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It Follows 2015

The title seems to have a double meaning. Not only for the 'monster' of the film, but it is also one of those movies that gets under your skin. I can't stop thinking about it.
The film has very unique feel to it, an 80's vibe, a creepy unique premise and a constant feeling of unease, I can now see why this has been getting so much press throughout the horror scene.
A Must Watch!

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The exceptional cinematography contributes to its distinctive atmosphere and is unquestionably the finest element of the “It Follows.” Exploiting the idea of impending doom to terrify the viewer rather than depending on a monster or jump scares is a refreshing change.

Nevertheless, the premise was rather uninteresting, and the acting, although adequate, failed to leave an impression. Moreover, a ludicrous climax causes “It Follows” to lose focus, resulting in an underwhelming conclusion. Although enjoyable, the film falls well short of the high expectations set by its critical acclaim.

It Follows (2014): 6.9/10 (Good, Slightly Flawed)

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The one thing that is creepy to me is that, you can see "it" coming from afar so slowly but surely and knowing that no matter where u go "it" will find you. As the saying goes, "you can run but you can't hide".

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"It could look like someone you know or it could be a stranger in a crowd."

This was a nice surprise. I had heard it was good but I didn't know what to expect. This goes to show what you can do with a low budget and a creative story. Less can be more!

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The ending section ruined everything. So the thing can kill the person from a distance? How can sometimes the thing interact with other people and sometimes (like the scene where it enters through the door right behind Yara) the person doesn't even notice it?

That whole climax (the pool scene) it's stupid. What a dumb idea to try to electrocute an invisible monster.

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And like other movies of this genre was good till that ending, I don't know, it's not that great as I read, but sure make the work without those jump scares and all that this kind of movie use, but I didn't like the ending, I was expecting more of it.

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This sexually transmitted ghost story is like something from a Reddit by a kid. I do like the synthesiser sounds, but there use here is too forced and contrived, like to purposely show the movie makers are Carpenter fans and to give an feel. Because it's cool to have something 80s in our modern horror, isn't it? Yeah when it actually good. The music is like stealing Carpenter's bass jabs and replacing melody with random drones, due to lack of talent. Ironically, if this dodgy script was made in the 80s it would probably have been fun.
This is not scary. There is no atmosphere. The director couldn't even think of a unique way to show a slow walking ghost. It's awful.
Seriously if you were thinking of writing a horror, and a cursed std plot came to mind, you'd either ignore it or make it ridiculous. This tried to be serious.

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I found it very lame and boring. It's not really "it": they're people; random people with serious expressions.
The only thing scary is the fact that just the "victim" can see them but other people can be hurt too (e.g., flying chairs). Now that would've been a better plot.
The STD thing could've been interesting too, but it wasn't.
Bad writing, shallow characters, good camera work and great soundtrack.

Also: how about the guys she fucks on the boat? Shouldn't that have stopped her curse? Did I miss something? (I might've, considering I almost fell asleep while watching it.)

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Top 3 modern horror movies

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Really beautifully shot and paced movie, I enjoyed it a lot. The weird timelessness of the setting - 80s synth music, black and white tvs, older cars - made the whole thing feel sort of dreamlike. The story was unique, the subtleties of the acting were fantastic, and it was just a really fun watch!

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I didn't feel thrilled or feaful but somehow this movie still gave me the creeps. It's the kind of horror that gets deep into your head and stays there long after you turn of your TV.

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Where is the terror and the mystery? Boring movie that does not take advantage of any of his characters

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It puts the lotion on it's skin

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No good at all! Raw plot, some dark armosphere but nothing more. Totally forgettable!

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I recognize that there is a certain atmosphere in the film. However, it starts with an unknown and ends in the same way ...
And why not think about the prostitute rather...
bof bof bof

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Really interesting movie. It's creepy when you know someone is coming for you, and you can't stop it. The only thing you can do is run away and hope you survive long enough. The only thing I don't understand is why this curse is transfered during sex, but that's just a small thing.

