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Life 2017

Yep. This is a lot like "Alien". I'll get that out of the way because that's what nearly everyone says about this movie. It's an easy comparison.

This is a solid, great looking space Horror. It's got star power and some terrific CGI. Actually, it could've used a little less of that star power. I never believed that Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson were anything other than famous actors playing their parts. They never felt like actual astronauts. The alien itself was never really that scary. Because of the way it evolved, its capabilities were always new and this offered no opportunity for safety to the crew. It made for much less tension than it should have because the rules were always new. Make them up as you go never cuts it with me.

I need to make certain that I call out how much I loved the ending. I only watched this movie once, and thinking back, I don't think the director or writers cheated with the conclusion. Personally, it was really ominous and fun to imagine what may have happened next.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-03-25T18:53:55Z— updated 2017-03-30T00:51:39Z

I thought the movie was great. Tense and the pacing was well done. Not too long and didn't drag. The astronauts are dumb and it's easy to say don't go in there when you are watching. I like Jake Gyllenhaal I think he's a great actor and too bad Ryan Renyolds died so early in the movie but I kinda was expecting it based on the posters him being the third name. The twist at the end i saw coming as soon as they got in the life boats but it still was done well with the fishermen finding him.

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Wow, this movie had so much potential but in the end it fell well short. The huge plot hole for me was: how did the creature get back inside by going through a thruster bell/engine? The ISS uses a hydrazine compound as a propellant and it is extremely toxic. This would dictate that there is no way that the thruster bell/engine would be connected in any way to ISS internal atmosphere. If it was, the atmosphere would leak into space! There were other things wrong as well but this was the biggee for me.

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You look for serious sci-fi ? Move along. I was out of this movie about 45 min in.

Should have been out earlier about around when they caught a capsule moving thousands of mph with a grappling arm without breaking anything. Yep, that is the level of science here. More ?
- Rampaging with some kind of a flamethrower in a laboratory without damaging anything.
- how much coolant can there be in a spacesuit ?
- can an organism lay dormant for what might possibly be millions of years and then develop into a complex lifeform ? Of that I´m not certain.
Then there is the typical illogical behavior of the characters that is nessessary to propel the plot. And the CGI for that alien is bad, you always recognize it as beeing CGI. Which is weird because the rest looks pretty good. And the end ? As if nobody saw that coming. They need to prepare a sequel

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Ridiculous plot, childlike dialogues at times, flat acting and awfully generic. If you have already seen any space movie with a monster then you have seen this. Though the movie you saw was hopefully (and probably) better than this. Stay away.

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This movie is so scientifically nonsensical that I couldn't finish. Painful to watch with an analytical mindset.

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Sure! Hey, look this alien thing we reanimated, it has trapped my hand and it's crushing my bones!! Let's all just scream and do nothing! Instead of, you know, turn one of the valve switches to add nitrogen, or oxygen, or glucose or whatever, and kill it.

I really hope wish the rest of the movie isn't as dumb...

PS: Guess what! It didn't get any better :D

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Listen, this kind of film is unforgivable. It is unforgivable to have a perfectly interesting premise and just BUTCHER it with incredibly bad writing and lazy plot construction.

This was painful to watch because everything that happened was caused by incredible stupidity from what is supposed to be an intelligent and talented group of people. This movie made me angry because it could've been great, the creature was certainly interesting and the concept of it was very exciting, but the story let it down.

The only thing I liked about this movie, apart from the creature, was the ending. The beginning and the middle were absolute shit.

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If you're an anxious wreck like me looking for something to distract you from the current pandemic, you may want to skip this one.

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I just... This movie is based on such a great premise. A super smart, actually possible intelligent species brought back from Mars to be studied on the ISS. Yes the ISS is insanely fake (noone is putting that kind of money into it nowadays) but it's a realistic premise to start from.

The movie is let down by terrible writing that made the astronauts the biggest idiots to ever be let into space, let alone on such an important mission. The acting doesn't help as it's so artificial you can't help but cringe. Just follow protocol and know that what you're getting yourself into. Feeling hate for that thing isn't unscientific... a doctor should know that

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Typical "Oh my God why did they do that? Are they f@#king stupid? Don't they have any rules?" movie. No sense. No contingency. Totally ridiculous. Did the producers and Director not watch Gravity, which even though it had a few flaws was at least believable. I mean, an indestructible, evil sentient carbon based creature that can live in space? Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it? I derived some entertainment value from it but I wouldn't recommend it.

