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Midsommar 2019

MindFuck much! am i right? This is Genre-Redifing shit. (Though i hope this directing style isn't copied by amateurs)

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I feel that I have lost years off of my life from watching this film.

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Shout by VirtualLlama
BlockedParent2019-07-14T19:23:51Z— updated 2019-09-30T19:14:30Z

Be warned Midsommar is not a horror movie, it's an art film covered in a thin veneer of gore. It is not scary, it's not frightening, just long with a few gross-out gore scenes sprinkled in.

The movie spends most of its run time showing you scenes of people eating, drinking or singing. These are really pretty scenes mind you, the cinematography is on point, but they are also excruciatingly long. The movie could easily be trimmed by 30 minutes without affecting the barebones plot at all.

The horror element is supposed to be the cult rituals but most of them were so absurd that I and the rest of the (few) people in the theater laughed instead. There was especially one scene with a bunch of nude older women that was downright hilarious, although I very much doubt that was the intent.

If singing Swedish people frightens you then this is a must watch, otherwise don't bother.

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Visually impressive. Nothing else is though.
Tries hard to be deeper than it is.

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Any more pretentious and it would have an art degree.

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Don't waste your time

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Shout by Anto Butera
BlockedParent2020-02-14T02:57:20Z— updated 2023-04-22T15:24:44Z

I meeean...

It was unsettling and gross. But scary? There's nothing scary about this movie. Mainly, the only creepy thing is the dissonant string music. I like horror movies, but more of the subtle, psychological kind. This one was too artsy and pretentious for me.

I guess the takeaway is don't consume weird shit strangers give you. Also, stay away from cults.

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2019-07-31T18:28:43Z— updated 2020-06-13T22:54:06Z

The kind of film where you say, "I liked it....................." and then add tons of dots after.

While I loved the overall ambiance of the film and impending sense of dread, I could've done without the moments which were so jarring they were comical, and so absurd the felt silly. These scenes dragged me out of the film and doused my fear.

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If "what the hell did I just watch" had a category, this movie belongs there. The characters are unrealistic analogs and extremely stupid. The plot felt forced and that "love scene" was an awkward mess.

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A big piece of shit, if it had a negative note I would give it.

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It's a horrible film. Please don't watch it unless you like horror cult movies that just suck the happiness from you. Not worth the watch. Watch better movies instead.

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What a bunch of doo-doo kaka pretentious artsy bs. Extremely predictable, slow, and comes of more like a comedy than a horror movie. If I could give this 0 stars, I would. Anyone that tries to make something out of it than what it really was, has way too much time. There's nothing to 'dig deeper'. Spoiler alert: Friend invites other friends to a remote location for an experience. Everyone gets drugged. One by one the friends get killed by the cult. The end.

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This was so awful it was almost physically painful to suffer through.
The only thing keeping my attention is that is was all so completely absurd that it was unintentionally funny, I have never laughed so much at at horror film in my life and there is not one intentional joke in there.
Watching Pugh give a classy performance throughout this train wreck of a script was like watching a gold medallist swimming through a septic tank.
The fact that they shot most of the film in Hungary would explain the fact that they managed to fuck up any and all reference to Swedish culture and traditions as they could have asked a five year old about some of the things if it'd been actually shot in Sweden.
But shame on me for getting to the point that I didn't think it could get any more ridiculous or stupid because enter blood-sacrifice bingo stage left.
1/10. Have been more scared by Shaun the Sheep episodes.

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2 hours into this movie, I saw some tits. So, I guess it wasn't a total waste of time.

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I give it 3/10 because of cinematography and editing, the story is complete garbage.

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One of the worst movies ever created. Stay away if you value your time.

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This movie sucks, just like The wicker man. Waste of time

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What. The. Hell. I love it. I hate it.

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Shining a light on one of Sweden's annual festivals, this documentary will thrill you, enthrall you, and remind you never to visit the country. I'm joking, of course. This is another imaginative horror from director Aster that, like Hereditary, will give you more to think about than the average cookie cutter genre outing.

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Here's one lesson I've learnt from this movie: if I ever have a Swedish friend who invites me to celebrate the sun solstice in his hometown, I will have to respectfully decline.

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When I start a film, I always try to finish it no matter what. However this was tough.. I struggle to understand positive reviews, and found it one of the most slow burning films of the last decade, struggled to keep up with the story line, literally nothing happens until the last 20 minutes apart from a couple of disturbing scenes.. I had to actually re-read the plot on Wikipedia so I could get a better understanding of what I’d just watched. Watched on the back of a recommendation from a friend, who I will soon be asking questions as to why, I’m almost certain he just wanted to waste my time. Not my type of film at all.

