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Joker 2019

This is not the Joker you know and and yet it is the Joker you know and love, only shot through with a plausible origin story that makes sense of the character. Phoenix gives an astonishing turn here, at once sad and chilling, and the film as a whole is quite breathtaking in its stylistic choices. Not quite what I expected, and that's a good thing. There are still snapshots of the comic book universe but it does its own thing magnificently.

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An uneven movie elevated by the haunting performance of Joaquin Phoenix.

This movie is afflicted by the same confusion that most DC movies have. It can't decide whether it wants to be a serious movie or a comic book one.

This movie would have a serious claim to being the former if it hadn't succumbed to the crowd pleasing but hollow final act.

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Joker was much harder to watch than I thought. The movie provides a very realistic background story for Joker. This could have been someone's real life story. Not sure how I'm supposed to see Joker as the villain in future Batman movies?

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By far the best movie of 2019. Phoenix is an AMAZING actor in this. This movie worked on so many levels. The music was perfect, cinematography on point, plot well thought out. Fantastic movie!

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What a brilliant performance by Joaquin Phoenix! He deserves an Academy award for this movie.

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And this comes from the same guy who did the Starsky and Hutch remake and the Hangover Trilogy ? I can almost not believe that.

This movie is sick, and it has to be. It pulls you into a spiral of madness, and you can see all the pieces falling into place, until there is no escape und you get: The Joker.

The look, the atmosphere, the music and last, but not least, Phoenixs outstanding performance makes this movie an absolute masterpiece. I don't know if it will recieve any Oscars, it's not the type of movie that does usually. But it sure would deserve it. But even if it doesn't it is one of the highlights of the year.

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I am not comic book reader nor do I watch every Batman movie, but I went to see this movie because it seemed completely different than the typical franchise movies. I was mesmerized by Joaquin Phoenix from start to end. I ached for him and empathized even when he began killing. Joaquin Phoenix was absolutely brilliant.

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A strange movie that makes you question reality and if you are sane. You might not be after watching it.
The film is an insane masterpiece. That deserves better reviews and to be certified fresh. Since it’s definitely one of the years best.

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disturbing, beautiful, very dark and strangely funny film! joaquin phoenix is absolutely golden. great social commentary. the more I watch it, the better it gets. you can't help but think about it for days afterwards

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I'm seeing this a second time soon. But honestly, the way this movie shows the society's viewpoints and the amazing hypocrisy plus the negligence of guilt because people did nothing to stop something wrong is stunningly horrific, it's sadly rolled into truth so much that it hurts. All the characters are portrayed fantastically. Especially Arthur himself. Joaquin is jaw-dropping.

The damn score is so chilling and haunting that it will stick with me for a long time. The way it fills the room works great like the text the title impacts the screen with.

This film is flawless. I don't know if I'll have a change of mind a second time around. Because I am certain in my opinion currently, that this movie is perfect, and my favourite movie of the year so far.


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What an experience! It was magnificent and really powerful. Brilliant lead actor.

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I don't undestand the 9/10 and 10/10 reviews, in my opinion this movie is way overhyped.

I will give, that the actors performance is amazing, but then it's only famous people.

My main problem with the movie is, that nothing interesting happens, its basically like every other tragedy released over the last decade - just with DC's IP behind it.

There are entire segments in which literally nothing happens in the first 60m minutes which were a snoozefest, the character is walking somewhere and its followed by another scene in which, you guessed it: also nothing happens.

I only enjoyed the last 20 minutes, although they didn't hold a single unforseen twist either...

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Astonishing performance. It’s a really good movie and worth watching if you are both a fan and a movie lover.

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Incredibly overrated. I don't mind dark movies that deal with depressing subject matter. But this is not intriguing. The character doesn't have enough depth. Not an engrossing movie.

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this shitty movie is so fuckin overrated and overhyped

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I don't think I have ever seen Gotham city this bad in any other movie or video game. They portrayed it like the shit hole it is. They did a really good job.

100% Will watch again

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Everything you’ve heard about Joachim Phoenix in this is true. Unfortunately a great lead performance doesn’t make a movie when the script is derivative and filled with plot holes.

