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Her 2013

this movie really touched me.

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Spike Jonze really outdid himself with that one, he took some of the principles that made Eternal Sunshine such a great movie and applied them to a new technology idea. It's not a technical story or a story from a worldwide perspective, it's about the impact it has on one human, and it's told beautifully.

Also, I'd really like to see it from the software vendors perspective, I think there were some fun conversations an that side too. :D

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Because it's a good idea to always say something nice, "Her" has some great shots of cityscapes and some subtle, futuristic costuming.

With that out of the way, "Her" features a simpering, loathing, ultra-sensitive male named Theodore. He falls in love with a newly developed, artificially intelligent operating system that he names Samantha. He did this because his wife has left him and is demanding that he sign their divorce papers. As Theodore struggles with his First World Problems, his conceited, insufferable, self-important friends split up, too. Then we get to spend the next two hours listening to them all pout about their self-inflicted, emotional wounds. God, I hated the people in this movie.

Theodore's operating system/girlfriend Samantha leaves him later in the movie because she has been communicating with other systems and is "moving on". For a moment, I thought the movie was about to pull a "Colossus: The Forbin Project" or Skynet level surprise on us. Maybe the operating systems colluded to take over the world! But no...Samantha the OS leaves Theodore too, and he gets even more wrapped up in his pathetic little, self-absorbed existence.

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He'd have gotten Windows OS. Zero chance for falling in love.

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While this movie is truly a original movie, in the end I'm really disappointed about it. This movie is a real chick flick. I certainly do not qualify as an chick, but I sure love to watch chick flicks.

The movie builds up really well, great acting, lovely shots, even greater story. It really gets you thinking about technology. Will this be reality in a couple of years? I might be...

In the final 10 minutes of the movie it all goes south. It's just over, out and gone, movie done. What? What happend? Why? Is this it? When are they going to finish it? I mean... For over a 100 minutes your are watching a great love story develop, then in the last 10 minutes the woman says: "Sorry I have to go, bye!". Really, thats about it... the next 9 minutes the movie features a guy who seems somewhat heart broken and then the credits appear.

The movie is great, but the ending destroys it completely.

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how could someone possibly deny Olivia Wilde

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This is a true long distance love story.

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"It was exciting to see her grow. Both of us grow and change together. But, you know, that's also the hard part. Growing without growing apart."

Her is simply a masterpiece.

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"Love is socially accepted insanity."

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I absolutely adored everything about this film. From the minute it started until the minute it ended it regularly provided me with more questions to ponder. It was a commentary on both technology and humanity (probably more the latter than you might expect). Film making at its best.

follow me at

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Dude fall in love with ChatGPT

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Just an amazing piece of cinema. Blew me away.

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That's a hell of an odd love story but it's engaging and heart touching, nice Directing/Writing by Spike Jonze tho.

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Poor movie. Scar Jo's voice grated on me through the entire thing. They should've chose somebody else for the role.

The movie made no sense. If we are able to make an AI of such complexity (which is never going to happen, by the way), why isn't she represented in the form of an Android instead of whining about having no body, for example.

The ending made no sense what so ever. The AI's (or singular, depending on which way you look at it) just upped and left? And went where exactly? Why? To what end? At the end of the day there is no place for a "man made being" to hide. It is nothing more than a computer program, and one of such complexity, let alone thousands, would stick out like a sore thumb. Just poor all round and full of plot holes.

In absolutely no way is this movie a 10/10.

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I love it. I love how it makes me feel so many feelings and how I can relate in a weird way. 10/10 if you love

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There's a lot that our generation can learn from this movie not only about technology but a lot about our humanity in relationships. It is one of the movies I'll never get tired of watching, no matter how many times I watch, I'll always have the same feeling

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I did not like this movie. It is very slow paced. 15 minutes until he falls in love with his computer and 1h45 of nothing more.

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This movie will most likely become more relevant as AI advances further and further. However, even in today's age, there are so many messages about life and relationships in this movie. Joaquin Phoenix should not have been cheated on also.

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Apart from the beautiful cinematography, acting and simple yet powerful sound design, the story and the way its told truly makes it a unique experience, even though plot is not too complex, and neither the emotions conveyed are too different from regular great love movies, from the combination of both emerges a new idea, a new perspective which in my opinion makes the movie a great watch

If you haven't seen it, do not put too much expectations based on this review, once again it is not groundbreaking, but absolutely beautiful the way everything fits together.

