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M3GAN 2022

Woulda been a 9 if it was R rated goodness

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If the Terminator and Chucky met at a BDSM club and one of them got pregnant, M3gan would be the result. As cool as the doll is, the movie itself should've been better. Watch with low expectations and you won't be disappointed.

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Too much hype, after seeing the preview and then seeing the film, l feel like l have seen it twice.

They took out all the surprises.

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Megan has pottencial, the movie its funny , no horror at all, no blood (it seems edited to fit with children) but M3GAN has attitute and Im really hopping this to have a sequel but less limited.
Dont watch the trailer, the only escenes that are worth it are there already.

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Titanium > Any other lullabies out there

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What a fantastic combination of Chucky and Anabelle. This film follows a young girl who losses her parents suddenly and has to go live with her aunt who is an engineer for a toy company. Instead of bonding with her niece she created a living robotic doll to take over the parenting and to be the girl's friend. But all turns to hell as the doll gets over protective. The lead up to the main premise of the film is a bit slow but necessary. The film has black comedy, great action and incredible filming and of course a creative plot. So unique in the horror aspect that its hard to not rewatch over and over again.

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the one time I was like yeah that dog had it coming

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As bad as me with a toolbox and electronics, this robot movie isn't very inventive.

Wes Craven did it first and worst with Deadly Friend in back in 86, but this iteration of killer-doll horror has all the imagination of a Raggedy Ann. It feels like it was made only for the marketing campaign, even if the team certainly struggled to find 3 minutes of trailer-worthy footage.

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to be honest this movie was more funnier than horror I liked it it was good I'll give 4 Stars

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Surprisingly few (bloodless) kills and not really scary but great fun with friends/family. Probably boring for those who have already seen all chucky-movies or hundreds of horror movies, but a well made movie for everyone else.

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"M3GAN" is a decent, well-produced, darkly humorous horror film that doesn't really offer a single new idea. That's why I can't quite understand the hype. The plot is essentially the same as in every other killer doll film, with obvious parallels to the "Child's Play" reboot.

Unfortunately, everything is pretty tame. Gore is completely absent due to the rating. That's not a problem in itself, but in the film, it seems as if the violence was shot and then cut out later. Perhaps there is still hope for an unrated version.

The doll M3GAN is the film's main attraction. It has a fantastic design, moves in an appropriately creepy manner, and its voice is frequently accompanied by eerie glitches. At times, all of this creates a threatening atmosphere. The meme potential of this android doll was already obvious from the trailers. Unfortunately, the film adds little to it—all of the relevant scenes were already shown in the marketing campaign.

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This movie doesn’t try giving a duck about what it is. Is it an action flick? Is it a horror? Is it a dark comedy or family drama? Is it just somebodies farts? None of it. The story is predictable and lazy, the acting is stiff and unimaginable.

All the best parts are in the trailer. Well maybe except that “ear scene”. That was the one of two gory attempts. Which, again, have not served the movie in its search for identity.

Good highlight for corporate plankton that thinks they do great things while leading miserable life without social skills in a Wayfair decorated house, where coaster are required.

Waste of time if you value it.

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Just finished watching M3GAN, and it was an absolute letdown. The film suffers from one-dimensional characters, making it difficult to connect with their stories. The plot is disappointingly predictable, with no real twists or surprises.

M3GAN had the potential to be a thought-provoking exploration of AI dangers, but instead, it offers a superficial take on the subject. The film barely delves into the ethical and societal implications, leaving the audience wanting more.

The pacing and suspense are also subpar, making it hard to stay engaged throughout the movie. To make matters worse, the visual effects don't meet the standards set by other films in the genre.

M3GAN could have been a captivating sci-fi thriller, but it falls short in delivering a meaningful experience. A missed opportunity, indeed.

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Loved it. It's not perfect but it's fun to watch, and scary & unsettling with the way AI in real life is going. Great performances from the cast, even Megan's performer's.

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was this supposed to be... horror? don't get me wrong it was entertaining but just by watching 5 minutes you knew exactly how it would end . I feel like they had several attempts at Chucky like humour all crammed up by the last 30 minutes of movie while the better part of it was a build up that led nowhere because the doll wasn't particularly creepy and the setting wasn't particularly scary. a decent movie set properly for a sequel in a few years that could have been way more interesting if they had leaned more in the comedy aspect of it and left some of the jumpscares behind...

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still wondering how cady managed to get the gloves when she jumped out her bedroom window and probably reentered the house through the front door….

