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Fast X 2023

Initially wanted to watch it because of Datura, just to learn it's not in the movie. Sad times.

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In my opinion, this is definitely in the top 10 best Fast movies.

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Okay one FINAL ride(for the tenth fucking time)

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This is really just a parody of everything that exists until it's not even possible. It's unbelievable how far this brand has come. Not only does it defy all logic and especially the laws of physics, but everything looks insanely fake. Both the scenes and the people. It's like some weird cartoon mixed with an old generation console action game. It's X separate scenes that are somehow spliced together by bad music.

I swear to god, we're going to see Dom and his family hook CERN up to wires and spin it so hard it throws the planet into another dimension.

And then Brian really arrives for the barbecue and we learn that the whole Paul Walker death was just completely insane marketing.

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Vin Diesel’s vocal fry has finally reached an unintelligible level. I feel like I missed out on some exposition during his scenes.

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Top 5 worst movies this year. If you don’t believe me wait for the scene with Brie Larson in a room of floating TVs—looked like it was straight out of Spy Kids.

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Shout by Durack
BlockedParent2022-10-19T05:39:32Z— updated 2023-06-10T05:03:36Z

I don't care what "professional critics" will end up saying. When this movie comes out, I'm gonna watch it. I'm gonna like it and I will not hesitate to leave a 10/10 here for this movie..... Because what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career watching every single Fast and the Furious movie. Skills that make me a nightmare for critics like you.... :smiling_imp:

However, there are sneak peaks of the cast on social media. Straight off the bat, I'm going to say that adding Brie Larson is a mistake. Just like adding Gal Gadot, and later having to unceremoniously kill her character to get rid of her. Bring Gina Carano back instead. She fits nicely with this diverse, inclusive and positive themed franchise that never forced woke leftist bullshit on fans.

UPDATE 10-JUNE-20203: Watching the 4K release at home. Pretty sure my home has suffered structural damage due to all the explosions... just within the first 40 minutes. Probably should have kept the volume down. I regret nothing!:ok_hand_tone2::joy:

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Should've stopped after the first one.

All dog diarrhea from there, at least the first one was a solid dog shit.

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Best F and F movie in a while. Story was actually pretty decent and they didn't do too many crazy absurd things. Jason Mamoa was great

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These keep getting worse everytime. So much exaggeration. Some one thought of this nonsense, and another idiot approved it.

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Probably one of the weaker entries. Directing was all over the place. Jason Momoa was pretty terrible, not sure what he was going for with his character. Is he just crazy? A mentally ill gay guy? Couldn’t figure him out it was an odd approach. I was “wowed” maybe a couple times

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A new caliber of incomprehensible dogshit, Jason Mamoa is the saving grace as he’s the only dude that knows what movie he is in and he’s having a blast

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Another action over the top filled movie with big names. Also part 2 is coming so don't expect closure. Stay for the extra scene. Put your brain of and enjoy the ride!

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Worst fucking movie of the entire franchise. Even a parody of F&F will be much better than this. I am glad Paul is not here to see this abomination.

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As a fan of the franchise and someone with a more than healthy ability to suspend disbelief, sad to say that this movie caused me so many eye-rolls that I was afraid they might get stuck that way. A script that included cars vs submarines at the North Pole seems positively Shakespearean compared to this one. Momoa had some fun with the role obviously but damn, I can't believe that after 10 kicks at the can and a pretty dope cast, this one beats Tokyo Drift for the badge of Worst F&F yet. I've enjoyed the ride gang but if this is the next gen of franchise, then drop me off at the next corner - I'll Uber from there.

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Aquaman'S VS F&F. Han & Letty and now Gisele is resurrected :smiley: I wonder what part will Jakob will be resurrected?