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Spaceballs is smarter sci-fi then this. Wasted time from my life. Thought the end will be intresting, but nooo, on of the most predictable endings I ever seen. Tension or excitement? Do not make me laugh :D

BTW... if you watched any of the trailers, you sought everything. There is no more in the film.

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I'm already tired of movies where the only "horror" is the lack of intelligence of ordinary people. But it's way more annoying when top professionals/scientists trained for such a scenario fail so miserably.

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It looks a lot like Alien, but I still think it got to do a great tension with a good ending. I just felt that some character had done some dumb attitudes.

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Seriously? How hard can that be? It's the FIRST RULE in your job-description?

How many Sci-Fi narratives would stop dead in its tracks if this simple no-brainer ruleis followed?

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Bleh. Didn't care by the end.

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A poor hybrid of Alien and Gravity.

There is no "sci" in this "sci-fi". Instead of ISS, a place with very little space, but equipped with everything people will need up there to live and run scientific experiments autonomously for months, you see some kind of good-sized mansion with 30 seconds worth fuel tankage (at this point I've facepalmed). Instead of astronauts – people who are trained to handle extreme physical and psychological stress and act proper in case of emergency – there is a bunch of hysterical incompetent fools on the orbit, acting stupid and dangerous, not aware about details of their mission, and apparently capable to breath in places without air..

I'll give it 5/10 only because:
1) the visualisation of extraterrestrial life form was very nice, need to give credit to people who were working on it
2) at the end they don't make it and looks like everybody dies

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Estuvo bien, entretiene. Pero al fin y al cabo es la tipica pelicula que ya vimos varias veces, muy parecida a alien pero con otro bicho.

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The sprinkles of technical and acting excellence can't stop this otherwise mindless thriller.

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It was a decent scifi thriller, with Jake Gyllenhaal & Ryan Reynolds I just expected this to be out of the ball park. There were a few scenes that got me on edge but it wasn't a satisfying conclusion. It did keep me on edge at the right times but the ending wasn't what I was hoping for, they were setting it up for a sequel.

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I thought that the crew of the Prometheus (film Prometheus) ship was the most stupid there was, but these do merit to steal the title

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Amazing movie, a science fiction story full of discoveries and twists, elements of horror and moments of tension that fill the entire movie.

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I didn't hate it as much as most but boy could this movie have used a slice of cheese.

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Mindless entertainment, though this crew is ALL the stupid. LOL!

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With over 90 comments already existing, I will keep it short.

It looks like the two writers responsible for this movie bit off more than they can chew. Looking at their experience, they were involved in some rather questionable movies already, with the best ones being comedy. I think this is what resulted in (some of the) the poor character decisions, awkward tone shifts between sci-fi horror, thriller-action and even comedy, and some poor plot decisions.

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This movie would have been much better had they chose NOT to portray the astronauts as the biggest dumbasses in outer space.
But then I guess the movie would've been over in 30 minutes. Or less. The premise was cool and one of the better aliens I've seen.

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I don't get the hate...
it's thrilling , stressful and certainly amusing as a sci-fi movie.
instead of comparing it to other alien movies you could just sit and enjoy the journey

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Well that was dumb. If they had only seen Aliens, or been competent in their specific fields, or had a leader that had a chance to sacrifice herself to save her crew (and humanity) by pushing off into space early on in the movie, oh wait...

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Idk how the creature got the crew so easily, they seem just as resilient to everything. I mean, they ought to be, seeing how there is a clear path for the alien from thrusters on the outside to the leg of a guy inside, meaning they are in vacuum at all times :D Which is also confirmed by the scene where Sho effortlessly opens the door to the compartment where the creature was locked supposedly in a vacuum and proceeds to fly inside without any breathing/freezing/boiling/exploding problems.
And then there are things like sound in space, and the amazing drooping broken hand, which droops [twice] in a place with no gravity..
At least in the end everyone on the planet dies, which felt like a good ending :)

How is this 70%? lol

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this movie is an almost a 1:1 ripoff of the movie "stranded" (2013) with Christian Slater
somehow Slater's movie was better, more psychological like the original "the thing" characters weren't complete morons and it had less/no CGI replacing an actual story, while Stranded wasn't a good movie it was still 10x better than Life
if you survived watching "life" I recommend you see Stranded to understand how better it should have been with 30x the buget ! stranded 1.9mio life 58mio !

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When your sitting and screaming at the scream "run!" or "what the heck are you doing?! Close it!" and the actors does the opposite.
You know the movie is gonna suck.

Omg this is horrid. Not evnw close to other space horror movies. Just avoid this.

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boring. sorry can't find anything interesting.
the ffw was strong in this one.

