After the two 10-year-olds near me stopped using their phones when I asked and left the movie 5 minutes later, there was nothing left to keep me awake.

I have the impression The Crimes of Grisenwald is like a cashier stripper: some interesting visuals but far too much talking to be exciting.

If any of you were able to avoid napping in this film, please leave a comment and let me know if it's worth giving another shot.

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Perfect and amazing movie to watch

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2 hours of my life I will never get back. To be fair, this film did have some good moments, but on the whole it was an utter snooze fest. Another case of too much CGI, and not enough story. For the life of me, I can't work out why Johnny Depp has suddenly started dressing like Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols.

I was really looking forward to this film, because I usually love all the Harry Potter films, and the first Fantastic Beats. So what went wrong here, I do not know. I hope the next one will be better.

(I must warn you that my negative point of view of the film wasn't helped by the fact that someone in the cinema stunk of poo and I could hardly breathe throughout the whole film, which made a boring and long film seem even longer. Therefore, it might be slightly better than I give it credit. But even so, I still didn't enjoy it.)

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So finally JK Rowling acknowledged her biggest flaw writing-wise the black and white morality. Not all Slytherins are evil or wish to harm others. Also, Grindelwald makes Voldemort look like amateur hour. Really great movie and extremely dark, not quite Infinity War dark, but certainly up there. So many Harry Potter references and you further see the more adult side of the world.

I enjoyed it and even think it addressed what people worried about, that Dumbledore did have more than friendship with Grindelwald and also the scenes are subtle which is less insulting. I loved it and actually prefer to it the other movie because I love the HP World, but dislike the Harry Potter books, so love when you see the world outside of Hogwarts.

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Shout by jumper
BlockedParent2018-12-08T05:37:24Z— updated 2020-02-13T05:03:20Z

I was pretty fried when I watched it. It was pretty decent, it's getting too much hate.

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The Crimes of Grindelwald's flashy VFX and endearing characters do not make up for its cluttered, often-nonsensical plot and poor development, making it the worst film in the Wizarding World series.

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The Crimes of Grindewald lacks a truly coherent narrative. It's a mashup of different ideas from the books that offer excitement and no fulfillment. One is left feeling that this is a victim of the recent attempt to stretch one narrative into three films unjustifiably. Honestly, I think my dog got as much out of this as anyone could.

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Well that was a good film and compared to the first, it’s got better magic effects, more beasts but just not the same magical kick and was lacking the pace the first had that balanced it and fitted well for me but it did have some decent action with some cool effects with a darker tone to it. It’s good to know more of the past of the Harry Potter universe and looking forward to what the films that follow are going to bring to Hogwarts.

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First, and probably only, quibble I have about this movie is the inclusion of a particular Miss McGonagall. Whilst the actress portrays the character wonderfully both in her voice and mannerisms, we all know she wasn’t even born yet.
I enjoyed the toying with the possibility that certain characters might’ve boarded the Titanic.
Incredible visuals throughout, fantastic acting from all and good scores.
A great movie from start to finish. Credence is so much more likeable in this movie compared to the last. Johnny Depp, as per, offers a sterling performance and the big China cat thing is cool.

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Fantastic Beasts? Not quite - Above Average Beasts is a better description. The film isn't perfect - it's overly long, the story takes time to kick into gear - but its still good to step back into Rowling's world, and at the film's close, there was enough of a hook to come back to the next one.

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I had fun, i can't really dwell on much else until i see it again. I love the world J.K has created, i want to just watch it exist and i find myself just wanting to read about the smallest of details about how something works or certain creatures.

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2018-11-19T18:19:48Z— updated 2019-01-20T22:24:52Z

A nice follow-up to the first installment in this new film saga of the Wizarding World. This one will amaze, shock and fill you with teary moments, OMG-worthy scenes and stunning magic. Spectacular visual effects and brand new locations and sets. A truly emotional film score made by James Newton Howard that takes you into a roller-coaster of emotions. Waiting to check out the EXTENDED CUT to have an deeper look at the film's plot holes and unanswered questions.

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Loved it. The animals used by Newt were incorporated in an excellent way that didn't feel unnecessary, the acting was tremendously good as well as the dark theme to it all.

I can not agree with the ones who did not like it. I did not except any fight between Dumbledore and his antagonist, so I felt this explained and showed magic in a great way. It felt like no scene was unnecessary screen time.

Loved it.
10 out 10 (which doesn't happen often)

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  • Too much (bad) CG
  • Too many new plot driving of characters we barely know and as a result don't care for
  • Fantastic Beasts: Barely any fantastic beats
  • The crimes of Grindewald: He kills 2 people

Terrible sequal.

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An unsuitable continuation of the first, even not outstanding film. Too bad, they could have learned from the first part, but somehow it seems as if they simply continued without thinking about it. You can see beautiful pictures, but in terms of content it is like a tough chewing gum.