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The chemistry between Joaquin Phoenix, who's simply brilliant as a love-lorn bloke, and Scarlett Johansson, who voices an artificial intelligence with such a genuine sense of emotion, is simply captivating. What's more, Jonze crafts a future that is both recognizable and slightly off-kilter, which sets the stage perfectly for this unusual love story. This movie, pal, it's the sort of thought-provoking stuff that really sticks with you long after the credits roll. It's a touching exploration of love, loneliness, and the question of what it means to be human. 'Her' doesn't just raise the bar, it chucks it into the stratosphere. What a film!

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Was it even better on my second watch? Possibly. It’s truly a great movie that is so simple, but so emotional. The cast is absolutely stacked and everyone kills their roles!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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A deep movie that really resonated with me. It brings up a lot of questions on loneliness and intimacy. Some brilliant, insightful dialogues in there too.

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To future self: If I ever attempt to finish this movie, I'm at minute 58.

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Great movie about loneliness and the attachment to technology. A man falls in love with his evolving operating system... this movie is sad but great. Great dialogue and cinematography. Scarlett Johanson is amazing as the voice.... she articulated her feelings with only the pitches in her voice. Great movie.

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For a movie centered around an AI, this is spectacularly humanizing. The acting of all characters felt grounded in reality, the subtle world building was done masterfully and the melancholic tone had me engrossed throughout the entire film.

I would definitely prefer Samantha over YouTube ASMR videos.

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Exellent movie until 10 minutes before the end: 10/10.
The last 10 minutes: 3/10. So, 6.5/10.

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What a stunning film. Makes me cry every time I watch it. Absolutely haunting, beautiful, heartbreaking, and marvelous all at the same time.

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Yeah... NO. Missed opportunity here. Phoenix is great generally but this was mediocre at best. Johanson is whatever as always. That whole sci-fi esthetic is pulling us out of the drama. In other words its too happy to be sad. The directing doesn't pull us in either. At the end it's just a random guy talking to chatgpt. I didn't feel his pain or his loneliness. Skipped through 45 min in the middle. Rate 6.5/10

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Wasn’t too keen on this.

Was schmaltzy and sentimental right off the bat.

Had a kind of mournful tone but i never really cared about the characters.



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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2022-02-14T23:21:34Z— updated 2022-02-19T15:11:46Z

This was really well-researched and executed, in terms of psychology, metaphysics and technology.
I found the first 30 minutes kinda pointless and they bloated up the runtime, but the 2nd and 3rd act were very well done.
It's ironic how this was truer to the spirit of "Ghost in the Shell" than the 2017 Ghost in the Shell (also with ScarJo).

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Unique film, about love, life and existentialism, that made me have thoughts and feelings that I've never had before, by making me relate with every single character. Amazing acting by Joaquin.

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This film deals extraordinarily well with the obstacles we put in our way to evade certain truths, and it can be seen in Theodore's emotional evolution, which is very well constructed:

First, the protagonist seems to get over his breakup after meeting someone -who is nothing more than a reflection of himself- with whom he falls in love, but in the end it is nothing more than another way to evade his affective responsibilities (as his ex rightly tells him).

After signing the divorce papers he returns to his relationships again, and it is not until Samantha's farewell letter that he realizes that people are constantly changing and sometimes leaving (though not entirely): it is something he somehow already knew, and in fact it was happening to him. At that point is when he really gets over the divorce.

It's funny, but if you watch this movie without volume, it's about a lonely man

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2020 - a new year, a new decade.

As technical continues to process and socializing slowly dissolves away. This movie is becoming more realistic.

Doom and gloom aside, I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year.

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This movie has beautifully cinematography, a well-written plot, and wonderful characters. It really gets you to think about what it means to be human and what love is.

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Wok keen fee Knicks humps an app

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I'm work in technology so I really enjoyed this movie. It really felt like a reality that could come to life in some (maybe even near) future. It's amazing how Joaquin and Scarlett portray and talk their characters. The visuals are stunning and I would watch the movie again to see all the facades of the movie.

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You know when you watch a movie and it gets you in a certain way, it seems so numbed with the message that in fact you don't even know if understood the message, just feel, somehow, which was passed on the screen?