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Pretty traditional and also decent scifi horror film. However, having seen many similar movies, including Alien franchise, Life didn't give me much new. In my opinion, the plot was quite poor and mostly predictable, including the ending. Although it wasn't very compelling viewing experience to me, the film itself wasn't too bad.

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Good acting lost in a mediocre movie. The alien is cool and cleverly imagined. My interest was cooling down as the film progressed with some plot fails from the top astronauts aboard the ISS.

Despite predictable, good ending.

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Calvin, SMH, you're such a douche!!! I can't stand endings like this and especially when I can predict what is gonna happen.. makes it even worse that I was actually right!

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Was actually quite well made but still really predictable. It didn't add to the aliens vs humans genre so you basically knew exactly what would happen. Even the ending was so predictable that it hurt. At least the acting was quite good – though Jake Gyllenhaal somehow surprised me with his I-don't-care attitude which was either part of his role or he just decided to keep the emotions down…

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This movie won't sparkle my will to write an in-depth exhaustive review, so I'll keep it short:

The one and only interesting thing in this movie is the reality behind it. And the possibility that everything of what was shown could happen. Which is an existing probability.

The rest was really shabby, including the ending.

Thank god they got rid of Ryan Reynolds fast

Don't take me wrong, this movie will keep you interested and entertained, but it does not have a good after taste at all.

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Shout by hlava

Just an ordinary space-ship-crew-alien sci-fi thriller. Nothing special here and no reason you'd ever wanted to watch it again. It's still the same. They find Alien, they feed him, observe him, it escapes, it kills them. That's the plot. There are too many stupidities I'm tired of :( It's still the same in every movie of that kind. Why the hell anybody would want to use some plastic gloves to touch something totally strange and unknown? Isn't it safer to use robotic hands? If you are going to study something you know nothing about wouldn't you do it in some secure lab? And why the hell is it needed to close ventilation shaft one by one instead of pressing one button? I know, because alien has to escape somehow. As I said, many stupidities, many bad things in this one and to be honest It was a waste of time.

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There is no way you feel emphathy for those astronauts because they are dumb as fuuuuuuuuuuuck

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You would absolutely love this movie almost as much as I did, maybe more.
I was so used to horror movies after watching them for years as every time the enemy pulls out their weapon, I would know a couple spots the weapon would hit a second or two before it happens. But this movie, man. I LOVED it! This movie actually made me twitch and even look away, as the enemy didn't have a weapon, because the enemy WAS the weapon!
I loved the twist at the end. If it wasn't for that 5 - 10 second close up on the fishers face, I would've never known they switched places. Wait, was that the same capsule Deadpool was in? Conspiracy, lmao

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I went to see this movie to get warmed up for Alien: Covenant. I am happy to report that Life was a pleasant surprise and better than expected. The film was just the right pace and length, with solid performances and great special effects. I can see where reviewers have drawn a mix of Alien and Gravity, but it does so with respect. It also has something fresh to say, with some very clever ideas and moments where I had to look away. This was solid entertainment, and I would definitely recommend it to any fan of horror and science fiction. Life, as they say... is good! 7.5/10

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The Calvin & Hobbes adaptation nobody saw coming :-P

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Shout by Deleted

Nothing is good with this film. The plot is the most predictable one. No twists and no surprises. we have seen thousands of movies like this and this one purpose no new angel.
You can skip this one.

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For a film called Life this is surprisingly lifeless at times... the film seems to grind to a halt whenever somebody needs to make a speech or muse philosophically. Still, it isn't a bad film but will likely be compared to the new Alien movie and JJ Abrams God Particle film, a shame as without those movies this would have had a better chance.

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I didn't have much expectations and the movie lived up to that. It couldn't give me anything new in the genre, quite a typical space-alien-adventure, although it had some surprising moments which made me enjoy the movie. And 10/10 points for the score in the background; some elements will be familiar for you from Interstellar.

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holy shit that suspense was intense

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Shoulda deep fried it and had brunch...the end

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Lub a dub dub! Forget the trash Alien prequels. This is the new monster in space story to see.

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It was an alright movie. You can tell there were a lot of nods to the Alien movies. Like the Alien movies, it's annoying the 'scientists' are completely moronic during specific situations.

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It honestly defines a new genre of thriller/horror for me. What is terrifying about this movie is just how realistic it is and how we could easily create our extinction by going to other planets instead of preventing it. I wonder if Elon Musk has thought about things from this perspective.

One of the best movies of 2017 and the best horror/thriller I have seen in the in the last 12 months. Highly recommend this to space geeks.

