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Frozen 2013

Well, it wasn't that great a movie. The singing did kill it. I wasn't expecting it to be there, honestly speaking. And somehow, something just didn't click. I know it was a Disney movie, but it just failed to impress.

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Plot-wise belove average, but it warmed a little bit and gave some chuckles. Especially because of the snow-man and the reindeer.

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I thought this movie was great. In every way. Some of it is a little predictable, or a bit lame, but the good by far outways the bad. It was awesome. I even liked the songs.
However there was the issue that I saw it in the middle of a heatwave and I grew to hate all the characters trapped in an eternal winter... must be nice.

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My husband and I both enjoyed it and listened to the best songs on repeat for weeks. Would watch again.

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I was forced again... I do not secretly get a kick out of this movie.. and don't get me wrong it was a good movie, but the songs are starting to annoy me.. but it's worth melting for.. hehe

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Shout by TopCat
BlockedParent2015-12-29T18:32:26Z— updated 2024-05-28T07:59:07Z

Way overhyped. The animation is gorgeous, but this film is not even close to the classics that Disney used to make in the past. The villain is underdeveloped (weakest Disney villain ever?) and the plot felt rushed. The soundtrack is pretty great though.

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Not Disney's finest, definitely over-hyped.

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Amazingly disturbing I can't follow the storyline of this animation and I have been left with numerous unanswered questions. I can explain what "Inception (2010)" is about and "Cloud Atlas (2012)" , but this animation left me clueless of what it's about. If it's about true love (NOT A SPOILER) , than it has a mighty strange and violent way of explaining it to you. graphs are stunning and models are extremely familiar.

My kid (almost 3 year old) actually said in the beginning that he was scared. And I can tell you that during this film he lost interest and started playing with his cars. I guess adults will admire the 3D rendering till almost the end.

But hey... this is a kids movie and even for adults it has a realy poor storyline.

The story of "Cinderella (1950)" will keep this little guy and his sister stuck to the chair in contradiction to this production. This animation besides "Man of Steel" makes me wonder if this is becomming a trent?

If you want to buy this film for your kids. You could, but I suspect they will only watch it ONCE therefore I give it a 6.

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This is a typical Disney story. Happy. Sad. Happy ending. But it has some stunning visuals. Not just pretty animations but eye-poppingly inventive transitions and a giant snow beast that's not to be missed.

Olaf the snowman is a funny character whose mannerisms remind me of Dug the dog from Pixar's "Up". The music is poppy fun and thankfully the crooning ballads are kept to a minimum.

There's really nothing new here but it's worth watching based on how great it looks.

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One of Disney's best, in my opinion. Not quite top tier, but very close.

'Frozen' really did blow up when it was released, and rightly so. Sure it probably got overhyped but that isn't the film's fault. It's a cracking watch, the pacing is absolutely spot on as are the musical numbers.

What impresses me the most about the music is that it manages to keep the storytelling alive whilst it occurs. Particularly at the beginning there are loads of songs squeezed in next to each other, which could mess with the premise building but it doesn't - it actually enhances it. The songs themselves are terrific, with "Let It Go" obviously getting the most plaudits.

Idina Menzel (Elsa) and Kristen Bell (Anna) are excellent in the lead roles, while Josh Gad almost steals the show as Olaf - very funny character! Of course it's aimed at the younger audience members, but it is still entertaining for us adult folk too - I've watched it a few times down the years and still thoroughly enjoy it.

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A good family movie to watch.

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Nothing outstanding from the movie but it was easily worth the watch. Some memorable music also.

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Overrated and forgettable. Disney has made a lot of awesome movies recently; this is not one of them though. It's entertaining but sometimes annoying. I'm easily moved by movies and Disney has made me cry more than once... It didn't happen here. I tried to care about the characters but I just couldn't. The "plot twist" - Elsa's love for her sister ultimately saves Anna - was predictable, and so was the villain.
Bear in mind, I was really excited to watch it! So it was a real bummer when it didn't live up to my expectations but hey, this is just my experience.

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It's a fun trip with great songs and likable characters. I only wish they had spent more time weaving the story.

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It's okay I suppose. Watchable. Kind of bland... Tangled is much better.

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This one is probably in the category: "worst of the best Disney animations of the past few years."

It has the good and lovely mood of the better Disney movies, and it does have a decent CGI and some great songs.
However, the storyline is so incredibly dull and unoriginal. And a lot of problems have pretty lame solutions.

If you had to choose 1, better go with Tangled or Brave (which are of the same style.)

