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Saltburn 2023

This was really good... odd at times, but very good.

The graveyard 'sex scene' was stupid, unnecessary and could have been removed, but everything else was good. Nice sorta twist at the end. Good soundtrack too


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loved how it was put together and that it gave plenty of background and context throughout in smaller details. was not as crazy as the internet made it seem, but everything was definitely crazy.. some plots were a bit predictable but still had me questioning myself.

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My attention span has been quite awful lately, but this movie, it made me freeze in front of the screen. It is twisted and odd, but stunning at the same time. The way it made me feel is hard to describe, but it made me feel things for sure. I'd recommend it.

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Based on the plot alone this movie isn't the best. It's a pretty basic, thin plot but it makes up for that plenty with a great cast and beautiful shots. Cinematically this movie is definitely one of the better ones and the over all vibe they manage to set keeps you watching, waiting for something to happen.
A slow burn but worth the wait.

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With such a success I perhaps expected a lot more from this film.
The film is visually very beautiful and takes us back in time to a rich atmosphere when we are in Noah's family. However, I found the script uninteresting in the sense that we don't understand the meaning of the events. They happen, but we don't really understand why they're there.
Some scenes can be quite disturbing for some people and that's understandable even if I wasn't particularly affected.
However, I must acknowledge the excellent acting of the cast, especially Barry Keoghan! Hypocrisy, jealousy, envy and all the other emotions are portrayed perfectly!
(A special mention to the soundtrack, which is very well selected).

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It’s very well done and kind of intriguing, but I just couldn’t like it. It felt like a chore to watch it all, but I recommend anyone interested to watch and decide for themselves.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-12-08T22:50:00Z— updated 2023-12-10T16:47:03Z

Saltburn is quite an experience. There was a moment when I questioned my interest in the story, yet that only later highlighted how fast and how far I was sucked in. The movie is shocking, sensual, and dark to a degree that doesn't easily leave you. There is so much to praise here, but the pacing in the 3rd act is a bit sloppy.

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Like the Marquis de Sade's proposal: engaging and perverse.

This dark and subtly comic retelling of The Talented Mr. Ripley is more hit than miss, though there's some of both throughout.

What makes this film an undeniably good film, however, is Barry Keoghan who is a gifted actor and an exciting work of art.

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I felt so many things watching this. It's stunning, it's twisted, it's weird, it's hot. One thing's for sure, it'll be on my mind for quite some time.

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The most A24 non-A24 movie I've ever seen.

Sexy nonsense. I liked it.
It's one of those films where it could truly go either way on a rewatch - I could see myself both hating this film or loving this film in the future. But for now I'll sip my coffee and enjoy the protests of the rest of y'all.

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A very competent film that just didn't do anything new with a well worn story. I appreciated the creativity with the sex(ual) scenes, and the slow burn of the protagonist weirdo, but I found myself bored by the end. "Rich people are dumb" is just not interesting to me, especially in a post-Succession world.

I've read the main theme was supposed to be obsession and desire but that didn't fully come through for me either.

It's a sumptuous, sensual film, certainly not a bad watch, but left me feeling quite empty in the end. Maybe my expectations were too high after Promising Young Woman but I was hoping for those added layers of depth to ground and round out the film like PYW had.

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it's just provocative, trying to make you shocked but it's too obvious, boring.

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predictable, pretentious and wannabe shocking

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Saltburn is well worth watching. The story was excellent and the performances were captivating; at times I found it hard to look away.

My only gripe would be that Oliver got off too easily. There would definitely have been an investigation after each death, and he would have been a prime suspect. Other than that, it was a great film: 7/10.

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Pretty wild film that’s good at playing with your expectations. The characters and acting are solid, Rosamund Pike is so funny that she stole the entire movie for me. The technical aspects are also excellent; really appreciate the specific aspect ratio and gothic nods in the cinematography, as well as some great needle drops that authentically capture the college experience of ‘06. However, the story is kind of a mess because the film wants to seemingly do everything (wealth satire, gay love story, erotic thriller, con movie, murder mystery etc.) so that leads to a film that feels inconsistent. The tone of this film varies between absurdly comedic, grounded, romantic, thrilling, gross; it kept me intrigued while being very frustrating at the same time. The motivations of the characters can also get a bit thin, with the final twist not repairing that as Fennell probably thinks it does ( leave those kind of montages to mr. Fincher, please ). Overall, this one is recommendable for the singular experience it provides, but it should’ve been more refined.


