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Ricky Stanicky 2024

Sometimes absurd and stupid comedies are all you need

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John Cena was by far the funniest/best part of this. Zac Efron was fine but it's Andrew Santino and Jermaine Fowler who just didn't do it for me when it comes to the chemistry as best friends with Zac. It has its funny, memorable moments for sure and the runtime could've been shorter.

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It looks like I’m cupping the balls lol

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Not even John Cena could save this terrible bag of flaming dog poo.

Deplorable characters with absolutely no redeeming qualities (except Wes). Barely any comedic parts. Just a terrible movie from start to finish.

I love stupid, absurd comedies. But this was complete and utter rubbish.

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After the Oscars is probably the perfect time to watch a few direct-to-streaming films with little ambition. "Ricky Stanicky" falls right into this category and even has one thing in common with the Oscars: John Cena provides the biggest laughs. Apart from a few moments with him, however, this comedy is simply not funny. The main trio of Zac Efron, Jermaine Fowler, and Andrew Santino in particular convey surprisingly little energy. The story plays out exactly as expected, so apart from the title character, there's no good reason to watch this movie at all. Director Peter Farrelly's solo career is definitely going downhill after his Oscar-winning film "Green Book" and the forgettable "The Greatest Beer Run Ever."

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I'm down for dumb comedies, but when all you have is dumb, there's nothing fun or interesting about that. This was a huge swing and a miss on the part of the scriptwriters. There was nothing funny about any of this, and I don't know who Andrew Santino is, but his delivery comes across as mean-spirited rather than playful or funny. I don't know what William H. Macy was doing slumming in this.

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Entertaining and sharing a wisdom thought that could change your life. You can choose how you live your life and it should be…

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I’m infamously known as the champion of comedy, so you all know I’m going to sit my white ass down and watch a movie called Ricky Stanicky. This seems to be a classic throwback to late 90s / early 00s gross out comedies. I can’t tell if those movies can’t be made anymore or if they were always not funny. This has its moments and the cast, especially John Cena, is really going for it but ultimately can’t Stanicky the landing.

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Cena is the star here, and some of the jokes land well, but when they started getting into after school special emotions they lost me. 5.3

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Ricky Stanicky, from start to finish, it keeps you chuckling and engaged. The film’s humor quotient is off the charts! Every scene, every punchline hits the bullseye. It’s a rare gem that consistently delivers belly laughs. The film embraces its absurdity and runs with it. It’s a hilarious 10 out of 10! :clapper:

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I really didn’t expect this to be this funny. It was hilarious.

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It had funny moments, but it also dragged on the boring stuff

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Ricky Stanicky presents itself as a very funny and raunchy film, ideal for those who are looking for light and uncomplicated entertainment. Its light-hearted tone and irreverent humour make it perfect for a night out when you don't want to think too much and just enjoy a good laugh.

One of the most surprising aspects of the film is the performance of John Cena, who demonstrates remarkable comedic ability. His performance is outstanding and adds an unexpected level of quality to the production, contributing significantly to its success.

In addition, William H. Macy is great in his role, bringing a depth and charisma that enriches the plot. His performance is one of the gems of the film, adding an extra layer of enjoyment for viewers.

Of course, the film has a distinctly do-gooder approach, conveying positive messages and leaving the viewer with a pleasant feeling. Although this approach can be seen as cliché, in Ricky Stanicky it works well and complements the overall tone of the film.

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It was fun. Good plot goof acting. Some of the jokes were unfunny, but I still laughed at some scenes. 8/10

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All I see a jew thingy not a movie dont watch

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Surely, this one will be forgotten sooner than later. Cena and Efron both have much more memorable comedies, but that doesn't mean this should be skipped. It is funny, "free" (on Prime), and a good way to pass time. The plot has holes, but who cares? I got my share of chuckles out of this.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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Solid comedy flick. Script is weak and it won't win awards but it's a really fun weekend watch. John Cena excels at comedy.

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overall mediocre but it had its moments, most of them involving john cena tbf but also wes telling dean "if you just tell erin the truth, she won't hurt you" after the anecdote about his broken arm on halloween.