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A woman with very little, idk, emotional intelligence or moral responsibility, builds a robot prototype and gives it to a grieving child without more than 10 seconds of thought because her career matters more than the repercussions of her invention or caring for another human being. And you're shocked, Gemma? You're shocked it went wrong? LMAO. Anyway, this movie is a hoot and M3GAN is a savage. Can't wait for the Elsie sequel.

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The whole premise would have been solved if only they'd used Asimov's law's of robotics, other than that it was pretty good.

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A documentary of what happens when socially awkward people design tools/toys for social interaction.

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It's easy to get into if you rarely watch horror movies.

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Apart from the last 20 minutes or so, which are quite cringe (not everything to throw away, but it almost seems like another movie), the film starts by showing how technology has become a fundamental part of our lives, how much time children should spend with it, how they react when we deprive them of this pastime, and so on.
In parallel (and they couldn't do it with better timing, in 2023) they introduce artificial intelligence applied to toys (an android doll in this case) and how this could take the place of the parent, who is usually busy (for economic or personal satisfaction) to spend more and more time working rather than spending time with his children.
Too bad for the last 20 minutes, quite cheesy and embarrassing for the most part, but the previous part of the film is excellent in my opinion.

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This movie pretty much reminds me as a modern day Chucky, but combined with today’s world and technology. I would definitely recommend this movie.

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M3gan sets the bar high within the first 10 minutes, mirroring Small Soldiers with it's overtly satirical look at the toy industry but from a more contemporary standpoint. There is a strong undercurrent of critique towards iPad-parenting and, equally, device-dependence by the youth of today, but all is downplayed by a somewhat watered down PG13 horror that is suffering from an identity crisis. It neither wants to commit to the strong satire it comes out swinging with, but also doesn't want to give up the age rating to be a full blown slasher. It also softly skirts around the messages it's trying to convey, not commiting to a clear stance on who is to blame for the modern techno hellscape. This all leads to a pretty average movie all told, probably forgettable if not for the strong reception online. It's not bad, but it's not great either. It's just good, average, mediocre. And that's a shame, because M3gan has all the properties to be a Chucky-esque mainstay in the horror genre. Let's hope they get it right with the inevitable sequel.

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Okay, now what was all that noise surrounding the release of this movie? Where the horror? What are they trying to tell us? Was this another attempt to promote the fear of AI's possible threat against humans?

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Seen it today in a Sneak-Preview. Good Blumhouse-Film. Good story and exciting. I really enjoyed it. Also very good actors.

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Since we aren't going to get a Barbie horror movie this will do very nicely.

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i don't understand how alison williams was so good in get out and so bad in EVERYTHING ELSE SHE DOES. maybe it was just the role in get out. or jordan peele's direction. either way this makes me want to side with the robots in our future robot apocalypse

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘M3GAN’:

  1. Mindless fun and nothing more. And the reason why it’s nothing more comes down to predictability and the Child’s Play of it all. We’ve simply been down this road before.

  2. A pressure washer to the face is pretty inventive.

  3. That dance might have been the scariest part of the movie.

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I thought it was really well done and with some of the advances in robotics, could be a believable scenario.

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this wasnt too bad. i liked the general concept and there were well executed parts, but a large chunk in the middle was really boring to me. i liked how it went once things ramped up in the finale, the final battle was pretty good. i was just kinda hoping for better

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As a horror film I would give it a five, but as a comedy film I would give it an eight. I laughed a lot.

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While I appreciated the taste for wit and humor served up in "M3gan," the film only flirts with mediocrity and only offers the bare minimum. The premise hinted at many intriguing possibilities, but, regrettably, everything is ultimately resolved through a couple of monologues and uninspired semi-horrific scenes. It was still enough to keep me entertained, but I doubt it will be remembered for anything other than inspiring TikTok dances.

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"Don't worry, Cady. I won't let anything harm you. Ever again."

The trailer made me think this movie was going to be pretty bad, but it was actually entertaining! It hits the right amount of comedy while also making sure it is in the horror category. Might be good for you if you like Chucky.

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From Blumhouse comes the frightening and provocative horror film M3gan. The story follows a toy designer who tests out her latest AI doll on her niece, but before long the doll takes its directive to protect the niece too far and become homicidal. Leads Allison Williams and Violet McGraw both give strong performances, and the writing is quiet good; with some interesting commentary on parenting and dependence on technology. Additionally, the effects used to bring the M3gan “doll” to life are quite impressive, making her terrifyingly real. However, the plot is fairly predictable, following the usually tropes of a killer doll film. Still, despite a few weaknesses, M3gan delivers some chilling scares.