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I don't think I've ever seen people get up in the middle of a movie and walk out in disgust before

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Parts were good but it took a long time to get there. Some scenes were not necessary for the overall impact of the story, and were the scenes that drove my low score of the movie. The performances were good and undertone tried well. . My version of 2006 was a lot different than this and included less sexuality flipping and one less grave hump.

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I wanted to like this movie a lot more than I did. Don't get me wrong, I liked it... I just didn't love it. The problem with it is that it is a more stylish version of The Talented Mr. Ripley. Unfortunately that was a better movie.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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This movie is so terrible. Don't waste your time.

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What the fuck was the point of that?

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Hollywood version of (parasite 2019)

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We were the only 2 people in the 3rd row of a 350 seat theater that had nobody else in it and my girlfriend and I had an absolute blast. This movie is gross and very fun.

I can't believe I almost invited my mom to see this too...

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Idk quite what to think about this or what rating to give :upside_down:

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Man literally took out an entire family line just to get a house. I personally felt like the final act was rushed and the second act was slow, and both of them could have been reworked so that it flowed better. Overall though, I liked the movie, and it had a lot of jaw-dropping and visually appealing moments, but I think the ending could have been better.

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Shout by M.RH Marwen
BlockedParent2024-03-10T00:19:54Z— updated 2024-03-18T15:17:12Z

A gore movie not for everyone and some scene just been over provocative in my opinion

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I wanted to like this one, but it just has too many different concepts without focusing on developing them properly. Until after the party, it was okay, but then it really went to waste.

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I have so many thoughts and things I could say about the movie but "wtf even is this movie“ would sum it up pretty well.

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i don’t get it. like any of it.

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10/10 Beautiful movie. Has sent me through an 'odd' movie spiral.

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I think this movie walked me trough all the emotions. Surprise, Envy, Disgust, Lust, Joy, Uncomfort, Confusion. The grotesque, the bizarre, the taboo, the human in all forms. I loved it.

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This film is both so intoxicatingly sad but also fantastically intriguing.

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This film is severely overrated. It was genuinely bad and the writing was obvious and i just truly do not understand how everyone is so based with it.

Some aspects could have been saved and if they just made Oliver a vampire this would have been so much better. Like it could have such fun murder but instead it was just so boring and he had no motivation for anything and the ending was so unsatisfying like i heavily disliked it

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Sexy nonsense as a previous commenter put it.

The first days at Saltburn feel like a boohoo commercial - elegant youth laughing in slo-mo with absolutely no depth at all.

Elizabeth's character is deliciously aristocratic, fake and vapid. All performances are well delivered by a good cast, even without clothing.

There's not much substance behind the whole thing and it will appeal to tiktok audiences: never-ending short bursts of dopamine delivered to catchy and familiar tunes. Among these: 'shocking' finger licking sex, bathtub loving, grave digging, Rocky Horror style sex, and dancing à la Hugh Grant in Love Actually with a twist.

Loved it and felt disappointed.

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One of the most A24 movies that isn’t A24. It’s a sexy and fun ride, that’s not as crazy as most things I’ve heard about it. I really enjoyed it but I could see this going way up or way down on a second watch. The final dance number was quite memorable, regardless.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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Shout by hannah
BlockedParent2024-01-04T03:03:34Z— updated 2024-03-16T01:26:24Z

ridiculous and unhinged in a mostly good way. unsure if it was worth the countless moments of secondhand embarrassment it served up. rosamund pike was the absolute peak of this movie and i refuse to hear anything otherwise

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A wicked, twisted, weird but also great movie. A movie with great depth and meaning. I really "enjoyed" (if you can say so) watching Saltburn.
The plot itself is just an ordinary murder mystery with some extras (Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the plot and the story arc are bad!). ... But the execution was phenomenal - truly epic. The pacing was just on point, not to long nor to short. Impressive acting performances. The perfomances from, of course Barry Keoghan as well as the performances from Richard E. Grant and Archie Madekwe really stood out to me. They did a fantastic job in my opinion.
The work of Linus Sandgren was exceptionally good. The cinematography was one of the main aspects when looking at the good things about Saltburn.

