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Pig 2021

Astonishingly good. Quiet and incisive exploration of grief and loss and relationships. Don’t doubt and watch it!

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Marketing really dropped the ball on this one by letting everyone assume it was "Nicolas Cage as John Wick but with a pig." It's a smart, forlorn, reflective character piece about a broken man who deeply cares for something authentic in an empty world. I'd say this is Nicolas Cage's best performance since Adaptation, but honestly, this understated and quiet film blows everything he's done out of the water.

Do NOT go into this one expecting an action flick. This is a slow indie film with a relentless focus on its main character. The most unclassifiable movie I've seen in a long while, and one that stays with you long after the credits roll.

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“I love her.”
Well I loved it. Best line delivery of the year.

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This movie is really something special. Having had this sold to me as "John Wick but with Nic Cage and a Pig", I went in expecting dumb action and loud set pieces. What I actually got was Chef made by A24, and I absolutely loved it. Pig is a sombre look at the effects of grief and loss on those left behind. It's bleak, but so masterfully told and way above the expectations I'd set for myself going in. So much is told with so little dialogue, it's truly impressive stuff. Nic Cage really turns out here also; the man is the epitome of range and he absolutely nails this performance. Wow, great great stuff and much to muse on, do not skip this.

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This is how you properly subvert my expectations. The title and premise sound silly but if you go into this blind you're rewarded with something you don't expect.I enjoy as the viewer finding out the main character's history just as Amir does.

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Nicolas Cage in a great thriller. It's not an action movie, so you gotta take that in mind (for me that's a plus, not everything has to explode all the time)

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This movie was an unexpected treat. These days it seems rare for Cage to find a decent script but he found one here and he knocked it out of the park. There is a real character study in here and it is not limited to the lead. Excellent script, excellent acting and a really nice movie.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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"Why do you care about these people? They don't care about you. None of them. They don't even know you... because you haven't shown them."

This was not at all what I think it was going to be. I was expecting John Wick with a pig, and got something more emotional and interesting. It is for sure a slow burn and will not be for everyone, but I quite enjoyed it and the sound design and music are great.

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Shout by Schmoogie
BlockedParent2021-07-19T02:32:10Z— updated 2024-05-07T21:20:36Z

Pig - :heart:x8

I can't quite put my finger on the reason I liked this movie, but like it I did.

This is certainly one of Cage's better performances. The story is different, yet familiar. Think John Wick without all the action and killing. And somehow, it is a really good watch.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This movie isn't for everyone. It's an art house indie movie. Very minimalistic. John Wick meets First Cow with a touch of Nomadland, lol. I liked it.

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Was looking forward to this after the positive reviews. I like Nic Cage.

But this is slow, pretentious garbage. Even at 90 minutes it drags. Don’t know what people see in this. Whatever it is, I clearly don’t see it.


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The trailers had made it look like John Wick with Nic Cage. Instead, I got an art film exploring grief and legacy. Not what I expected but wasn't disappointed either. Cage puts on a great performance, and the story is tight.

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Surprisingly poetic and oneiric without being pretentious, I didn't expect such a tone at all.
I thought more of a revenge flick but it's nothing like it, more of an unconventional ode to love and loss.
Great job by Nic Cage and engaging mentoring relationship with Amir's character, leading (and sharing) his arc.
A little bit foreseeable and banal the dinner epiphany, but not badly crafted.

A pleasant surprise

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Sorry, couldn't stay with it. Jumping back and forth between a "regular" world, and their weird-culture underground versions, just didn't work for me. The concept of "Sometimes, more can be said by not saying anything" is a great one, but it felt too forced for me here. I know they were attempting some symbolism with him continuing to march around all bloodied up and nasty, but I just couldn't get my head into it when they'd jump back to regular world scenes and keep him looking like that. Glad it worked for the more enlightened crowd, truly, but I'm just a little to "regular" myself to have appreciated it.

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This was not a movie of action or flash but rather a movie about pain and loss and the acceptance of all that has past and overcoming. Nick Cage is real in this movie…. Not over spoken. ….. a truffle farmer has his pig stolen and in the search for his pig we learn of his life and past and love….. what comes with this trip…. Is acceptance of what is. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen a movie like this….. based on love, loss, truth and emotion. This movie is highly recommended.

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Rated this 10. I think it’s actually a masterpiece and Nick Cage’s best.

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Although it’s very unlike he’ll be snubbed Nicky Cage deserves an Oscar nomination for his brilliant performance in this excellent film.

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I can't believe a movie with Nicolas Cage made me cry wtf

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Damn good movie.