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A world-class air dicker. :fist:

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After John Cena's groveling video in Mandarin to China. I will never see anything that includes him in it, period. As far as I'm concerned he represents the true nature of Hollywood, chasing a buck from slave owning cyber/economic terrorists and thugs.

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Ricky Stanicky (2024)
John Cena - 5 stars
Everything else about this movie - 0.5 Stars

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The best performance of John Cena, ever! I will be air dicking all week

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Really enjoyed this movie. It's funny and silly, but not stupid. Plenty of laughs.

Plenty of woke too.
They even found a bunch of disabled people to throw into the mix.. haven't seen that before.


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is this a bad time to say i only watched this because a tiktok account posted one of the clips of it (the scene where he comes to the airport in active withdrawl)? i didn't really like it, by the way--the ending was exceptionally shitty and i didnt really understand what was happening in a lot of scenes. and JT is just an asshole? like he is not likeable at ALL.

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I'd say this was quite a unique comedy movie, I would say that the best scenes are definitely the ones with John Cena but the main trio had some good moments aswell. I guess if you have Gen-Z humour like me it's worth a watch I don't know if boomers will like this one. Gonna give it a 7.2/10

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So stiflingly quiet and full of dead air, Ricky Stanicky has probably two good jokes and not much of anything else. It's honestly baffling that Farrelly can go from Green Book to this in such a short amount of time. Awful, inebriation is probably an essential to make this tolerable.

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I like senseless comedies as much as the next person but this was just... weird. like it wasn't bad enough that I wanted to turn it off but it was never AHAH funny.
at some stage we are shown an attempt of a teachable moment ending but... it didn't make sense. a lot of the plotlines that were randomly started up during the film ended up being just a closing segment snippet or not even being brought back at all... it was all a very... eh experience.

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Stupid, crude, and silly. Just what I wanted!

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Mediocre movie which could have been more. Forced relations which are missing the chemistry and the humor was a bit forced aswell. The only good thing was John in this movie, but that was not entertaining enough.

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Genital mutilation is bad bad.

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I didn’t expect it’d be actually good

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This movie I found pretty funny. John Cena is hilarious singing his masterbation songs… the story line is a good one which I haven’t seen done in another movie… it comes down to this, do journey want to relax and laugh? If yes watch this movie. It’s funny, smart and John Cena… says it all

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People like this? I find that amazing. I know I like some pretty bad movies but this was awful.

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The film definitely works best in its more dramatic moments, and that is especially true in the last act. That is all well and good.... except when a movie is supposed to be a comedy. It didn't help that the friends interaction was rather dull - I don't know if there was an issue with casting or if it really was just mediocre writing. I didn't expect much from this movie, and that's about what I got.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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What do you call a comedy that isn't funny? A waste of time!

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We ate a Chinese and sat on the sofa with this on, as a film to just chill out with and have a couple of laughs, it was actually decent.

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7

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Gah! It was awful. For the record, I love silly comedies, but this wasn’t one (a comedy, imho). The characters come across as either dull or mean. Lame at best and insufferable at worst.

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This movie is gold. Absolute gold.

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I laughed like never , i definitely recommend!!!!!

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“Not how you thought it would go, huh wanker?” :joy::joy:

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Sets up in the first 5 minutes, then skip to the end because it's so predictable all the way. Watch the last 4.3 minutes and you'll fill like you achieved the whole premise of the movie.

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Comedy is subjective and this was something different. Great storyline and good acting. John Cena is the man! MUST WATCH? Yes.

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Yes that was Pippa from Home and Away.... Good comedy for this day & age

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John Cena is great as always, the rest is kind of just ok. Was expecting more tbh. Not as funny as I hoped it would be.

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I really enjoyed this. This is all John Cena and he excels in this role.

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This movie was way better than I thought. Pretty funny.

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The drugged rabbi was the best part

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John Cena blows me every time I see him. (you'll get it when you watch it) Seriously though, iv always said and continue to say John Cena is the best thing to come out of wrestling, better than dwayne and dave and jason. Zac Efron too, recently he's been hitting roles that really make him glow. The comedy was brilliant, and the story was just as good. A true never-ending web of lies. It did feel slightly plasticy at times, but the soundtrack and jokes just make you want to love it. Ricky Stanicky is all our best friends. He's always there for us when we need to tell a fib. Ah, so refreshing.

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