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Doesn't really juggle its messages and influences as skillfully as it seems to think it does. I had a hard time watching this in the theater because so much of it was just plain cringe-y to me. I know people are absolutely adoring this film, but it felt like a shallow misunderstanding of The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver to me.
Phoenix gives a solid performance and the cinematography is good though.

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Damn. Wow. Just powerful. This movie nails it on so many levels..

Joaquin was so damn good. The underlying themes, the undertones.. The sounds, the visuals.. The score. The colours.

DC please continue to allow your characters to be used in this way.

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A bit too psychotic.

With all the different depictions of Jokers, this by far is not the best. With dorky 60's Joker (Cesar Romero) eerily funny Joker (Jack Nicholson) and the Monster Joker (Jared Leto). It's extremely hard to top the late greats Heath Ledger's version.

With all understanding that this morning is was to show the upbringing of the real joker, it still is a bit much. The murder scenes, the psychotic episodes, and the mental issues all where a huge over reach. It does not do well in meshing all previous Jokers storylines.

Remove the painted face and the horrible laugh and this would make for a very decent thriller. but Joker? No.

I don't recommend this movie for anyone who loves any other previous version of joker.

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Good Acting,
Interesting interpretation of Joker,
outstanding Cinematography.
not to long.

I enjoyed it.

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Oh come on, Murray. Do I look like the kind of clown that could start a movement?
- Arthur Fleck
Oh what could have been. For me Heath Ledger will forever be the ultimate Joker, but Joaquin did his friend proud with a great performance. To bad the rest of the movie was a slow moving train wreck.

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Mr. Joaquin, you are THE BEST!
This was an amazing performance!
I loved Arthur, but then I was afraid of him too.
So many injustices to create his path of happiness.
So far, this is my favorite movie of DC Comics.
Well done... And remember to Put on a happy face.

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I guess people walked into watching this movie with different expectations which turned them down in a way or the other. to a those complaining Joaquin overshadowing all other characters in the movie, c'mon you gotta take the movie for what it's . It's a first person character study like Taxi driver or Dog day afternoon or something so don't expect it to be just like any other entertainer flicks out there . Plus to those who say movie is draggy at points, you gotta improve your taste mate !.

Now coming to Joker, I absolutely loved it to the core and also it satisfied me in every sorta way. Can't imagine anybody else than Joaquin portraying Arthur and little references made to taxi driver and king of comedy felt like icing on cake. And it was also a great pleasure to see Deniro on screen !.

After a long time a movie that's worth called as "cinema" in this superhero - movie - fatigue - era where almost every superhero movie is just another forgettable average movie .

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Now this is why i keep going forward in life because of films like this masterpiece with a true message and by far Phoenixe’s best role, some great acting and him and Ledger are both remarkable in their own ways.

Definitely a well made jokers origins story, i couldn’t ask for it better, everything about it, the cast, picture, action and the plot were fantastic and definitely sets up Christopher Nolans magnificent Batman franchises.

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"We live in a society..."

all jokes aside, a surprisingly deep movie. Not something I expected from Todd Phillips.

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Even great acting couldn’t save this.
It was in a word - pointless.

Go watch Taxi Driver and see what this could have been.

Joker’s past is supposed to be an enigma. But this was just a sad pass at something that could have been good.

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Shout by Struga
BlockedParent2019-11-16T15:08:00Z— updated 2019-11-20T00:22:52Z

Why so Serious?

Not a DC fan, but a great fan of Joker storylines. One who considers the Dark Knight one of the best movies ever made and absolutely the best of his genre. The best villain ever created by a crazy mind!

But this...? Doesn’t feel like Joker for the most part (something like 90mins) to me. Don’t get me wrong, its a good movie but if the name of the movie was “Mad Clown” or something like that.

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Wow! What a great movie! This is not a comic book version of Joker but rather version of Joker as a man with a mental illness and his downward spiral. This movie is dark, gritty and beautiful. A look into the mind of psychosis and all it lends itself to. This movie leads a lot of room for interpretation which is great. Joaquin Phoenix should get an Oscar for his disturbing portrayal. My review is not good enough for this movie.... I need to watch it again.... it’s beautiful and my heart is to full of emotion to find the right words for this masterpiece.

