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Ocean's Eight 2018

My sole reason for watching this was because it has Cate Blanchett in it. I have not seen any of the other Ocean movies.
As far as heist movies go it was OK. At the same time it's rather generic and, aside from one final twist , predictable. Plus a couple of plot holes / logic errors. So, I'll just say it is OK for watching once but nothing I'd watch again.

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It's good movie and fun watching it. Apart from "sometimes I felt like I'm watching ocean's thirteen in female version". And some of the dialogues also taken from ocean's thirteen. Apart from this, it's a good and fun movie to watch! I sure had good time! I would like to see both ocean's team work together to pull greatest heist of history!!

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Wow. This was a lot better than what I was expecting. It's not the greatest movie ever, but a ton of fun for sure, and brings back a good amount of the charm of the original movie. Blows the sequels out of the water for sure.

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It's a fine movie but nothing special. It is entertaining and the all star cast is a lot of fun. I love Cate Blanchett and Anne Hathaway. The heist was ok but it felt like it could of been bigger and done better. I don't get all the hate on an all female cast. It's fun to see something different and I would rather have this than an Ocean's 14. I would watch an Ocean's 9 and 10.

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Fun and entertaining movie that left me with a smile. Anne Hathaway absolutely knocks it out of the park in the film and is the best thing in the film. This movie makes for a good addition to the Ocean's franchise.

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WOW, what a total SJW BS. Why is Hollywood insisting on this, in trying to rewrite history with their feminist BS. What's worse, is that they do a great disservice to women, as if they can't have all original stories, original blockbuster movies, but they end up having to ride the coattails of men. Leftist logic at its best.

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this was so bloody good i think i ascended onto a higher plane

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The third act is quite all right, but the two preceding it are rocky.
Also, it’s too plot driven, which results in a lack of character development, and by extension, a lack of engagement with the movie as a whole.
I really wonder why they decided to draw so much attention to the plot, especially when the plot is so flat and paint by numbers.


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It's not the disaster it could've easily been, but it's not fantastic like it should've been. It's a fun, even if undemanding heist film. One reviewer said it best: It's missing the element of rivalry, that's kind of a staple for this series, and it's lesser for it.

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I rally enjoyed it.
Sandra and Rihanna are my two favorite characters.
All of the ladies did an amazing job.
I hope there is a second part of this movie.

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Went to the cinema just to see Cate ride a motorbike, wear a ton of cool clothes and be a general badass with a glorious fringe. Didn't leave disappointed, can recommend.

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Ocean's 8 has a great (and diverse!) cast with amazing chemistry, interesting characters, and a fun plot. I enjoyed every minute of this film and actually saw it in theatre twice.

Also, 12/10 for Cate Blanchett's outfits - I walked into the theatre gay and I came out (pun intended, I guess) gay and empowered.

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Tried too hard to match it's predecessor's and failed at every turn.

Great cast and plot was decent, but the execution was full of holes and flaws.

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Shout by Cmurder
BlockedParent2017-09-01T17:41:51Z— updated 2017-10-11T16:45:56Z

Looks stupid as S***. It will be a train wreck like the all female ghostbusters. Now that is a trud of a movie.

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For sure not the best of the Oceans. A lot dull in some points, the cast did not fit together and the heist they pull not that impressive. It felt like they could do things a lot different and still pull it and got away a lot easier.

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Nice symmetry to create a real Ocean's experience from the female perspective kudos

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Absolutely loved it! Amazing actresses and amazing plot. I didn't really know what to expect, but I totally adore this movie!

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All star, kick ass cast! The heist is interesting, but certainly not the "trickster & thought provoking" job from the original Ocean's Eleven. There are some blaring plot holes, but all is forgiven because the characters are far more fleshed out. & to be quite honest... women often make more complex and dynamic characters than their male counterparts. And this film was no exception!

Each character had her own backstory & unique traits beyond her trade skill sets to bring to the team, unlike the men's team that felt more one-dimensional. "Men get noticed; women don't." brought a distinct feel to this movie that the other Oceans lacked. It was more sly and manipulative, and that's sexy!

