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Night Swim 2024

AI-written drivel about a possessed swimming pool that resorts to loud noises and cheap tricks to try and stay entertainingly scary for its intended adolescent audience. Devoid of any real merit, Night Swim only succeeds in wasting your time. Give it a miss, it's not even funny-bad, it's just offensively cookie cutter and cliché.

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‘Let's make a haunted movie but it can't be a haunted house, so let's think outside the box’

‘I've got an idea how about a haunted swimming pool’

Shitty movie with a shitty premise. Not scary and what a dreadful ending like someone died and there's zero emotion. Creators just use Ghosts as an excuse to make shit up.

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It's a horror movie about a swimming pool and I wasn't expecting much, but man, this manages to be worse than I expected. They're even using AI to write a movie script, but that's not possible.

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This is that typical January horror release where a studio decides to cash in on the underdeveloped tastes of teenagers, which is something Hollywood has been doing for almost as long as the genre has been invented (so don’t hate me, we’ve all been taken advantage of at some point). It’s just another dumb, uninteresting possession movie with some of the worst editing and use of sound I’ve seen in a horror movie in a while. Lots of schlocky scares, dreadful lines and terrible performances. I will admit that there were a couple of neat visual choices between the bad camera pans and cheesy CGI, for example I liked some of the underwater shots. Besides that it really stinks, skip it.


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Like a conversation with a goose: nonsensical and silly.

Before the movie started, I thought there's no way this could be a movie about a haunted backyard swimming pool but then the Blumhouse logo floated onto the screen and I realized what I was in for.

Some genuine moments of suspense but most of this movie is as all wet as a goose's ass.

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There's not much I can add to what's already been written here. This movie fails to make me care about any of the characters, explain why what's going on is happening or even give the barest inkling of tension something marketed as a horror movie should provide. The only character death before the end was the cat and that might not have even happened.
Scary Movie was a better scary movie than this and at least that was funny.

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Night Swim (2024) - :heart:x5

I did not enjoy this movie. The story was muddled at best. Instead of a haunted house we got a haunted pool. The rules of the haunting were unclear and seemed to break its own rules. But who knows.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Blumhouse horror is a weird brand, especially when it comes out in January/February (in this case a SWIMMING movie in January). They are often derivative of some horror trope, usually PG-13 to bring kids to the movie theater, and spotty execution. "M3GAN" was one of the rare good examples in 2023, but that still was PG-13 and a Chucky derivative. "Night Swim" was not good. The production quality is what we have come to expect from Blumhouse, but this plot/concept is just nonsense. Long story short, it is just a very bland horror film that will only appeal to people with a very limited horror palate. Happy to have only streamed it for "free" on Peacock.

Rating: 1/5 - 55% - Skip

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Glad I skipped this one in the theater. Wasn’t expecting much and it still managed to disappoint.

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Not very scary, and I didn't want to have a house with a swimming pool anyway. ;>

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Started out solid, so I had a feeling a startling drop off would occur. Did it ever. From decent suspense and foreboding to start to complete inadvertent parody. Barely bothered to watch the last bit. 3.7

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An absolute achievement.

I haven't felt less scared watching a horror movie in a while. January horror movies are making a cheeky comeback. Killer swimming pools? Brilliant.

I can't believe The Baron from Dune is haunting a fucking swimming pool lol.

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It doesn't start out bad, but then the family starts fooling around, if it's the pool, it's just the pool.

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An okay storyline with a decent amount of jumpscares but the reason it doesn’t get a higher rating is due to the fact that it loses the pacing part way through and it’s not helped by Wyatt Russell not being the best actor…

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A boring uninspired movie purely made to generate profits for the studios. It wasn't even bad in a good way. Just a dull movie with bland characters.

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Cheesey horror. The ideas scared me, but the movie didn't do much. It didn't really make a lot of sense, but I am sure their planning number 2, 3, 4, and 5. The potential was there, but it just didn't feel full enough. The cgi was terrible, and the camerawork could have been a lot better. The acting and the dialogue were plain, but I don't blame the actors. All in all, it's worth it if you're watching it with friends, but probably not if you're watching it alone.

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I felt so many vibes, and nither one was good, as a horror movie it's a joke. Mix some plots of some other scripts and "ohh ok we've a movie", or in this case a mess wicth even the title makes sense.

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This was close to being a good film. I don't think they nailed down the "evil spirit" well enough -- I think it could have been tightened up a fair bit to make it really spooky rather than just feeling like an old episode of Goosebumps.

The spirit wasn't consistent, for one thing. Its actions were random at best. Every character immediately knew that the Pet Semat... er... SWIMMING POOL was a vampire, and they easily won as soon as the filled in the pool. Anti-climactic, and honestly, did anyone feel bad about any of the injuries or deaths other than the girl right at the start?

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It was just another haunted househorror movie but in a pool . The conclusion was a bit cliché. Something to watch if you're bored.

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Shout by Deleted

This is weak as the water it is based on.

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Amityville but worst, waaaay worst

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Had some okay scares. Felt like the ending didn't make much sense.

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A passable supernatural horror.

I had a fine time viewing 'Night Swim'. It brings nothing new to the genre and takes plenty from other productions, though it honestly flew by for me and I enjoyed the horror elements alongside some solid onscreen performers. It does feel like it's missing something, I admittedly can't put my finger on exactly what, but that thought doesn't hinder how I see the flick post-watch.

Wyatt Russell and Kerry Condon are good in the lead roles, the latter is the stronger but well cast they both are. Younger cast members Amélie Hoeferle and Gavin Warren are decent, as are those supporting behind the main four. They appear in some solid scenes, which kept me interested in what I was watching - and with a run time of roughly 90 minutes, I was never bored of the portrayed events.

It isn't anything truly memorable, though I'd happily rewatch it if needed. Or perhaps I have bad taste, who's to say?

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it's not bad it's okay

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"Is he okay?"

kelly condon who did this to u

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This is funny bad, so it wasn’t actually a terrible watch. Wyatt Russell as an actor, to me, feels like he’s far beyond this type of movies. Jump scares galore and not a single one works. This ones best watched at home drinking with friends or not at all.

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This movie is absolute trash. I feel like I’ve lost brain cells and my IQ is down 50 points from having watched this horse manure of a film. Avoid it at all costs 1/10.

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