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Prisoners 2013

Thoroughly enjoyed this movie! Good suspense, acting, plot etc. Highly recommended.

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Beside the acting I can't find nothing special about this movie. Yes, the story is interesting but the movie moves so slowly that in the end it felt like a five hour piece.

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I would have given it 10/10 if they completed the last scene.

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Clues have been laid out throughout the story. The plot knits seamlessly little by little. There is always moments of suspense through the use of silence and character shot. And what makes this movie powerful is terrific performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gylenhaal. The ending was bittersweet and left me with feeling of uneasiness. Moral of the story: never take action into your own hand.

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While this film had a lot of promise, I had a hard time getting past the overall darkness of the film. With mentions of a "War on God" and some of the pure torture found in this film, I couldn't help but wish that I hadn't went down this path placing such vivid imagery in my mind of such gruesome acts. Because of this and this alone, I can not recommend this to others though I am sure that in this day and age, many will find this as entertaining.

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Powerful movie, very though provoking.

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Amazing acting! Loved the raw emotion that the thespians portrayed.

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Eughh.... i only really liked the last bit of the movie where things started to happen.

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I was already blinking like detective Loki halfway through the film.

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damn long movie. so slow nothing happens and cant even make a normal ending waste of time watching this movie thanks

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This movie felt as if someone decided to create some kind of thriller so they assembled everything that should be in a thriller. The whole movie felt rather generic. While neither Gyllenhaal nor Jackman were any great shakes in this movie I don't think they had a lot to work with either. It's a bit of a waste in that I think the twist really could have set up a movie for a better ending. I would have thought that the movie would have been about the moral ramifications of what the two men had done. Anyway, this movie has been done way better in too many other places.

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Amazing movie. Jake Gyllenhaal keeps surprising me no matter how many movies of his i watch. I LOVED the plot, and as someone who does her best to find clues and try and figure out the ending from the first second of a movie, i loved how this one kept taking me for a loop every time i thought i had figured something out. Villeneuve is one of the best at suspense, there hasn't been a single movie of his that i've watched that i haven't loved. The only reason this doesn't get a 10 for me is because i felt it was a bit too theatrical at times and because i felt the motive behind the real culprits wasn't strong enough.

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A well intentioned film that walks a fine balance between presenting some difficult themes and conforming to a standard mystery that conventions dictate must be solved. For the first half of the film, this is an absorbing look at the fallout from a child abduction case. The performances are all outstanding, especially Jackman, and the film explores some uncomfortable and challenging issues which it doesn't shy away from confronting, not least in questioning the characters' convictions. It is a shame them that the film cannot sustain this in its resolution, which is essentially much more conventional and unfortunately is not in keeping with what has come before. The performances and strong first half ultimately make this worthwhile, but the themes and issues it explores are squandered in the end in its desire to provide the audience with a solution that satisfies.

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Not for everyone... But this movie is pretty amazing.
You get dragged into the intensity of feelings of the characters.
The religious side isn't explicit enough, so those who can't manage to pay attention (since the movie is kind of long) will eventually miss it.

I highly recommend it

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It was unbelievably annoying to see them shout so much and just be violent when it was clearly not getting them any answers. Like it genuinely made me angry how stupid they were at everything like seriously just talk nicely and they would respond

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spoilersPoor Alex… my heart broke to pieces seeing the state of him :( glad they didn’t show how he looked when they found him cos I wouldn’t be able to take it

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Incredible, deeply impactful film, that manages to keep the viewers at the edge of their seats at all times. Staggering performance from both Jackman and Gyllenhaal.

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Prisoners was an extremely moving and intense experience. The visceral panic and pain a father goes through when his child gets abducted is extremely harrowing. The truly admirable aspect of the movie is the intimidating and powerful performances by the leads Jake and Hugh. With a psychological , slow burn narrative this greyly atmospheric film is captivating to a large extent.

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This is one of my favourite films of all time and it doesn't matter how many times I have seen it I can always feel the suspense building in every scene and the entire way through the film you are trying to guess what is going to happen next. Honestly, Prisoners is one of the most perfect films ever made with masterful directing, cinematography and most importantly great acting.

I am a huge Hugh Jackman fan, but this has to be his best performance by far as you can feel the emotions his character is going through and every other actor brings there a game as well. I remember the year this movie came out and I got so upset that it never got nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars, but this film is gaining a following and I feel it might be one of the most underrated movies of all time.

If I have one suggestion, do not watch the trailer as it gives away to much. Just read the plot and if you think this is a film for you, then just strap in and enjoy.