And let's be real... the Met Gala was simply a glamour shot for cameos from all the big name celebs & we all ate it up at when "These boots were made for walking" came on & all the ladies exited dressed to the nines!

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alr im gonna be honest ocean's 11 was not as enjoyable as this one. maybe its the state of mind i was in, maybe i was paying too much attention to brad pitt instead of the actual film, i don't know. but i do know i enjoyed the hell outta this. sandra bullock? anne hathaway? helena bonham carter? mindy kaling? rihanna? what a star cast! & i enjoyed how much they flew under the radar. yknow in oceans 11 the casino ppl KNEW it was danny but here? only her crew and john fraizer. it was crazy insane how well and seamlessly they pulled it off. intro scene is badass too

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No idea why people go so hard on this one. It's fun, it's entertaining, it does what it sets out to do. Acting isn't consistent across the board, though. I found most of them meh but Hathaway was great.

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Remember a better time?...when all female movies took place in a prison with scantily clad inmates?... Ahhhhhhh the memories

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The movie is mediocre and offers zero insight into the characters, which makes it hard to feel engaged or even slightly invested in what they want to achieve and whether they'll get to achieve it. The plot has an interesting twist but also numerous holes.
Nevertheless, the cinematography is nice and the music is groovy, most of the cast does a good job too, even Rihanna. Bullock however lacks the nerve and can't convince as the leader of an ambitious heist. Highlights of the movie are Anne Hathaway and Cate Blanchett whose character was crying for more attention and development , thanks to Blanchett's talent and impeccable style.

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This was a lot better than I was expecting. I'd thought the all female cast thing would be played upon but actually its just another film. Perfect plane fodder.

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So many plot holes. So many unexplained things.

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The Botox continuity is a little off on occasion, and its a bit slow at times, but the hacking was fairly I guess.
The best part was the look on Hathaway's face when she heard what her cut would be. She was all like...damn usually takes me at least 2 movies to make that type of scratch!

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Only having seen the first of the Oceans installation, I'm not sure if I understood all references but all in all the movie was quite enjoyable. I really enjoy Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham Carter on screen and was surprised that Sandra is fluent in German. The story is of course a bit predictable and I'm no sure if it was just Anne Hathaway's role but I really didn't like the acting there. In addition I'm still not sure about Rihanna's as well as James Corden's talent in acting… I just cannot take James seriously as everything he says reminds me of how he behaves in his (hilarious) Late Late Show.

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Decent but too many women

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This was a good film and while I would recommend it, it wasn’t a great one. The pacing was a little too slow for my liking which resulted in a film that went on just a tad too long. Additionally, one of the great things of the original Ocean movies is that they spent a lot of time delivering the planning of the heist. In Oceans 8 you’ll find yourself spending the first half of the movie watching some older women get a group together, right before executing a simple plan. Overall, the plot was too thin. I came expecting an unrealistic plan which somehow comes together at the end through the talents of each and every hottie. Instead, I got some older women spending very little effort mainly just talking. It’s worth watching, but I don’t think I’ll be seeing it again soon.

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passei mal com as lendas e Rihanna

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Amazing movie! Go to see this movie! I don’t know how have people dragging that movie because it’s amazing and the cast just SLAY, it’s better than all the ocean’s movies. I’m not surprised that people who say bad things about that movie is 98% men btw

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Will be a brutal sjw bullshit, and tank like the female ghostbusters

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Actually fell asleep in the theater. An altogether boring plot and I felt Sandra Bullock did a particularly poor job acting. The movie might have had more success if it wasn't attached to the Ocean's franchise.

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See this movie! It's clever. It has the unexpected. It's funny (but it is a dry, clever wit, and although I was sitting there chuckling away, a lot of the audience were missing a lot of the quick witted humour). The women gave excellent performances. The plot had a B line that isn't revealed until later, so pay attention. I give this film an 8 (appropriately so, and great) out of 10. [Heist film]

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The cast is funny and plays their parts well with any heist movie something goes wrong right??? Nope, anything that could go wrong already has been thought out by Debbie which is an interesting story but doesn't make for very exciting film.

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How can it be Ocean's if Ocean is not there. Good lineup of actresses though, although its disappointing rihanna was casted also into this.