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I loved Joaquin Phoenix's performance it was a real 10/10 great balance between creepy and campy I also loved the scenes on the train with the 3 guys bullying him (and the woman) and him killing them and the excruciating stand up gig, him being ridiculed on television and eventually murdering Murr-ayy on air. However, overall I felt that it dragged in places it didn't need to, this probably sounds weird but I feel like it would've benefited from more violence? I thought it was a bit weaksauce for the hype lol

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81 | Arthur Fleck might be the most pathetic character who has ever been written. Every life decision he makes is terrible and he blames his own fault on society. Life is a hard place to live, but it is up to us to become stronger and mature about it or just whining and depressed. Aside from that, Joker is visually beautiful and has better Gotham than The Dark Knight. We could see how damaged and corrupt this city is. A place like Gotham would be a great place to born anarchists. Joker also portrayed how disconnected the rich and the poor are. That is the main problem that made the system in Gotham is broke from in or out. Some people probably have a different perspective about Arthur Fleck. But the fact is he is a terrible person who was born in a terrible city, that's why Gotham is a beautiful place for him to be.


Rating: 80.45


25%: 2.3
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.4
100%: 2.5

Favorite Characters

  1. Arthur Fleck / Joker: 2.6
  2. Murray Franklin: 2.4
  3. Penny Fleck: 2.1
  4. Thomas Wayne: 2.1
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A super-villain origin story. This reminded me of the seriousness that "Logan" went for a few years ago. This was dark and violent but it wasn't as shocking as the media was describing it. The film should have ended on the street scene. I didn't see any potential for Arthur Fleck to become the criminal mastermind that was the Joker, though. Just the rage and psychosis. That was the most disappointing aspect of the movie.

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Not really sure how this movie got such a high rating. Joaquin's performance was incredible, but otherwise it was 2h of boredom for me. Story basically did not exist.

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Joaquin Phoenix' performance makes this movie, it's impressive what he's managed to do with a character that's paper thin. Beyond that the movie's not really as deep as it's been made out to be, though it's entertaining all the same.

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DC abandons their Extended Cinematic Universe and attempts to revive the Batman franchise with the indie character drama Joker. The story follows a psychologically disturbed clown named Arthur Fleck who’s an aspiring comic as he’s fired from his job and gets a shot on a late night talk show after the host riffs on a video of one of Fleck’s stand-up routes. Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, and Brett Cullen, the film has a pretty decent cast that gives good performances; though Phoenix often overacts, drawing attention to how weird and eccentric he’s being for no reason. And the liberal politics are not in any way subtle, overshadowing the plot at time. Still, it does do some interesting things with the Batman mythos and there are some exciting and fun action scenes. Yet while Joker is a novel addition to the Batman franchise, the film style doesn’t really feel apiece with the material.

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If you're not a fan of the Batman universe, this movie will be 7/10, maybe 6/10. But for us fans, it's a great movie.

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I never thought I'd see a performance that would eclipse Heath Ledger. I'm not saying it's better, it's different. Each portrays the Joker in his own style and the result is a masterpiece of acting.

If Joaquin Phoenix doesn't win the Oscar for this I will be surprised.

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Totally worth my time.
Cinematography is great
Acting is superb.
Give Juaquin his Oscar!

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Joker is a film that messes with your head. The way American Psycho and Birdmad did. Joaquin Phoenix gives an epic performance as Arthur Fleck.
A wannabe comedian who no one takes seriously. Due to a disorder that makes him laugh uncontrollably. Pushing him further to madness. Is his talk show host role model played by Robert DeNiro. Constantly airing his comic performance, mocking it.
The film is full of uncomfortable situations and can be hard to watch at times. it’s also hard to know what is real and what isn’t, in Joker.
Which can be frustrating but Todd Phillips (The Hangover, War Dogs) does his best work yet. Giving us a trippy and complex movie that makes us question reality and our sanity.