I would recommend this movie to everyone who's looking for a creepy horror-ish movie, because the movie really set the right atmosphere and has some good music to go with it.

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This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

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It had cool camera shots, nice soundtrack, but to me the plot was just utterly stupid. Like example the ending: go to the pool and try to electrocute "It". And for example this "It" is chasing you and you decide to sleep the night at the forest on the hood of your car etc.. I know it's a horror movie, but way too much stupid choices made by the writers in my opinion.

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This sucked big time! Not scary, silly plot, horrible ending.

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Shout by KingKon_NL

Is this what horror movies have become nowadays? This movie is completely stupid and boring. It has no moments that will make you jump out of your seat and the story doesn't make sense at all. It changes the rules on itself several times.
The best plan the main characters can eventually come up with is "luring" the supernatural "it" to a pool and drop plugged in electrical appliances into the water to electrocute it. That ends up failing miserably so they shoot "it" in the head instead.

The atmosphere that most reviews are talking about gets old really fast. It's like the old zombie movies where they are just slow walking dead that you can easily outrun. Only where there is constant tension there, because they are everywhere, this movie only has one of the "it" beings, so if you get away from it you're safe for a while until it finally finds you again.
Anyway, a complete waste of time.

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It Follows did a lot of things right, and not much wrong.

Everything about this movie was unsettling. From the time period, to the premise, to other more subtle aspects.

This has the feel of your standard horror/thriller movie, but as you unravel what is going on you start to see the depth this movie brings. The cinematography was excellent, and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

There were a few things that felt a bit disconnected, and unexplained (in a bad way) and that's about all I can fault this movie.

Very well made, and would definitely recommend to horror/thriller fans.

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I have no idea what all the good ratings are about. This is the stupidest show I have seen in a long time. action and unsatisfying ending.

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I expected to be a lot better, not what everybody thinks

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A great homage to 80s teen horror, especially Carpenter’s Halloween, this film shares an equally relentless central Boogeyman. Wisely deciding to offer no explanation as to its motive, the film manages to create a sense of dread throughout as well as some superb set pieces that never rely on jump cuts and loud noises to scare. Instead the evocative score, the slow tracking shots throughout the film and the knowledge that anyone could be the Boogeyman as the camera slowly pans around the scene create tension throughout. It does lay on the themes and metaphors for teenage sexuality and peer pressure a little strong and the epilogue, whilst intended to evoke a sense of ambiguity to the film, unfortunately does a disservice to one of the central characters whose suggested solution feels inappropriate to the themes of the film and also out of character. However, this is still a very strong addition to the horror genre.

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As Jeremy Jahns said: "You come and it follows" :D

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i genuinely cannot even fathom what i just watched. there were so many scenes that felt out of place and added absolutely nothing to the plot.... yet other scenes felt extremely rushed? a couple scenes were so absurd that all you can do is laugh. it cuts randomly to scenes that offer no explanation of how they came to be. there is no real resolution. the atmosphere is good, yes. ~oh it's always following and you never know when it'll show up or what it'll look like~. but that doesn't make up for the garbage storytelling. not even a little bit.

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Shout by Deleted

Not good at all. I can't understand all the good reviews about this movie.

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I am surprised this was not picked up before. Something that follows... great movie BUT the end sucked. Watch it and you may agree.

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Great atmosphere, great score, great look... but the whole ending was a plothole. I mean, the thing can kill people from a distance? Why didn't do it everytime? Okay, there was water, but normally it would wait for his victim to get out of it. That makes the whole "keep it away from you"- thing unnecessary.

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Allright, let's talk about this masterpiece. I don't watch horror movies since 8 years ago. I stopped because they were unbearably repetitive. Always copying each other, never coming up with something really "new". This one is different. This one is simple and effective. The plot is original, the acting is quite good. It perfectly unifies the feeling of being constantly chased, with the feeling of protection. Given by the friendship. Like "okay, we believe you, there's a monster. We will run together". I don't know, there's something touching in being in trouble and getting away with your friends. Most important thing: it's not the classic horror where nothing is explained, there are plain and logical limits, even for the monster itself. And that feels extremely good. It definetly made me feel inside that story. Extremely underrated.
Looking forward to a sequel.