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I didn't watch any of the ocean parts (Or I did and can't remember lol) but I liked this one. It was funny, entertaining and I liked the plot. I hope there will be a second part with this crew.

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Its fun and entertaining, more than i expected. Bullock, Hathaway and Blanchett were good, but i didn't buy Rihanna for a second.
Critics might have been to harsh on this.

Final act and ending were somewhat weak.

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Fun enough movie with tons of ridiculously good-looking people. Seeing Cate Blanchett in that velvet suit and Rihanna in the red dress more than made up for the price of admission.

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Very predictable and boring. Great cast but even they cant rescue the bad script

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Well, I was about to rate this 6.5/10 when I saw here that I already rated it 6/10 when I apparently watched it in 2020... :o I guess I really shouldn't rate it higher than 6/10 given that I just watched the whole movie without ever realizing that I've watched this before - and I do usually remember movies for many years - strange...

The only thing that felt familiar was James Cordon but I assumed from previous Ocean movies or from his show.

Anyway, it was decent and entertaining at times but nothing special - I wouldn't ve watched it again if I realized that I've watched this before...

I guess my main complaint is that it's way too unrealistic in too obvious ways.

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The heist was stupid, the humour was nonexistent, the characters were lifeless, the plot was dull: This whole thing was just a big giant eye roll-worthy snooze-fest.

Anna Hathaway was gorgeous as always, though <3

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It was a bit of a disappointment for me. I really loved the fast pace of the other movies but this one just so, so slow. It’s an okay movie but don’t expect the same wit as from Danny and his guys.

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The heist was so flawed, even Daphne (Anne Hathaway) could smell bad fish. It makes for a good pop corn flick where you can turn off your brain for a few hours and enjoy the company of some of Hollywood's most prolific, talented, and beautiful actresses (Hi, Rihanna).

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Nice Movie. Story has huge holes though but its more about the feeling anyway. 5.4/10

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i'm using this movie as a fun measuring tool for how little attention i should give a man and his opinions, which boosts it from a 7 to an 8. i can take or leave some of the actors in this normally but all the roles were great and worked well together. like i genuinely haven't loved hbc in a movie in years and the character rose was a delight.

mostly i'm just sad cate and sandra didn't kiss at the end.

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Jesus christ the plastic surgery faces and CGI blurring was really distracting in this movie. Female empowerment, as long as you look "flawless"

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Overall, this was ok. This is a film with a very star studded cast. Actresses like Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson, Anne Hathaway, Helena Bonham Carter, and many more. Although it was nice to see these here as I absolutely love all their acting styles I don't think this was any it their finest work Overall the story was ok but nothing new. The cinematography was definitely a stylistic choice that just didn't impress me. I think this film is one that could be loved by many, I'm just not one of that many.

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Good stuff, this.

I really enjoyed 'Ocean’s Eight'. It's a sizeable drop off from the great 'Ocean's Eleven', but I actually - just narrowly - enjoyed it more than 'Ocean's Twelve' and 'Ocean's Thirteen'. With this 2018 film, they got a lot right. The pacing, but also the casting.

It's nice to have Sandra Bullock (Debbie) return just to keep the continuity going, that as well as the fact that she's very good in this. I rate her as an actress, but sometimes I find her performances irritating - here, the complete opposite, I love how charismatic and confident she plays Debbie. Cate Blanchett (Lou) supports her well, too.

The rest of the cast are strong choices. I enjoyed seeing Rihanna and Awkwafina, along with Sarah Paulson, Mindy Kaling and Anne Hathaway. James Cordon appears too, he seems to split opinion but I like him.

The plot is good, very watchable. I found myself questioning one moment of the nitty-gritty event, but otherwise I thoroughly enjoyed seeing it unfold. I also liked the editing around it. The ending isn't the greatest, but still more than satisfactory.

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Super comedy movies and excited

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Shout by AJ

Meh. Without a decent story, it doesn't matter if you have 8 or 80 famous actresses. It's still going to be a bad movie. At least it wasn't boring...

