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Raging Bull 1980

Raging Bull was okay. The opening credits weren't aligned with the boxing ring ropes, grrr. A lot of the dialogue seemed pointless, I felt like it didn't develop the characters much nor move the plot forward. LaMotta sits around with people and talks a lot, but it doesn't fleshen out anybody, it just reaffirmed what you already knew. Unfortunately, none of the characters were particularly sympathetic either. LaMotta himself is completely loathsome and his entire personality can be summed up as "jealous and violent". I'm not saying you have to make characters likeable or anything, but if you're going to do a character study, shouldn't your character be a complex realistic human being? Shouldn't they be intriguing and multidimensional? Otherwise why else should I care what happens at all? Though DeNiro no doubt gives a great performance, ultimately I'm not interested in what happens to his character nor any of the relationships he has with others.

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Excellent classic. Robert DeNiro kills it and Martin Scorsese is the master.

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Impecibly directed and thoroughly enthralling, yet tragic, character study, with an engaging screenplay and amazing performances.

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One of the greatest movies of all time. The opening sequence is literal perfection. The story of an angry, insecure, abusive man who destroys every relationship around him until there's no one left but himself. Excellent cautionary tale.

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Great movie about boxing with great performances, when De Niro did good things. Joe Pesci looks like goodfellas or Casino

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I understand the acting is great (though, not a fan of Moriarity to be fair). I understand the cinematography is great. I understand the direction is great. So why do I feel like I got dental work? The main character is such a self destructive POS that I just can't stand this movie. I just find it exhausting to watch a guy with talent destroy his own life because he has no control of his own emotions. It is just all too sad because he doesn't just destroy himself. He destroys everything he touches...and the time I spent watching this. Yeech.

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Damn good movie it’s just Martin Scorsese did a bad job explaining some things. You almost have to do a little homework on Jake to better understand the movie. It’s also back when Deniro could still act.

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Not a bad movie, but the characters are terrible people which isn’t as fun when watching. I know the two are vastly different, but I can’t help myself and I compare this to Rocky nonetheless. I like the latter more, but is it also better? I don’t know. I’m honestly conflicted.

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Considered the best film of the 1980s.

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Raging Bull is a beautiful film about ugliness. Violence, arrogance, and jealousy in striking black and white. De Niro and Pesci are masterful, but in what year did boxers learn to defend against punches?

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i have been watching this movie for 3 days now ....

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If you are the kind of person who doesn't like something because the characters are unlikable, you are going to hate this movie. But it still is a masterpiece. The only weak points are the fake punches.

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Acting: 3/3
Cinematography: 2/3
Story: 2/3

Enjoy: +1

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I saw Where The Crawdads earlier with my fiancé and I guess my toxic subconscious made me fire up Raging Bull when I got home, oh the wonder of the human mind. Also there is no funnier scene in film history that can stack up to Jake Lamotta trying to pawn the gems from his championship belt

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The story of a mean human being since his rise until his decline. Robert DeNiro certainly is one of the best actors of all times and this movie can tell you why. Besides, the director's work here is also amazing, I could feel the impact of every single shot.

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A great movie. The effects and the environment are successful, and the position of the cameras are magnificent. Now, the story is not the most entertaining, however, it makes you take a look at the past.

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Robert De Niro gives one of his best performances of his career. The boxing scenes are a little dated but still very entertaining. Martin Scorsese is one of the best directors ever.

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What the fuck?!?! One of the most boring movies of my life. Totally overrated. I do not recommend it. Waste of time.

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