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It looks good. But that's about it. Money wasted . The story is simply boring. Parts of the story are even outright stupid. I'm not even sure if I really understand the story. The only memorable characters are perhaps Queenie and Jacob. There's not even a real end. It's just a cliffhanger. There's not even some charming scenes with the beasts that made part 1 watchable. And it's way too long.

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It's a mediocre movie. It doesn't get bonus points for just being in the HP universe.

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I continue to have no idea what goes on in these films

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outstanding visuals, mediocre plot and script, and I hated the impotence of Dumbledore, he would never let himself be shackled by a mere minister?! I loved newt and the monsters ,superb acting.

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Would overall be a decent, if not good film, if it wasn't for the absolutely atrocious writing. Truly one of the worst screenplays in recent memory.

Regardless, it's not... that bad?

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I saw the first episode too the movie i really enjoy the movie. I was amazed truly enjoyed this series better then harry potter and i do enjoy them . But this went into how they started and you saw so much more about the people and how they become in the other movies . The cast was wonderful and there was a twist in the movie but you will find out . The movie isn't boring at all . I can't wait for the other one to come out.

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I was little confused in the beginning, but eventually caught on.

I'm always amazed by the creative mind of J.K.

I enjoyed the movie, but sill prefer the first one over the sequel.

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okay so I walked into the movie having loved the first one but this was different in a good way kindof but different the movie moved pretty fast no doubt and the action was too the core teriffic one of the most magical movies of the year so much fun to go and see in a theater it was funny in spots too all together most exciting thriller this year

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Not as easy to watch as the first film, but I do appreciate that this is setting the scene and developing characters that will be important in later movies... so this is an important 'stepping stone'. Some genuinely spectacular moments kept my attention and I can see this 'all coming together' very nicely. 7.5/10

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docked a solid star and a half for the ending

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Not nearly as good as the first one. It had some adorable fantastic creatures and many, many references from the original HP, but this was more of a shallow, intermediate film that sets up the next film(s) AKA it didn't need to exist.

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More confusion than growing clarity. This second (of fIve) instalments into the Fantastic Beasts story was a step down from the first. Where the first was full of delight and discovery, mysteries and rescue, this one lost that sense of awe and adventure, and got bogged down in twists and turns that made the mind dizzy and left us with more of a "What?!?" than an "Aha!" The acting was good. The special effects were effective. The deepening darkness was foreboding. But the end was so cryptic that the internet has lite up with theories as to what was actually revealed (because few left the theatre sure of what it had just told them). I am still curious as to where all this is going, but I'd like to see them return to the wonder of the magic, depth of relationships, and clarity of plot. I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. [Fantasy Adventure]

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A good movie with a lot of expected and unexpected things. Loved the music and the graphics but the plotline was not that qood. Hopefully, they'll improve it on the following movies. Plus, J.K. should stop adding things to the history. She should've been done about it. Really mad at the ending...

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After the first Fantastic Beasts, I really didn't expect much.. It was cute, but a little too lighthearted for my taste. But this was surisingly great with excellent characterizations overall. Seriously there wasn't a single character whose screentime I didn't enjoy, which is rare for me. The only character, ironically, that I don't feel I got to learn enough about was Grindalwald himself. And it's a shame because the whole arena scene with him demonstrating the violence of his "enemies" had me seeing both sides and added a lot of complexity to the story. Hopefully we'll get more of that in the next one!

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Visually, amazing. Story wise, terrible.

The only movies I enjoyed less than this one are justice league, suicide squad, the last Transformer movie to this date, and that human centipede shit.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindlewald

This film really should have followed the philosophy of "less is more"
So much happened in this film, yet by the time it ended, it felt like nothing happened at all.
The visuals were the best part, unfortunately.


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Honestly i only watched the movie because of its relation to the Harry Potter series. The Plot was awful, Acting was awful. The only plus point was the scene with the fire dragon in Paris. I thought there will be a better fight after that but the it ended at that point.
So, in other words don't watch it if you have other things to watch.

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More of everything, it seems like a movie of beginning, or transition. They go way over because Dumbeldore does not fight against Grindewald. I hope it's the movie 2 out of 3 and not the 2 out of 5.

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I wasn't too impressed by this movie. It was quite dry. I barely stayed awake. CGI was good, though.

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It's frustrating when you expect something big to come and it does not come.
90% of the film is full of unnecessary history, very badly told.
Something still doesn't work with this saga.

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The worst product of the Harry Potter expanded world. The previous movie was far better.


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"The Crimes of Grindelwald" is a beautiful film and introduces very dark themes, however it isn't as well-constructed in narrative terms as we might like.

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Shout by Deleted

The darkness, the magic, the visual effects and superb acting is what makes this movie great.