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It was insane, the level of idiocy reached unprecedented proportions. There were constant pompous speeches from almost everyone, and their actions made no sense. Even the female characters like Charlize Theron spoke in the same pompous manner and handled special forces like children, while they waited for her to execute a stylish move. The entire film was like that. Even the fights and action scenes became completely meaningless. Vin Diesel in his car is simply indestructible, like a superhero. He can jump out of a plane with his car from a great height onto the road, crash into a crane at full speed while in mid-air, and just slightly shift in his car seat, while in reality, he would have been smashed to pieces 50 times over. The only entertaining character was Jason Momoa, and John Cena was decent as well. Vin Diesel's son, for some reason, became black, even though he wasn't before. This is Michael Jackson in reverse.
I don't know what I was expecting from this soap opera :grinning:

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From the psychopathic villain to the thrilling ending, Fast and Furious 10 seems to have borrowed several elements from Infinity War and The Dark Knight. However, this doesn't take away from the fact that Jason Momoa's portrayal of the villain was a night-and-day difference compared to John Cena's in the last installment, which was frankly terrible. This alone makes for a more enjoyable movie experience. It's great to see the franchise bouncing back after Fast 9, and not simply running itself into the ground.

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I would've given it a 6/10, but what we see at the end with the submarine just dropped a whole point for me.
The only good thing in this movie is Jason Momoa. Without him, it's a 3/10. With him, I give it 5/10.

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Pretty enjoyable fun movie, wayyy better than F9

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Momoa please save us from your bad acting, give to God what he is deserved, your life, hope to enter 2024 without seeing you in the still alive list I made

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The last few were already absurd, this is just next level absurd and all over the place, not to mention 1hr longer than it needed to be.

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I don't care about the professional reviews or people giving low ratings because the movie doesn't make sense, IT'S FAST AND FURIOUS!, movies haven't made sense in a long time, so let's just watch and enjoy the great action show that this movie provides, so let's just sit back and watch, without thinking too much about whether it makes sense or not, it's a great action movie to see with the FAMILY or to relax, and I really needed to relax, just watch it.

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What a load of detritus!!
Acting was truly horrendous, Action was totally unbelievably stupid, Story-line was pathetic, and as for the giant turd rolling down hill that just about sums up this film..!!

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As someone who lived in Rome for quite a few years, that opening sequence was absolutely hilarious, and by far the best part of the movie.

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Unbelievable how bad this franchise became. It was quite nice at the beginning but now, it looks more than a DC movie rather than anything. Not for me anymore.

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Wtf is this, they need to stop.

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Came for dumb and fun movie with a lot of bs action, explosions and cool cars and I've gotten exactly that. It's not like this is a cinematic masterpiece, but you're getting 100% of what you expect from it.

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Should be called "Fast 'Who Cares'"

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Marginally better than the last one but surely the actors must be totally embarrassed by the last 2 films, it’s getting to the point of science-fiction/fantasy but I suppose money talks. The basis of the story is OK but most of the movie is ridiculous, the CGI is average at best, the only half decent thing is jason momoa who is quite entertaining.

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New Joker is in this movie...

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Momoa was brilliant, hi light of the movie for me.
Otherwise, an enjoyable movie which seemed to segmented at times, jumping around from one place to the next. Worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:.

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they get more ridiculous with each movie and im all here for it

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It's a F&F movie. I expected a stupid story, with too many coincidences and characters you never heard of before appearing from nowhere. But I also expected a lot of action, huge explosions, fighting, and crazy driving. And they delivered on all counts. So it is hard to complain when they give you exactly what you expected when you started watching.

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Ridiculously, stupidly entertaining. Exactly what I wanted. So dumb but I could not have had a better time.

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Can't wait to see Jakob rise from the ashes in part 2

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more relative strangers show up and the action scenes rise to another level of I'll pass physics over the triumphal arch. Action...action and family 1 post-credir scene

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I's a popcorn movie.

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fast and furious is worse than cartoons physics to many BS maybe I have outgrown the bs this movie really needs no to watch it's so bad I can't even explain cars in space really

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That ball was actually a bomb, it turned into a fireball, but it didn't explode after banging around so violently. How could the safety mechanism be so strong? There must be an 11th sequel for sure. Many characters that have appeared in the previous sequels appeared with very fragmented roles, it felt like they just briefly showed up and left hurriedly.

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"Everyone becomes family. It's like a cult with cars!"

If you hated the last few F&F movies, why are you even watching this? If, however, you enjoy these movies despite (or because of) their utter absurdity, Fast X is a blast - far better than 8 or 9. The action is actually more grounded than F9, and the self-awareness is funny without feeling forced.

