Marvel is going down the drain but man did this movie remind me of why it is so beloved. Absolutely incredible. The jokes hit, the emotional beats hit, the symbolism hits (Adam Warlock). An incredible end to an incredible saga. Now we have to get back to the mess that is Kang.

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Avengers are a team, the Guardians are family gonna miss them

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I officially can say that I cried at all the three Guardians movies-- in the cinema!

One thing that really caught my eye was the violence, which I didn't really expect. There wasn't blood per se but the action was violent, with deaths on the "spicy" spectrum, like beheadings (which I liked).
The specials effects were good, the plot was what we (I) needed, and the music absolutely perfect.

The ending was just... someone please give me a hug!

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I applaud James Gunn and his team on this trilogy, they end it with an amazing film! I'll miss him and his eccentricities. Watch on the biggest screen possible!

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James Gunn definitely KNOWS how to make a good superhero movie. Seriously, GotG3 is a quality respite after so many bad movies that came after Eternals (Marvel's last good movie). The movie made me cry, laugh, feel scared and sometimes even at the same time. DC is in great hands

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The only Marvel film I was interested in and I was not disappointed. James Gunn knows what he’s doing, and this is by far the best Marvel project in ages. What a way to say goodbye to the team.

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I want to see it again and have some more time to get all my thoughts on this. Initial reactions is it is not as fun as the first and not as emotional as the second. The music isn't as great as the others, still some good songs.

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I think it's really really safe to say James Gunn is good at what he does. This movie avoids all the disaster the MCU has had after Endgame. This movie really may save the MCU. Even apart from being a superhero movie, the themes, cinematography, comedy, and storytelling are quality cinema. The intro scene alone sets the mood of the movie and shows that this one isn't a joke compared to the other films in Phase 4 and 5. I really enjoyed how there wasn't as much quipping for no reason, or gotcha moments. It was steady and proper storytelling. Compared to the first one, I think this matches or steps just a bit above in terms of being a good movie and fun value - both aren't amazing but is a solid entertainment piece while GOTG 2 was a lot more bland. Marvel has taken its audience for granted after Endgame and even with the better installments like Spiderman, Loki, and Wakanda Forever - it's hasn't learned that we are losing interest or at least hasn't shown that they are learning. This may spark that joy again.

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Best Marvel movie in a while!

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Mäh … not for me. A combination of not having been to the cinema in over 3 years (the volume … do they want us to go deaf?!) and the story being mediocre made me not like this movie as much as I remember liking the very first one.
It was cute but not as funny as I thought it would be. Maybe I really am not into hero-style/Marvel movies after all.

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Like an organized tour with a jaded guide, there are some interesting sights but a rote presentation.

The stakes are getting lower in this third installment and even more predictable. Gunn does a good job with the pacing and set pieces but what was fresh and new in the first outing is getting stale over time.

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It was alright, but it’s not living up to the first one. It feels very messy, with a lack of direction, sometimes rushed even. It also feels like it’s too safe, not evolving and it’s re-using the same formula as the previous ones? Not sure this is the “Marvel is back” people are claiming, MoM/Shang-Chi was miles better than this.

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Wow what a ride. So much to process. Good laughs and also some tears. Will need to watch it again. Thank you James Gunn for the Guardians of the Galaxy

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God damn, James Gunn out here making grown men cry multiple times! He truly is the ultimate superhero director. Thank you for this awesome guardians journey and not folding to the super hero marvel normalities.

This movie was truly a fresh of breath air and will hopefully knock some sense into these other marvel projects.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-05-03T13:19:30Z— updated 2023-05-06T11:23:02Z

Despite not wanting to pull the trigger for a genuine emotional pay-off, this does have the most heart and emotion out of any Marvel movie throughout. I think people will be surprised by how dark and emo this gets, which is established straight from the opening credits. Unfortunately the rest of the movie is a bit of a mess. Adam Warlock and the villain are bland, the plot has a strong ‘we’re making it up as we go along’ feel to it, the tonal shifts and needle drops feel more jarring than cohesive and the action (despite a cool hallway fight) isn’t handled with the same care as the previous 2 (or The Suicide Squad). It’s probably the worst looking Guardians movie, however that incidentally still makes it the third best looking MCU movie. The characters and acting are the two main things that keep it watchable (especially Mantis, Drax and Nebula get a lot of time to shine here), but the entire picture feels unbalanced.


