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Mulan 2020


Shout by imgmatt
BlockedParent2020-09-05T13:06:55Z— updated 2020-09-11T15:24:34Z

Wow, what happened here?

A Mulan remake had so much potential but it seems like they really phoned this one in. I'm totally cool with them going in a new direction compared to the first one as do the other live action remakes (except for the butchering of Mulan's backstory and turning her into a generic chosen-one), but there are many aspects that make this not a great film on its own.

Not only does the film have no personality or engaging qualities, but the directing and editing are just kind of bad. It's clear this is a high budget film based on the set pieces and costumes, but the cuts are choppy, with weird camera angle decisions and times of poor framing. The pacing is also weird- it's a two hour movie that has a long ramp up with quick climax and ending. This leaves the audience little chance to get attached to the characters. The writing and acting also leave much to be desired- often times empty, awkward, emotionless, and full of plot holes.

If this didn't have the Mulan and Disney brand behind it, it'd instantly be forgotten. This could have been so much better.

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Mulan mixes the original story with Kung-Fu fantasy and it works. Definitely beats Disney just making another live action scene for scene musical remake.
Which doesn’t leave you thinking you just watched the same exact movie again. Like the Lion King.

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This is one terrible acting!

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Hypocritical woke and Mushu-less ... prefer the cartoon version any day

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Visually stunning... but that's all, the fight scenes looks bad for being a Disney movie, if this would be directed by Zhang Yimou then things would be different.

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I for one enjoyed it. Thankfully it does deviate a bit from the original and that lends it a unique flavour of its own. The original is a childhood favourite but this one is pretty good in its own right. The visuals are pretty good, the locations are terrific! The movie had a sweet and simple message to convey, which I felt it did so nicely....

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This movie, right off the bat, makes some smart creative decisions: it doesn’t try to imitate the original too much, and it’s not a musical.
They even steer away from the usual Disney formula by taking away the funny sidekick.
And while the film is technically quite impressive (cinematography and score are top notch), I found it to be ultimately unengaging.
Also, there seems to be a correlation between big, feminist action movies and poor lead performances.
I mean, just do the math: Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and now Mulan.

Yes, I also find it important that more of these movies get made (not corporate, tame Disney films, but female driven action movies in general), but they deserve to be a lot better than this.
Problem is, if nobody sees it, chances are execs will take the wrong lesson from it, and think people don’t want to see female/Asian representation, or feminist themes.
So, we’re kinda fucked regardless, but I still don’t find that an excuse to give a heavy push to this mediocre movie, as I see some journalists doing.


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In this film the female empowerment was completely disregarded and replaced with a super-power.
Mulan no longer was this woman who worked hard to keep up with the men who were naturally stronger than her in the army but was given the gift of super-powers at birth. Seems like an easy way to disregard plot holes.

Instead of the opposing army being, well like an army, they ran up walls with their super-powers.

The enemy's companion was a woman who also had super-powers but she decided to help Mulan out in the end because women stick together. Nice try at feminism Disney.

They also replaced Mulan's companion with a flying phoenix that'd pop up in the sky every now and then to give Mulan some hope.

This movie felt very plastic and it was more like a super hero movie that took place in a tacky, overly-polished, Chinese, desert village.

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Is it a bad movie? No, its alright.
The acting is really bad though and this is not THE Mulan... It's A Mulan!
Some people are fine with a new direction, but I'm not.
I want the original songs, I want Mushu, I want Mulan her old personality...
I was looking forward to MULAN, not this :/

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It's not a remake of the 90's Mulan, and that's a good thing since this movie doesn't try to justify its existence unlike the other Disney live-action remakes.

Some of the most obvious changes are are as follows: Mulan is no longer a story about a woman who has to overcome physically stronger opponents by outsmarting them, now it's a story about women being demonised for qualities which are celebrated in men. That's certainly a big change and I assume some people are gonna hate it.

Having said that, the acting isn't great, the lead actress is stiff and I'm 99.9% certain they dubbed some of the actors, which felt really weird.