The new characters are all great, and at this point I actually look forward to the retcons showing how they're all related. Jason Momoa embraces the absurdity in a way that no one could've seen coming. And they actually let John Cena be fun now!

What a blast. It's been a while since I laughed this much in the theater.

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Who needs a tank... Doms car is made of the most durable material ever.

So... Another dogsht movie. Glad I'm not paying for it.

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The Tenth Ride Is Gonna Be Best

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Jason Momoa is a camp psycho and the entire movie can be predicted.

Gal Gadot coming back means nothing matters in this franchise

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What a load of crap. It was garbage :thumbsdown:

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They have ran out of ideas!
This is not even about cars anymore.

Poor plot, poor acting, poor CGI, poor script.

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Better not to talk about Brazil if you're going to say something bad

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Yes!! Great fast and furious part! I really enjoyed it. Of course it's over the top, and it has more and more action, but I really like it, and this one wasn't that over the top ridiculous, it was just really entertaining! Quite some cars, good touchy moments, great fights and a villain I really liked. Mamoas character was borderline crazy, and almost too silly to be cool, but so insane he sold it. NAIL POLISH. Script I think could have been better for him (or at least something, but I think the script) but f&f is back baby!!
rating: 7.5/10

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Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, they made this. Flat, soulless acting (from the rest of the cast that is, Vin Diesel always is!) with a dumb story that’s just full on ridiculous, it doesn’t even rate as embarrassingly unbelievable. I REALLY hoped this was going to be the last one but even the this movie itself isn’t over. Watchable if you’re in the mood for some mindless action with literally zero footing in reality, other than that, pretty crappy overall.

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It is a film full of plot holes and a somewhat cheesy drama, however, it is still a fun film, with some epic scenes. The only thing I didn't like was the repetition of the hostage theme in the story. The villain is interesting, as he stands out from the rest by being crazy and fun. The ending leaves a huge hook for continuation.

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Shout by Ro

The baddest in the franchise.
Jason Mamoa was the cause.
Overacting in the worst possible way

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It's kind of what you'd expect for the F&F series. Each one just gets more ridiculous with the stunts.

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Silly and cartoonish. This franchise has run out of gas.

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More like a kids carton, shame it’s not more realistic.

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I like this new version of The Joker :black_joker:

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WARNING: This is part 1 of 3, expect cliff hangers. To be honest I've always found Jason Momoa couldn't act, he changes his body and voice expressions in this movie; so he's really improved.

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John Cena had the only scenes that didn't make me want to vomit.

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So fucking stupid. It's actually infuriating how bad these movies have become.

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The Fast movies don’t have the same charm that they once had. They do have all sorts of fun action! This one is not my favorite, but it’s far from a bad film. If you’ve been along for the ride to this point, make sure you check this one out too!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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I had so much fun with this movie that I'm able to overlook all its flaws. Connecting this movie to Fast Five makes this the best Fast movie since then. Seeing the heist scene again from a different point-of-view was a lot of fun.

The whole Rome sequence was exciting and Jason Momoa was incredible. Best addition since The Rock. Also finally a street race like the first ones (albeit with bombs).

I was expecting more from the Han and Shaw reunion but alright.

This movie felt more like a superhero movie at times and they pulled an Infinity War on me, with half the team being "dead". But you can't expect me to care about JOHN CENAAA and the people on that plane when you bring Wonder Woman back.


I had a ton of fun, can't wait for The Rock vs. Momoa but I can imagine that on a rewatch I'll get more annoyed with some things and my rating gets lower.

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It is promoted as the beginning of a final trilogy in an endless series of formulaic films, and ends on a cliffhanger to draw attention to a franchise that is running out of fuel. It's fun to see actors like Jason Momoa or Brie Larson involved in this adventure, although the antagonist is absurdly mediocre. In the end, there are action scenes that are increasingly elaborated from B-movie CGI (sequence in Rome), which have lost the nostalgia of car chases to become frustrating attempts to look like the Marvel movies (at least in the failed visual effects it succeeds).

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Can you actually crash an iphone with bare hand? 4/10 !

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Don't waste your time on this one.

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Half the characters wandering around like headless chickens. Fast X.. Jason Momoa simply stole the show..