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It just dragged and did nothing for me.

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Not as great or as terrible as expected. The politicization in the media is overkill. I found the movie a decent character journey but a one-note experience. Too many cliches (perhaps unavoidable) to be groundbreaking. It does it's job in making you feel something for the Joker because it pulls out so many human and societal issues that some are bound to stick. Some people take this movie personal. My guess is the identify of the movie leads to insecurity or positive confirmation. Other will just be disappointed it's not a typical movie for it's genre. Joaquin Phoenix does a good job.

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Terrible story acting filming no real redeeming qualities at all

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This was a thoroughly unenjoyable, pointless film. It's entirely unsurprising that the sequel will be a musical.

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Joaquin Phoenix just Amazing !! the movie shows a human side about a superheroes saga worst criminals, out of superpowers and full of weaknesses !

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WTF is people liking this crap? The premise of the film is all wrong where they is trying to create an origin story for a villain that is not supposed to have an origin. But then it's also a very stupid story in and of it self. The movie offends me to be honest.

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Not the masterpiece some people seem to think. But a good movie nonetheless. It drags a bit in some parts too, although the ending is fantastic!

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the society is not really like this but okay whatevers

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Think I watched 10-15 minutes of this and turned it off. Every thing about it felt awkward. I couldn’t do it.

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Flawless performance by Phoenix, but the movie provides little value beyond this.

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Each to their own, as always, but for me: Incredible!

I was fully aware of 'Joker' ever since its release, impossible not to be given the extraordinary hype that surrounded it, but it still absolutely surpassed my expectations - a sensational film. I adored every second of this; and I'm not even a Joker/DC Comics etc. 'fan'.

Joaquin Phoenix gives an astonishingly outstanding performance as the titular character, undoubtedly one of the greatest showings that I've ever seen from an actor. I'm not one that takes notice of awards, but he is fully deserving of anything of that ilk that he won due to this. Quality!

Everything else about the film is fantastic. Great score, great cinematography, great pacing... it's all just utterly superb and makes for a spectacular watch. I love that they avoided just going wall-to-wall crazy with this, don't get me wrong things get mad but there's more to it than just violence et al.

I had presumed that I was going to enjoy this, but it honestly smashed any predictions I had about it before seeing it. Even after just one viewing, I can already state it's one of my favourite films. Excellent!

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One of the best films this last decade. Really well thought out origin movie. Phoenix plays the part so well. Dont expect this to be your average Batman film even though yes its based on it. That said it still slots into the Batman story but has a much darker twist. Action, drama, tragedy and madness. Brilliant!

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2020-12-12T06:18:33Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:35:33Z

Finally getting around to see this. While it is a good movie, for me it suffers by being about "The Joker".
If it was an origin story where he was going to join the DCU then I'd be all for it. But as a stand alone film, it didn't need to be about that character. It could have stood on it's own.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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More unsatisfactory than my expectations, which were too high. A prequel about the birth of batman's enemy. The story is very original, but sometimes it's a little unlikely. Two things are really amazing: the cross-section of our society and the interpretation of Joaquin Phoenix, oscar more than deserved.

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A very good film with an excellent central performance, but the love fest is odd. We seem to be living in a time where we are told a movie is controversial and knife edge 'of the moment'. It's a fairly repeated formula and nothing new at all. We have to face the fact that Hollywood can't make a controversial film out of fear they will offend someone and get Twitter cancelled. shame really.

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I remember being quite confused as to why Joaquin Phoenix would take this role, especially considering early trailers which did not impress me. But the movie far surpassed my expectations.

This is a slow burning character piece, but one which never bored. It’s probably the most interesting conception of the character, and one that makes restrained allusions to its greater lore, leaving the possibility of more without the necessity.

Phoenix’s performance is incredible. It isn’t always violent, but when it is, it commits. It’s riddled with ambiguities. The climactic sequence delivered in major ways despite my having been spoiled on what would happen.

I’m not sure if DC intends to make more films in this vein, but they absolutely should.

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Worst movie. They could introdice joker in 3 minute. I waste my two hour...