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The lowest of low. The editing is nauseating, the acting is atrociously bad, the stark contrast between reshoots and original photography are obvious, and the story is as devoid as life as you can ruin a such rich legend. How anyone can defend such an embarrassment from the studio has to stem from some blind brand loyalty. There is nothing passionate behind the lens, nothing resonating off the screen, it's a once interesting dramatic take on the story raped in to a 300 million disaster dumped on to Disney+.

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The movie is very boring. I was looking forward for great quality China themed movie.
What you get is shallow, superficial, unengaging cinematography.

The acting - It was weak, especially when they try to "pose" after what is supposed to be a key moment. It just does not work is rather makes you laugh how superficial it is.
The story - The execution is so weak. The story has almost no struggle and character arch.
The setting / macro-cinematography - Again week. Manytimes it is clear use of set, or s green/blue background set. Takes you out of the story again by breaking 3rd wall.

Some nice visuals.
Mulan entering the army segment - probably the only segment that has struggle and emotion, rather than flourish.

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So I actually ended up skipping this movie at its release, but with nothing to do, I caved and gave it a shot. I mean do absolutely love the animations, so why not give this one a shot, right?

I enjoyed this movie from the very start! Sure, it starts off a bit cheesy, but to be honest, that just adds to the movie. It gives a certain direction to it. I do think, the father/daughter relationship could've been a bit more organic. At some points, it just felt forced. Nonetheless, it doesn't depreciate the storyline.

There are clever little twists that deviate from the original and just add so much dimension to the movie. The action scenes are a bit far fetched at certain moments, but if we were able to appreciate the scenes in The Matrix, we should be able to appreciate what they did here.

If you're not stuck up on wanting the exact same storyline as the original and are willing to just enjoy the movie for what it is; this is a must watch. I didn't quite like the open end, but she achieves legendary status, so maybe it's not quite as open...

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This started out as quite the slow burn but developed into something I actually really enjoyed. With action packed sequences and an amazing soundscape this movie did really well for what it is. I haven't seen the original Disney musical/animated version so I can't really comment on how this one fares in comparison but it is a very enjoyable watch.

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This movie it's like a hamburger from McDonald's. Tastes fine, but it's mass-produced and forgettable. If you ask me tomorrow, probably the only thing I will remember is, that it looked pretty. Nothing else.

It was really hard to root for the main character, as she had no setbacks or challenges the whole time. Everything just worked out. While everyone was dying around her, she did not even get a scratch. Even Superman has always that moment when you think he could lose. There was no such moment here.

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I enjoyed this a certain amount. For such a long film though the story could have been better with development rather than sudden jumps in character interaction.
Also I now want more about the witchy woman. Best thing in it

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pathetic, boring, miserable, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, poor, rueful, sorry, wretched

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A real disaster this film ...
Without tail or head, too many references from different blockbusters put no flavor to watch it ...
Don't waste your time.
Tell Disney to stop making awful movies like this.
Absolutely nullity !!!

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That was fun even if it was the first and last time I watch it

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I mean, I’m glad Disney decided to not charge for it in the end. It was enjoyable and true to the original.
However, some of the CGI stunts were simply ridiculous and more importantly, why did she refuse to wear her protective helmet after her big reveal!? I mean, great, you go girl, but come on, swords will still hurt.
I’ve seen better, but I’ve also seen a lot lot worse. Probably worth a watch.

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:notes: Whoa Black Betty, Hua Mulan :notes:

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In the original animated film, Mulan wants to be normal but she's not very good at it so she feels like an outsider until she finds her place by using her unique talents as a soldier, even though that's socially unacceptable (and illegal) as a woman.

In this remake, Mulan is good at literally everything and born with superpowers, but no one is willing to accept a woman who's competent at anything so she has to struggle with the lie of pretending she's a mere mortal until she decides to stop being ashamed of being the physical embodiment of perfection.

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It's a good movie, I was a little bit skeptical about the changes they made (Mushu is a phoenix now?), but I felt that these changes benefit the overall tone of the story. The only downside form me is that the second part of the movie felt rushed, that change of heart the witch had came out of nowhere, "oh, they accepted you? OK, then I'll DIE for you, Hua Mulan.