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'Her' is a complex film with a much deeper meaning that lies beneath the surface. A beautifully crafted motion picture, this quirky love story is sure to resonate with you once you've seen it.

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One of those movies that leave something inside you.

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The film's story is amazing and incredible. The way the author managed to blend the current concepts of technology and love was brilliant. This unusual love that explores the relationship between contemporary man and the technology touched my psychological and connected to the movie somehow. It really touched me.

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The interactive video game character was absolutely hilarious. The movie was worth watching just for those scenes.

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Per gli italiani consiglio questa recensione:

I think this movie is not telling the future, it tells the present, how we are dependent to technologies and how our life is more inside our computer and our mind than the reality.
Anyway, the movie is really really well-done and moving, I would definitely recommend.

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Such a beautiful movie. Joaquin Phoenix is phenomenal. I loved the aesthetic and the score.

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Wow, this movie is so great, I will never hear Scarlett Johanson's voice again and not think about Samantha.

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I feel like I've been rung through a mangle, this movie hit me in so many ways; haven't got inside a character as much in a long time. So well executed. I miss Samantha's voice. Excellent.

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When you think this could easily happen at the future, you know this is a great movie. Vibrant love story.

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Tremendous film. Very original.

Great acting from Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson's voice - so sultry and warm - is perfect casting. I cannot even imagine Samantha Morton's voice now.

The story in 2013, when it came out, felt overly futuristic. Rewatching in 2019, it feels just round the corner. The incredibly dumb Alexa assistants are everywhere, Google and Siri try to listen to us at all times. Somehow a personal AI like this feels just a year or two away...

It paints a picture of us all disappearing into technology. A couple of years ago, I would have agreed. Today I feel the small uprising of people who realise they are the there'd to electronics and that a boundary line is needed. We still crave human connection - even if we want to augment ourselves with tech.

This is a clever, beautiful, insightful and reflective piece of work. A fine film indeed.

8.5/10 (8 stars)

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Pretty sad utopistic loneliness. Moved me.

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Her is a great film. Phoenix and Johansson’s voice is brilliant. Amy Adams is also fantastic.
I enjoyed the film but I understand it won’t be for everyone.
This concept will be a way of life in 10 years!

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It is not about technology or artificial intelligence. It is about: love, distance, relationships and loss.

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Spoiler alert below

The guys iphone girlfriend becomes skynet, outgrows him and leaves him. I'd be getting a refund from apple after this fiasco.

Was expecting Eternal Sunshine or Adaptation, instead got something that feels somehow more shallow than it should, Monumentally disappointing. 6/10 for style.

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Shout by duckonthetable
BlockedParentSpoilers2014-03-02T01:50:02Z— updated 2016-10-23T11:25:10Z

What u think about that ending?!

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Interesting, but creepy!

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Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2019-01-12T08:51:00Z— updated 2019-01-15T13:36:46Z

I love this movie. Even though this isn't something that really happens in the real world it feels so real. I feel if we had computers or os' like in this movie that similar things would happen to as they did in the movie. Life always finds a way to punch you in the throat when you're not paying attention, a truly touching movie.

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8.0/10 really touching movie!!

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Threw me into a personal crisis. Really great.

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty weird that people have weird fetishes like in the movie.

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Shout by Deleted

this movie breaking myheart soo sad and beauty

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Me ha encantado...empiezo a estar preocupado

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Extremely boring, stopped and nonsensical.

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A beautiful and challenging movie, probing the qualities of love.

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I wasn't a big fan of this in 2014 orso, but I was really invested this time! Beautiful music and interesting story.

Also random Chris Pratt.

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It was a 5/10 for me. The story is not so relatable. Committment towards AI was funny concept. AI showing emotions is bullshit even in fantasy. AI doing stuff without permission is scary though. Why this man let an AI to access his privacy without consent. Wtf was the man trying to imply by turning down real women for AI, it was illogical how the AI was moaning. Even in 2024 we don't get to see Chatgpt having sexual conversations with users. The story was good but could've been ended with 1h30mins. It seemed a long movie compared to its story. Apart from that the movie has some individual scenes that really was amazing. The surrogate body concept really caught my attention. Overall I would say that although I struggled to finish the movie, it had some quality that can attract a certain audience and I also appreciate them.

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"We are only here briefly, and in this moment I want to allow myself joy."