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Another case of not following Isaac Asimov' Robotics Laws! :open_mouth:‍:dash:

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This would have been a lot more fun if Megan had apprentice under Jigsaw.

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It may not have a ton of kills and may be treading some decently worn paths, but it's still a pretty fun watch regardless. Basically this is Child's Play but with AI shoehorned in, which isn't bad. Allison Williams is a solid lead and Megan is genuinely creepy, which makes for a competently done goofy horror flick.

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Great film, kept my interest throughout and even had some cheap laughs along the way. It's a cheesy horror film - you'll have a bad time if you're expecting anything more.

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The movie doesn't hold up all the way to the end but for the most part, this is a superior killer doll movie. I hope it doesn't become a franchsie though as like the Child's Play films, sequels rarely surpass the original.

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Shout by JC

A fun time! Even watching the unrated version it feels like they could’ve gone further, but Megan shines almost in spite of her film. Like Chucky before her, I could see this film being a springboard for her becoming an icon and sequels going truly off the wall.

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Much better than expected.
The kid Caddy was a brat a lot of the time, but I'm sure that's the way most kids are these days... I WANT , I MUST have. Listen kid, I'm not going to warn you again - the last 9 warnings were just leading up to this FINAL warning... and the 11 the one too.

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Ellen McLain ought to get royalties from this movie.

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It took me a long time to watch this movie. Very entertaining movie. I recommend it 100%. My lady asked me a long time ago to see her until I decided and we saw her.

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If you're expecting a crazy plot, this isn't for you. But if you're downing a few cold ones with the boys or lasses and trying to have a good time, this is a hell of a fun movie. Nothing special per se, but it's definitely entertaining and you'll find yourself rooting for a 4ft tall AI psycho girl. Fun, relaxing, and you for sure won't feel like you wasted your time! On top of that, I have to mention that it's not really horror-like, especially if you're not easily scared. All I can say is that it's definitely worth a go and it wasn't even half as cringe as I thought it would be, on the contrary.

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Really? This is a boring movie.

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I love you M3GAN <3

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Nice and good easy watch with excellent Chucky vibes. Dont expect any deep story tho.

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Shout by Michal

Chucky reboot with selfconcious AI. Why we always assume that AI would fight us? Is self-distruction inevitable? Either climate change or killing robots? I prefer robots after all :innocent:

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Compelling, Engaging, Plausible

M3gan is an fairly enjoyable, amusing fiction with partially imparted horror elements which are intriguing but not particularly scary. In a pool of many movies based on android robots, M3gan is refreshing, modern and incorporates new age terminologies which seems plausible at times. A wonderful mix of science, thrills and elements of tension which makes M3gan an entertaining film.

Check my Instagram:

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crap.! waste of time watching.

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A pretty average film throughout. If you want to see a better killer doll film, look to the original Child’s Play. I was amused to see how stretchy an ear can be though.

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And it’s true, how prettier Chucky was after the update! But it was good before trying to cross the doll with the T-800. It was worth limiting ourselves to instilling a person’s fear of the machine, which adapts to the world around him better. Arranging a clash of intellects / ethics? And so, the usual movie of today. I hope we are not waiting for all sorts of brides, children and friends of M3gan, because you always want original ideas

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Wondering why this movie was hyped so much and got so much praise!! It's the most tropey "robot goes on killing spree" movie ever. I guess ChatGPT being in news benefitted this. Absolutely nothing new in this movie.

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Love it. Best movie in a very long time, kind of a cross between i robot and childs play

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its fine, its like childs play - Allison Williams looks like Debra from Dexter so its fine for me :D its pg13, cgi was fine.. 6/10

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It's a very typical of the genre film. Nothing new or genre defining but entertaining and fun. Allison Williams was ok but Violent McGraw was clearly the standout. Don't go into this with delusions of grandeur just grab some popcorn and enjoy.

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A great timing for a movie release with the current fascination with AI in the form of GPT Chat and the like. ;)

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I am sure I have seen this move before, but not sure when. Anyway not original, but definitely good and oh funny. This is a MUST WATCH!

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An exercise that is as uninnovative as it is certainly effective, which is entertaining in its somewhat histrionic development, but which seems to want to have a much more reflective background than it manages to be in the end. It gives the impression that the most "terrifying" scenes are inserts to please the viewer, to make the film somehow reach the label of the horror genre. But creepier is some of the interactions between M3gan and Cady, and while it never gets anywhere, it does jot down some thoughts about the family that might have been interesting.