My personal rating:
-Plot (Story Arc and Plausibility): 7.5/10
-Attraction (Premise & Entertainment Value): 7.5/10
-Theme (Identity & Depth): 7.5/10
-Acting (Characters & Performance): 8/10
-Dialogue (Storytelling & Context): 7/10
-Cinematography (Visual Language & Lighting, Setting, and Wardrobe): 8.5/10
-Editing (Pace & Effects): 8/10
-Soundtrack (Sound Design & Film Score): 7/10
-Directing (Vision & Execution): 8/10
-The “It” Factor (One-of-a-Kind & Transcendent): 7.5/10

Overall: 8/10 || 76.5/100

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What could have been just a pretty good psychological thriller was raised to greatness by some genuinely unsettling "edgy" scenes, bubbling sexual tension, and, particularly, outstanding scene-stealing "supporting" performances by Alison Oliver, Rosamund Pike, Paul Rhys and Archie Madekwe. It is a mix of ingredients I tend to find appealing - English country houses, outsiders encountering louche upper class bad behaviour, slow burning tensions... but I was afraid that it would be less than the sum of its parts - in particular I was worried it would descend into Grand Guignol in the third act - something that is hinted at throughout. It did not and is better for it.

As Mark Kermode often says, it is "not without flaws", however. While Barry Keoghan's performance is generally good, both of the central characters sometimes seem to confuse being enigmatic with being wooden. The script and plot are all-too-predictable, but none of that prevents this being one of my favourite films of the year.

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Weird, grotesque at times, and with a brilliant plot twist at the end. Not that we, the viewers, didn't see it coming, but it's just very well made.

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Shout by LukieB
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-01-02T00:29:15Z— updated 2024-01-16T02:29:16Z

That made me more gay. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. 10/10

At Time of Review:
High 6/10

Story and Characters: 6/10
Presentation: 6/10
Enjoyability: 6/10

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Quite a unique movie, never knew what was going to happen next. Beautiful shots, great soundtrack and the whole cast is perfect. Richard E. Grant and Rosamund Pike are obvious but I didn't expect Jacob Elordi to do such a great job. Ewan Mitchell's character was amazing to see since the contrast with his character from House of the Dragon couldn't be bigger.

Might go down in rating but on the other hand I feel like this movie will stay in the back of my head for a while.

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[Prime Video] A story about aspirations and ambition that moves comfortably in a difficult terrain between psychological study, sick eroticism and the tone of gothic romanticism. Much to the film's achievements is Anthony Willis's music, which subliminally provides anticipations of the main character's true character. The film becomes progressively more mysterious, but without abandoning a tone of irony and a sometimes surreal and morbid sense of humor. It is such a provocative and risky film that demonstrates the director's ability to construct complex dramas with a certain mocking tone, which makes it even more disturbing.

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Acid, grotesque and strange. A film with a lack of plot but original. You rarely see this type of footage in what is known as mainstream cinema. They have managed to turn the tables on a film with a basic script and make it entertaining and expectant. A film that is not made for all audiences. In many ways disgusting but they manage to add very well-done touches of humor.

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I dont know how to describe what this movie made me feel but god i loved every second of it. At the start i was unsure about the 4:3 of it all, but it added a home-movie type feel to it, a personal aspect that just drew me in even more. I was deeply invested in every second of this movie and its one i know i will come back to a million times.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2024-01-05T02:56:41Z— updated 2024-05-04T13:14:25Z

This movie points out how to miss out on human connection and focus on being alone, even when you don't have to be.

The guy had perfectly normal parents. He made a friend in college when he had no one else to sit with. Later, he makes friends with the most popular guy in the school.

He throws all of that away... because he had a plan for something else. (Or was mentally insane, which makes more sense.)

At the end of the movie, I felt like I wasted my time watching. There is no logical sense to the movie. They just wanted to show naked dancing at the end, no matter how pointless of a movie they had to make to get there.

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Gay film run the other direction

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really good, but gave away too much at the end. we know he committed those crimes. we don't need to see the details. better to leave us 99% sure than 100%.

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Engaging at first but the last 10 minutes kind of ruined the movie for me.

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While watching this movie I didn't know it was listed under the category of "comedy."

It thought I was watching a serious movie and that is what left me so confused.

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He's just so happy at the grave site taking down his pants to make love and hugging that cross! And the dancing at the end! He has found his joy! It's nice when you get what you want in life! This movie is so inspiring! It makes me want to live my best life, no matter what others might think!

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Cinematography, and sound design were fantastic. It's difficult to give a mini review without some level of spoiler. Disturbing and hilarious. Will be divisive for certain. 7.3.

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god will not forgive you for what i saw in that bath tub, ms. Fennell

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Watched this without knowing anything about it. It pulled me in, and kept me guessing. Some people are complaining about scenes being gratuitous, but for me it was entertaining throughout.

