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Green Book 2018

This is a very charming movie. The movie deals with stereotypes and racism in the 1960s as well as you would expect. Racism is bad, stereotypes aren't always true but the journey is fun with these two. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali are both fantastic. They play very well off each other. Being directed by Peter Farrelly there are quite a few funny moments too.

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The sad truth is... I have never eaten fried chicken while driving a Caddy wtf man

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I typically don't watch movies that about racism because it gets me triggered to see and hear the horrible things my people had to go through. If you go to the deep south (Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama) these days, it looks like slavery left yesterday.

Anyway, the acting was phenomenal. I don't think the studio could have found two better actor than Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali.

Overall, the film was very human, very charming, but also funny. It had little bit of everything. 7/10

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I understand where some people are coming from, but I think people need to remember that not every film needs to hit a diversity quota, or needs to provide a profound or awakening experience, or tell exactly how things were, or are. This film sets out to tell a story about the forming of a genuine and true friendship. It is a lighthearted and feel good movie.

If you think every movie needs to be politicised.. needs to be driven by a certain ideology.. then you just need to take a sit back. Remember, movies are timeless, and we will always have the serious movies such as Mississippi Burning and 12 Years a Slave. Sometimes it is good to have a feel good movie, even when set in a serious era, with serious themes.

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please give a oscar to this beautiful friendship history

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I think that this beautiful film is, above all, a wonderful story about humanity.

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“The world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.”

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Not going to lie but this pulled at my heartstrings. The change within Tony isn't crammed down your throat. The flow of the character's development is natural and organic.

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I loved Tony Lip, he was an adorable, affectionate and funny person. I love that he has always been hungry. LOL
The friendship between them was beautiful. They learned a lot from each other and grew up as better people.

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It's like your friend the President says “Ask not your country what you could do for it, ask what you do for yourself.”

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How much I enjoyed this movie, I'm glad I gave it a chance.

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Excellent historical biographical movie with a dose of Hollywood...

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I honestly expected this movie to be really slow and boring. I was pleasantly surprised about how into it I was. Their relationship was very heart-warming and there was new drama at each stop. It’s not the most exciting movie, but it kept me watching all the way through. Recommend for sure!

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We did it guys! We solved racism!

All jokes aside, Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali are both terrific, but the writing is absolutely atrocious and I hate how the movie was shot - it reeks of cheapness. It's one of the most forgettable and bland best picture winner in recent memory.

Yes, even worst than 'Crash'.

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Viggo Mortensen was phenomenal! One of the best acting performances I have seen in my life.

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I loved this piece of art , it's one of best movie I have ever watched ,

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I loved everything in this movie except dear Viggo Mortensen’s quaint slash stereotypical Italian mannerisms (i.e the excessive hand gesture thing).

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It is a decent movie. Not spectacular, but well-made, quite interesting, and pleasurable to watch. Would recommend.

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Loved every bit of this movie. I had no idea it was based on real people, but what a great story. Mahershala and Viggo were fantastic.

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Viggo Mortensen's role on crude, racist (and kind of a funny in the way of perceiving the world) Italian nightclub supervisor Tony Vallelonga (or as they preferably say, Tony Lip) was a good experience to have.

Underneath the snob, out of his roots portraying of Don Shirley, there is, probably several missing spots on the story from the Shirley's perspective (whether how he can't acknowledge the artists playing on the radio or how he couldn't connect with "his" people on a fundamental level). It's based on a true story but portrayal of some characters might be a bit stretch.

Although I had fun watching both actors together as an "odd couple" trope, reality perspective could've been much more inclusive to the real story and real people (which characters are based on). A feel-good movie with successful comedic bits and acting. 7/10

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It shows the pain of being different and how it feels to be discriminated and the humiliation that comes with it.

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1.8 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.3 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
1.9 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.8 points -> Score (0-1)

0.8 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.9 points

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I just sat and enjoyed the whole time. Good actors, good dialogues.

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The great adventure of two very different people, an Italian and an African American, set in 60s.