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I think this is a case of an overhyped movie. I came into this movie expecting to be knocked off my feet and instead saw a movie of someone learning to not be a people pleaser which I couldn't connect with as that had never been a problem of mine. Glad it connects with others and they are learning to be true to themselves. I literally cringed at the "fixer upper" song; that's HORRIBLE relationship advice. I really did like the indigenous sounding music at the beginning of the movie, though, and of course Olaf was fun.

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A very different re-telling of the Ice Queen story which is a lot more pleasing to children and adults alike. Some of the best songs in Disney movie history, characters everyone can relate to and gorgeous graphics.

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I loved the movie mainly de history, the final is the best, surprinsing and REAL, like "real" real life where the "perfect prince" is no perfect and... no one is perfect at all and mainly: LOVE BECOMES FROM FAMILY in first place <3
Plus + : Olaf is a great character, cute, infant but with more mature and true thoughts than lots of people!

PS: The musics really sucks haha

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Typical Disney -- Great for adults and children. It made me laugh and especially made me cry. There are many tender moments that will pull at sensitive heartstrings. From the trailers I'd expected to see more of the little snowman throughout. Overall a very good watch indeed. Disney does it again.

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This wasn't my favorite Disney Princess film, but I really REALLY liked the fact that they based it around the love between two sisters rather than following the typical theme of the protagonist searching for her prince

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One of Princess save Princess

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Shout by Deleted

You wanna talk about Frozen? Frozen is the most ingenious film of this century, of any century. Disney has created the perfect film, flawless in every way, they sculpted a masterpiece, flawless and perfect. In fact, you can call it a masterpiece of flawlessness. Frozen is the greatest thing to happen to cinema since the invention of the camera and the most important thing to happen to mankind since the invention of fire. A one of a kind experience, nothing on earth compares to this heartwarming majestic epic and beautiful work of art,

If the greats from the Renaissance were alive today they would kill himself for being so shitty compared to Frozen. Disney’s poetic dialogue about love between sisters should be compared to the greatest works of literature, in fact if I could I would take a shit on every book ever written because Frozen is the best fucking thing ever.

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what a nice movie! :) i recommend best animation movie of 2013

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Frozen was pretty great except for the cliched ending but it's Disney so eh, what was I expecting? Definitely an improvement on most of the things Disney made last decade. Great songs too.

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Even though I can point out a few nagging plot issues, this film nevertheless was extremely well made and was immensely enjoyable to watch. It's the kind of movie that grows on you. I've seen it three times now and I'm still not sick of it. The songs are all so good, and so is the character animation and rendering. And it's very emotionally striking. The Do you want to build a snowman? sequence was put together so well; it was very sad.


The issue with the story is that, well... Anna saves herself. Not that that's inherently bad storytelling, but the way it happens doesn't actually make any sense. She performed the act of true love before she froze, and then after a few arbitrary seconds of being frozen, she thaws because she was saved by her own act of true love. ...? And why exactly is Anna's heart frozen when Elsa seems to be the one with the figurative "frozen heart". I think it would have made more sense to have Elsa's heart become frozen and Anna would have to perform an act of self-sacrifice to save Elsa. Because let's be honest, Anna as a person does not have a frozen heart of any kind. It's Elsa.

Another issue is: Why was Anna never told about Elsa's powers? This one I understand, because the story would be boring otherwise, but still... We aren't given any good reason why Elsa's secret is kept from Anna. She could have been informed but still kept away. Now what the writer(s) could have done is told us that reminding Anna of the incident when they were young would bring back the head-injury from her childhood. But this is evidently not the case in the actual movie, because when Anna eventually does find out about Elsa's powers, she isn't affected whatsoever.

But all this together can only take off one star, so this gets a 9 from me. If these story issues were addressed, this would make it into the 10/10 club. I hope to see more like this from Disney.

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An absolute brilliant Disney movie which is also so beautifully animated. The songs are great and the story warms the heart.

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Búuuuuuu :poop: :confounded: :performing_arts: :no_entry_sign::baby_symbol:

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Family night movie night yaaayyyy pppphhhhfffffffrrrrttttt

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What Is That Amazing Smell

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what saves the film is Anna, and the songs

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It's not the best Disney film ever made, but I love Elsa to bits. The fact that Disney showed a princess (well actually a queen!) who suffers from anxiety and depression who overcomes her problems in the end makes me more than happy. Also they took the common trope of love at first sight and marriage shortly after (which they over-used for decades) and tore it apart (again). Plus: Let it go. (Idina Menzel and Willemijn Verkaik are just too perfect.)

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Shout by Adam K.

Now we know how to get our own Scandinavian low pressure area ;>

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It's perfect, amazing. Absolutely fantastic =)

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Absolutely fantastic! Disney's Frozen truly carries on the tradition of catchy and classic songs!