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Based on the horror comedies that are out there these days, this one was pretty decent.

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Not bad, you just have to remember it's sci fi.

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The audience made it funnier. Also, kinda boring the first half hour.

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Excellent movie. I did get bored even for a minute.

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A surprisingly good movie.

It doesn't do anything super well, but is solid throughout and most importantly kept me interested for the whole movie.

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It wasn’t bad. Basically was about a woman who didn’t wanna have the responsibilities of a child and created a terminator that looks like a doll to take care of her niece for her. Can’t see how that could go wrong lol

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M3gan is The New Chucky..This movie was pretty good..Can’t wait to see part 2..

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I was able to watch it to the predictable end which when I think about it is saying a lot but its really not very good. If you actually start thinking about it while you watch it it begins to make no sense at all.

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Not a great film by any means. However if you're a sucker for AI going out of control as a concept, like I am, it's worth a watch.

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Low budget Redbox movie vibes. Absolute trash of a movie. No originality. Same. cookie cutter, robot movie plot you've watched a hundred times before. A waste of time.

The build up to the movie line took 75% of the movie. and the final 25% was so lackluster. I would've been pissed if I had to pay to watch this.

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Blumhouse does a Deadly Friend. Never more than it is, but very well executed.

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i missed the horror. too much unimportant story. for a satire it was def not funny enough. tried to be everything at once, failed for each. ok movie to watch, but delivers not the hype in any way.

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I liked how they are telling how Megan is changing. That's if you make something only work, use it where you shouldn't and with whom you shouldn't, then don't complain about the consequences.

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Poor. Easy to forget. Cgi isn't that great either.

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Move over Chucky, we got a new queen bee in the killer doll department.

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Do yourself a favor and watch this film!

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Chucky is still the :pound_symbol:1 killer doll.

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It was a descent movie better than i thought and not a silly script.It's not scary or something to remember but it was interesting,well made and with good perfomances.6.7/10

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M3GAN was pretty good overall. I liked the characters. It was suspenseful at times and just overall a good watch.

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"Cady, seriously, flush the toilet."

Sign me up for a sequel! M3GAN is a very fun film. This is how I believe the Child's Play remake should've been. It is brutal, looks good and doesn't take itself so serious. I liked Violet McGraw, I loved the Furby rip-offs, liked M3GAN's little dance before she murdered David and I always love annoying little pricks. That kid got what was coming for him!

Yes, M3GAN is a surprisingly fun film and happy one that will get a sequel! I do hope that Bruce returns! Anyway Gemma is one hell of a toy maker!

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This is a good “made for tv” movie. It seems a little below par and cheap for a cinema release.

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This could have been a 5 min SNL sketch.

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It was like chucky female inside junior robocop gone nuts kinda boring

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It's January 2023, and this was a great watch. Because the timing is perfect. This is like someone put Chat GPT inside advanced robotics, such as what's being developed in Boston Robotics.

This is still Science-Fiction at this point in time. But, we are not that far off.

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I'm looking forward to the unrated version, but for now this will do. A fun and silly flick w heart and terror. Alison Williams was great and the doll/actress did a wonderful job at being both friendly and unsettling. 6.9

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This was like a lot of other cutsie-robot-turned-evil movies. The whole story-line was very predictable. But - and this is a big BUT. . . it is hella fun to watch. So sit back and enjoy the newest cult robotic comedy horror thriller.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I treated it as a comedy and had a great time. Grab some snacks and drinks, and just enjoy it!

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Megan equals .. devil doll, with a death A.I.

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A wannabe modern Chucky with a sci-fi twist is incredibly apparent from the initial trailer. It is quite literally that, but a PG-13 version and I really enjoyed myself! It is a bit cheesy, and being Blumhouse it does tone some aspects down. Nevertheless, incredibly enjoyable if "Chucky" is your thing!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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Exciting fight scenes, thrilling fun, action bonanza. Definitely recommended for this season.

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i have to say... m3gan ate

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This was a lot better than I expected. I went in anticipating a lame, cheesy horror movie, but this was clever and thoughtful.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2023-01-21T03:07:51Z— updated 2023-01-25T03:28:27Z

Funny how M3gan was pretty much the Child’s Play remake but with a girl robot doll. Yet, it was actually better than that movie.
Despite being everything I expected the movie kept my attention throughout. Due to plenty of good dark humor and a smart script. That is a smart story about dealing with loss.

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Strong, "Insidious," vibes. Really good horror film.

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One of the movies of all time. So absurd but enjoyable to watch while still having a message about the dangers of technology.

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