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On of these "what would you do" movies. Makes you really think. I just think that Detective Loki's character could have some more depth to explain his actions and manners. Regarding the pace - I believe it is intentional, the sort of feeling you'd have if your child dissapears (as the tagline auggest). So I do recommend it. And going to hug my 3 years old daughter and pray these stories will be just in the films. I also see this movie as proof that faith does make you overcome everything eventually, and this is a great encouragment for me personally.

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The ending made me mad. They could have ended it a little better. But good movie though! I enjoyed it a lot. Just a bit too slow.

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I really liked this movie. What happened in the end? Loki rescued Dover and arrested him?. I dont see why this can be a lower 7 rate movie. I watched 3 drama movies with Jake Gyllenhaal and enjoyed his performance.

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Shout by Deleted

Such an unsatisfying ending. And what was up with the boxes and the snakes in the guy's room?

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#Prisoners is an intense, gripping, dark and disturbing film. It's extremely well made. . The acting was superb ( no one stand out witch is good; the best I have seen in a long time ) ; often compared to the likes of Se7en and Zodiac - with good reason. this could be the best movie in the 21t century so far If it weren't for some plot holes and the movie length ( along with some scenes that makes you crave for more ) ... and also because the Movie try to tell us; to many times; that its "ok" to torture a mentally disabled person in your own personal vendetta ... but it is the best movies of 2013 so far.

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Shout by Deleted

Halfway through the movie I was already blinking like detective Loki.

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"Pray for the best, but prepare for the worst."

Extremely tense is an understatement. Denis Villeneuve knows how to create tension so well that I was on edge the whole movie, even on my second viewing. Roger Deakins's amazing cinematography shows how dark (literally) this movie can be. Every frame is gorgeous. The lighting he uses is perfect. Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal both give phenomenal performances. The little quirks Gyllenhaal uses really brings the character to life. I think he is easily one of the best actors working today and doesn't get near enough credit. Jackman's rage is something fierce, he must of gotten good at that with Wolverine. This film is a masterpiece. Denis Villeneuve is one of my favorite directors and one of the best working today.

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Dark, disturbing, philosophical, ethical, complex. Prisoners is the ultimate test of faith, morality and what it takes to put these aside in order to save someone. A frightening look into the prisons people find themselves in, in order to cope with, or reject these circumstances. A warning that taking matters into your own hands isn't always the best way to go about it. Creates a fascinating character study mixed with a conventional detective story, constantly making you question and look for hints. Stellar performance from Jake Gyllenhaal and especially Hugh Jackman who's at his absolute best. The pacing isn't it's best quality and the movie feels overlong. Perfect tone and direction. The tension never lets go until the end. Loved the constant raining and dampness throughout it really creates gloom. One of, if not the best dark crime thriller. A perfectly constructed puzzle with so many twists and turns and an experience that leaves you thinking.

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Shout by Deleted

I must confess that as a Jake Gyllenhaal fan, the first time I heard about this film I knew that I wanted to see it because of him. He is a fantastic actor and until now I always liked to see everything he has done. But after all, this film had so much more to show me than just a good acting from him.

The story sounded very good, the Dover and the Birch families are neighbours and friends. They joined together to celebrate Thank's Giving Day. Two girls, one from the Dovers family and the other one from the Birchs family disappear when they left the house to play outside. The police are called to the location, they started an investigation but theres no evidences for the number one suspect. The fathers decide to act for their on hands and hopelessly try to find their little girls.

Prisoners is such an intense thriller that keeps you completly glued at your seat until the very last minute. You start guessing and guessing trying to figure it out what really happened to those girls between twists and turns that constantly trick you.

The religious aspect is very powerful in this film. Losing faith and being moral or immoral about certain acts that you will never imagine doing until you suffer from an immense pain, like a father thinking that he might lost a daughter or a son.

To match with the intensity of the film, the acting is also very intense. Jake Gyllenhaal, I don't have to mention again that he is great but Hugh Jackman especially is the one that really stands out in the film. Absolutely amazing, disturbing and touching performance! The rest of the supporting cast also did a great job.

For me was one of the best thrillers that I've seen lately and sure it has some flaws but I give it 5 stars because of what I felt while watching it. If you liked it as much as I did, you'll understand.

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Probably great for fans of true crime that subscribe to Christian American family values. Decent thriller with some ick for the rest of us.

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Great, intense movie with an amazing Jake Gyllenhaal. It's perhaps a bit too slow for me but it was definitely worth it. I saw it before (9 years ago) and I completely forgot the ending.

Not a movie I could watch over and over but I guess I'll rewatch it in 2032.

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Where is the line of morality when the lives of our loved ones are at stake? The film tries to answer this question while presenting an interesting thriller.