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This movie was made specifically for white women.

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Disturbing, but dumb. It's 2 1/2 hours long. If it were 90 minutes or so, it's worth the watch, but as long as it is, you're glad when it's over. [spoiler]It's essentially The Wicker Man.[spoiler]

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I think this just isn't for me. Not sure if if is supposed to be a horror film, but the only time it scared me was at the end because I have a fear of that. I remember predicting a lot of what happened. Some of it was unintentionally funny (the part where Christian runs around naked for instance). I was mostly just uncomfortable the whole time. I guess there is some kind of other meaning based off what I've seen in reviews and comments and there's more to it, but I don't really get it.

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This is almost a disgrace to our beautiful tradition Midsommar, but it's a beautiful movie yes. I will give it an honest opinion without all the ''Im a swede and I know how we celebrate midsummer''. This has the same kinda vibe as Hereditery but also completely different. I like how the movie was made specifically with real swedish actors that spoke real swedish. A lot was put into this movie and it was watchable. How on earth can you make a horror aspect movie that is so bright and with so many colors? I just don't get it. I enjoyed every second of this movie, even though the beginning kinda was slow it built up the story very good.

The death scenes of the elders when they jump off the cliff, is both a distrubing and a very well made scene. I kinda liked how they muted pretty much all the screams at the mans death. On a personal level I love when death scenes are muted cause it brings out so much emotions.

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It is a film that follows the everyday actions of the characters in a slow-paced style, with panoramic landscape framing, a pastel tonality, and a sense of eeriness for the viewer (in the sense of "weird" scenes and insanity, not in the traditional "horror movie sense"). The story is well told and includes folklore elements appropriately.

Over all it is a film to watch more for its artistic aspect than to enjoy the usual action or horror scenes (since it doesn't have them).

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Well, they don't show that in the IKEA commercials...

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holy cow if this movie was trying to be deep it missed the mark it is utter trash!

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One of those movies that, even if it's not your type and you didn't particularly enjoy watching it, it still stays with you and you think about it for days. For that, I give it a 6.

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I gave this movie 6 not because it's bad but because the censor institute in my country cut all the important part and I understood nothing other than this movie is beautiful and men are trash

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this movie is disgusting and completely wasting my time plus making me sick. im so glad i didn't watch it with my family like i originally planned to.

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Story: 9...clearly Sweden's warning to any American who hints that life would be better in "one of those Scandinavian countries"
Script: 7
Performances: 7
Misc.: 9...GREAT cinematography and editing. Beautiful and creative.
Overall: 8

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Florence’s portrayal of grief felt very realistic, definitely hit close to home, and was absolutely the highlight of the movie. Seeing Dani smiling as she’s watching her abusive boyfriend burn alive was also pretty great. But the rape scene was completely unnecessary, and coupled with the ableism throughout it ruined what could otherwise have been a great movie.

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You either love this movie or hate it so much. It was an awful experience watching it, and I hated every minute. Yet it kept me intriguing and want to see more and where all of this madness will lead to. The death\suicide scene was so fucked up and so triggering! like why? Why would you do that!! the only scene I liked was when Dani was screaming and crying in agony and the girls were crying and screaming with her. It looks like she was in a labor of some sort, and she was finally delivering and getting rid of the pain that haunted her. Even if I liked this scene, I will not be recommending this movie to anyone! This movie should come with a trigger warning, though.

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Wasn't scary. It was a tad unsettling. Watched the wisecrack and foundflix reviews on youtube, to see if I missed the meaning or the bigger picture. Nah. It's just an elaborate cult inspired movie. I was expecting a lot after hereditary. I was disappointed.

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Not only the worst imitation of M Night Shyamalan, but it dragged on forever. The longest hour and 45 minutes ever. The story went terribly slow and became grossly predicable after 15-25 minutes. There's no moral to it like Shyamalan's works either. It was ridiculously unclear what happened in certain instances. I don't want to explain further in case you decide to watch this crappy movie. Suffice to say, it's not worth watching to find out.

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Brilliant film! A horror that doesn’t take the usual route, same story told with different actors. It was original and horrifying, it made my heart race with suspense and fear. It’s someone’s nightmare!

That’s Sweden off my list of places to visit! Lol.