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A brilliant final entry to this series of films. Fun and engaging throughout. The first two films were both very good in my opinion, and this one is basically more of the same. The emotional beats with both Quill and also with Rocket were very well done. If you ignore the nostalgia-fest that was Spider-Man: No Way Home, then this is quite easily the best MCU film since Endgame, and maybe the only one I've genuinely enjoyed from start to finish. On the subject of comedy being inserted at the right times and hitting the mark: other writers and directors could take many notes here (looking at you, Thor: Love and Thunder).

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Generic action, generic jokes. It was ok, the story and ambiance were good, but at this point way too generic with now "wow" moment.
But more importantly, why so much screaming? All characters are angry all the times and scream all the time. I left the theater on edge and tired. If it were on streaming I would have probably not watch it in one seating...
I do not understand why it has better ratings than other movies of the franchise.

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I honestly don’t understand why people like this crap, it’s even worse than the second movie and that one was horrible.

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A great and very enjoyable movie but too many sad parts in my opinion. Got me choked up three times and I hate being sad at the movies. Action sequences were very good. There were some cheesy moments. Music not quite as good as other two. Overall liked it better than the second but nowhere near as good as the first.

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Sadly I was less impressed with this 3rd installment. This is just my opinion. . . it felt like Chris Pratt was phoning in his performance. Like his heart just wasn't in it. Also, although most of the comedy bits were still fun - some of them felt forced. But overall it was a solid effort and still quite enjoyable. And sad to see the gang break up in the end.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Made me laugh, made me cry. Such an emotional roller coaster. Great story. Best move I’ve seen from marvel since maybe Shang chi?

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AMAZING. This is what marvel used to be. A MUST WATCH. The only marvel movie that ever made me cry (besides endgame)

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A fine conclusion. Definitely my least favorite of the trilogy, but enjoyable enough.

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Is the worst of the trilogy. Bunch of sad animals being tortured for a lot of it, warlock under utilized, and not very fun like the others. Unsure why this gets such good rstings, I must be missing something but it felt long and I don't really want to watch it again to see what I missed.

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Vol. 1: Mother issue
Vol. 2: Father issues
Vol. 3: Girlfriend issue and Grandfather issue

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A refreshing addition to the MCU, made me laugh, made me cry, and restored my faith in the franchise. A nostalgic and thrilling ending to the trilogy!

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3’:

  1. The Guardians have always been my favorite bunch within the MCU. Their films have consistently stood out from the typical Marvel fare. There’s just something incredibly relatable about them and their stories are filled with such heart. This one was no different. A solid send-off.

  2. The High Evolutionary may just be the most purely-evil villain of the entire MCU so far. It was very easy to hate him.

  3. Ugh. That scene. With the cages. Rocket and his friends. How can someone get so emotional over CGI talking animals? Yeah, that was rough.

Bonus Thought: Albeit sad, I like what they did with Gamora. It would have been somewhat predictable if she didn’t go back to the Ravagers. She’s simply NOT the same Gamora, and I’m glad they stuck with that.

Extra Bonus Thought: Will Poulter can get it.

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Rocket's backstory was heartbreaking, and so, so very well executed, i really loved how they'd dive into it here and there throughout the movie, and as it transitions, those transition effects were gorgeous, subtle and fast but beautiful

the way Rocket tried to help everyone escape, just for them to end up dying beside him was absolutely heart wrenching

their teamwork-fight scene towards the end was a m a z i n g

& that moment when Rocket tells them that he has to go back and save the rest, then everyone turns one by one to support him, as the rock music plays on beat, that scene was so good,

loved it

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It makes me feel a little sad. I‘m going to replay the first and second vol. :cry:

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Just when you think your out Marvel pull you right back in.