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Shout by Deleted

♥♥ amazing

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what a nice movie! :) i recommend best animation movie of 2013

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Beautiful movie and nice soundtrack.

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yoooooohooooooooo frozen, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO

Queen be like: WINTER IS COMING

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i love this film !!!!!!

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A beautiful movie! A really liked it.

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i laughed SO HARD with Olaf, he is so funny, awesome disney classic

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Shout by Deleted

Loved the songs, the storyline and the characters. Not the expected sappy Disney movie. Great twists.

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Shout by Deborah

I wish this film had never been associated with Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen," because then I wouldn't have approached it with such reserve. As it was, it took me a long time to let go of my hopes for a TSQ adaptation (it's one of my favorite fairy tales, okay) and be able to give this film a fair shot.

I'm so glad I did, because it's WONDERFUL. Olaf is nowhere near as annoying as I expected, there are no actual talking animals, the whole concept of marrying someone you've only known for a few hours/days is rightfully rejected, and the moment of true love is the love between sisters. WONDERFUL.

I'm super-psyched to see this once it's developed into a musical and starts touring. I bet it's going to be breathtaking.

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THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL. But Josh Gad as Olaf made it 100% better.

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Highly polished, classic Disney. Unfortunately it's so classic it's strictly wholesome family fun, no adult humor to appeal to the dad in the audience. Give me animation that work on multiple levels, a chuckle for the grown ups while the kids are entertained by the colors and the tale. Not something I can watch ever again, the kids loved it tho.

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AMAZING!! Favorite Disney Princess Movie!

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Okay, I was a bit afraid of this movie since it was promoted as "the greatest Disney Animated event since The Lion King" and I love The Lion King, love like it's the best animated movie of all time for me, so yeah, I was trying not to keep my hopes up so not to be disappointed. But then I heard Let It Go and it wouldn't get out of my head, and yeah, I really had to watch it. And it was great! The animation is really nice, the songs are really something, the humour had me in stitches, but I kinda wished this was more Elsa's story rather than Anna's. It should have been Elsa saving Anna, and so learning how to control her powers and not just "what? love? why didn't you said so before?!" and in an instant Elsa's able to control her powers, not the other way around, but yay for sister love!

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Shout by Sara

Amazing Disney masterpiece! Idina Menzel voice is awesome, the songs are beautiful, the soundtrack too, the story is moving :3

I didn't expect the king and queen death at the beginning, i cried so much! D:
But the end literally warmed my heart.
Amazing, amazing! Have I said AMAZING yet???!!

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I freaking loved it. This movie definitely belongs to my top 3 of favorite Disney movies (together with Tangled and my all time love Beauty and the beast) I think it's awesome what they did with the whole true love act :) I was completely expecting to get the same solution as every other movie, but this made the story so much stronger! Great job Disney, great job. You showed me again why you have a special place in my life/heart.

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IDINA MENZEL!!! IDINA MENZEL!!! literally idina menzel that's all i want to say

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Disney did it again :D beautiful songs , sometimes to much, but not that it was bothersome

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Classic Disney!

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Could be a really good movie, but the singing is so annoying it destroys all atmosphere.

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Elsa on top. Olaf on top. Sven on top. Trolls on top. Songs on top. Animation on top. Dialogue on top. Story on top. Emotion on top. Relatablity always on top. Powers on top. Design on top. Humour on top. I don't even know what 'on top' means anymore, but there's so much to love about this. The originality is shockingly good. Even the chliches had differences. I might seem like a die-hard fan because I am. I remember seeing this in 3D as a kid, and my mind was blown. Disney always manages to make the most depressing story, the most kid friendly. Ends up feeling personal, more than a movie.

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some people are worth melting for:blush:

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Frozen was great film for kids and adults

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Top tier Disney princess film. Easily the best since Mulan and nothing has come close since. Great soundtrack and solid story makes this one a timeless classic that many generations will be watching!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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This is probably one of the most popular modern Disney movies but it's definitely got its flaws. When I look at Frozen at a full length project I think it definitely got a lot of things right but for me it is packed full of cliches such as true loves kiss, and a very basic betrayal at the end. The soundtrack is ok in my opinion as it does have some decent songs but then it has some that do completely hit the mark however I have to give them credit for creating a soundtrack that is very cohesive with the overall theme and flows well it just has its peaks and troughs.

When I think of what makes a great Disney movie, I think of a film that is made with kids in mind but still has a little something for the adults to enjoy. This I feel didn't have that and was made solely with kids in mind, (not that that's a bad thing though!), it just means it slightly missed the mark for me and didn't join some of my favourite Disney films such as: Moana, and Encanto but it's still a decent Disney original title.