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This has become one of my favorite horror movies. The tone and the soundtrack are amazing.

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Shout by Deleted

Such a good movie such a good soundtrack and performances and wow what an aesthetic

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Oh no an STG (sexually transmitted ghost)

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Rewatched this today. A really good creepy movie. And it's not all jump scares. Just some really good camera position to make things pretty creepy.

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It Follows succeeds more in atmosphere than story. Half the score is incredible, the other half contributes little. The film ultimately is better than the average horror project but has too many inherent flaws to be named with the best of the genre.

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Terrifying, and tension filled. Indicative of what kids would do in the 80's. No resources, no information sharing platforms. No mobiles. Just you and the people around you.

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Still pretty good movie that can be interpreted many ways. Very good shots and some pretty scary moments too.

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I know already. Sex is bad, and it could kill you. Can't get any more 1980s preachy than that. Plot a bit lacking, but this movie is still a bit creepy.

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Premise ok acting was not so good writing needed lots of help

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Love that it's filmed in Detroit

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It is ok. I enjoyed it, my hands were sweating for the second half.

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Wasn't as scary as others claimed it to be, there was no explanation on why the hell this thing exists, or why it's passed on by sex like a STD. They couldn't even decide on how to end the story, so they didn't Brilliant

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Basically hentai minus tentacles and rape.

Jokes aside, its a brillant concept. One of the freshest take in horror of the last decade. It has it flaws and is not always well executed and acted but overall good enough.

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In "It Follows", the concept that sex in horror films is a death sentence is taken to the extreme. Despite the limited budget, the film works extremely well. It is suspenseful, atmospheric throughout, and creepy in many places. A huge part is contributed by the effective cinematography as well as the fitting score. I found myself repeatedly looking for the titular "It" in the background in quieter scenes, and often I found it. The basic premise is very effective and carries the film to the end.

On the negative side, I wouldn't complain that much; at most, the low budget is sometimes noticeable, and a few weaker performances are somewhat distracting. Furthermore, the finale is perhaps not quite as outstanding as the first two-thirds of the runtime. But overall, "It Follows" is a really strong horror film.

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Why didn't they just run it over? Oh, let's try and electrocute him. No, get him on the road, hop in the car and hit him at 90 easy.

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Suspenseful masterpiece....I can watch this at least once a week

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I know crap when I see it. This is beyond crap! This movie is just stupid!DO NOT WATCH.

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I can't be the Only one who thinks this movie sucks balls. Though i get the comparison with smile 2022, i find That last one waaay better. Offcourse taste is personal but to me this movie was very boring , poorly acted , and not scary at all.

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Now that is a mother fcuker of an STD
What a truly Great movie with a unique concept and the hole situation is scary and sinister and creepy as Hella. Jesus what would you do in this situation.
What a fantastic idea and the movie keeps you engaged all the way through as us the audience is constantly scanning the background
in every scene.
I really feel for all involved,
As you know
WOW......So Cool.
I am really pleased I have
"It Follows and Smile"
On Blu Ray as I absolutely love
Horror movies
and these 2 beauties are 2 very
unique and well thought out HM.
Their is nothing else like these 2 out their
and they are both definitely a welcome addition into
My Multiverse Archives.

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The scariest part was when that girl sat on a toilet and simultaneously brushed her teeth and clipped her toenails. What kind of a monster would do this?!

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WTF is it, the concept is good but the actual plot is filled with loop holes and there is no consequences for any actions that have taken by the characters or by the plot or just maybe maybe the creators of this film try to put our focus on only one thing and nothing else.

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This was definitely a good and original movie. At first it felt like it had a David Lynch feel to it, by the way they did the movie score music on a few scenes in the beginning, but it definitely lost that vibe as it continued, but either way, if your a fan of horror, than you need to check this movie out.