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What a spectacular film, james gunn as done it again and i love his work on all 3 films and this one hits big, really enjoyed it and was left with full of different emotions, the action was amazing, still had the sense of humour that i loved, had it’s heartwarming moments and plot was decent, the film is everything that a marvel film should be!

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A fitting swansong to the Guardians trilogy with some thrilling heart in the mouth moments and emotional heartstoppers. One of the best Marvel movies in recent times and one that will become eminently rewatchable.

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After a long time I can say that YES marvel finally did it. James really did it. Thank you James Gunn for this amazing ride.

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OMG :flushed: it's been ages since I had expectations from Marvel. Didn't go to the theatre when it was released thinking it was just another mediocre Marvel shit.

I guess quirkiness just works with this trilogy :100::joy:. The problem is Marvel tries the same tone with every movie they have.

If only they could have mature and young audience content like DC it'd be great. The main reason Marvel is stale IMO is that they try to generalize their audience; everything PG13 so they could have a larger audience and that's just ridiculous.

I just thought they would force humour like they did in Thor: Love and Thunder. But this works much to my surprise, which I should not have, considering Volume 1&2.

They need to take note of this trilogy for real:
Storylines should have different tones, different struggles, different dynamics and plots.

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Cannot understand all the positive comments on this movie. Ridicule plot, idiot characters and acting, all done behind the green screen, forgettable soundtrack. I really preferred (relatively) the worse received Quantumania or Wakanda Forever, at least mediocre.

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I need a few days to emotionally recover from this one.

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Filled with tears and laughter an emotional rollacoaster. I cried so much :sob:

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One of the best I've seen, in history, effects, .. I really recommend it for the whole family .. well, some sad scenes but with a lot of humor.

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MCU return to form. Loved this.

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Come and get your love!

Not only a great movie, but ends a perfect trilogy (the best of MCU, with all three amazing movies). James Gunn knows how to do it good. Rocket is the main character, but all of them shines here.

The dog days are over!

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An excellent film, full of fantastic action scenes, drama and in-depth development of all the characters. The ending is emotional and exciting, leaving viewers eager to discover each other's futures.

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The idea and vibe of the Guardians is dragged out now. The 'let's play a random song while we fight/do this thing' moments are cliché and borderline parody at this point. Quill mooning over Gamora and somehow still not understanding she's not at all the Gamora they knew (not a matter of forgetting memories) was tiresome. And honestly her somehow finding him charming by the end was ugh.

Rocket's backstory and friends was by the book heartstring pulling that we all saw coming as soon as the bond was forming. This and playing an upbeat song at the end fools you into thinking you've seen a film you've enjoyed because it made you cry at one point.
Overall its very average and much like the Xmas special the only parts that entertained me were Drax and Mantis' silly cute moments.

Cliché and drawn out. I expect to see the same level of lazyness and repetition from James Gunn when he comes for DC.

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Great special effects can't save it. This sad effort lacks the heart and the music of the first two. It's been Disney-isd. Concept is fine, but the writing isn't good.

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Not a particular good move due to it's being disjointed and all over the place. It never felt like a Guardians movie. I never felt like I was attached to any of the characters. I especially couldn't get into Gamora and Nebula acting the complete opposite of their characters in the previous movies.

Most of the action was pretty good and most of the acting wasn't bad but the story had no continuity and didn't make sense thru most of it so I gave it a 6 out of 10, not a complete waste but I doubt I'll watch it again.

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Translation:I loved this movie.

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What a film!!! I cried, I laught and I loved!!! For me a ten of ten hearts!!! Ich will watch it again.

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[Disney+] It seems that James Gunn's intention to offer a more adult story with a more dramatic background and Kevin Feige's claim to maintain the light-hearted spirit of the previous films coexist with difficulty. Rocket's plot is interesting, raising questions about identity and second chances, but sometimes it doesn't quite fit the spirit of the previous films. Better as an individual film than as the conclusion of the trilogy, it denotes the distance between what the director wants to do and what he is intended to do.

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You know you're old when all CG animals makes you surrounded by onion cutting ninjas.