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This was a delightful movie! I just saw it for the first time in 2023, so perhaps it hit differently than for people who saw it when it came out and proceeded to oversaturate everyone with the characters and songs. The beginning felt a little lacking, with almost no setup for where we were, why the parents had to leave, whether Elsa was born with her powers or developed them later, etc. But it did thoroughly engross me, and the songs were great! Let It Go gave me actually chills (ironically), though that may have just been due to how amazing Idina Menzel's voice is. The visuals were amazing—Disney did a superb job with all that ice—the characters were interesting (Olaf wasn't nearly as annoying as I feared he'd be), and the story was good enough that I might even watch the sequel.

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Have I seen the remake of Encanto? Or, more correctly, is Encanto a sort of remake of this? Aside of this comparison, I would have to check the original tale by Anderson, or the Soviet film based on it to have a clear picture of how much this interpretation is sound. The soundtrack however is catchy, and what probably captures children.

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stunning visuals quite good film

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Shout by Deleted

Fixer Upper is the worst song out of any Disney movie. Mute that part when you watch.

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It was pretty good but I felt like something was missing. Maybe it lacked emotional depth? (I mean the story could be very emotional/powerful/moving but it mostly felt like a fun musical, which is likely intentional.)

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I really wish parents would turn off scrobbling when their kids watch Frozen 34 f’n times a day. Y’all make the Trending Movies page useless.

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hello from the other side

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I work with kids, so I know that for them, Frozen is all the rage. However, I actually never watched until this year with some friends. Essentially, my verdict is........ I can understand why children love this movie. The art and animation is pretty, there are princesses, princes, and cute animals/anthropomorphic friends, and the music is, of course, iconic. Given that it's been seven years since the film has been released, I essentially knew what was going to happen; what I didn't know was how it was going to happen. Even the now 25-year-old me was captivated by the storyline and the twists and turns of the film.

The final line is... even if you are a skeptic like me, give this film a try! It might surprise you.

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I didn’t want to watch it until today cause my sister made me. I must say, it’s a really good movie. The plot is excellent and it has just the right amount of singing. 9/10

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Based on a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, Frozen is an enchanting and magical family film. The story follows a princess named Elsa whose curse forces her to live in isolation, and when her sister accidentally triggers the curse at her coronation the kingdom is thrown into an eternal winter and Elsa is forced to Flee. The animation is incredibly good, as are the character designs. And, the musical numbers are amazing; full of energy and soulfulness. A magnificent film from Walt Disney Animation, Frozen is an instant classic.

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The definition of overrated.
Some people see this as the be all and end all of animated movies, when it's far from it. It's still a decent movie, don't get me wrong (except the first third of the movie, that section sucks), but there's plenty of animated movies out there that are more deserving of the levels of hype that Frozen has.

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A nice, prototypical Disney mix of morals and fables, updated to better resonate with modern audiences. That last bit is far easier said than done, and has spelled doom for many a well-intentioned film in the past, but Frozen does a fine job of accomplishing it without much strain.

I'm not a fan of musicals in general, though - it takes something especially inventive, spirited or catchy to overcome that bias - and to my ears this had none of the above. In fact, the jingles stand in contrast to the advances enjoyed by the storytelling; in an effort to feel more fresh, timely and dazzling, the music strains too hard and winds up overly American Idol-tainted and homogenized. Definitely not my taste.

The story's got some emotional punch, though, smearing the black-and-white virtues that typify films of this genre, and the voice acting is upper-tier. Exceptional visuals, too, even if those stylings fall into a weird sort of Pixar / Dreamworks hybrid. Bonus points for poking and prodding a largely-overlooked Norse society, though like Brave a few years prior, I felt like it left a lot of that potential on the table.

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End frigidity, let it go.

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Some great music. Let it Go is still a classic. The story is pretty good too.

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I watched this with my daughter and it was alright, not really a film to brag about but decent. I think the fact that most of the songs are good is why so many like it.

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Probably I could have just waited another how many ever years to watch it. Really Disney has nothing on Pixar.

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Shout by Deleted

Fun movie. Catchy music. Great for kids. Adults may like it too.

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Enough with the song. It's on heavy rotation.

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Shout by 1010011011
BlockedParent2016-11-15T08:47:00Z— updated 2016-12-24T11:10:43Z

@tug667 UPDATE, after watching it for a number of times that would be considered as a form of torture by the UN (United Nations), I'm actually starting to like it.