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Best thing about this movie is the beautiful cinematography. The shots are absolutely gorgeous, the colors are vibrant, it's an easy watch. That being said, I don't think I had any expectations for this movie, so I wasn't too disappointed when it turned out to be more of a light enjoyable mindless watch as opposed to an epic Disney blockbuster that hits my nostalgia in all the right places (although the sneaking melodies of the original in the score were awesome). Tzi Ma as Mulan's father absolute STOLE the show, and I was SIMPING for Donnie Yen as Commander Tung but that might be my bias showing hehe...

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Animated version much better. For a live action movie I never once felt a sense of drama. Very mono toned from start to finish

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The Good:
* Gorgeous
* The action scenes are enjoyable to watch

The Bad:
* Poor acting & dialogue
* Failed to get me invested in any of the characters
* Perhaps the worst sin of all, they took away mushu and replaced it with a useless phoenix

Overall I did enjoy how they made the Mulan story their own but it just failed to hit me emotionally. The lack of humor was also a bit of a disappointment. I'll stick to the original thanks :)

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Enjoyable movie. It’s not a masterpiece, but still worth a 7/10 in my opinion. People, stop being to freaking negative.

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Id rate the first half of the film a barely 5.5/10 but then it was getting better and better. There were times that it hit me so hard at so many different levels. What surprised me the most is how the dead facial expressions of the protagonist really worked so well on me that my feelings were overwhelming. What an emotional journey! I guess this Mulan film tries to stay true to the Chinese nature of a film. Thats why it wouldn’t be appealing to most if not all westerners. So id rate the second half of the film a solid 9/10.
PS: I didn’t watch the original Disney animated Mulan. So i had a low-pro expectation for this one.

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Overall we enjoyed the movie. It felt very different from the normal Disney movie though. There were no songs and dance bits which I thought was a nice change. The film never wowed me though and after it was finished I felt like it was missing something. Maybe it was that the normal comedy aspects from a Disney film just weren't there. It's worth a watch for sure but everyone here said that they preferred the original over this one. My kids also said that they missed Mushu.

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Just one question: if this story has anything to do with woman empowerment, isn't it a backwards idea to make the protagonist rely on a supernatural power she has by birth instead of her hard training in the army alongside other regular men?

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They don’t sing, Ming-Na only has 5 seconds of screen-time, Mulan doesn’t look like a boy at all, somehow they made great supporting characters that already existed boring and forgettable, now there’s the Force and midichlorians so there’s not even a message that girls/women can also be warriors since apparently the only reason she is is because of her powers. And to show she is "true" she detaches her hair which would block her vision and removes her armor which just exposes her to anyone and anything, awesome, girls/women, if you want to be true, just be.. vulnerable I guess ? Also horses can surf on avalanches. Thanks Disney.

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My kid loves the animated version, I like this version, and there's nothing wrong about how we feel. Why do people always expect a true remake, a 100% scene by scene repetition, and feel uncomfortable when a known story is re-told with some interesting deviations?

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It was deeply satisfying emotionally.

But, I also agree with the biting critique of @Malococsis , whose salient points remind me of a review of the movie, "Joker," which almost prevented me from even seeing it, let alone learning what Joaquin Phoenix's intentions were in his portrayal (So, I'm glad I watched it before I read Malococsis' review!)

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Villain died too soon only hated that part.....

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I like Fantasy films, the Samurai, all Japanese martial arts and . And I hope there will be a sequel.

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There were two things that really dragged this film down for me. First was the fact that much of the acting was stiff and wooden. It was quite odd to see this in such a massive production. Second, and more importantly, this film displayed the oppression of women by men who completely dismissed them and their abilities. The actor they chose to portray Mulan, Liu Yifei, openly supported the oppression of the people of Hong Kong in their fight for freedom. It was a disgrace to have someone w/ fascistic beliefs be the lead in a film about fighting oppression.

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Geez, if you ever wanted an example of a remake that complete removes the fun & heart from the original, this is it.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Mulan is entertaining, with breathtaking scenes, and stunning fighting. Must Watch

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit :zzz:

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It's a Disney movie so lacks the impact of a true Chinese epic. The action is mediocre at best. Missed chance to be gateway drug for the proper stuff. Again all criticism can be deflected with "it's a Disney film what do you expect" however my expectations were set low and still surprised me how unimaginative I found it. I no longer have age appropriate kids to try it out on so maybe it flies better with the target tween audience.