By the way... I guess the bathroom door wasn't the only place in the museum without camera coverage... right? :person_facepalming_tone1:

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The cast alone was a reason to watch. It starred some of my favorite actresses. On top of that, the plot was good, good heist. Really enjoyed this movie, probably a lot more than I thought because I wasn't an real Ocean's fan.

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Surprisingly good. Atleast better than the previously 28 sequels to Oceans 11.

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It was quite an ok movie. Something just didn't click; can't place what tho. It leans more towards a 7 than a 6 tho. I would say a 6.7. Maybe it just all went too smooth. The incidents were a bit too cliché. Trying to angle this without all the familiar faces it would be a straight 5. So maybe it's the bias and knowing they character's previous roles. But maybe that kind of counted for the other Ocean's movies too :). Nontheless; not a bad watch.

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A fun movie, elevated by a terrific ensemble cast.

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The Oceans series has always been smug, contrived, and not as clever as it thinks it is. This latest entry in the franchise doesn't break the mould, it steals it! The movie isn't awful but like Danny Ocean , the franchise needs to be put to rest.

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It was fine. Cast full of celebrities but movie itself was good but not really exciting.

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Shout by Richard Murray

As a heist movie, it's run of the mill.

  1. Establish the rag tag team of misfits
  2. Plan the main heist
  3. Run into ludicrous technical glitch that couldn't happen in any real world (or that couldn't be easily overcome)
  4. Everything comes together flawlessly
  5. Oh no, the cops are on to the plan
  6. Secret partner reveal
  7. Secret side heist reveal
  8. Where are they now scenes
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How they managed to make an underwhelming movie with such an overwhelmingly promising cast is beyond me, but underwhelming it definitely was. Engaging, the characters were brilliant, and it was fun, but the movie somehow missed a certain something.

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This was not the edge of your seat, surprise ending movie that I was expecting. The previous Oceans movies all had twists that you tried to predict but usually missed. There were always twists and turns that kept you guessing about how it would all work out. In contrast, this movie was fairly straightforward and the "twist" wasnt much of a twist at all. I'll admit that I was disappointed.

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This was a fun film and a good addition to the Ocean's series. Bullock and Blanchett did well as the Clooney and Pitt type characters but with their own flair. I was underwhelmed by Paulson, Kaling, and Bonham-Carter, but Awkwafina and Rihanna were great in some distinctive roles and Hathaway stole the show. I definitely hope to see Ocean's 9 and 10 before we run into numbering issues with the series.

Oh, and the cameos were fun too, though I would have like more.

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Oh my… What the hell happened with Danny?!

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Shout by Deleted

I have seen a lot of nonsense films, but this is really vapid and without history. A disaster.

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So we have great actors and a good old heist. Thats it. I hoped it will be something different. I mean we have 2018 and it would have been nice, if the franchise would have brought up to speed. But its just like the others.

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Why didn't they switch the necklace? At the moment of robbery why didn't they put the fake one? It would have been a lot cleaner, not alerting everyone. When they "found" the fake necklace and returned it, it should have been a huge alert for them to check and see immediately that it is fake

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I had so much fun watching this movie with friends. The cast is so talented.

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From best to worst: 1. Bullock, 2. Bonham Carter 3. Hathaway 4, Corden 5. Paulson 6. Kaling 7. Rihanna 8. Blanchett 9. Awkafina.

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The star-studded heist flick of the year.

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One of those movies that are fun to watch, but have more and more plot holes the more you think about it.

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About as unnecessary as the Ghostbusters reboot. However, much better and funner than that. Definitely better than Ocean's 12 as well.

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i feel like lady gaga saying talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique

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Shout by Deleted


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The difference between a good and great heist movie is that a good heist movie has style. Ocean's 8 is a good heist movie with a great cast.

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Did you loose an earring at the theater? 8/10 stars. Seems only fair, no?

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Cast stuffing franchise aside, you expect some things in a heist film and this checks all the boxes. Some things you expect though (ridiculously random and unpredictable things happening that make the heist possible, quadruple crosses, etc.) are kept to a minimum happily. Not as funny as I had hoped, but the 2 hour run time went by quickly and I had a fun night at the movies. However, if they could not invite Helena Bonham Carter for any future installments, that would be just great. 7/10

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