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Not even trying any more it seems. Slap a marvel sticker on it and people will love it. Uneventful, add it to the pile along with she Hulk and Thor 4.

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Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed watching this. And Oh man Rocket's backstory

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i cried more times than i am comfortable admitting

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10/10 movie till about when the space fight scenes begin, it kinda looses a bit of interest but still keeps you invested. Then it gets worse with the most generic ending possible and the cringe dancing. Bit disappointed with how it ended but still 8/10 considering the beatiful first half

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How many times did I cry? Yes.

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Unabashedly entertaining. Fan service galore. Great storytelling without being too serious too often. A wonderful end to the trilogy. 8.5, but I'll say marginally closer to an 8 than the traditional 9 this score would bump up to.

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I think the best way to file this is - watch the first and pretend the others don't exist.


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it was thanks to this movie a friend of mine informed me i have a distaste for what is called body horror

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There was a lot of shouting for sure in this one :)

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A perfect end to the story. I will never feel the same about "creep" or "The Dog Days Are Over". Simply beautiful.

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Guardians of the Galaxy is easily the biggest surprise of Marvel so far in the first fifteen years of the MCU. It’s characters people didn’t know before the original. It’s characters you immediately love. It’s characters that develop so much over their three movies. This one, is no exception. It’s heartwarming, action packed, and showcases all the best things of the MCU. While I still slightly prefer the original (personal bias towards origin stories), this one is CLOSE. I’m gonna miss these guys. This is officially my :pound_symbol:1 movie so far this year.

Rating: 5/5 - 9.5/10 - Highly Recommend

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A spectacular adventure and a visual feast along with a great soundtrack. Quips, references and meta.

It's fun while it you can let it just roll, but if you accidentally start asking questions, it falls apart rapidly with the holes and inconsistencies, laziness that relies on the visuals and not to mention the utter stupid space opera trope of visiting earth when writing goes stale despite it too being metaroo as expected in this setting.

GotG has become template and wraps up this trilogy and opens up the franchise for new market iterations of the same.

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I am not usually one for superhero movies. That said... this is the best one that I've ever seen. It was hilarious (of course), but it also had a surprising amount of depth. The whole thing about family could have been really gimmicky, but it completely worked. I hope that this isn't the last film in the series, but if it is, they went out with a bang.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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This movie had almost everything - comedy, drama, action, sci-fi, thriller. What it didn't have was romance and I loved it. This one is for the boys, thank you James.

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Dunno why I bothered, I was ready to go after an hour or so. More wank from the pedo hack.

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With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 James Gunn exits Marvel and brings the adventures of the Guardians to an end. When Rocket is critically injured during an attack by Adam Warlock, the Guardians most go in search of Rocket’s creators to save him. Unfortunately the film lacks the lighthearted tone of the previous two and is weighed down by some heavy themes of grief and loss. And the High Evolutionary’s schemes and humanoid-animal creatures are incredibly bizarre and make no sense. Still, there are a lot of fun action scenes and the comedy is as hilarious as ever. And the soundtrack is incredibly well-done and does a good job at complimenting and enhancing the scenes. Yet while it’s entertaining, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is a disappointing conclusion to this incredibly imaginative and groundbreaking Marvel series.

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Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 is an epic cosmic adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. It's a film that never lets you get bored for even a second, delivering thrilling action sequences, breathtaking space scenes, and remarkable character development.

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They should be called the Fun Guardians of the Galaxy.

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I don't know if it's the music era, the writing, or a combination of the two .. but I LOVE this movie and watch it often.

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Me leaving Iron Man in 2008: "Wow, that was a ton of fun! Can't wait to see the rest of these movies."

Me leaving Guardians 3 in 2023: "An anthropomorphic menagerie of raccoons, otters, walruses, and rabbits made me cry harder than when Macaulay Culkin was killed by bees."

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Cheap loves and old music. It has become a drag, too long and nothing happens.

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Absolutely in my top 5 ever marvel. It hits everything so well, the cgi and practical effects, the dialogue and humour, the costumes and characters. Love the cast and more over the guardians. Also this has given me major hope with James Gunn taking charge of DC.