Would it have killed them to at least have a Chinese composer at least to have some authenticity?

NB. Guess Let Li is now in that period of his career where he's happy with roles that involving him sitting down. My money was on Jackie Chan taking it easy first.

Oh, but it was nice to have Jason Scott Lee back! That's something I guess...

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Shout by Joel Charig

Some enjoyable fight sequences. Seeing Mulan finally accepted for who she is at the end was a delightfully heart-warming experience.

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I came into it bracing to be disappointed but the more serious tone they took it really did well for the medium. Not having singing and dancing as well as a comedic phoenix definitely changed the tone of the movie by focusing almost solely on Mulan's own character growth. The change in heart of the witch at the end was really surprising and a bit unbeliavable but I won't hold it against the overall story cuz it would've taken away from the fight with Mulan and Bori Khan if Mulan had to deal with the witch as well either before or during the finale. I definitely think the movie stayed true in essence to the original due to the themes and central focus on Mulan as a character.

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This movie could have been awesome, but fails across the border. It would have been cool to explore new ways with the story. But to take the essentials out of the story, thats a big mess up. Making mulan a “chosen one” is just idiotic, and takes away from the awesome “can do attitude” and sheer will power Mulan brings to the original story.

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As per normal from Disney this live remake almost mimics the original scene for scene with some differences in characters and small plot points, such as no Mushu character, however, the whole notion about chi is still present. Now that this classic has been brought more to life with live actors (that are casted wonderfully by the way), it's even more magical. The whole timeline of her being very young in the beginning of the film to the main part of the plot when she is a late teenager was a bit odd of a time jump that wax not very well explained. Also, there were some times when this film felt bland and the plot point jumps were a bit fast, which doesn't go well with a live action unlike an animation film, so these are the reasons why this is not as good as the original. But, the ending scenes were done a lot better than the original in that of the lack of rushiness to end the movie.

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classic movie runnied by live-action

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Avoid this garbage Chinese propaganda film at all costs.

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Shout by Deleted

If I'd have paid £20 to watch this on Disney Premier Access I'd be fucking furious; as it is, I waited till it came on D Plus, so now I'm only frustrated. The story and action are okay (wire work never impresses). It just doesn't improve on their animated version.

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It was okay. I’ve watched the 2012 version of Mulan which I preferred as that version isn’t “disneyfied” but the movie’s not a travesty: Good effort on their part balancing that cultural tightrope, although probably not the best of movies to re-adapt as some things on there are obviously just chucked in to keep it in some sort of Disney magic realm. What I found surprising was the amount of introspective scenes, quite enjoyed the depth it provided to the movie. Overall though, it was confusing and I wasn’t sure what I was watching. The action scenes were commendable and entertaining.

As usual the main thing I hate about the movie is hearing christina aguilera whining about the place like a fat squeaky balloon but that’s just me, that voice just does something to me and hearing it twice on two different songs rolling at credits was torture and nearly made me rate this movie a 1.

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Must Watch. Awesome Story Movie

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Much better than expected and pretty moving/emotional (got wet eyes at the end).

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In short: it is a good movie if you don't compare it to the 1998 animated movie.
If you expect a fantastic story about a daughter who smarts her way through a difficult situation to save her father, you're expecting too much. This Mulan already has strength inside which she hides because her father told her woman are not warriors (I really wanted her to solve more problems with her brain). And to show that she decided to show her true self, she throws away part of her not constricting armor and to fight with open hair (I guess because now she is more distinguishable from the other fighters), which most people who have long hair would not do when deciding to ride into a battlefield. Also her horse is magic, how else could it gallop through a rolling avalanche?
Also there were way to little scenes where she trained to pass as a man and interactions between her and the men she trained with, guess it was more important to show us that she had not been acting ladylike since she was a little girl.