Green Book will make you laugh, feel sad and truly captivate you for the whole two hours of its duration.

A must watch, totally worth the Best Picture award of 2018.

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Fun to watch and interesting, but a little too... nice, I would say. Not a family movie, but in the vicinity of one, which isn't bad in itself unless you're desiring a more true or actual account. The best part for me was Viggo's acting, which was great. A little surprised it won best picture.

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It's a good movie and I liked it but admittedly it wasn't as great as I was expecting. The trauma was typical of what any black artist of that time faced but we didn't really get to know the characters enough to really feel it as much. And most of the big issues felt brushed over because we never saw it from Dr. Shirley's perspective, so all we would see was Tony arriving after the fact so by the time we hear about it its mostly over anyways, which made the movie very one sided. It was still good but I felt like it could have been better.

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Nice movie. I don’t think I saw a movie with this heart-warming of an ending since Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Such a good movie.
Definitely deserved to win over Black Panther. I think black people were only mad about that. Because they are tired of movies where a black man needs the help of a white man.
Probably also due to the fact that the white actor got top billing and it was directed by a white man. Either way it was a sweet movie about prejudice and standing up to it. It was also informative about what black people went through in the 1960’s.
Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen were phenomenal. I think it was a far more important film than Black Panther, that’s why it won. Definitely should also be seen as a win for black people.

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A fantastic movie that will stimulate all your emotions. Fantastic chemistry between the cast is a big plus.

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"This is an expertly-acted, perfectly telegraphed message movie that knows the buttons it's pushing, and pushes them all, right on cue. This is not a knock against it, it's a compliment".

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This was so heartwarming and funny! I don't know much about how Italian-americans dealt with oppression and such, as I don't particularly know much american politics besides modern politics and the civil rights movement. However, I think this movie perfectly captures what lower-class, (second-degree) immigrants / Italian-americans can learn from lgbt+ black folks, and vice versa. I did have a problem with how the movie breaks down black stereotypes, but still has Mortensen act the most stereotypically Italian-american I've seen in a long time. oh well. it was a great movie!

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An inspiring movie about friendship, a descent movie about being human
On the other hand it was Cliche and nothing was new about it

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I liked...
The subject of racism is a dense one....
Several films have approached the subject in a similar way, but the touch of not feeling identified with one "world" and another really appealed to me....
The loneliness and emptiness that must be felt in such a position, must be difficult...
Tony reminded me of the sopranos....
In general the aesthetics and so on, I liked...

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I didn’t expect this to be such an impactful movie. The racism stuff is shocking (as always), but the way you see the friendship grow really sets it apart from other movies. It has the perfect balance between lighthearted and serious. And it even made me chuckle a few times. Amazing film!

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It's a solid feel-good movie with great acting. Would've enjoyed a bit more of Don's backstory though.

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Excellent movie .. of two men each in their world, who try to understand each other and negach in Seder in their worlds, ... recommended. :thumbsup:

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that's wonderful story, I watched it 3 times without getting bored even for 1 minute

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Amazing story of clash of two separate worlds - racially, intellectually even personally. It's a nice reminder in today's times to be kinder and open to the other person and above all be curious of their way of doing things, way of thinking and be influenced in a positive way.
It's a beautiful story of a friendship which wouldn't happen unless fate interfering.

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I think it was the best adapted movie I watched!
This movie was able to show the problems of America in the 60s well with the smooth and dominant acting of its actor and its good process.
Also, this movie will not tire you at all and will take you along with its good and attractive process. So that you don't feel tired at all while watching this movie!

I love the narration of this movie!

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This one took me far too long to watch as I am not a sucker for the Oscar worthy/winning movies. This one is an exception. It is a great story that was engaging and thought provoking throughout. Still not something I would turn on casually, but one I am very happy to have watched.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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Life often writes the best screenplays. The one, although with light humor, but struggling with the real problems of the world.

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As a film, it's fine, even good. But as a film about racism, it definitely falls short.