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The plot is so convoluted and boring that it makes me not care for anything that goes on. I don't really like any of the new or existing characters and this does nothing to make me like them more. The only parts that I thought were any good was Jude Law's Dumbledore. I just want to see his story and him being a teacher. Everything else can go. Also just a nitpick but this movie was was too dark and not properly lit. It was hard to see in some scenes.

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Felt like the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Nothing happens after the good opening ten minutes. Purely a set up for the next movie in the franchise. Disappointing overall.

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The movie has some great performances and a few great standout scenes, but I felt that it was all over the place and juggling far too many different things for a movie that’s only just over 2 hours in length. The previous movie was FAR better.

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Really good film and I liked it a lot better than the first one. Johnny Depp as Grindelwlad was quite a treat and Zoe Kravitz was a pure stunner! Also Jude Law as Dumbledore is a perfect fit.

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This really is a movie that must be understood in the context of the whole wizarding world, particularly the fandom. As a movie, by itself, its not overly impressive. Lots of running around, not much fighting, no clear purpose (besides finding Credence). But. And this is a big BUT, if you are a fan of the wizarding world, none of that will matter because just the information itself is mind-blowing (hello, end scene). The peeks at Nicholas Flamel, at Dumbledore, a sordid romantic past, blood oaths, secret betrayals, all of that makes it so worth it. Any non-fan probably walked away confused and unimpressed (ie. my husband) but you HP fans out there are basking in the details that no one else could truly appreciate!

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This was one of the most incoherent movies I watched in a while. I got lost so many times, that I cannot blame just myself for that anymore. Not even the best visuals would have saved this movie.

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Quite good, but I prefer the first one.

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I love the world, but the story was a bit confusing and boring. I paused the movie several times to look links up (without succes because they were never explained) and I was waiting for this big explosive ending that didn't happen. It feels like twilight 2 where the whole story is boring and you hope it gets better. There it does, here it doesn't. Maybe they should have written a book first :see_no_evil:‚ it worked for Harry Potter to explain a lot more (or the movie just leaves you missing out, which is understandable I guess) and it worked for twilight (idk those books were OK to read and it made the movies bearable I guess). I feel like I have to like it because I love Harry Potter and I did like fantastic beasts, but this movie was honestly nothing (although I did follow it fully so something was interesting enough) probably worth a watch when the next movie comes out or to watch the whole series, but otherwise not really worth it I guess.
Posted 20th april 2020 23:49

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"Oh, Newt. You never met a monster you couldn't love."

Somehow someway I couldn't really get into this one. It felt a bit bland. A bit boring. The magical world couldn't save the story. I hope this is all just a set up for the next one.

Best bit? Jude Law as young Dumbledore and I really liked the design of the lion type creature.

So far this is my least favorite movie in the Wizardly world of Potter but still haven't really seen a bad one. Which is a good thing in 9 movies!

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It was captivating enough for me to stay up til 4am watching when i have to be up in 3 hours lol. Good watch for the one time

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Pulling the old bait-n-switch, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald isn’t about Gindelwald or his crimes. Instead, we get a classic search for “the one” story; as everyone is looking for Credence (who mysteriously is not dead) believing that he could be the lost heir of an esteemed wizard bloodline. The main cast from the previous film returns, and are joined by Jude Law, Johnny Depp, and Zoe Kravitz. Depp makes for a compelling villain but is underused, and the whole where and who is Credence plot isn’t all that interesting. However, the action scenes are exciting, and the set and costumes designs are quite creative. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is problematic, but it’s entertaining and portends some exciting things to come.

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Better than its predecessor, even if I still didn't really dig it.

'Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald' has more of a vibe about it, especially early on, and is marginally better paced. Overall, though, I'm kinda split on how I feel about this second instalment. It is a definite improvement, and yet I don't have any noteworthy positives to share about it. The cast, despite names I like, are just so forgettable to me in this.

As such, I don't feel like I can give it any more than a 6/10 rating - which feels harsh, but 7/10 feels too high. With that said, I still plan to check out 'Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore'. It just needs that little extra oomph and these would be films that I'd enjoy, so hopefully that 2022 release will produce.

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This is such an incomplete and self-indulgent movie. I don't think it was supposed to be complex, but following it will make you so tired...
They threw in way too many characters and subplots that have little influence on the main storyline and that are left completely unexplained in the end.
The premise is clear, but despite the movie being this long it gets little or zero development. I understand that it is supposed to be just one part of a bigger series, but each movie should have its own independent storyline and closure to be enjoyable. They even had a couple of plot twists that anyway did not make me look forward to what's coming next at all.
I gained nothing from the two and a half hours of this and I don't think I am willing to suffer from this again.

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The first one was decent, charismatic and entertaining. But this second one was very bad.