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Shout by Deleted

the movie deserves a 6, but the ending kicks it up to 7 for me :D

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Good night moon.. good night moon.. This film is pretty much similar to the first Alien, a Alien on board, out to kill the crew, but doesn't live to the alien film standards, but as It's own film, I liked it, some good effects, plenty of action, some tense moments, plugged from the start to the ending, and not a bad plot, but nothing different to anything I've seen before, and I couldn't complain with the cast, some good performances, and the ending will shock you.. Good science fiction horror.

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"Life" was a good surprise. After watching the trailer, I wasn't expecting much. But after came out, I started to hear good things, so I gave it a shot.

Very good acting, cinematography and use of CGI. Unlike some movies, the creature in this movie is actually creppy. Rebecca Ferguson, Hiroyuki Sanada and Ariyon Bakare were the standouts of the movie. Daniel Espinosa also gave a great sense of claustrophobia.

However, it's very predictable and the ending could have been better.

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This is a solid sci-fi horror with an interesting story. Great cast which carries you through a lot of it. Yes the characters can make some questionable decisions along the way but you can get over that as the film does really well building tension and there’s thrills throughout, the cinematography is fantastic the movie looks great and they do a great job of making a believable alien. Sure it’s not spectacular, but as ‘alien in space thrillers’ go you could do a lot worse. I’d say this is definitely worth your time.

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It's an OK space/thriller movie.

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Thrilling movie. Enjoyed every minute.

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I enjoyed this movie
More than I thought I would,
I have all the best
Space Horror in my
collection So I'm harsh
for praise because I enjoy
this genre so very much.
But LIFE actually did a
bang up job of being
rather entertaining.
it always helps when I
Know the cast especially
when they are from my
Marvel movies.
The VFX were
Awesome, really clean
and very believable
and the Alien was menacing
as fcuk, it was not messing
around and it was relentless.
I thought it was a well
put together movie and
I would have scored higher
if not for the stupid
ridiculous actions from
this expert crew.
That being said The movie
doesn't overstay it's welcome
with a reasonable runtime
and the ending was really

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I watched this movie expecting some cool space adventure, but instead I got a bunch of dumb humans messing up everything. Seriously, every time something interesting happened, one of them would do something so stupid that it would ruin the whole plot. It was like they were trying to make the movie more exciting by adding more drama, but it just made me laugh at how ridiculous they were.

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I think this is a fine alien space movie with the typical "Oh no, the alien has become too powerful for us to contain, so we have to find a way to kill it." Nothing stood out in this movie, but I enjoyed watching it.

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This is kind of movie that try too hard to be smart and becomes stupid. However, was pleasant experience. In the end, I just wanted a little more Ryan Reynolds . I am glad that i saw this movie in my house kkk.

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I would have liked the suspense parts to be more and the thought provoking parts to be less.
To much thinking, "well, this is going to end poorly."
Very predictable, just "meh"

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Shout by Kuro

great movie, astounding visuals and the plot is simple but that what makes it ominous and horror, a simple mistake can cause a permanent or a extinction of one's race, this movie is phenomenal! one amazing sci-fi horror movie! the ost is superb! the cast was well picked, overall it's an enjoyable movie!

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Well done but I can't watch this again. Maybe because I believe this type of thing could happen.

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The most satisfying ending of all time, with all stupid characters (you don't give a shit about except for rory) dead and calvin (our main protagonist) reached earth.

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Frightening and full of suspense, Life is a terrifying sci-fi thriller. The story follows the crew of the International Space Station as they study specimens brought back by a Mars probe and discover a micro-organism; however the organism begins to rapidly grow and starts attacking the station’s crew. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson, Hiroyuki Sanada, and Ryan Reynolds, the film has an impressive cast that delivers some strong performances. And the special effects are especially good, particularly the creature deigns; which starts out rather innocent looking and gets progressively sinister and menacing as it grows. The score is also incredibly well-done; capturing the dark and foreboding tone of the material. Yet the plot is rather predictable and somewhat derivative of other sci-fi films. Still, Life is intense and entertaining, and delivers some chilling scares.

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Never into space films but this one is a solid entry. It's basically just Alien, so yeah it's unoriginal and predictable to where it's going but the concept is great with very high production value, also there's decent tension and suspense going on there. I don't like how the ship crew ALWAYS making poor decisions, yeah it adds to the horror but at this point it's just dumb that they don't learn anything. I really like the monster design, but Calvin is such a dumb name. Extra star for the ending. It's quite satisfying!

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This story has been done but I found it tense and thrilling but YRMV

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Shout by Euhab

Dr David made it, he came back to "8 Billions mother f***ers" with Mars Alien. I wish to see part 2 of LIFE Movie. It will be more exciting.