The only way I know how to describe the pitfalls of this movie is it tries to "both sides" racism in a way. Sure, Shirley has it bad being a black man in 1960s America but Tony is working class Italian so really they're kinda even.... Yeah, maybe I'm oversimplifying but there's something wrong with the depiction here. Tony is really racist. And, by the end, there's no indication that he's not still racist while simply liking this specific black guy. As for Shirley, it feels like they just made him a snob to give him a character flaw. But it doesn't really work because, you know, being a snob doesn't compare to being super racist.

Look, Viggo and Ali give great performances, the cinematography is good, all of the technical components of the film are well done. But this is a film about a disturbing topic and it just seems surface level. And I think the fact that it won an Oscar for Best Picture shows how understandings of racism continue to be misguided in the US.

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This movie starts out a bit boring, but the more the journey goes on, the more attached you get to the characters. Surely it has its heartwarming moments, but it plays way too safe and ends up being kind of shallow and simplistic despite the themes it tries to analyze. There have been so many movies about the matter, and you need a more profound or at least interesting approach in 2018 to make it worth it. Still a pleasant movie but can't understand why it got so many awards.

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WOW! I’ve never seen such great and funny movie

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The world is full of lonely people afraid to make the first move. Tony Lip

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i like the movie. Good preformance by Viggo Mortensen & Mahershala Ali.

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Shout by Deleted

It was very good, the story was intersting, was emotionally sometimes.

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great movie. A smart and fun way to analyze prejudice against black people in a time of change. a lightweight approach that managed to focus on the positive side rather than the victimisation. well done!

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Genuinely good, and perhaps deserving of that best picture Oscar it won earlier this year. Ali and Mortenson are both fantastic, and the script is well done, without being heavy-handed in the way it presented its racial themes. A stunning achievment from the director too; this film is far removed from the trademark comedies he is known for.

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Shout by Enrico Camillieri
BlockedParent2019-07-21T09:05:57Z— updated 2019-08-29T14:01:41Z

DISCLAIMER: I did not see this movie in its original language(English), but in a dubbed version(Italian). I may have missed some nuances.

Don't get me wrong, it was an entertaining movie. Just not Oscar worthy to me. The drama was not emphasized enough, we basically only hear about it from Don. We never see it. That makes the impact of a very serious theme much more light.

The cinematography was very beautiful, I really liked how they managed to capture the South scenery.

Mahershala Ali was probably the best part of the movie. Great acting, if a bit exaggerated at times. Wish I could say the same for Viggo Mortinsen. Mediocre at best, though I don't know how much of it was his fault. His character, Tony Lip, felt almost as a parody of himself.

For a road trip/drama/comedy movie it's not the worst. It makes you feel good as you watch the two protagonists grow and it makes you think in a gentle and delicate way about a harsh reality.


P.S.: I wish that the green book from the title would have been featured more, its basically mentioned a couple of times and then forgotten.

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FILMAÇO DA `PORRA! Ao ver se entende melhor o peso do racismo nos anos 60', fazendo uma analogia com os dias presentes ainda não é difícil ver os mesmos hábitos opressores.

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Amazing movie with brilliant acting performances and an especially heartwarming ending.

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Interesting movie. Viggo Mortensen was excellent.

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Davvero un bellissimo film, commovente a tratti divertente, non conoscevo la storia.... Due grandissimi attori! consigliatissimo

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This movie was enjoyable, and i usually have "big" standards when it comes to movies ao there's that.

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Tony Lip has quite a bad character development at the first part of this story, but overall this is quite good movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Perfect movie. Messages that movie give us is very important.Everything seems normal now.But at the past we lived that with shitty rules.

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Tony Lip: “P.S. Kiss the kids”

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I gotta say it's a decent movie, but still, it's not any close to being best picture worthy. The gags are repetitive, the actors overact all the time, the way the portrayed doc makes the character hard to believe, and they totally missed the true values on Don Shirley making that epic tour trip. I have seen my fair share of road movies, and this movie only fit in the average among them. Last but not least, as much as i like Viggo Mortensen, him playing Italian is quite laughable and I was expecting way more than a Robert De Nero copy from a multi-oscar nominated actor.

