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Psycho 1960

"Why she wouldn't even hurt a fly."

Dude, Anthony Perkins is so good. So so good. So good in fact it's kinda epic. Also, Janet Leigh has such expressive eyes, which explains why the camera is always focus on her face.

At one point while watching the movie, I was reaching for my drink until a certain scene caught me off guard and froze me in place. That scene is where Marion Crane is waiting at the traffic light and sees her boss crossing the street, both locking eyes. It is more effective if you watch it yourself.

Why do I have a feeling Alfred Hitchcock was a serial killer in a past life.

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I will not be able to bring anything to "Psycho" that hasn't already been said. It is one of the greatest Horror check of the greatest films of any genre ever made. It paved the way for the modern-day slasher flick and it contained a couple of the greatest plot twists ever.

It looks wonderful on Blu-Ray. And by the way, people who haven't experienced old Black & White films restored to Blu-Ray have no idea what they're missing.

This is simply one of the greatest movies made by perhaps the greatest director of all time.

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First half was kinda boring and the movie was pretty predictable. Saying that, Norman Bates was a great character and everytime he was on screen it was fun to watch.

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A classic film which everyone must see at least once. For the time it was made is eerily creepy, and it still manages to stand up today. The plot is amazing.

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She just goes - a little mad sometimes. We all go a little mad sometimes.

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"Well, a boy's best friend is his mother"

Engaging, thrilling, creepy, unpredictable. Hitchcock's Psycho is without a doubt a masterclass in filmmaking. The camerawork and close ups to the character's faces make it so immersive and claustrophobic. The screaching high pitched score and the immersive calmer score work so good together. Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh are damn good actors. The scene where they sit down to talk is honestly one of my favorite scenes of all time, the dialogue was gold. I actually managed to avoid spoilers all those years and so the shower scene was totally unexpected. It's a great twist and everything after is still excellent but the movie took a hit because of it, it's like something was missing after. The mystery was so worth it for that final crazy twist! Perfect ending.

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Horribly great movie. Watched it when it came out. Took me 30 years to take a shower without anyone in the house.

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First time ever watching this… obviously heard of ‘Norman Bates’ and seen the iconic shower scene, but never actually watched the movie. I was always put off by the black and white, but I’m so glad I’ve finally watched this masterpiece! Solid right the way through, with a memorable ending. I can now begin to understand the hype around Alfred Hitchcock’s “psycho”.

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Still holds up well. The scares are great. The score is fantastic. Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh are both terrific.

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You too! I had no idea Bruce Willis was actually dead the whole time!

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"We all go a little mad sometimes."

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Argh - was completely fooled until the very end... good job Hitchcock.

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Shout by filmtoaster

When Norman Bates ran in the room dressed as the dead mother while the soundtrack played, I legit got chills. I was disturbed to my core. I've never seen a movie so effectively freak me out that quickly and that deep. I almost started shaking when I saw that image.

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Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is a cinematic masterpiece that delivers horrific scares. When a young girl goes missing after stealing $40 thousand dollars, a private investigator tracks her last known whereabouts to the Bates Model. Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh lead the cast and give strong performances. But, it’s Hitchcock’s brilliant directing that makes the film so powerful. He does an amazing job at building a suspenseful mood, and at crafting intense scenes. Psycho is a smart, groundbreaking film that has become an immortal classic.

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The master of suspense also happens to be.a master of horror. It must've been shocking to see this when it came out. I love it.

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One of the best-known works of its brilliant director

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When I think of the best movie ever made, Psycho comes to mind every time.

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Very good movie ofcourse, whenever we see the mother I get dem creeps.

The twist is exceptionally good but ofcourse it has less impact when you know it already.

It's a bit slow and personally I could have done without the explanation at the end, as I'd find it creepier to leave it to my imagination.

Looking forward to the sequels!

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Indeed Hitch took his time to introduce the main character here.

"Psycho" has been quoted, remade, and parodied so many times that it lost a lot of its punch, but it's still an entertaining film to watch. Historical value aside, the first half is a superb example of nuanced storytelling, and Anthony Perkins's performance is so natural that it makes me shiver every time. I like how the film makes such a big deal about Marion and the 40,000 dollars only to deceive the audience's expectations.

The second half gets kind of spoiled by Vera Miles' stiff performance, but also offers an interesting twist at the end. It might not feel like something exceptional in 2020, but at that time it must have been groundbreaking, as Hitchcock had to hire Simon Oakland just to spell out the plot at the end.