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All I can say is WHAAT THE FUUUUCCCK !!
I got the chills ! Where's the second part of this movie ?? Calvin what do you do next ??

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Pretta good movie and thrilling af. That Calvin-monster-things creeps the hell out of me. It's more gross than every chestburster has ever been! The visuals were akazing but the ending was horrible and I saw it comin', even though at the last minute to be fair.

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still creeps me out a lot. and this story kinda real because scientists are actually looking for a creature like that.

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O filme é ótimo. Mas a cena final é lascar. Não faz sentido de jeito nenhum.

Ahhh e mais uma vez temos cientistas extremamentes qualificados quebrando quarentena. Isso é um saco.

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Life was a surprisingly fresh, sci-fi horror.

I wasn't sure what to expect going in as I hadn't seen any trailers, so everything about it was unexpected, and they didn't seem to follow, in my opinion, the traditional flow of sci-fi movies.

The cast did a great job in my opinion, and no one felt out of place.

Some of the dialog/decision making was a bit lack luster, but overall a very fun thriller.

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This movie is flawless, well except for the fact that he already has been made before. Good acting, good score, nice visuals, great creature, and some cool deaths, but nothing we haven't seen before.

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Shout by Deleted

strange and the best film

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Amazing! And that plot twist - I shrieked.

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Fun movie to watch. Always like watching movies with Jake Gyllenhaal. Surprised Ryan Reynolds died so fast. It was fun to watch the different astronauts try to defeat the alien. Definitely a movie I can rewatch with others in my opinion.

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Shout by Khawlah

THAT ENDING? OMG! Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. What an insanely talented (and attractive) cast.

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suspense boom, mais o filme e fora da realidade.

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Loved the nihilistic ending. We should all croak. We're mucking everything up anyway.

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Shout by Jim G.

Much better than I was expecting, frankly. Nonetheless, after so much bleakness and doom, it's unfortunate that they opted to kill the mood and go with the happy ending here.

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Shout by Deleted

Life is well directed and acted and I thought it was fairly scary as well. It is just too similar to Alien to get over the hump and become a great movie. The creature created in this movie is legitimately scary and the film doesn't run too long but the homages become a little too much.

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Un grupo de astronautas peleándose por demostrar quién es el más estúpido.

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It was intense and claustrophobic, don't compare it with "Allien" but it was rather good. Yes the situations and reactions from the crew was a bit idiotic but i enjoy it thoroughly, liked the ending too.

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Excellent thriller the kind you scream at it's dumb characters loudly and enjoy yourself to the extreme, if there's any Alien references they probably went over my head.

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Wasn't I supposed to hate this? Because I didn't. At all. It was a solid sci-fi thriller with a likeable cast.

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very above average for "modern" sci-fi
don't worry about horror tag, did not seem like horror to me. I don't like horrors and was afraid because of that tag :)

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I was pleasantly surprised with "Life (2017)" reminded me of Aliens another famous Sci-Fi, Horror type movie. I can see an opening has been left for another movie, could be a great opportunity too make something worthy here? I was also impressed with the Alien Life-Form itself, you could see a calculating Predator behind them Alien Eyes and face. ... Bring on Part 2!

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Shout by Deleted

After the boring feel-goodery of Gravity and Interstellar, it's nice to finally see the brutality of space being vindicated in Life, all with a Shyamalan-ian twist ending. Enjoyed thoroughly.

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the ending though, wow! i did not see that coming. i love how movies these days they all give you the unexpected, like if this movie was released in 2014 or 15 u clearly can guess the ending as i did just now. i love the creativity they're showing. very cool thrilling movie, loved it!

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I just watched the movie and gave it a 6, partly maybe due to disappointment. But 6 ain't that bad either. It's not a bad movie, it's not a superb movie, it's in between.
It would have been better if the SciFi was better, for me it's a 6 mostly because the horror/thriller was OK. I found that the film started out better than it ended, which may also have influence my rating. Somewhere halfway it started to become ridiculous, one might say when the movie actually started. The buildup was nice.

Just too many flaws.

Why on earth can that hatch be opened from the inside of the IIS when they knew they came to push it back due to danger inside.
And why would that creature, who's trying to survive, go back to fleeing humans when it has 2 humans to feed on. While at the end it DID stay and feed on the light when the other astronaut was trying to lure it away.
Why would that creature die from fire when we even have creatures here on earth that don't die from it, so why bother trying to kill it with fire.

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A very successful Alien remake. Great pacing, lots of action and suspense, strong acting and remarkable special effects. A strong recommend!

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