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Looper 2012

This film had such promise, but the plot was horrifically awful, and many of the scenes were contrived beyond belief. The acting was okay, although I did find myself spending too much time staring at JGL's make-up and wondering what they were thinking. Disappointing.

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Call my loopy, but why all the dislikes on here. The time travel plot eventually made sense and became more emotional throughout. No harm watching again as it was also fun, detailed and well made.

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The concept is interesting even though it makes no sense. Why have all these looper guys that you then have to kill if you could just time travel your victims into a trap that kills them instantly? In fact, why kill the people you send to the past? Just send them to the Jurassic so some dinosaur could bite his head off.
But, setting that aside, the idea of living the life and then having to kill your(future)self is neat and has potential. The execution, though, just didn't go anywhere. It's just tossed to the side in the second act and the Joes have little meaningful interaction and for the most part could be just two random guys.
Time travel is poorly conceived in this movie. I know that the scene at the bar is basically there to tell people not to overthink it and Bruce Willis' line ("It doesn't matter") is directed to the pedants of the internet more than to his young self. But still.

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stop the hating.see from the difference angle

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This is two different movies. One a time-travel story, the other a supernatural kid tale. The two are tied together by the story of Old Joe (Bruce Willis).

As a fan of Sci-Fi and time travel stories, it's surprising that the most interesting thing about "Looper" isn't the time travel aspect itself. Instead, it's the moral choices made by the Loopers and the budding relationship between Young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Emily Blunt (Sara) and her little boy. I really wanted to spend more time with those characters at Sara's farm than I did following the live or die story of Old Joe and Young Joe.

The final moments on the farm feature some great effects that carry with them a lot of impact. The first half of the movie that centers on the life of Young Joe is not as enjoyable.

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One of the best films of 2012. Like Inception before it, it is nice to see a great action film with some genuine ideas and thought put into it. The hook of the concept is intriguing enough, and the film becomes increasingly unpredictable as it favours a completely different approach to just being a chase movie between Willis and Levitt. Although the ending feels a little too neat, it still resonates emotionally, thanks largely to Levitt and another rare amazing child performance from a very young actor. The film also rewards repeat viewings as the nature of the plot brings fresh discoveries knowing the resolution. Highly recommended.

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Lol I can't stop looking a JGLs chin

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As someone who has spent a lot of time appreciating the art of storytelling through film, I really enjoy having my expectation subverted. However ever time Rian Johnson does it, he screws everything up.

This film may have come from great idea when it was first conceived, but somewhere in the full writing and re-writing of the script, the great idea from which it rose was lost and what was put on screen was simply an exercise to further the banality of mediocrity to which this level of big studio/big budget films have degraded.

Also, this film is from the era when Emily Blunt was cast as the female love interest in everything. Blunt may be a good actor to some people, but her dead eyes and emotionless face, to me, rivals Kristen Stuart in plain, paper bag faces. I will never understand why Blunt was cast to speak with a fake American accent in so many movies from this era when there were plenty of plain, white, female actors from the United States from which to choose.

Summarizing: Bad movie. Bad Writing. Bad Directing. Bad choice of casting of Emily Blunt. TERRIBLE execution of time travel concepts.

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Cool unique time travel story. The time travel continuity doesn't really work but I love that diner scene that basically says don't worry about it. I liked the first half better than the second.

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Really friggin' low budget and wack! In my opinion.

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starts well but becomes agonizingly slow in the middle. i got so bored after about 90 minutes that i lost interest in finish watching it.

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A good movie... not up to the expectations, though...
there were a few discrepancies in the story...
but a good movie overall...
but the final shooting scene is too good and an extra rating just for that

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1/3 awesome awesome give me some more + 2/3 wait, am I still watching the same movie? + 3/3 crash & burn. The script just u-turns, the pacing becomes boring, the characters stops developing and bad CGI steps in. That's just sad and disappointing.

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Shout by SpoBo

@war59312 either you didn't get it or me. But he's not the kid. He just shot himself to stop his future self. The kid is someone else because in the future his future self is not the rainmaker. Would have been a cool plottwist though.

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TIME TRAVEL DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!, anyway, awful movie, absolutely cheesy. 2/10

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Shout by Deleted

Good but it's no Primer. That's the best time travel movie bar none. I dare you to find a plot hole.

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Shout by Deleted

First of all it´s close to impossible to do a time travel movie themed without any plot hole. So that´s something you need to take away of the equation when you see a movie like this.
Second; Gordon Levitt makes´s a hell of a job that sometimes you think you are really seeing Bruce there...
And third, this is a Modern day Science Fiction Masterpiece.