I’d seen clips and in honesty, I had zero intentions of watching it, it didn’t look very interesting or fall in to the horror category. I only watched it because one of my children insisted I should. I’m glad I did; I was so wrong, it was horror and something so different.

Extremely well done too.

I thought at times I knew where the film was going, and although some suspicions were correct, there was so much I didn’t expect and took me by surprise.

Highly recommended!

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The film gives the impression that it can offer much more than it finally offers. Missed opportunity. A pretty predictable ending.

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At least 90 minutes too long. Stronger emphasis on random ritualism and arthouse for the sake of arthouse than horror.

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A must watch when on shrooms dmt and acid.

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Unnecessarily long considering the barebones plot. Visually stunning, but much more shallow than it wants you to think.

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Somewhere between ok you're using a lot of symbolism to describe grieving and community so that's cool and wow this was really boring and weird for the sake of that symbolism. That felt forced. A lot of out there who don't like this move that much than the people who just like films just because they're artsy. The story was weak and overly simplistic.

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I waited for the right time to watch this only to find that there is no right time. I do not understand the love this movie gets. It has it's moments (rock diving anyone?) but it's mostly arty garbage. I was very disappointed. Especially considering how much I enjoyed Hereditary. Hopefully his next one is better.

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Besides the horrific relationship the main couple has, pretty much all of the horror in this movie relies on shock exposures to gore that you can count on one hand. Admittedly, the gore is well done, but other than that - the movie is just weird.
Drug use visuals are well done, but if you aren't interested in waiting a couple of hours for just a couple of scenes where you can see them, you can skip this film. Certainly skip director's cut and save at least half an hour.

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It's not exactly a terrible movie but it definitely had way too much hype when it came out, it isn't the most immersive one out there. The main thought running through my mind was 'wtf am I watching?'

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BullShit ! Pretencious and Idiot ! DOn't see this Crap !

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It may be a horror movie, so a fiction as well. How many people will actually believe that somewhere in Europe they practice such things? I would have some doubts as to whether a certain cultural heritage of much of Europe was rightly blended with such a dubious quality ritual murder.

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This movie has impeccable acting, especially for it being one of Florance Pughs first roles in a film.

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I couldn't stand whatsherface, ugly crying the majority of the movie. I don't understand why this movie is classified as horror, the most horrific thing about this movie is the time you waste watching it.:rofl::wastebasket:

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That was possibly the longest two and a half hours I've ever experienced, and I've had to wait my turn at a Social Security field office multiple times.

I liked it a lot more than Hereditary, and I can't even pinpoint why. I knew all the spoilers going in, so nothing really shocked me in terms of the plot. I felt some hardcore secondhand embarrassment in the first 40 minutes or so. I likely will never watch this movie again, although I'd be more willing to do so with this than Hereditary, which was largely sad and depressing. Midsommar, by contrast, feels a bit like if Wes Anderson made Swedish horror. I laughed a couple of times, I smiled, I agreed with all of the decisions that were made by characters, and I'm not sure why I'm not rating it 10. I guess it's that it's not a super accessible film, emotionally. Its weirdness is offputting to a lot of people, I imagine.

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oh my god. i'd read reviews which is how i knew about the Ättestupa scene, which i had to skip (can't handle gore) but they was nothing compared to the actual experience. florence pugh was absolutely amazing, and i love all the details. definitely one to rewatch if i ever feel prepared to do so

do you feel held by him? does he feel like home to you?

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Well, that was ... something. Although the movie is mostly very pleasing to watch I did not really enjoy it. It was way too graphic for my taste and somehow I don't really get what it's trying to tell me except "look at this fucked up culture they have up there". Yes, there is a part of me that wants to discuss whether it's okay to judge other cultures for there morals and everything but for me the movie did not make me interpret it as thought provoking by itself. I did like that it broke the boundaries of standard horror cliches, though.

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what the fuck did i just watch. i mean, i just didnt see that coming. started off like your run of the mill american teen film. where it went... jeez!! this is not for everyone, your average horror fan will most likely hate it. not even sure if you can call it horror, in fact im not quite sure if they have a catagory for this movie. i loved it and was left with my chin on the floor for at least an hour after credits. All the craziness aside this is thought provoking, filmed beautifully, original, shocking, believable and deffinately a must see. 8/10

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I found Jack Reynor performance mediocre, the plot was weak : Who stay at a place where suicides and murders are ritualized when your own sister kill herself and kill your parent ? And, a group of cultural anthropology PhD students and Psychology student don't even see there's something odd about this community (there's plenty of : the tapestries, the murals, the inbreeding oracle, and most of all the story with the couple and the truck...).