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Bereft of original ideas Disney cannibalizes yet another of their animated classics, turning Mulan into a mediocre live-action adventure. Taking a more grounded (and politically correct) approach to the Chinese legend of a young woman secretly joining the imperial army to defend against a foreign invasion, the film lacks the original’s Disney magic. Still, Yifei Liu gives a strong performance and does a great job at embodying the character. And the costumes and sets are especially well-done. However, the spiritual undertones are a bit muddled, and the fight scenes are a little lackluster (with one or two exceptions). A weak adaptation, Mulan feels more like a cash grab (particularly for the Chinese market) than a serious attempt to explore the meaning and significance of this epic tale.

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Why they skiped the extremely dangerous hair cut scene [ spoiler]

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This was a very good movie. It's entertaining, it had action, drama, a touch of comedy, just what I was looking for tonight. Don't understand the recent criticism.

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What an awful cut this movie has...

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That was reeeeally “on the nose”. Why did they replace the voice acting of clearly English speaking Asian actors with white washed American-ised accents? I was actually offended.

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When female empowerment defies all logic, this is what you get (again). Mulan isn't fierce, nor is she brave, nor a hero, she's fake. This isn't a character at all, it's a political agenda that makes no sense in movie form. She learns nothing; she was born capable of everything. It's so inhuman it's asinine. If you can't make a character that looks weak, they won't look strong either.

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At least there’s no singing

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Maaaan, what is that acting of Jet Li as the emperor? It felt forced haha I'd rather the good old emperor from the animated movie haha I can't say I digged the movie. I saw people saying this one made a good decision by changing completely but I disagree. This one is not as cool as the first one. And yet, it was enjoyable. But I wouldn't recommend to those who are watching cause they liked the first one, as me.

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could have been arranged better for such a big budget

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Great movie that focuses on female empowerment using a mirror of the negative image of women who try to be who they are and end up viewed versus what could be.

From the stereotypes of strong women being outcast and "evil" to the women who expect you to succumb to the stereotypical "weak" woman, Mulan illustrates how staying true to yourself as a woman is the only way to achieve your own greatness. Great movie for all girls and women in general.

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Cool Mulan's story, although in the film it was told very briefly, I liked this version and the character of Liu Yifei - Hua Mulan.

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A real disaster this film ...
Without tail or head, too many references from different blockbusters put no flavor to watch it ...
Don't waste your time.
Tell Disney to stop making awful movies like this.
Absolutely nullity !!!

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We expected a good Disney movie like alladin with songs and like the animated version some song in it and off course mushu. This was just a poor movie. Glad I waited it to be free on Disney plus.

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This new iteration of the Disney classic is by far no match for the animated original movie. But even when not compared to the original one, this movie is still not very good unfortunately. I for one would have loved to see Mushu in live-action and also the music is missing in this version. Besides that the story isn‘t that engaging either. What is positive is the casting of Mulan which I thought was very fitting. Overall a very mediocre movie in my opinion.

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Don't go in expecting it to be just like the original and you'll enjoy it. Parts were a bit cheesy, but I liked the story and I know theu tried to be more true to the original and I think that's important. A lot people complained about there not being a Mushu, but he would have been impossible to portray well in a live action movie and I think it was an understandable choice. Overall it was good and my daughter loved it.

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I really enjoy this Mulan live action, except the phoenix.

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I had high hopes on this after watching the animated version years ago. However, I got bored the first 10 min because the plot itself goes off the original story, which should be interesting, but it is the contrary. The poor quality of the China army, which was almost beaten too eash, not to mention the five guys who after not much training were able to finish off all the enemies without scratches. Also, the superhuman powers of this Mulan, I invite you to watch the animated version, there you will find a normal and ordinary kind of woman who ended up being a legend, and yes that's what the animated version shows us.

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I may be known for being a Disney fan, but, believe it or not, I have never seen the original Mulan in its entirety. Some years ago, I tried watching it, and turned it off in disgust not long after it started because of the inane music. One of the reasons I've always preferred live-action Disney--Lizzie McGuire, George of the Jungle, The Santa Clause, etc.--to their animated fare is because most of their non-cartoon characters don't feel the need to break out in song. So, when I heard that the remake of Mulan lacked any musical numbers, I decided to borrow the DVD from my local library; I was among the first people there to get it.

