Campbell back next time though!

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Point is stupid from start ... story but chill

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Was actually really high on the film until the very end; until, not only Kirbie and Gail were fine, but Chad too? Lol. Ok

Aside from this, loved how fresh it felt, still cleverly self aware but the switching up of the typical format really worked for me. Loved the Easter eggs and throwbacks - the hint at Stu being alive :eyes:. But yeah, really needed a big death, or one of the twins at least

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The metro scene was really cool

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Meh. Wasn't so keen on this edition. Not sure what didn't work for me but I just think maybe the rehashed storylines are getting tired. I will probably still watch Scream VII though.

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Ghostface moves to New York, but regrettably, the metropolitan setting remains largely underutilized. Despite the killer becoming considerably more brutal and less goofy, the narrative took an oddly comedic turn that could be deliberate or unintentional. This shift is accentuated by some hammy performances (oh god, that cop), knives being as lethal as flowers, and extreme contrivances to take the audience by surprise at all costs.

While the attacks do offer a degree of amusement, the overall experience leaves the same lingering aftertaste of a terrible movie that even thinks to be clever.

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Shout by LukieB

This movie has many stupid moments like characters being stabbed multiple times and still surviving. Like Chad literally got fucked with many stabs and was able to start running around from nowhere. How? Also, instead of finishing off different killers, they just start to like not finish them off. I didn't see the first one of the reboot, but I did like a little bit of Jenna Ortegas character. A lot of things are also very hard to believe. All of that being said, the film was very entertaining and these things didn't piss me off enough to hinder my enjoyment.

At Time of Review:
Solid 6/10

Story and Characters: 5/10
Presentation: 6/10
Enjoyability: 8/10

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please stop this franchise before it really starts, ITS enough now

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They know how the slasher movies are and then do the dumbest decisions, even when the killer is in the floor they run

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An exceedingly dumb piece of shit filled with unlikeable characters, laughable acting, tv level cinematography and amateurish directing.
It was nearly perfect.

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The movie was surprisingly good until the ending when the unmasking was just ludicrous. One of the better entries in the franchise though.

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Not as good as it could have been. The acting was good from some of the cast, but the script is a product of the times and has a lot of just very stupid elements to it that detracted from it rising no further than a "fair" rating.

For a series that clobbers you over the head with how "meta" it is, and tried to play around with the tropes and it explains everything to all the characters - they never seem to use their heads and do what needs to be done at the appropriate time.

Honestly, it was just OK, but my feeling is that they should have stopped at Scream 3.

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Fun movies to always try and pick the killer/s. Unfortunately so many dumb horror movie characters and mistakes means it doesn't score high.

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Better than the previous one, but each time farther from what Scream was.

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Not the best at all,also the movie not was hyped enough .I liked it tho its one of the weakest one storywise but I love the characters so whatever I eat up all at this point :D Also the murders more brutal,characters fight more back nice change.Really fun if u a fan.Also credit music is epic thanks to Mike Shinoda help! (Demi Lovato defo should stay in the genre,suits her)

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Movie was great until u see who is behind the killings. Maybe even the best Scream sequel until that moment. Ghostface seemed unstoppable, raw.. the best one yet... and then.... i was to give this movie an 8 to that point

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it's enjoyable but 5 was better. i did love all the easter eggs though.

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I had an absolute blast with this movie. I love how everything is so cheesy and meta, and constantly making fun of the film fanbase and the tropes the movie is built around. My friend and I paused the movie multiple times to air theories and laugh as this rollercoaster pulled into the final, revelatory station. Throwing shade at Argento snobs was the icing on the cake. I unapologetically love this series, and I really hope they take the "yearly-horror-entry" mantle that we've been lacking for so long. With Saw X on the horizon, I'd love to see them both battle it out to be the October staple for the coming years. Don't overthink it, enjoy the ride and the easter eggs, and Scream 6 is a competent, fun entry into the never ending Scream franchise.

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More like: Run away the movie.

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Shout by Cindy567
BlockedParent2023-04-29T17:12:32Z— updated 2024-05-30T20:28:12Z

More brutal
I enjoyed the new setting
Entertaining with likable characters

Characters 8/10
Story 7/10
Pacing 7/10
Visuals 8/10
Rewatchability Factor 7/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 7/10
Average Score 7.33/10

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7.6

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I have been a huge scream fan since the beginning. I will say this one was surprisingly very good! It has the campiness I live for (or die for?). I laughed, I yelled at the screen, I rolled my eyes, I cringed. All in all, everything I wanted from this franchise. Also my favorite character lived so I’m happy!