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Rockets backstory was incredibly well done and quit heartbreaking. Sadly, the rest of the movie was just quite generic marvel action stuff, and nothing too memorable. it had a few funny moments here and there, but nothing that comes close to the first movie.

As a whole, it's just fine to watch once, mostly to see the origins of Rocket, and forget the rest.

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The first movie I ever cried at, and I cried a lot over this one. Loved it! 10/10 :star:

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Despite the plot of the film sort of just stumbling into our characters and the majority of the film being a fetch quest, it was still pretty fun. Since we know these heroes, they're able to have some good character growth moments and I think that is what helps keep you invested. Along with the creative visual style, that is. The emotional beats for Rocket really hit, but in doing so the villain is made so cartoonishly bad that he feels absolutely unrelateable. Still, this was a solid entry into the Guardians series.

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I waited far too long watching this movie, but damn it was so worth it! Loved every minute of it!

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Well, it's almost a perfect movie!

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A beautiful journey ends for these people, but also opens up many opportunities for other new characters in the future. The story in this episode is quite simple and naive, but perhaps that's all an entertaining movie needs.

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Stopped at 1hr 36 minutes

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I guess there are some statements and pieces of dialogue in there which are supposed to be funny. I cant classify any of that as jokes though.
Too much is just over the top.

Quite impressive cast though. Crappy movie.

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vol 3 and yes it was the best of all. I mean the best of probably most of marvel movies.

An absolutely fully entertaining, funny, emotional and fantastic movie. 2 and 30 minutes and you do not get bored at all. Great action, great lines and the backstory of Rocket had me in tears almost on every scene.
The one were where he opens the cage with his species had me sobbing, what a wonderfull execution of emotion and action.

A big kudos to that fella Nathan Fillion, i do not think he can say no to any proposal, even if he is to play a talking head. that shows he is the most cool actor of his generation.

If you wanna cry if you wanna laugh or care for fight scenes this movie has it all.

Whas that Howard the Duck ????

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I'm not a big Guardians of the galaxy fan, but I did enjoy the trilogy. The high evolutionary was an interesting villain.

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"It's good to have friends."

What a wild ride. Just when fans had given up, Gunn comes and does this. Not only is this good, there is something different about the cinematography that makes it stand out from the other 2. Every character has a shining moment and it feels like an actual movie and not just another notch in the timeline.

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I had to call out of work the day after I saw this movie because of a migraine due to dehydration from crying.

I will NEVER watch this movie again. It had funny parts but I’m scarred for life.

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Glad to see James Gunn back, even though Marvel is kinda over me this was still an enjoyable watch

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Better then the second one.
I like it. good movie lot of big smile and action and some tears too!

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Ok, boys, where the heck did this powerful stud, Adam, come from? I'm sitting at home, watching this flick, and suddenly, this dude bursts onto the scene like an absolute boss. I'm talking about a golden skin that's probably brighter than my future and power that could rival a supernova. I mean, that stud's insanely powerful.

I'm sitting there, staring at the screen, thinking, "Dude, where have you been hiding, and what kind of insane workouts have you been doing?" Adam, my man, you're a cosmic beast, no doubt about it.

Now, let's talk about the storyline, boys. Get ready to reach for those tissues. It's got moments that'll make you go "aww," almost as fast as your homie here goes "awe" when our golden-boy stud burns off his shirt and uses his muscles to flex some admiration out of me.

And let's not forget the humor, boys. It's off the charts, just like the fight scenes and those jaw-dropping effects.

So, there you have it. The movie brings the power, the laughs, and some serious heart. And don't even get me started on that cosmic stud, Adam – he's out of this world! :muscle::fire::clapper:

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I completely missed how gamora was back and that adam warlock was also poorly introduced. Could have been better, small recap at the start of the movie or something.

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it's not the most incredible movie I have seen but it is better than expected and it's really good

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that was really good and I will NEVER watch it again

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I'm not okay. This movie hurt me.

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rocket broke my heart :broken_heart:

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Best superhero trilogy of all time!

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