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A superb psychological thriller that made me laugh and gave me chills. I'm convinced a re-watch will show up more punchlines and cleverly written parts that I missed the first time. There is a twist or two that really shook my conscience. Its magic though, is seated in the acting of this flawless cast.

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BARRY AND JACOB :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Amazing film, really twisted, excellent! I didn't know what the plot was so I was surprised all the time, I just loved it!

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This is Vistor Q for white folks

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It's not bad but it didn't convince us, it doesn't make sense what he does and what the family does.

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The unexpected conclusion of the film left a profound impact on me. This cinematic masterpiece stands out from the conventional movies currently being released. Its intricate layers and exploration of obsessive and narcissistic behaviors are truly remarkable.

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Didn't fancy this when it was at the cinema, but after watching, I now regret not seeing it on the big screen. Really enjoyed it. It is a bit weird, but it really works. Reminded me a bit of The Talented Mr Riplety but not in any kind of specific way. Highly recommended by me.

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This movie was so hot and also weird. It's beautifully shot and I really liked the aesthetic. The cast was also amazing, I'd say this movie is worth watching solely because of Rosamund Pike and Barry Keoghan.

Some things that kind of lower the rating for me are: (1) it doesn't give all important characters the same depth. I mean, we get to know Oliver and his darkness quite well, but we don't get to know the family's darkness and I sure as fuck know there was. These are rich people after all and they do show some of their shitty characteristics, but it's soooo surface-level it sucks. That was very disappointing.

(2) We didn't need to be told and shown that it was Oliver behind everything. It was already obvious and leaving some answers up to the viewer's imagination would've been much better. I felt that was unnecessary because we're not idiots and it severely dampened the overall impact of the story.

Overall, this was a crazy time and a good time, but it does fall short in substance when you stop to think about it.

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Not a bad movie, but definitely overrated. It tries too hard.

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Only one thing to say, this movie was freaking awesome. For me the movie of the year (2023).

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This film was not for me. The first hour and a half was hard to watch, considering it reminded me of how people back in high school would behave. The last 30 minutes is more redeeming, but even then, it feels like a hammer on the head when they reveal that Oliver was in the long con the whole time. Visually, there are moments that director does a great job, but overall, it doesn't connect with me.

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It started off as an outcast trying to fit in and you felt sorry for him. But things start taking a turn and then an even bigger turn once you realize what's happening. Don't look anything up before seeing this.

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When I first heard about this I totally expected to see the A24 label, but by the end saw it fell short of the prestige I’ve known from A24. A pale recreation of their wibbley-wobbly formula, a half decent attempt at most.

If it wasn’t for the viral marketing scheme of truly gruesome spectacle, I personally feel it would have flown under the radar. The story still has me sitting a day later trying to work out one question, but why?

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utterly bizarre, upside down back to front with disturbing and subtle scenes of sexuality that make you gasp with an omg , totally captivating performances from all the cast and a must watch that keeps your eyes fixed firmly on the screen.

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Shout by Mounir

this movie had no story whatsoever. just weird , disgusting acts.

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One of the worst movies I’ve ever wasted time on

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Utterly unhinged, dark, fanciful drama; doused in great cinematography and a brilliantly curated score.

Its good. Didn't blow my mind but I certainly enjoyed it. However, it lacks in a few areas. It's set in 2006 but you'd struggle to tell without the banners showing up around Oxford university. There was a couple characters who weren't properly explored, Farleigh being the main one with just a few short anecdotes about his mum's predicament. Great performances from Barry Keoghan and Jacob Elordi also shouldn't be overlooked.

Overall an entertaining watch. It doesn't set the world on fire but that definitely doesn't make it bad.

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Good film spoilt by the director forcing two thick vertical lines on each side of our TV's. Don't do it. There are no good reasons for it. So egotistical.

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It was certainly different, most entertaining and enjoyable to watch

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I’m just ??????? At this film ??

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Bizarre and at times disturbing, but at the same time very good and intriguing. Great acting and atmosphere.

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I will watch anything with Carey Mulligan but maybe I should stick to things where she is a little higher up in the credits.

They were right about Camelot. "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place."

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I thoroughly enjoyed this. It's well acted, the humour is dark and tongue-in-cheek and there should always be a reason to bring Murder On The Dancefloor back. Shades of Parasite, this one is a great watch, engaging until the end.