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Shout by Ben

one word: S-P-E-C-T-A-C-U-L-A-R!

I had good expectations & they were by far exceeded.
I mean with "Looper" Rian Johnson is stepping into Christopher Nolan area here.
Just WOW - I definitely recommend to see this one on the big screen (today)!

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If you ignore the blatant plot holes its a hell of a lot of fun.

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Very clever, very original and very welcome.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Gladly I didn't know what to expect when watching this film and I am thankful no one ruined it. Excellent story and acting. I love Ms Blunt and Mr. Gordon-Levitt. Always a pleasure to see those two.

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Well... I don't know what to say about Looper. It is no boring, but it also never got really exciting. What I liked the best about this movie was its ending, however I don't think that I will every watch it again and therefore I cannot in good conscience recommend it to others!

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Its not easy to rate this movie. One the one hand its very interesting on the other its full of paradoxes.

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Great movie yes really enjoyed it

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A pretty great time travel shoot em up! Some decent action scenes, a pretty good story for a shoot em up and some terrifying ideas for time travel gone bad. It slowed down somewhere past the middle, but still had me on the edge of my seat for most part of the movie!

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Overhyped, pretty week plot overall, very predictable.

Boring too, the first 1/2 hour was entertaining though.

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Shout by Deleted

Mind, and time, bending psych/thriller worth watching twice.

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Best movie of 2012

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Shout by Deleted

It's a good movie, but I expected more action.

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not the best timetravel movie, but a good one. smart story, great bruce!, good ending. but it's not the best timetravelmovie (12 Monkeys)


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Shout by Peter P

I would like a spin off of just the boy as a movie, his future self as if the mother didn't live

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When watching this movie think of it more as a distopian view of man than a time travel movie...time travel is just the way the store is being told

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Typical Rian Johnson movie. Poorly thought out and poorly executed. The craptacular premise of time travel in this movie is exactly what I expect from Rian Johnson. It doesn't make any sense and is unnecessarily nonsensical given the movie could have essentially been the same with any number of better thought out time travel premises.

There is promise in the core premise of the movie, but Rian Johnson squanders it, abuses it, and ultimately destroys it.

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Your french is not doing good!

An average time travelling flick. I have trouble praising the concept, feels like i've seen it a few times before but they did a decent job with it. We get some unnecessary exposition narration at the beginning that I found lazy and this movie has some pacing issues. The first act was very fast-paced and a bit rushed, we're thrown into this so abruptly. Gave off some cheesy B-movie vibes at first with some laughable choice of dialogue. It gets progressively better thought and finally gets good once Emily Blunt enters the picture. Her character and her son are interesting and finally give some much needed character interactions for Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character. He was alright in the main role, Emily Blunt is the best (the "getting lost" monologue was great), Bruce Willis is underused, and the child actor really surprised me. Good use of slow-motion in the staircase scene. The third act is a little silly and unintentionally funny (I laughed so hard at that futuristic bike) but I was fully entertained.

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"Why the fuck French?"
"I'm going to France."
"You should go to China."
"I'm going to France."
"I'm from the future. You should go to China."

After watching two of the bad recent Bruce Willis films, I figured I should watch something actually good. I remember watching this with friends when I was in college, but I had absolutely no memory of the story beyond the basic premise. I've actually wanted to rewatch this for the past few years, but every time it occurred to me to do so, it wasn't available on a service I had access to. This time, it finally was.

It's a fun premise, but you can easily start poking holes in it if you scrutinize it for more than a minute or two. Yeah, it doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense, but it's entertaining enough to ignore the flaws.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's makeup becomes more terrifying the longer you look at it. It makes him look like a poorly aged-up Dylan Minette.

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'Looper' is entertaining!

I had a fun time with this one. I guess that would come as little surprise given I do like basically everyone onscreen from other flicks, while that is true that isn't the sole reason for my enjoyment. The story is intruiging and is presented nicely by the filmmakers, I found it to be well paced too.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt gives a strong performance, even with make-up that occasionally makes him look just like Sean Connery's 'disguise' in 1967's 'You Only Live Twice'. Bruce Willis is solid throughout, as are Emily Blunt and Jeff Daniels. There are a few other noteworthy faces in there too, like Paul Dano and Garret Dillahunt.

Well made and well worth a watch. Recommended.

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"This time travel crap, just fries your brain like a egg..."

It’s so refreshing to watch a sci-fi that does not overdo it with the VFX and shows us that it’s still a futuristic world in an interesting way. No need to explain how time travel works, it just works. JGL is stoic yet still delivers a great performance, and Emily Blunt is mesmerizing as usual.