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Shout by Deleted

Lots of questions unanwsered or whatever, like what about gay people, what about orgy and stuff but it doesnt really matter, and also there is a moment where the guy just stops moving, i thought that the entire idea is that he follows, like he only walks.

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I wanted more by the end, but that's not to say 'It Follows' isn't a very, very good film - it is.

I adore the look of the film, the cinematography is superb; the score is nice too. Maika Monroe leads a solid cast excellently. The premise is certainly interesting and it does create suitable tension, while the effects used are neat. The plot is quite sexual, potentially overly so in a couple of moments but in truth it needs to be for the most part. I would've, elsewhere, appreciated a deeper dive into the antagonists, also.

I could see a sequel coming from this, it's the sorta concept that could easily produce many sequels. I'd be fine with just the one, but would watch another - it must keep the same vibe though.

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It Follows is definitely one of the best movies that has ever been created. 11/10 This movie transcends anything I could have ever expected. It is absolute perfection.

It's the whole entire package: Cinematography, musical score, pacing, visual framing, originality, (soft spoiler) twists, and everything from the casting, costumes, actors, just overall the tightness of the story... this remains the most psychologically disturbing movies I've ever see in my life.

This movie affected my mental well-being for two solid months after watching it. It's terrifying.

Disasterpiece did an overwhelmingly excellent job on the musical score, and the actors brought this movie to life.

There are no spoilers in this review, just know that I saw this movie FOUR TIMES in theaters when it came out.

I'm not NOT a horror movie type of person, but It Follows fucking changed me as a human being.

You must watch this movie for yourself. It's incredible.

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The film had me intrigued throughout the first hour, but then they simply forgot to write an ending. You will rewind the film back 10 mins thinking you've missed something when in actual fact the storyline has just gone AWOL. I give it 7/10 for the 1st hour & 1/10 for the ending.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm so confused and lowkey disappointed.

First, the disappointment: "It Follows" presents itself with a somehow awkward, somehow cool as fuck premise. I was okay with it, I've built a little expectation from that first act but the whole thing crumbled in the last bit.

The film its cohesive, coherent, but it could have explored a little more (mostly on the psychologial side of the narrative). Instead of doing so, it chooses a more predictable and not as impressive path. It's a fun film to watch if you're not looking for a mindblown piece - which I was, since I came to it from a long line of recommendations.

Now, the confusion:What the hell was that seashell reading device?!

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It's shot well, the score is okay, the story is meh

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1/ 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
.5 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

6.5 / 10

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A extra star for the beginning, and an extra one for the metaphor. Otherwise a very weak film with very weak characters that do things that make no sense.

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I honestly watched this because of the reviews saying it was good. Definitely at the beginning, I thought that "okay, so this is a horror film about STD?".. kidding aside, the premise didn't bother me at all, which is what I was looking from horror films. something that would make me feel uncomfortable, this movie didn't deliver (at least for me).

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Incredibly disturbing, It Follows is a creepy and atmospheric low-budget indie horror film. An allegory about STDs (in part), the story follows a young girl who, after having sex with her boyfriend, is stalked by a mysterious shapeshifting creature that can only be seen by those who’ve had sex with an infected person, and it can only be escaped from (for a time) by passing on the infection to another person through sex. Maika Monroe gives a strong performance that’s nuanced and really shows her struggle to come to grips with her situation. However, the director makes some odd choices in creating a setting, as it comes off as a strange alternative reality with a mixture of futuristic and retro fashions and technologies (which is quite distracting). Additionally, the creature effects are rather grotesque; with the creature often appearing mangled and in various stages of nudity. A problematic film, It Follows delivers some effective scares, but the who and the what are so vague that the story ends up being rather unsatisfying.

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omg this is kind of a masterpiece, Stephen King WISHES

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And the score goes BOOM WHEAAA BOOOM.
Cool movie!! Maika is our indie horror/thriller go-to girl

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Wow, this was a surprise. So good, so creepy. I was expecting the whole "sexually transmitted killer" theme to be more "sexy" and was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't. Very well done.