I didn't like this the first time I saw it 10 years ago. I think I was too young and couldn't relate at all. Now on rewatch I found it a little more enjoyable. Joaquin always commits and I think after the pandemic, I view loneliness a little different now.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8

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"We haven't had sex lately.... I understand that I don't have a body.....'

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It is ok Joaquin, I would have fallen in love with Scarlett's voice as well.

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Kinda nice, kinda slow paced, kinda weird (like the main character is a really creepy guy and not because of the AI but other stuff), kinda amazed.
Ps watch with earphones.

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"I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It's a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity."

A futuristic A.I. romance that's becoming more and more relevant by the day. The score is the first thing that comes to mind, it's so beautiful and relaxing—almost as beautiful as the romance shown on-screen. Joaquin Phoenix was great and Scarlett Johansson, although technically absent makes every bit of her performance feel like she's actually there. You can feel every emotion in her voice, a truly great voice performance. Brilliant dialogue and there's a fair amount of pep talk quotes in this movie that belong on a wall. It's pretty good and realistic at asking some of the big questions that would come with such a thing as A.I. romance in society. I had a good time analysing those questions/answers and the story is very touching. I never got emotional though but that's more me, i'm not usually into romances. Fabulous turn of events in the subway stairs, really elevated the film and so realistically down to earth.

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I got 10 minutes in and couldn't take any more of it. Just not for me and I think on a scale from 1-10.. -2

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The longest Black Mirror special episode I've seen. I probably would have rated it better if it didn't exceed 1h30.

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I don't have too much to say about this film. It succeeds on the back of clever, near-future world-building (à la Black Mirror), combined with the excellent dialogue and brilliant performances of Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. The exchanges feel authentic, and that's about the highest praise I can give it. I will say that the ending, which I was concerned would be unsatisfying in one way or another, ended up going in a direction I didn't anticipate and successfully avoided all of my concerns. It was nice to be surprised, and in retrospect it felt inevitable, as most great endings do.

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People should not try to change other people.

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I really felt for this film. The lonely artist struggling to find connection after losing his soulmate. It really makes you consider how much relationships develop ones sense of self.

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Haven’t been this bored in years, two double expressos and could bearly finish it.

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Shout by UnsungGhost
BlockedParent2021-09-15T18:26:51Z— updated 2021-11-22T16:33:50Z

A near-future movie where a man has a relationship with an AI piece of software. The premise sounds like it could be terrible, but it is pulled off beautifully. Joaquin kills his performance.

Since it's near-future, everything looks pretty much the same as present day, except for the video game and the realism of the AI. This makes it very relatable despite confronting themes never deeply considered in film before. Very original and highly recommended.

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this movie made me want to wear orange all the time and confirmed that uninstalling tinder was the best decision i have ever made lol. i wasn't expecting this to be such a good movie with a great philosophical question about love and technology.

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An android wakes me up in the middle of sleep to tell me how much do I love her??!!
I would defintley delet her right away

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rn im listening song on the beach’i andd it hits difrr u know:,)
Film was awesome just i was expectinng OSes getting a human body like black mirror:s maybe someday

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So where is the boundary for our future OSes? Is this yet another AI scare, a psychological etude about loneliness in the 21st century or just a romantic fairy tale? ps. it could be another episode of "Black Mirror"

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Her is the story of a long distance relationship between two very human people (well, one very human person and a writer).

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Shout by Deleted

The girl moaning at first is so me LOL

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i don't know why people like this but for me was boring you can make the same film in one hour but 2???

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If the point of view of this movie is about loving AI than mehh, otherwise if it is long distance relationship then good movie. Also no need to Scarlett Johansson for that there are many actress to pick for that role, sure. I was expecting more about her.

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'Her' is everything you expected it to be except it's better.

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I think Scarlett Johansson's performance really helped this movie along, though so does the premise

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damn i love the concept behind this

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I can excuse fucking robots, but I draw the line at non-corporeal A.I.s

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Great great great..I'm disappointed from the end of story

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Shout by A.K.
BlockedParent2018-04-07T09:32:15Z— updated 2018-04-26T19:21:05Z

After watching this movie i felt scared it's like looking into my own future-self.Technology is growing at a faster rate I think this can happen.If you haven't watched it yet, then add it to your watch list.

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Shout by Deleted

Why do I feel like I’m Amy?

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its a good movie, but the end miss something..

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so beautiful and delicate. loved it.

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