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Enjoyed this, loved the soundtrack. I know it shows violence which people were complaining about in regards to mental illness but as someone whos suffered from (non-violent) psychosis, its portrayed very well which very few movies do.

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I was very much looking forward to seeing this. However, sadly i did not like it very much. Not sure i can put my finger on exactly what it is that turned me off to this movie. The acting was great. The story was very good. I enjoy seeing alternate origin stories for these larger than life comic book characters. And this was a very human, realistic origin story. And yet, I still did not like the movie that much.

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I have to rewatch a 2nd time before I give it a 10

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Rewatched it today. "This film is about someone who tried to smile through the pain, until the pain made him smile."

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A super-villain origin story. This reminded me of the seriousness that "Logan" went for a few years ago. This was dark and violent but it wasn't as shocking as the media was describing it. The film should have ended on the street scene. I didn't see any potential for Arthur Fleck to become the criminal mastermind that was the Joker, though. Just the rage and psychosis. That was the most disappointing aspect of the movie.

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Joker was enjoyable, especially considering I've taken a liking to serialized TV shows over movies because of the complexity they support. I'm personally not a fan of the unreliable narrator style of storytelling, since it's an easy answer to any inconsistencies in the story. The movie does a good job of creating a believable origin story for the Joker. The end of the movie sets up a somewhat different character than Heath Ledger's Joker, which so far has been my favourite. I'm not very familiar with the source material so it's hard for me to tell which Joker is most accurate.

I thought the interview with Murray at the end of the film resembled the viral interview of Joaquin Phoenix with David Letterman. I'm not sure if that was an intended easter egg or just me reading too much into it. For whatever reason, I found the random outbursts of laughter kind of funny. It worked in the context of the character and his story though, so no complaints.

As a bonus, there's commentary about mental health and how poorly it's handled by society, without it being an overpowering part of the film or forced down your throat.

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As someone who has studied cinematography/photography I always remember what my teacher always said while watching movies. A good movie isn't just the story it's how it's made. Can you stop at any frame and it will look like a beautiful photography? Then you have succeeded.

I normally won't like a movie like this but it's so well done and thought out so it's worth a watch. Joaquin Phoenix deserves an oscar after this performance. Everything is as it should be, Nothing negative to say about Joker.

Such a dark yet mesmerizing story.
Gruesome yet beautiful

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3 - Bad

I think the problem with this movie is that it tries to much to be a Joker movie by introducing the Wayne family story as well. Joaquin Phoenix does a good job, certainly better than Jared Leto but can sometimes go a little too far.

Story wise it's okay but personally I would've removed a few things such as the "girlfriend" plot, the Bruce Wayne scenes and perhaps shortened the part before he became the joker.

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This movie is overhyped. What’s good is the second half of the movie

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Joaquim Phoenix is amazing. Great movie.

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I honestly felt like it was a little bland, flat. But I think it's interesting to watch and origin story of Joker, and how he came to be. Maybe I only enjoyed the last 3rd of the movie, but that doesn't deter me from giving it a 7/10 rating.

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I loved it. Easily one of the best movies I watched recently and this year too.
The acting, the photography, the soundtrack, the story,... I loved everything about his movie.

Everything but one :point_up:. I think the scene where we see Thomas and Martha Wayne be killed was too similar to every time we see their death on tv. I would’ve loved to see another take on that one or at least not see the actual details. I would’ve preferred to see only the shot where we see Bruce over their dead body.

Still a :100:

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Joker (2019)

It goes dark... Within ten minutes of starting..
Deeper an darker than any film this year...
It truly deserves an Oscar...
I know Joaquin Phoenix can act..
But every scene is a picture with so much symbolic feelings...
An emotional roller coaster...
I want to watch it again but its left me in a mess.. Awe Well..
Put on a Happy Face..

Cos this movie will suck the marrow out ya bones... An walk away laffin..