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When you set up an elaborate system to get rid of some supernatural being and then you don't even use it.

Better than your average film from the horror genre, of course, but it's riddled with odd decisions by the characters and the story doesn't make a ton of sense, especially the entire pool part. One gun shot and it lives. Two gunshots and that's enough, can't handle it for some reason. It bleeds out. And the teens don't even think to toss in the electrical equipment they had set up. Why??? If this thing is hounding you, would you not take ever precaution in making sure it's gone?

Besides this, the sound is great. The acting is subpar. The writing is not very good. I get that you wouldn't want to involve the parents if you're writing this but there has to be a better way of not involving them than simply "We can't tell my parents!" while you disappear for what seems to be days yet nothing comes of it. I just can't recommend this and a good chunk of this story just flat out annoys me

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Shout by Deleted

The worst and stupidest movie of all time ever... If u respect urself do not ever waste ur time with this useless garbage.

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Shout by Deleted

I really like the movie and how the things happen but what king of final was that ? o dont know if it has resolved or not

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Its very spoopy in my opinion

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lol. Garbage movie. I like the camera work, but that's about it. No idea how this movie is getting good ratings.

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The "horror" genre has never been my favourite. However when I saw "The Babadook" in 2014 and later films like "Under the Skin", "Goodnight Mommy", "It Follows", "The Witch", "Hush", "Don't Breathe" and "Lights Out" and even "The Neon Demon", I started to love this genre. Especially, psychological horror movies.

"It Follows" grabbed me on the screen from the first scene and kept me in the edge of my seat throughout the all movie. What an interesting concept. I will not even talk about the story, see the movie by yourself.

The movie is beautifully shot and the soundtrack gets under your skin in a very effective way. The performances were good, especially the leading actress (Maika Monroe).

Overall, I really enjoyed "It Follows" although the ending was kinda messy.

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don't be scared: the end of the opening scene doesn't say much about the rest of the movie. it is more of an psychological thriller than of an horror movie. i like the plot very much but i can feel that the movie could be better story development, showing more consequences and being more dark on the psychological terms of what it means to be followed like that.
in a few words, it could go deeper. but a good film

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It Follows was better than I expected as a thriller and half as good as I expected as a horror.It's still worth a watch, just not when you're wanting a scare.

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Shout by Adam K.

Promiscuity cure for all evil... ;>

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Please, do not see that movie.....

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Esta película tiene un comienzo que promete, pero que al transcurrir el rodaje de la misma va decayendo hasta limites muy bajos, quizás lo que mas destacable es la lectura final de las ultimas 2 escenas, de como lograr safarse por así decirlo de la dichosa maldición.
Falta explicar muchas cosas que el espectador no logra nunca saber, actuaciones muy sosas, y las acciones que tiene que realizar el personaje principal son bastante cuestionables.
En fin esta película solo la recomiendo para un día de esos que no tengas nada, pero nada que hacer. Le falto mucho a la misma y existen muchas incoherencias en el guion. Muchas preguntas quedaron en el aire.

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Shout by Deleted

Shockingly liked this film. I love the way it incorporates old horror movie devices, music, camera shots etc. but giving them a modern twist. Definitely recommend the film.

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Shout by Deleted

Its not scary but its good different than any horror 7/10

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If your kids ever ask what's an STD, show them this movie.
Thank me later.

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It's simple, different, distressing, helped by a music that transmits it. It was good

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I'm in love with the soundtrack

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Shout by Deleted

It's a new masterpiece for the genre, great original script and a superb execution, you can't miss if you're a horror fan.

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Rent it: good original story. Acting was mediocre, and picture is kind of gritty but worth seeing at least once.

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Shout by kirenosslrak

I liked it up until the end. I need proper closure..

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Shout by Deleted

This movie doesn't have moments that will make you jump out of your seat...

.... the entire movie does that! Absolutely fantastic atmosphere, soundtrack, performances! Without a doubt one of the best US horror movie in decades.

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