Can’t wait for the next one. I have already picked out who I want to be the killers, especially if it’s the last one.

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Not gonna lie, It was a bit disappointing. The killers and the reasoning behind it all were blatantly obvious, and I never get the motive. Some music choices were questionable as well.
There are positives too: nice gore and fun easter eggs, amongst others. Quite an interesting opening, but the subway scene was definitely a standout.
Though extremely predictable, it managed to stay entertaining throughout.
Oh, and everyone gets stabbed just for funsies, obviously.

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Better than the Best. Bestest of SCREAM, honoring the elevated horror genre to the very hilt.

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I'm shocked. Another good horror (after watching Evil Dead Rise recently). Much better than the last one, which was really predictable. More blood and more action, but works quite well. It still has some of the stupid behaviors that are typical for this type of movie, and who knew that being stabbed equals a paper cut. But with a bit of suspension of disbelief, it works.

Also big thumbs up to Cortney Cox for not following the Botox trend of other older actresses, and still looking like a person, not a plastic mannequin.

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With a midnight digital release, I had to jump at it immediately! After my first watch it’s somewhere around as good as the original sequel, which puts it as a top 2-3 Scream. I WILL BE watching this again in the coming days and giving a more definitive ranking. While I LOVE many aspects of this entry, there’s some noticeable complaints. Do the lovable aspects of a good slasher outweigh the cons? Likely. And I can’t wait to rewatch and eventually watch the 7th entry!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Still fun after all these years. Saw it in 3d which was unnecessary, but hadn't seen a horror movie in 3d in ages. Hated the strobing on the subway but otherwise had a great time w a franchise I've been overrating as a fanboy for 25 yrs. 7.7

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Well that wasn’t amazing but I enjoyed it and it was a decent slasher and the action was entertaining and by far better than most of the franchise and lot more darker and gory and that’s what I enjoyed about it the most and how a slasher should be, it had it’s normal similar predictable plot like the rest before it but did give that unexpected and at moments it wasn’t your normal scream film also Hayden’s character, pointless bringing her back into the franchise, was cheap and I feel they should end the franchise there.

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Definitely didn’t hate this but just not sure it added anything to the franchise. Scream II will always be my master of meta though :heart::knife:

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Loved this one! Much better than 5. I hope they make more movies but I think once they run out of (original) ideas it goes downhill fast. I feel like after this one there isn't much left they can think of

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Horror should always be bloody as hell. Definitely the best movie in the franchise. :clap_tone1:

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Equal parts scary and cheesy. Better than other movies of this genre that I've seen in the past few years (Halloween Kills 2021 comes to mind).

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Definitely better than the last one, it was decent, but i don't see why critics are praising this movie, its just average, still have cringe moments.

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All the goods and the bads of scream v are in this one. Some freshness with the nyc setting, the great action scenes, but some rotten with the billy ghost again, impossible survivals and the same kind of villains. I guess the number VI may not take some risks and aim at something different.

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Most important thing I believe about Scream VI for me was that my girlfriend who never has seen any of these movies enjoyed it. So that is a job well done Scream VI.

Anyway, New York setting is lovely, Core Four being back is great, meta stuff, twists! the Ghostface shrine! Brutal, brutal stabbing. I hope that Sam Carpenter being Ghostface will be the next twist, the subway scene was brilliant, the cold open was fun, Kirby as an FBI agent, at least she knows what the best installment in the Friday the 13th franchise is! Another wrong prediction and missing the monologue Mindy? Samara Weaving! They always come back at the end!

Yes, Scream VI is still fun and it is really climbing to the top of my favorite movie franchises. And hearing our lovely community being mentioned by name, Letterboxd, was something I never expected. This might be my second account but after spending 10 years over here, it is fun for the site being mentioned in a movie. Great stuff.

Yes, this cinema visit was a fun one! If you like Scream, go see this one and I bet you'll have loads of fun!

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The shrine is impressive and the scene in the subway is also not bad. But all this bloody mess, not so deadly surprising. ;)

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like the last one it was okay until the end then the explanation of the killer was lame and it devolved into the usual girl power shit.

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Ok, good for an exciting evening. But not as good as the movies at the beginning. I also think Scream 5 has been better. The story is getting weird more and more. But good for an entertaining evening.

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