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Shout by Cindy567
BlockedParent2023-04-29T17:59:44Z— updated 2023-06-03T18:12:38Z

Great performances
Good twist ending

Characters 10
Story 10
Pacing 10
Visuals 8
Rewatchability Factor 5
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8
Average Score 8.5

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Honestly, this was way to predictable. Sure, it was influential and all. Norman is an interesting (and well acted) character too. But mostly, I do not understand the hype. It’s just okay in my opinion.

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It took me a long time to see the movie and due to the number of references that exist in so many other movies and series, from the first moment I knew how it was going to end. However, what I am commenting on makes it clear how influential this masterpiece was for the cinema.

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A classic of suspense, increasing tension in action.

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Shout by GMc

#1 AFI 100 years Thriller

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Looked forward to seeing this, especially due to all of the references. It was solid, but occasionally lost my interest. Good introduction to Hitchcock.

Themes (tone, impact) 0.5
Acting and characters 1
Story (writing, direction, pacing) 0.5
Aesthetic (sets, special effects, score) 1
Enjoyment 0.5


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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T14:31:05Z— updated 2023-07-21T17:15:09Z

Indeed Hitch took his time to introduce the main character here.

"Psycho" has been quoted, remade, and parodied so many times that it lost a lot of its punch, but it's still an entertaining film to watch. Historical value aside, the first half is a superb example of nuanced storytelling, and Anthony Perkins's performance is so natural that it makes me shiver every time. I like how the film makes such a big deal about Marion and the 40,000 dollars only to deceive the audience's expectations.

The second half gets kind of spoiled by Vera Miles' stiff performance, but also offers an interesting twist at the end. It might not feel like something exceptional in 2020, but at that time it must have been groundbreaking, as Hitchcock had to hire Simon Oakland just to spell out the plot at the end.

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

8 / 10

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I'm only just now starting to watch some of the old Hollywood classics, as I used to feel I wouldn't be able to enjoy them properly after how conditioned I've been by modern film-making to expect fast paced, seamlessly edited, cgi filled movies, which I thought would, unfairly, make me dislike older movies. Psycho, however, has to be one of the greatest classics I've watched, and as different as style and form used to be back then, I didn't feel bored for one second, on the contrary, this has to be one of the most exciting films I've ever watched. It's a great achievement in the art of suspense, with its eerie soundtrack and chilling montages. The twists are great and the acting by Leigh and Perkins is just delicious. I loved it!

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Even after 60 years it's story is much better than movies now a of the classic movie ....must watch

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best Hitchcock films in my opinion. Definitely a great watch, the haunting music compliments the film perfectly. The story is very interesting and the plot twist at the end was great. I would highly recommend this film.

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This film still holds up nearly 60 years after it was made. I went against Hitch's own suggestion and read the book first, but this didn't lessen my viewing experience. This film is absolutely incredible, from the shot composition, to the music to the subtle shifts in the acting of Anthony Perkins when things start to get to him. I loved this film and I'm mad at myself for waiting so long to finally see it!

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We've all seen clips that spoil the movie a bit, and we know what it's generally about. I wasn't expecting much more than what I know and preperad for even an overrated experience, but it was brilliant. Way ahead of its time. Some exellent ideas for tension and a slow building and never boring story.

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Absolute classic, that still holds up to scrutiny. The actors and characters are just so human, it's inspiring. Especially Leigh and her inner monologues. This has the legacy it does for a reason.

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The filmmaking on display here is some of the best you'll ever see. Also, all the performances are very well realized. However, I've always find this movie to be quite predictable, despite Hitchcock's attempts to mislead the viewer. Furthermore, the final exposition scene really should've been shorter (just the final moments give new, vital information), because most of the information should already be pieced together by the viewer at that point. Still, it is an essential watch for any film fan that deserves a high recommendation.


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Often imitated, parodied, referenced, and analyzed to death, "Psycho" still isn't played out nearly 55 years after it came out. You owe it to yourself to pay a visit to the Bates Motel; Norman has a room ready.

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Slow paced and well acted. Def worthy being a cult classic.

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Cinema Paco 2: Image 4.5/5; Sound 3.5/5. Masterpiece. Such use of B/W to give more expression to the faces and shadows. That music of Bernard Herrmann's violins, the shower scene, Norman Bates those faces ...

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Shout by Deleted

Great classical Hitchcock movie.
Interesting to see how they made horror movies back then. And what methods they used to keep the audience tense.

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Shout by Ben

There is going to be a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece "Psycho (1960)" but not as a movie, it's going to be a tv-show called "Bates Motel" set for 2013.
A&E Network is ordering it directly into so series without even ordering a pilot.
Kerry Ehrin and LOST author Carlton Cuse will serve as executive producers.
The series goes into the story before Psycho and looks at the twisted relationship between serial killer-to-be Norman Bates and his mother Norma.

Brace yourself!

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