'Nuff said.

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A very big disappointment. The ACTING was superb, but the story… It was like someone started writing a story with a lot of enthusiasm, then realized there was a lot of work involved, so the enthusiasm - along with the storyline - tapered off real quickly. I can't say the story "didn't make a lot of sense"; it did, but wow they drug this out for almost 90 minutes only for it to be as pointless as it wound up being. Don't let the trailer fool you; this one wasn't worth sitting through. At time, it tantalized you with the promise of exploding into a real heart-rending story but ultimately, it fizzled like a candle in a cold rain. Very disappointed in this one.

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Breathtakingly sad but a strong meditation on grief with huge integrity and one of Cage’s lifetime best performances. It’s a bit too slow at times, but where it’s overindulgent it makes up for with thoughtfulness.

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Great performances from everyone in Pig. By the ending, you're asking the question, what is more important; What people think of you or, what makes you happy?

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someone complaining about zero action? i was waiting for it to descend into: nick cage used to be a navy seal, and now he's going to kick this other tough guy's butt... but, it never happened, and it was awesome! instead, great emotion and drama, which was so refreshing. the fancy restaurant scene was probably one of my favorite scenes ever.

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I found it cute but nothing much. The movie starts off by telling about a missing pig that needs to be found, but then starts telling about Nicholas Cage's life, which I still enjoyed, but that wasn't the plot of the movie.

Nicholas Cage good in his acting, the scene where they cook is the best of the whole film. Another honorable mention is when Rob talks to the chef in the restaurant, you can very well see how his soul is slowly being killed with every word that comes out of Robin's mouth.


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As strange as it is disconcerting, Michael Sarnoski has the ability to always be one step ahead of the viewer, finding unexpected paths, also eccentric and surreal, like that Hotel Portland. Nicolas Cage composes a kind of hermit in twilight stage, in a city condemned to be buried under the waters, the same ones that clean Rob's external physical wounds, a metaphor for his internal scars. A truly peculiar discovery.

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Wow! This is a story. It made me feel more than anything has in a long time and that is all I ask for in story telling. No its not an action packed "i have a particular set of skills" give me my pig back. Its a steady paced take a look at yourself and go for what you love in life Beautiful!

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John ultra weak (Pig edition). Such a borefest. Please, ignore this movie and save your precious 1.5 hrs!

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way to showcase Portland's cuisine ? ratatouille feeling.

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Meh, Meh, Meh. If you have time to waste nothing to do, bored. Alot to be desired this movie had the potential to be way better.

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was a shower too much to ask?

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weak ass movie. just wasted 90 mins of my life. zero action. not what I was expecting. who cares about some dumb pig?? poor story line , and zero action. that's a zero star rating from me. all these superb reviews just seem suspicious? are you guys bots? did we see the same movie?

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lost his pig,go to find it just to found out that it's dead..i cannot brain this one. why nick?

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“We don’t get a lot of things to really care about.”

This movie, on paper, shouldn’t really work at all. It would come off as just be another up it’s own ass indie film, but all the elements come together perfectly.

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Watch it if you’re a fan of John Wick!
Highly recommended to anyone who wants to see Nick Cage slamming people with a baseball bat while screaming “where’s my pig?”

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I definitely wouldn't rewatch this. Kinda boring.

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The amount of subtle storytelling in this movie is superbly well done. Great movie with so much emotion that centers around a literal pig.

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It wasn't what I was expecting, it was better. Deep and full of useful quotes and reflections on life in general. I hate that the pig was dead that whole time...but the story needed it...I just hate that the story needed it

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I honestly thought it was another John Wick movie from the trailer. Was really surprised at how much heartstrings this pulled. Nicolas Cage is a great actor given the right role, I felt his pain. The movie really teased pretending to be another revenge movie but shifting it in a whole other direction. Very beautifully made. I kinda wish it was PG13 (just need to remove the f bombs) so I could recommend it to more people.

Soft spoiler alert:
I lost it when he started cooking that dish. The music they played while they cooked and the father's reaction really got me.

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A Nicolas Cage film that isn’t terrible :hushed:

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Surprisingly beautiful, this movie made me feel things

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John Wick meets Ratatouille starring Nicolas Cage

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Shout by Robb
BlockedParent2022-11-07T16:47:27Z— updated 2023-12-05T04:53:21Z

Nic Cage goes on emotional rampage because his pig was pignapped.

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"We don't get a lot of things to really care about."