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Nice movie with great messages and directing.Made for oscars 7.6/10!

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Brilliant movie,deserved the Oscar loads more than black panther!

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Road Movies of the 1960s and Racism in America? I do not always agree with the evaluation of the Oscar, but also for me a very nice and unexpected surprise. In a non-violent form, this movie cuts you down, and you will feel somewhat happy with the final titles ..
Maximum rating 10/10 - included in a personal movie collection.
Road Movies o 60-tých létech a rasismu v americe? S hodnocením oskarů ne vždy souhlasím, ale i pro mě velmi milé a nečekané překvapení. Nenásilnou formou Vás tento film rozseká a při závěrečných titulcích se budete cítit, tak nějak spokojeni..
Maximální hodnocení 10/10 - zařazeno do osobní filmové sbírky.

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Love this movie, a must see.

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We enjoyed it , there where a few twists that made it better then we anticipated

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Really nice movie. It makes us reflect on racism, a so delicate theme earlier and now. Skin color shouldn't be a problem and insted, unfortunatly, it is. During sixties in America black people weren't allowed to enter the same places of white people, so to make them easier travelling someone wrote a guide, the Green Book, to evidence places where they could or could not go. Today black people can go everywhere, fortunatly, but we didn't overpass the raciam problem yet. This film shows us that people are just people, and if they are white, black, yellow or green doesn't matter.
I recommend the wiev in the original language. I watched the movie in italian, but the dubbing didn't let me appreciate it totally. The translation in other languages deleits the strong difference between the perfect and highlocated english of Shirley and the italoamerican slang of Tony.

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Loved this movie, it’ll make you think, laugh and cry

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I'm here for Linda Cardellini and Mahershala Ali the rest is baloney... said Viggo Mortensen overdoing an Italian accent

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wow nice, movie after a long time

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-01-27T23:45:38Z— updated 2024-01-04T20:54:12Z

Intouchables meets Driving Ms. Daisy.
Not bad, but not original or creative enough to be truly great.

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Green Book is a slow drive down the middle of a road you know like the back of your hand. It's a pleasant enough trip with its highlights and lowlifes and absolutely no surprises.

If the film wants to make a statement, it needs to have something to say. As it stands, it's simply an old postcard of another, more racist time that certainly merits to be remembered but perhaps not as dismissively as it is here. Yes, African Americans were treated horribly in the South in the early 1960s...but they still are today!

Green Book is a pretty film on an ugly subject, but has neither the immediacy of Blindspotting nor the vision of BlacKkKlansman. While the director apologizes for serial sexual misconduct and the Islamophobe writer / son of Tony 'Lip' Vallelonga tries to hide his racism and the family of Dr Donald Shirley deny the two men were friends, perhaps there are more deserving subjects for our recognition and praise than this glossy photo of a time that is not as past as the film would lead us to believe.

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Shout by Deleted

same story same pohto same point same idea whats new .. all respect for reall ppl but what the point ... very normall and longeeee filmee

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Absolutel quality film with a whole range of emotions

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Perfect Christmas movie. Viggo Mortensen is a strong candidate for the Academy Award.

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Really good movie with great message. More people need to see this movie it's really sad that things used to be like this we've came a long way as a society but still have a tremendous way to go. Mahershala Ali was really good but Viggo Mortensen was the standout to me.

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Great movie. Didn't even realise it was Viggo, didn't look like him at all!

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Attended a Cineworld Secret Screening, with no idea what the film was going to be. It was Green Book. Had it not have been for the Secret Screening, I probably wouldn't have gone to see this film, but oh boy would I have missed out. The film was superb, the acting unreal and the message/story brilliant. Straight away I was hooked, right through until the end. A must watch.

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This movie is great on so many levels: the acting is superb (Mahershala Ali, Viggo Mortensen and Linda Cardelini completely win your heart); the writing is well crafted (balancing tension and wit); the period is faithfully represented; and the characters are full and believable. I went to this movie expecting it to be good, because of the talent involved, and I was thoroughly entertained. I give this movie a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Drama based on a real friendship]

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