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a group of young people travel to a Swedish village to study their behavior and very bizarre belief

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I don't know what I just watched. But I know that I didn't like it.

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The most WTF-movie that I have ever watched. How can someone like and dislike this movie at the same time? I was speechless watching this. Somehow it grabbed my attention to see where the story was going. I don't know if I can recommend this to someone. I don't know if I cannot. I'm confused.

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Why did a Wicker Man remake have to take two and a half hours? They could have easily trimmed half an hour.

The dead family seemed to have no impact at all on the second half of the movie.

So she killed her boyfriend because he was a douchebag? Did she not realize he was tripping the last hour of the movie?

Were they going to murder the visitors anyway? Did them committing illegal acts against the cult cause them to be murdered, or that was merely a nice excuse they could use?

They were clearly other cult members over 72; why were they still alive?

Did they kill 9 people every 90 years, or was this an every year thing?

Had Ingemar brought back others before this group? If so, how often?

They were a lot of unanswered questions. And no, I don't think it's mysterious, I think it's lazy and inefficient.

Having said all that, the movie looked great in terms of cinematography and production design.

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I'm in, pass the shroominade brother

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It's been a while since I watched such nonsense. Also half an hour or so into the movie it was already clear where it was going and how it's gonna end. Time wasted. BTW, who thought of putting Horror to genres list? There was exactly zero of it.

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Thrilling slow-burn, but not as strong as Hereditary. The visual style is striking, and incredible at times. The color pops nicely. The storyline straddles that line between weird enough/disturbing to be unsettling, and believable. It didn't feel overly-long, and some of the more gore-ific moments will stick with you long past the credits. A cult version of a girl finding a family for herself after losing the one she has, and realizing that her boyfriend is a dirtbag all along. 3.5/5

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Ari Aster is the master of horror. Not only does he know how to make a bright spring day feel haunted and creepy, he's an expert at bending space and time for his transitions. It will be a while before something catches me off guard like this movie did.

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Not quite as scary as Hereditary but does a great job at making you feel uneasy the whole time. It's shot beautifully. Florence Pugh is terrific. She was really the only character I cared about. It is very slow and I'm still not entirely sure what happened.

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As creepy, bizarre, confusing, and unsettling as this movie was, it was really well done. I don't think I'll be watching it again though...

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-09-30T22:18:25Z— updated 2019-11-15T16:19:34Z

A unique, disturbing and quite beautiful horror film with trippy visuals, grotesque violence and graphic moments that once you see them, YOU CAN'T UNSEE THEM. Ari Aster continues to shock and amaze with a detailed exploration of pagan rituals, mysterious communites and heartbreak inside a dying relationship; through the running time, this film bringing cathartic moments of psychological (and at times physical) pain, delusion and insanity. At its very core, Midsommar is a perfect nightmare experience that gets even better once you unheart the demented horrors hidden in plain sight.

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I am so confused..It makes you feel uneasy since the first minute and it's disturbing as hell..I think it had to be less sick than it was..Ari has something unique..I can't compare it to hereditary because hereditary was pure horror film..But this one..This one was sick..Superb directing,brilliant photography and all the scenes were beautifully shot..I suggest you to see this unique movie but be prepared for tough 2.30 hours..

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Gosh was that disappointing... I watched about 80% of the movie waiting for something interesting to happen, until finally giving up.

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Good disturbing movie but the ending leaves too much to interpretation and I believe there should be more insight into what this cult believes / why it does the things it does. Some side characters disappear and we never learn what happened to them and why, except for one.
Great acting by the protagonist.

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I think ig edits are better than the movie.
because the movie was reaaaally bad, what was it?
all of them raving bonkers.

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Thought provoking, but never really goes anywhere plot wise. Like the outsiders in this movie, it will make you feel trapped and lost to the strange things these people do.

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Creepy and bizarre

Characters 8/10
Story 7/10
Pacing 7/10
Visuals 8/10
Rewatchability Factor 5/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 6/10
Average Score 6.83/10

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Florence Pugh is one of the most promising up and coming actresses

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Definitely one of the strangest movies iv ever watched. Ari Aster really needs to tell us what he's on when he's thinking of this. Insane. Insanity. It's just insane. The acting is insane. The story is insane. The opening, middle, and end is insane. The messages are insane. The cinematography and set design is insane. The score is insane. Nearly every scene is insane. Florence pugh is insane. A.J. Soprano is insane, my bad i mean Jack Reynor.