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can one even put into words how much I never want to see this movie again? no:raised_hand_tone2: 

how do I even rate this

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Fantastic performances, interesting character dynamics, and a technically impressive production are all let down by an unsatisfying ending that felt unearned, infeasible, rushed, and vaguely derivative. It's not enough to sink the experience completely, but I certainly wish they had taken it in a different direction.

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The Great Gatsby meets The Usual Suspects. And gets uncomfortable a few times?

Well made, but it did almost feel like two movies that collided at around the halfway mark.

Uniformly excellent performances and visually compelling, but it feels almost like the Gatsby half took up too much air that the other half needed.

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This film is both so intoxicatingly sad but also fantastically intriguing. Will we ever find out who killed us being interviewed by?

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Wow this film is so intoxicatingly sad

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Wow this film is so intoxicatingly sad

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Loved Barry and the ending scene was beautiful and definitely scored an extra point. For the rest - sorry, nah.

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Shout by Akovia
BlockedParent2024-01-10T11:56:46Z— updated 2024-01-17T11:52:16Z

Somewhat enjoyable, but felt a bit recycled.
The backdrop, cinematography, and aesthetics outperformed the actual content.

Beautiful people and good acting made the journey mildly entertaining, but there was not any lightning in the bottle.
Get your popcorn and enjoy an evening with the other half. I doubt most people would feel it was a waste of time.

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I get it, I totally get why everyone on Twitter was going absolutely insane for this movie. Started to watch this movie at like two in the morning maybe expecting to watch a few minutes of it to leave for when I woke up next, but holy fuck I could not put this movie away.

Expertly done, Oliver, you are a fucking genius… playing the longest ass game EVER and I love that for him. This movie was haunting in some aspects and damn did I ask myself multiple times if this was secretly a horror movie. Shots were beautiful and the score was magnificent.

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beautifully dark and twisted thriller with lots of queer sexy vibes. it's Great Gatsby meets Cruel Intentions meets Usual Suspects. Oliver's evolution was ::chefs kiss::

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The most boring movie what I seen recently btw.
Don’t know how “this” can “freeze” someone :/
Rated 6 only for visual and sound design

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It's a 120-minute perfume ad, with a predictable plot and four good supposedly transgressive scenes shoehorned in. Good aesthetics and photography and little else.

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Twisted little bit while we wait for Netflix to drop Ripley. I liked it.

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Its an odd one. I didnt think it was this marvelous film, but it was decent and worth a watch. I wont say anymore in case I spoil it for people.

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this was a horrible movie have no idea how people liked it

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What seemed to be a romance between an introverted gay man still in his shell for a genuinely straight bisexual and model of beauty and perfection ended up becoming something more. Would Saltburn be a painful romance, a drama or a comedy that satirizes rich people and their peculiarities such as futility or denial of their own feelings? It is all that and a little more... But well, let's stop here, so that you, the reader of this review, can discover all the good and strange things this work has to offer with an ending that puts the icing on the cake.

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Emerald Fennell knows how to make a stylish movie. Great cinematography and amazing performances. I was especially impressed by Rosamund Pike. What an amazing actress. The story is crazy and fucked up but definitely kept me interested and entertained to the very end. Recommended.

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Shout by jmonty

barry is a well endowed guy :)

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My major problem with this film is that I really enjoyed about 70% of it, before they started making up endings. A lot of people are afraid to admit this.

Having said that, it was gorgeously shot and captivating and that’s why it felt like such a let down when all 4 endings were crap.

Ending 1 (the first twist with his family on his birthday) just invalidated the first 80 minutes of the film entirely and every emotion he felt up until then.

Ending 2 (what happened after the party) was just a bit stupid. The drone shot after it was great though.

Ending 3 in the coffee shop was when it really started going off the rails.

And Ending 4, just a completely mental reshoot.

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a decent film ruined by a bad choice of aspect ratio.

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I think the further I get away from this movie, the more I sour on it overall. It's gorgeously shot, and the linear story is fun and shocking in the moment, but any form of critical analysis brings it all crashing down for the rather shallow entertainment it is. I still really enjoyed my time with it, as I went in blind and had no idea where it was taking me, but any attempt to crack Saltburn's understated message of class and wealth in the United Kingdom comes back a garbled, incomprehensive mess. Still, fun entertainment that's gorgeous to look at, but incredibly shallow and lacking any sort of moral or message. Maybe that in of itself is the biggest critique of the upperclass it can muster.

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