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When it comes to suspense and creating a tense atmosphere, director Denis Villeneuve and cinematographer Roger Deakins are simply a dream team. This is already evident in their first collaboration, "Prisoners." This thriller is truly a masterpiece when it comes to suspense. After the kidnapping of two young girls, the story follows both the investigating police officer (Jake Gyllenhaal) and the father of one of the children (Hugh Jackman), who does not shy away from carrying out his own justice. The viewer is given the opportunity to guess along the way who is responsible for the kidnapping. There are a few red herrings, but they are never unfair. The resolution is also completely satisfying, keeping you engaged for the entire 153 minutes. From the first minute to the last, you really want to hold your breath—that's how exciting the film is. The outstanding performances that Villeneuve elicits from his actors do the rest. Jackman, in particular, is really strong. "Prisoners" is definitely a must-see for any thriller fan.

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A very creative kidnapping fiction story about 2 young girls who get abducted from their neighborhood on Thanksgiving while the two families were enjoying the day together. Both sets of parents go all in on finding their daughters, so much so that they take matters into their own hands and things get messy. Many big plot twists including the motive the kidnappers have. The plot development is good and not too hard to follow but hard enough with the plot twists that make it interesting. The characters are very relatable.

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Shout by Darth

This is such a good movie oml, I wish I’ve seen this sooner

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This movie tells the story of a family-friendly and committed man who has problems. Their Thanksgiving feast is ruined when her children are kidnapped. He tries his best to find his children.In the meantime, a real work workshop will help this family so that they can find their children. The father of the family imprisons the suspects that the police have given up on and tortures them to get a confession from him, but he does not know that he is not the main person. In the end, someone you didn't think about is the cause of these things and he is the one who surprises everyone. In terms of the script, I give this movie a score of 6 out of 10.

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This is a movie that takes time to piece together, and you feel like you are learning as the characters are and understand the reasoning behind their actions. While I felt like this movie could have been shorter and some characters could have been more 3-dimensional, the movie kept my attention for it's entire run.

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Disappointed in this movie given it’s universal good reviews and praise for its intensity.

It was ok / quite good but way too long and not a particularly interesting story.

A bunch or similarly plotted / themed movies have come out of Korea in the past 20 years and they are much better.

Check out the Vengeance trilogy, I Saw the Devil etc.

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America being America.

It's a very good movie. I'm not sure how to describe all the plot twists involved, but I really enjoyed it

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Shout by Deleted

More twists and turns than a sack full of pythons and just as gripping.

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Tense thriller. loved it.
I would actually give it 8.5 of 10. better than a very good movie but not quite mesmerising as 9/10.
great acting by both JG and HJ

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Wow I don't get how so many people love that movie. The acting is good but the plot is horrible!
I read at least one thriller a week and everything about this plot was terrible. The detective didn't make any good decisions, he kept not asking for backup, not following leads, and not piecing the clues together.

My husband and I guessed the twists about halfway through and it was way too long.

Definitely not going to rewatch it, too bad because I thought it would be amazing

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strong drama with nice suspense and good acting. A little too dark maybe and too long

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A gritty, incredibly well-acted, suspenseful, thought-provoking. Jackman shines in this dark thriller.

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Really good. Not what i expected but definitely a solid 7

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Great thriller! Right there with "The Silence of the Lambs" and "Se7en".

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing. Powerful, juicy, appalling. Jackman passes himself, Gyllenhall too. Besieges climate and emotionally scorns.

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Silný příběh s odhadnutelnou zápletkou. Skvělé herecké obsazení.

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Just when you think it is over, IT GETS BETTER!!! ヅ

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Shout by Deleted

Très bon film

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Thriller . (that is a dot)

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Tour de force by both Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman. Academy Awards 2014?

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Shout by Deleted

Sad story :(

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Plays on many human fears to make a great movie

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Shout by pody

Am I the only one that didn't believe or connected with Maria Bello's character? She does a great job in most movies, but here there seemed to be something missing. It didn't help that her character was a mess as well. All the other characters were great though, especially Jackman and Gyllenhaal. Impressive performances from most of the cast.

The story itself lacked some depth, so it didn't really do it for me. I always feel like someone has to die in these types of movies for me to like it. Happy endings like these are just very unlikely and unrealistic in the real world. Most kidnapped kids never gets found again, not alive at least.

The movie was good entertainment, but lacked a little story-wise for it to top my list.

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Pretty good movie, even if the end left me unsatisfied...

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I didn't know much about this movie but was attracted to it by the cast list. I'm glad I took the time to watch it as it was a thoroughly enjoyable film. Very dark, very moody, very good.

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie, great acting, but too many tips, very easy to figure it all out more than one hour before the end.

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what the fuck kind of ending was that

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Shout by Deleted

Wow, this was such an entertaining film! Highly enjoyable thriller, with great acting from Gyllenhaal and Jackman, and an open ending which reminded me of Inception's.

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