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Seriously...? How in the hell didn't I see this movie sooner... Very good movie. Do yourself a favor and watch this film.

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Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2021-12-03T08:26:19Z— updated 2024-06-04T07:46:54Z

I very much enjoyed this when it first came out. Upon rewatching it, I still enjoyed it, but the inconsistent treatment of temporal mechanics is irksome. The premise that changing the current situation also immediately changes the future is stupid, but okay. The fact that the movie uses both immediate repercussions and temporal loops, which are contradictory rule sets, is just lazy/bad writing.

Also, how did the younger Joe put 2 and 2 together and the old Joe who had time to speculate and plan and had perspective didn't is baffling.

On the other hand, there is much to be said about how people change and the lengths to which they are willing to go to preserve what they hold dear, even at the expense of themselves. This, in and of itself, is a powerful message. Despite the poor storytelling, this message survives.

It would be interesting to see more of this universe (without any involvement from Rian Johnson). Reboot and do it right.

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A movie with an interesting premise but fails to deliver. I do not even know why people like this nor why this was recommended to me.

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Spent the first 10 minutes trying to figure out if the protagonist is Joseph-Gordon Lewitt. Unconsciously stopped caring about that as I got pulled into the narrative. Looper could have easily spent 30 minutes explaining the 'time travel' but, to me, that's not the point. It's about asking tough questions while being badass simultaneously. Time travel is just a vehicle used to drive its themes.

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What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said? Well, except that whatever they did to Joseph Gordon Levitt's nose is REALLY distracting.

I can definitely tell this was lower budget because they spent the majority of the budget on the salaries of the stars.

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This film deserves 6 points because of logic errors. I was bored while watching it.

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I like this movie, i give it 7.5/10.

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Shout by Deleted

confusing at first, but everything adds up when you watch the whole thing

all in all a pretty great film

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Finally had time to watch this one. The idea of the Loopers is quite nice though there's a lot of holes in the story. Without some unnecessary (and really bad) CGI effects the movie would have been better. At some point it gets repetitive but altogether really nice idea and well played.

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I gave up after 10 minutes ,absolute gash

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I don't go well with time traveling, but when I looked past that I quite liked the concept. I was only very distracted by their attempts to make Joseph look like Bruce.

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Full of paradoxes which become annoying once you start to notice them. Forget about the timetraveling and it's a decent movie at best.

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This is well executed (pardon the pun) and the characters are brilliant. Maybe I'm really REALLY over-interpreting here, but... That flashback Joe has in the end - is it a vision or a memory? It does so very much remind me of what he said about his own childhood - and does that mean that Joe is Cid? It would be a very interesting twist - but I'm very concerned indeed with the fact that Joe, in that case, had some "grown-up fun"... with his own mother. Oh, and it's kind of interesting to have three versions of Damien at the same time. Right, and where did those amazing telekinetic qualities go? And... how would it be possible for the grown Joe and the child to co-exist in the same time, when time travelling isn't invented until 30 years later? Nah... Let us just agree on that Cid and Joe had similar childhoods. Everything else would be very disturbing.
Darn. Lots of questions here - but amazingly enough the film is still good! Now THAT is some quality film making..! ;-)

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Shout by Deleted

It was alright

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Shout by Zyrus

@SpoBo You didnt get it.

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Ignore the time plotholes near the end and in your in for an awesome film

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Shout by Will

Decent movie, but I knew he was also the kid from the start. Guess I have seen too many time traveling movies.

It is called Looper after all, only makes perfect sense. ha!

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Time travel movies have always been like a long scientific formula for Hollywood. The more time you try to find an answer,the more questions start to be asked. "Looper" is just another victim of this problem... The film starts with a great concept that really grabs you from the moment it starts but as the film progresses the cleverness starts to fade and the film becomes another typical film that we have seen a lot of times. Despite this flaws, "Looper" can still be an entertaining film that really can keep you interested until the end. Joseph Gordon Levitt does a great job copying a few manerisms from Bruce Willis, and Bruce Willis does a good job with the action stunts proving that he still has something left. "Looper" is a good and entertaining film, but nothing beyond that.

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Shout by ketu

The movie was good but I am a really bit disappointed because they could have made far more out of that story plot.

And the boy creepy.

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fairly average sci fi affair, not awful but predictable and dull for most parts.

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Great acting by Levitt, but the movie is not that good.

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Yeah definite plot holes, but like @Lloytron said, it was pretty fun if you just ignore them.

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@fabiomello: Are you from the future? :O

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best time travel movies I've seen in a while!

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Will start soon. Test screening was amazing

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This seems like it could be a very good movie. The trailer was too short to really tell, but it looked awesome.

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