What did I think? Well, the action was definitely on-point, and Mulan was a very likable and strong heroine. I enjoyed the story, and I was glad there was no profanity; that's rare for a "PG-13". Those who loved the 1998 animated film may feel differently, and I do agree that Disney needs to make more original stories instead of all these remakes...but, I still had fun with this. For those who enjoy family-friendly action movies, this is worth checking out.

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Mulan is a cartoon masquerading as a live action movie and we see through the disguise in minutes.

But hell, if it inspires one girl or young woman, then who am I to judge?

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Shout by Deleted

I really appreciate that there's no singing at all.

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I liked it a lot, I have not seen the animated version yet and I like that because I enjoyed it without prejudice

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It is a good movie if you don't have any expectations going in. Essentially the criticisms are justified. This doesn't make it a bad movie by any means, I enjoyed it, but I do have a love for the original animated classic so I would say my enjoyment was biased. Score and cinematography is breathtaking, the acting is perfectly fine, it's just missing some magic. I wanted something grander I suppose. Still enjoyable regardless, just not super engaging.

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I awaited this film with great anticipation. My first disappointment was when Disney cancelled its cinematic release in favour of assigning it to a premium service which added an overcharge to the price of a Disney+ subscription. Despite some beautiful cinematography and stellar casting, the writing was wooden and missed the great opportunity in a live production to tell a human rendering of a legend. There are better live action renderings of this legend. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Legend]

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cool cool this is a good movies

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Bad movie, even worse adaption.

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Shout by Deleted

Very good and enjoyable disney film.

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The Worst live-action of Disney

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The cinematography was jaw droppingly gorgeous. The fight choreography was delightful mixing the fantastical elements of some of the Shaw Brothers films and the modern kung fu films. The costumes were magnificent. I think this is the movie most people that enjoyed the animated film hoped this would be. It takes away the dragon sidekick and musical numbers and creates a fun action film...but somehow a lot of the heart was also removed in the process as well. A great effort but not perfect. Still, you won't regret spending the two hours watching it.

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Shout by Joe

This movie is not a masterpiece, nor is it a disaster. I found it to be very competent, and even if I don't necessarily think all the changes from the original was for the better, I thought most of them served this movie well.

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We liked what counts, as it does, the production design

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Sorry but all in this movie is a big MEH... better go to read Kingdom manga...

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I have not seen the original and that being said I thought this was a good movie. I liked the story and the pace. Must watch the original now to compare.

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Really enjoyed this movie. Good story, great action and some real words of wisdom.
I agree with the last comment made. Great stuff. :thumbsup_tone1::grin:

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Shout by Klovarr
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-09-07T06:33:39Z— updated 2020-09-16T09:54:05Z

Mulan 2020 has awful reviews.

They are all wrong.

Granted, the first half of the movie is just 'okay', but the SECOND HALF, I loved every minute of it.

The rest of this review is spoilers, so go away.

so the whole Forbidden City part of the movie, after the avalanche was fucking awesome. I think I said aloud "Beatrix Mulan Kiddo" because the action on the second half is freaking awesome. ALSO, the Emporer is actually a fucking badass. The film resolves very well with the intro, and musical queues were on point.

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It's a good movie, I was really entertained with this one, It has some bad scenes, but I love that they took away most of the childish parts, even so my nephews love it.

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Wisely moves away from the comedy sidekicks and musical numbers, and delivers a rousing action flick with a topical message. Better than expected, this is one of the best films on Disney+

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The original animated movie was not something I ever cared to watch. I also pretty much ignore any of the live-action remakes of Disney animated movies. I mean the original animated movies are works of art and should not be improved upon.

This movie, however, actually looked interesting based on the trailers, so I made an exception. And I was right. The movie is very well done. It is also not a typical Disney movie. There are no musical numbers or any goofy, silly sidekicks.

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A perfectly fine 2 hours. I have zero nostalgia for the animated version so I don't care about changes.

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Overall a good movie, but there was already a better movie made 2013, which most ppl missed because it's chinese and in mandarin (subtitles help :) )

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what a waste to a great story...the final 20 minutes is good, but the first 1 hour 40 min is just boring

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