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Orphan 2009

Finally got around to watching this film, I new the twist already, but that didn't really bother me.. I like smart horrors with a twist, i enjoyed this film, packed with lots of action all the way with a great cast, and some brilliant acting from Isabelle Fuhrman. Get it watched!

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I thought this movie was spectacular, so well done! The cast was wonderful, but Vera Farmiga and Isabelle Fuhrman really stole it, especially the latter, she did such an amazing job as Esther. The writing was really good too; you can tell from the start that something's up with Esther (there wouldn't be a movie otherwise, to be fair), but the actual twist is kept until very close to the end. The music is good, the tension was just right, there were several lines that made me laugh, and the violence was pretty tastefully done. Definitely watch it going in as blind as possible!

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I knew that plot twist was coming. It's a great thriller, not really a horror movie. Same for Hereditary.

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Great film, but the husband was a damn idiot the whole movie, especially after the treehouse/hammer/playground incidents. He had to be braindead to not notice something wrong. Also, why did they not check the cameras in the hospital? Surely, they have ones in the hallways.

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It's OK. It tries to be different. Good child acting.

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The child actress for Esther was fantastic.

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A unique mystery-thriller film, with an engaging and disturbing plot, and great performances from cast.

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So gimmicky and formulaic it's not even worth discussing, but there are a couple of interesting plot ideas and the choice for the lead was perfect. It was alright halfway through but loses itself towards the ending. The main problem is that it's staged so poorly that it has zero suspense, but at least is packed with unintentional laughing out loud moments. That kick in the last scene was definitely memorable.

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I love how Vera Farmiga has her style when it comes to these darker movies that she plays in. This is one of those movies for anyone why likes Vera Farmiga, and this is just a really good movie all around.

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scary movie. loved the concept. these nice but secretly creepy kids gonna drive you crazy in life for real foreal

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It surprised me, I liked it a lot.

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Wasn't expecting that twist at the end, holy shit. 7/10.

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Good movie. Not the 'jump scare' kind of thriller but the story didn't really need that. Esther is both likable and extremely scary. I didn't see the plottwist coming until it was already happening so that was a welcome surprise too.

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Great thriller movie, Didnt see it coming. well acting.. Hate that Esther char

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Significantly thrilling and outstandingly portrayed.

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This was predictable, but I enjoyed it. Not really an horror movie fan though, so I can't tell much whether this is good or not.

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Well acted and suspenseful throughout with an excellent twist.

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Esther was ahead of her time, we didn’t realize yet that we needed a Russian, girlboss orphan to show us the way. I just pray that it isn’t too late for us to learn from her

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Outstanding performances and a really really well thought out and perfectly executed story,
there is nothing quite like it.
Esther carries the hole movie and from being a good movie she alone makes it a great one.
Someone give this girl an Oscar already because she is spectacular and the range she has with her acting performances are off the charts.
She puts so many Adult
Actors/Actresses to shame,
I'm looking at you
(Brie Larson).

This is a thrilling and intense movie and I absolutely love it and I'm definitely watching the
2nd installment tonight that I have been waiting
13yrs to watch.


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Easily a top tier psych-thriller classic.

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Full of absurd things and pathetic twists. The plot is very good but they tried to create a so unexpected thriller that it completely lost my attention by the end. Vera Farmiga is incredibly talented, too bad the film is so absurd. I do not recommend it.

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Bad children in horror movie? Not everything is what it looks like.

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Men are fucking idiots.

This film is just two hours of watching a DUMBASS nigga and from that alone is the only reason it’s able to qualify under horror. Unbearable to watch.

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Father got me soooooo angry!!!! Stupid, naive, idiot, couldn't see beyond his nose! Anyway he paid with his life. Fair enough. Good movie.

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Shout by April

I liked the movie except for the ending. The plot twist seemed very obvious after she came out to John in that black dress.

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Really good! except for the final scene but cute and creepy!

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It could be better but it's just predictable.

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Shout by Deleted

What a sweet girl right here, right? Hahaha

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Shout by Deleted

Vera Farmiga is amazing in the movie!

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