One of the biggest surprises of 2021. An incredibly moving and personal movie. Before its release, everyone expected it to be a funny bad "meme" movie, but instead, we got something better.

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Nicolas Cage stars in the indie character drama Pig. When a truffle hunter’s pig is stolen, he leaves his secluded cabin in the forest and goes to Portland to search the black market for his pig. Cage delivers an incredible performance; giving a lot of nuance to this character. However, the plot is rather thin and doesn’t have that may twists and turns. Instead, the film’s more about exploring the hunter’s character and his mysterious past; though a lot of questions are left unanswered and the ending is quiet abrupt Yet while it has its problems, Pig is a surprisingly compelling film.

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That'll do.

'Pig' is a good film, made very good by its conclusion - which threw me, to be honest. I wasn't, up until that moment, overly invested in the story, but when the reality hits home I actually felt my stomach sink for Nicolas Cage's Robin - unexpected!

Cage does put in a neat display, I enjoyed his performance throughout. Alex Wolff and Adam Arkin add positive bits in their respective roles, too. It's a 2021 flick that is well paced, well shot and well told. Recommended.

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A powerful performance by Nic Cage and everyone else involved. I can't say much without spoiling this film. If you're in the mood to watch a film about the simple things in life and how it can affect people on some deep levels, then watch Pig.

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Movie is okay. Slow but there’s potential. However, I was distracted with the main character looking unhygienic during the cooking scene - that was unacceptable to me

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Like bacon: good no matter what.

Pig is a pork version of Taken, except instead of trimming the fat, they add more fat. The traditional action / thriller is stuffed with psychological and emotional trimmings, and done so in very good taste.

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WOW ... !! Great Job Nick, pleasantly surprised

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Was not what I would have expected in a great way. Surprisingly emotional, in both story and performances.

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It's not cages normal action packed film that he's been mostly been doing, It's the serious and slow kind with heartwarming and a decent one with a strong performance from cage and supporting role Alex Wolff.

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It’s John Wick meets Babe in this action packed, heartwarming family adventure. Not! This is a melancholic, unusual film, with the opportunity for Cage to act in something worthy of his talents.

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Cool movie, both men worked their asses off, both men pay the price of losing their loved ones. One is still clung to it not letting her go, the other lost a symbol of himself "the pig" and found himself again.

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Loved It! Nicholas Cage's best work in forever.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this. Ignore all the comments, go watch with an open mind. It's Nic Cage. You know what he can do. Even if it's shit, we're gonna watch. But this is not.

It took me a while to recognize him, even his voice and his maneirisms are gone in this movie.

Loved it.

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This is one of those movies that is a hidden gem.

I'm gonna say this if you're not a movie fan/enthusiast or a cinephile you will not like this movie for what it is.

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Nicolas Cage, come on already man. Your career is over. Let it goooooooooooooooo. Let’s be real, you weren’t even that good to begin with.

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Not much to see here, Nicolas Cage plays an Emotionless mushroom farmer that had his Mushroom finding Pig Stolen from him, there's a little more to it but not much.

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Shout by Polly Waffle

Not a movie for everyone it seems, but one I enjoyed immensely. I understand people dont understand why the movie would have the pig die, however the pig is not the main driver for the film. The dinner scene displayed how powerful food can be.

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Shout by Deleted

Loss and Grief.

And reacting to it in weird ways if that’s a thing?

I wish I had paid more attention to what was happening in the movie.

I did get the gist of it, I think.

Nicolas cage always does interesting stuff, bad or good.

Someday I hope someone makes a movie about his life. I’m sure it will be a fascinating watch:eyes::blush::thinking:

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i guess its not a bad movie but definitely not my cup of tea

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Before I saw this movie today, I saw comments like "bad movie" "don't waste your time on this" but the truth is after now been watching this. This was a really beautiful movie, If u understand the meaning of this movie you also don't say it was bad. This was a beutiful movie and a good movie. Best Nicholas Cage as done in a long time.

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It had a couple of great moments but also a very simplistic go-to-A/B/C plot.
I wish Amir hadn't been used as a sidekick. You don't need a sidekick in an introspective film.

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Great range for Nicolas Cage in this one. Well worth a viewing

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This is a quite solemn film that feels like it's made with love and care. Incredibly, Nicholas Cage finds his stride! Is this his 'L'avventura'?
I like the script and the pace of the film. I loved the scene where Cage walked in darkness to Mozart's 'Lacrimosa'.
There are several good things about this film but not much to say about them, not by me. This one is a keeper. I already look forward to seeing it again.

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Fantastic, understated movie. Covers many different themes.

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