It might have to do with the fact that I'm not really watching it anymore. For kids, caught in a merchandise brainwash episode. "Cinderella (1950)" still is a better movie.

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I know Disney movies have singing in it, but this one seemed to have 1 too many songs. I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes.

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This movie is really underrated! I didn't like it all! Decent story and plot but lovable characters! The songs doesn't do nothing to make you interested into the movie! But "Let It Go" is a true classic!

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ignore the bad comment.not much enough but one or two things i found interesting.a little unexpected plot.and they on their own.

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UGLY film, just for kids

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Loved the story and music

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Shout by Deleted

Boring movie ever
Again and again

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Shout by Deleted

Well, it wasn't that great a movie.

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Looks great, but the story lacks a bit and the singing gets old quick. A nice movie to distract the kids, but adults might want to check out other Disney outings...

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Pretty good, but it had way too much singing for my taste.

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The amount of media activity and advertising around this movie grabbed my curiosity. Then the first fifteen minutes throttled that curiosity and choked all life out of it. My God is this bad. I have no bias against Disney; WALL-E was a great film and I certainly have a lot of nostalgia for their 90s work.
Here are some heartfelt lyrics for you to consider.

The window is open, so's that door
I didn't know they did that anymore
Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates?
For years I've roamed these empty halls
Why have a ballroom with no balls?

Don't know if I'm elated or gassy
But I'm somewhere in that zone

Ooh! I suddenly see him standing there
A beautiful stranger, tall and fair
I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face

Apparently Disney now thinks that quirky spontaneity is a substitute for actual humour. I guess when you're making kids films, quality control is not really needed, right? Wrong. Getting back to those 90s films, Randy Newman's contributions to Toy Story were all spectacular. Is there perhaps anything more iconic to the company than the sombre classic You've Got a Friend in Me? Compare these lyrics to those in Frozen. For a start they aren't nearly as convoluted, and certainly don't sound as though they were written by an eight year old with a rhyming dictionary. Basic, but still memorable and contain some useful values for kids to learn.
Kids aren't stupid, and it's sad to see films like Frozen endorsing this plague of talentless song and scriptwriting. Needless to say this is not the dawning of Disney's second Golden Age that critics have purported this film to signal. Just another saddening reminder of how far they've traveled from their creative peak.

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great movie that the made. a movie for eveyone

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Like Tangled, it is difficult to criticise the film too much - it is an enjoyable story that never outstays its welcome, can be enjoyed by everyone and has great music and funny supporting characters. It is just a shame that when Disney has the opportunity to develop strong heroines - and here they have two!! - they gravitate towards a plot involving them finding true love. By far the most interesting plot development and character relationship is that between the two sisters and thankfully that is largely what the film chooses to focus on. They can't quite commit to it wholly however, with a romantic subplot for one heroine that thankfully doesn't dominate the far more interesting main story. There are moments when the film feels like it is going to try something daring or different, but this is Disney and it is difficult to begrudge them choosing a different path when the film is so well made and entertaining to watch.

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Sweet movie. But I think I have grown up with this magic.

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This movie is terrible. All of the music borrows pacing from more popular musicals, but waters them down, repeats lyrics way too much, loses the puns, word play and big words for more easily accessible language and blatantly copies from Wicked!

The characters have disturbingly over exaggerated features. Because it is a Disney movie they had to add animal friends and anthropomorphic crap that only George Lucas would think are appropriate.

The point of tension was contrived and thin, but the villagers had to overreact just so we could feel like it's more of a deal than it really is.

The romances were entirely unnecessary, but it's a Disney movie... they did make Simba fall in love with Nala in one night. Superficial romance pulled out of thin air is their specialty.

There is no substance to this movie. There is no substance to the music or the lyrics. In Wicked! Elphaba singing gravity is an intensely emotional moment because we have seen the prison she lives in and feel her pain then rejoice when she finds her voice. In Frozen the characters are so flat, their motivations so shallow, their actions befuddling and the songs generically uplifting instead of being strongly tied to the character development.

I am genuinely confused why this movie has received positive reviews. It is generic garbage.

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Entertaining, lovely movie. Idina Menzel has a rabid following, but I found her fairly miscast here. Her voice is rich, low and throaty. Wrong for a character defined by her anxiety and desperation.

Kristen Bell was essentially the life of the movie, and the supporting cast was fine. The music was much better than one would expect, based on the last few years of Disney musicals. Truly some lovely moments.

Society can wind women pretty tight with expectations and behavioral conditioning, and this is a rare story that addresses not only that, but how a rush of feelings can cause misjudgements and real humiliation. Nicely done.

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I'm not usually a fan of animated movies or musicals, but Disney did not disappoint.

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