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Hell of a performance piece. Great work all around, from Joaquin to the set designs and cityscape, to the whole build up. All very well done. Even the unnecessary nod to De Niro in "The King of Comedy" was perfect fit in. That said, I'm not the exact audience for this as I couldn't care less about all the superhero and comic movies coming out or that have been flooding the market. This felt like it's own standalone story for about 99% of the film other than the inevitable "beginnings" of Bruce Wayne. That's a good thing. It didn't need to feel like an anti-superhero movie, and it didn't at all. Was it necessary? Not really. Was it entertaining? Yes. Would I watch it again? Doubtful.

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One of the darkest movies I've seen recently, dealing with a sensitive topic, so well written and marvelously executed. Phoenix was absolutely brilliant here, he gave an Oscar worthy performance.

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Now this is the kind of movie that shows "WHAT ONE MAN CAN DO", all other characters maybe except De Niro appear blurred, and u just wanna watch Phoenix at his best.

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Pain and past make you believe in in dreams, while your hunger makes you hunt.

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1st half: 7/10. Understand why they did it but still feels slow.
2nd half: 9/10. When the movie really starts. Just great from here on out.

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So many people think Batman is the sole character of DC. I desagree, The Joker has its own life and when people actually started to say that Heart Ledgers' perfomance was the best, Phoenix make this unique and amazing job playing one of my favorite villains in the whole world. And no, Ledger and Phoenix are totally different and both made amazing perfomances.

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Not a patch on Taxi Driver or Dead Man's Shoes.

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Joaquin deserves awards for this one :trophy::movie_camera::fire::clown::black_joker:

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After watching the new Todd Phillip's movie "Joker", I think that this is a great movie about society and its aftermath, but as a film about the iconic DC comic book antagonist, it is rather empty because this is no joker pre-history, but rather an arbitrary director's way of attracting viewers to the cinema thanks to its intriguing title. Therefore, it should be viewed as a social drama, not a comic book screening.

For those who want to know how this hero came about, I suggest you read "The Killing Joke" or at least watch a cartoon showing the birth of Joker.

P.S. I hope Joaquin Phoenix gets an Oscar.

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Joker handles the concepts and ideas that are unusual for comic book adaptations in a somewhat ordinary way. Yet, Joaquin Phoenix somehow manages to overcome these uninspiring parts of the film with his uncomfortable but masterful performance.

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Great delivery, irresponsible movie. I felt weird watching this movie. Noticing a few people clapping and be proud when 'Arthur' was standing up and slowly joining the dark side.
I'm greatly concerned how this movie will affect people who have a 'bad' day.

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Joaquin Phoenix made one of the best perfomances in cinema history! If it wasn't him maybe i would rate it as a 8/10 but now 9/10 for sure..Powerfull movie with great messages and great directing must watch!

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Wow! Just wow!

So close to being the masterpiece is probably deserves to be. If it were but for one tiny little scene. The scene in question is an annoyingly superfluous montage two thirds into the movie that explains what is already blatantly obvious. Underestimating the audiance is among the worst sins you can commit as a filmmaker. As for the rest of the script, the cinematography, the score, the cast and its director; breathtaking, epic!

Joker does not glorify violence more than any other film in its genre. It would be super silly to say that a film all about the Joker goes out of its way to glorify violence. Violence is what the character is all about.

As for Phoenix vs. Ledger; well,... I truthfully would not be able to choose. Phoenix is THAT good.


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Fantastic acting and the Frank Sinastra tracks really made it an awesome treat.

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Joaquin phoenix has been brilliant. He played one of his career best performance. The best part of this version of joker is he did in his unique way . No resemblance to dark knight joker and also didn't tried too much like messed up suicide squad joker.
Coming to the movie it's a highly intense dark drama. This movie is not for people who got hyped by the joker portrayed by heath ledger. This is a treat for people who love dark drama. The scene when he comes out as joker and the relief in his face and that excitement to do his own wish or thing he liked was so wonderful. Tod Phillips did a wonderful job.
I think most of the people won't find it good, looking for some anti villian elements.

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One of a hell never again experience!!!:fire::fire:

Solid script is the backbone of this movie.After first half i thought they are messing the timeline and story for making emotions.But it was a u turn on the story after the first half.A lot of twists and intense story development.Felt frozen on lot of seens.

Dont call this masterpiece.Its something more

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