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Absolutely terrible in every single way.
These movies are so completely over the top now that it's like a live action cartoon.
They really should go for a PG rating next time as adults will struggle with a plot so juvenile it would not have been out of place in a 60s Batman episode.

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I think old Vin needs to start practicing different facial expressions, he looks CGI.

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don't film in 4k for future films can't see nothing in building. outside ok but inside no. rewatch type movies and see the difference. u can always upgrade 4k.... don't film in it plz

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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2023-08-06T18:18:13Z— updated 2024-02-29T17:13:22Z

"It's like a cult with cars!"

Unironically, this is the most accurate description of Dom's "family".
With the rate they are murdering people (unless all those faceless grunts and innocent by-standers don't have families), I'm sure Dom will have an unending supply of "villains" wanting revenge in the future.
inb4 Dom gets killed at some point and his son vows to take revenge, and the cycle continues.

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The only thing missing from a fast movie was Jason Momoa doing curtsy and painting toenails. This would have been an absolute drag without Papa Momoa playing Joker.

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I would never want to meet a 'Dante Reyes' in real life! This movie is top tier for sure 10/10!!!:exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

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I don't get why the directors don't understand that we just want fast normal cars and a good story. Not flying cars, not space cars, not sub cars or jumping cars. Just regular cool and realistic ones.

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Watching this movie, I was scared to have become old forgetting school Geography. It is not the case, in the city action sequence, Rome is mixed with Turin and Genzano di Roma. This unrealistic and evident pastiche, together with a poor CGI, an empty plot, and the action sequences completely unrelated and self-purpose, make the overall result mediocre.

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Love The Stunts,Lot Of Scenes That Are Thrilling That Takes You On A Joyride With Lots Of Action...If You Haven't Seen It You Should

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How many gears do these cars actually have??

Sadly, very watchable, immensely stupid and full of cameos, franchise actors, plot holes and stupidity

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It's a pure action film with incoherent storyline/scenes, a tiny plot twist, and a ridiculous surprise at the end that screenwriters should have never even dared to let themselves think of it. It's definitely entertaining, but every other element of the franchise has gone (even the family element felt dull and intangible!). I liked Momoa's Joker-reminiscent character the most, he should reprise the Joker role in ANY film having this character, it fits him even more than Ledger! Lastly, the timeline between different chapters/parts seems inconsistent.

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Fast X is like a rollercoaster ride that you don't want to end. It's got everything you could want in an action movie - fast cars, explosions, and Vin Diesel's acting. But what really sets it apart is the humor. The jokes are so cheesy that they'll have you rolling your eyes, but you won't be able to help laughing anyway. And don't even get me started on that cliffhanger ending - it's like they're daring you not to come back for the next movie. If you're looking for a good time at the movies, Fast X is the way to go!

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And tha story goes on…

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Sucks they didn't get to the moon or some other universe

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I illegally streamed this and have buyers remorse....
Had to watch the end of titanic to cheer myself up

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Eagerly waiting for the 2nd part
It must come in 2025

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Making fans wait until 2025 to see how it ends, is just so bad move. Im so disappointed.

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movie was trash and had unrealistic stunt move

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Enough is enough please no more !

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Please! for the love of god! stop making these movies!

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How did it end? I fell asleep...

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Shout by Tee-Roy

well, they are going to make another one, why do I feel like I'll be in my retirement home and watching Fast and the Furious 30

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Shout by Deleted

Oh, and the best parts of of FF been "the Fast and the Furious", "2 fast 2 furious" and, yeah I'm saying it, "Tokyo Drift". When FF was about tuned cars. It is more popular and successful since they turned it into your average ridiculous action stuff, but that just means that the mainstream audience sucks

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Shout by Deleted

I can't say it often enough: cgi fire and smoke are awful every single time I'm seeing it.

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F&F used to be well-crafted dumb fun action movies, now they're just excessive CGI fests that have completely detached themselves from reality while a fat and hungover Vin Diesel slurrs ""

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This was really really bad. Bad script and bad actor play. Some of the actors did not even try. Even so, I liked it a lot. If you skip all the dialog and so on it is mega fun and entertaining.

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