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This was wild, interesting but wild

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The second time watch, let me notice the suicide, colonization and religion declarations that this movie use. I love even more now this movie.

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Who needs therapy when you have a cult to help you deal with your pain?

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“He's my good friend and I like him, but... Dani, do you feel held by him? Does he feel like home to you?”

I watched the theatrical cut when it first came out in 2019, and I thought it was good, but man, the extended version made me like it so much more, as it gives us extra time with Dani and Christian relationship.

Midsommar is just as disturbing as Hereditary. It is true that through a director's vision, we get somewhat of an insight into what he thinks and feels. But with Ari Aster's movies, I feel uncomfortable for different reasons because I find it impossible to comprehend where all this disturbing material is coming from.

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this movie is sooooo creepy. but the visuals are very beautiful

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horrible and very boring, made no sense.

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Too weird, long, and predictable but, held my curiosity till the end. It should have had more ominous and gripping tone. Missed opportunity!

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This here is some weird shit and I just could not get on board with it. I thought it was bareboned in terms of plot and that some of these actors gave very 2 dimensional performances. There were some gross depictions of bodily harm but I feel like they were out in there for shock factor.

I appreciate that this is a film in the horror genre that doesn't rely on a single jump scare but I would have appreciated it more if the plot was more gripping. This was just very disappointing.

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If you’re after weird, this has you covered…and then some.

This is horror done well. There is no darkness, no creepiness and, (thank the lord), there isn't a cheap jump scare in sight. This type of horror is made up of…well…pure horror. Horrific ceremonies, horrific traditions, horrific visuals, horrific drug misusage, and no escape in near-constant broad daylight while your friends drop off around you one-by-one.

It doesn’t sound scary, but if this film doesn’t leave you with a sickening feeling of horror, I don’t trust you.

One last mention - I love how effortlessly this film makes me feel someone else’s pain. Especially so early on after the first tragic event.

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This review is for the director's cut, I haven't seen the theatrical. This movie is clearly very divisive. The audience typically hates it or loves it. I thought the cinematography was spectacular. Gorgeous setting and the acting was top notch. Very intense symbolism and shots of extreme violence (though not many of them) in parts. A unique viewing experience. 7.8. Pugh is magnificent as usual.

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I guess if I learned anything from this movie, it's to not visit communes in the middle of nowhere... Would I recommend this to others to watch? Mmm, probably not. It doesn't provide much horror since you can pretty much infer everything that's going to happen before it happens anyway...

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No one should ever watch this movie

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This movie is definitely worth watching. It’s a art film with really cool visuals.

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After Hereditary, my expectations of Ari Aster’s midsummer were very high and I was not disappointed. How he manages to create a depressing mood interspersed with horror and tension with bright and fully illuminated images impressed me and carried me away. The whole thing even though the movie :asterisk_symbol:SPOILER:asterisk_symbol: reveals its whole plot at the beginning

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Masterfully directed, shot and acted, but underwritten. These characters aren’t much deeper than your usual, commercial horror fare protagonists (they fit a lot of those same stereotypes, in fact), and there’s not a story beat you can’t predict. It plays with some interesting ideas in its subtext, but generally I think it should’ve taken a lot more risk.


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Very poorly advertised as something it isn't; will be sure to frustrate and impress in equal measure

whilst the characters are grossly underwritten, and the film is painfully predictable (if you're familiar with Robin Hardy's The Wicker Man (1973), chances are that everything you think is going to happen in Midsommar does happen), it's beautifully crafted, brilliantly shot almost entirely in glaring sunlight, and vastly ambitious in scope (it runs 147 minutes). Indeed, it's the type of film where you can tell the director was given an unusual amount of freedom to fulfil their vision. And whilst that can often result in unmitigated disaster, much like Jordan Peele's Us (2019), Midsommar avoids the dreaded sophomore slump without necessarily knocking it out of the park.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Ari Aster can find horror in everything. Even break ups.

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Shout by Ahmed Abdelhamid
BlockedParent2022-09-24T20:16:53Z— updated 2022-09-28T22:18:48Z

Has the most shocking scene I've ever seen :flushed: Took me a while to understand it all and definitely needs a second watch. (Her sister's face on trees while they were lifting her WOW)

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