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still don't understand the bad ratings it's an amazing movie beautiful visuals and effects ...
the story also is beautiful

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Shout by AJ

Well... it's slightly better than the first one, and visually awesome... yet completely forgettable. In a year or two, when I watch the next one, I won't remember any of the characters, except for Newt, maybe Grindelwald, and the fat muggle with the moustache. It's difficult to enjoy a movie when you couldn't care less about the characters :person_shrugging_tone1:

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I really enjoyed the film but I think it's not a very memorable part of the series. why? well I watched it, not realizing I had already watched it until 20 minutes in. then once I realized I had seen this movie before, I still couldn't remember where the story was going. it was deja vu with out details.

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This movie could've been as good as the first one if they hadn't felt the need to add so many new characters in. They could've kept it to the four people from the first one, plus Credence, Grindelwald, and Dumbledore, and just stuck with the plot for them, but they added like eight new people to keep up with who all had subplots of their own going on. I also didn't appreciate the blatant queerbaiting, and the questionable nature of having an Asian woman turn into a snake. The creatures made it watchable, as did Eddie Redmayne and Ezra Miller, who are both too good for this movie. The plot twist at the end was horrible, and unnecessary.

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I actually enjoyed more this movie then the first one, it has so much more Harry Potter references.

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so many scene are not linked or explained, or jot needed.
Nicolas flamel is one.
and why there are two world for france, while in UK / USA is only single world?

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The plot is very tangled and even the movie is boring at times

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There is at most 45 minutes of plot in this movie that goes on for over two hours. Still, giving credit where credit is due, it was fun to hear Depp say, "I hate Paris."

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Yes it was entertaining but at the end of the day you’re right back where you started no further ahead,it’s very frustrating but again it was entertaining

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I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise, but this one ended up being really enjoyable and interesting for me, fantastic visuals and good acting, the only problem it's that nothing happens, I mean there is a clímax but it's not as strong as the other movies, but definitely I want to see more.

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Another one of the movies in 2018 I was looking forward to that didn't pan out. I love the Harry Potter universe...mostly the books, but the movies were also quite charming. This...was not. It made the ultimate crime...FB: The Crimes of Grindelwald was boring.

I had fun watching the Fantastic Beasts, but this one ended up being way too long, with uninteresting and underused characters and a story that ended up going nowhere.

When you, in the middle of a highly anticipated movie, manages to think about dinner, planning a birthday party, and tidying up your apps on your smartphone, the movie you are watching has failed rather spectacularly. Couldn't even remember half of it by the end of the credits.

I know most people that have watched or are going to watch this movie, has probably got an investment in the HP universe, but if you haven't watched this yet...consider spending 2 hours doing something else. It's the ultimate in forgettable storytelling.

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I enjoyed the movie, except the starting scene was over the top and badly filmed/edited. All the rest of the movie was rather entertaining.

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Two hours commercial for next chapter? No thanks.

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Shout by Mounir

i loved the story a lot, it's amazing! everyone had a story to tell and i think they did a pretty good job with it. and i know it's in the same universe as Harry Potter ( i think this happened before HP) but it reminds me a lot of HP. i loved this part of the story better than the first one. can't wait to dive more in it in the next one!

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Outstanding production design and special effects help to create a rich and inviting universe - to tell less than captivating stories in.

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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald has stunning visuals, just like the first one, although, it was a bit confusing some of the times. Not saying the writing was bad, but it could be a lot better. I've seen a lot of movies from this genre and I know this one could be better. Gave it a 6/10

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What's good about this movie is the creatures. The rest is meh

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This movie was okey but just as the first one, only enjoyable and nothing more. It does not feel as forced as the first one but unfortunately still is not as great as the initial Harry Potter instalments. Not sure why there has to be yet another movie…

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Looked forward to seeing this. Very confusing and not even sure what the point was. Obviously we have to wait for the sequel. Disappointed with this. Much preferred the first Fantastic Beasts movie.

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Due to my adoration towards J. K. Rowling and her work and world, I was greatly entertained, however, the movie, though beautifully shot, is a mess of diverging plot points, none of which were earned or properly foreshadowed, which is a pity.

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You could define this movie in one word: Bored

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Shout by Deleted

disappointing. a step back in terms of production in general. the script doesn't deliver at all. I see where they are aiming, but I think they miss the point with this movie. they are building the plot for the upcoming chapters to give us a twist. but they just wasted this film. not really bad, just close to be so.

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Ugh what a bummer. This movie was a complete and utter mess. Soooo confusing. I just read all the HP books for the first time over the last month and watched the first Fantastic Beasts this morning and I still could not follow what the hell was going on. Also, I do not care for Eddie Redmayne. I can't stand his "I look at a person's shoulder while I talk" nervous, bumbling quiet talker. I am sick of that character type and it's truly beyond annoying in this.

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There was nothing new with this film than the previous remakes of the old show. If you have seen the previous one this one will just leave you dry.

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What did I just watch?

This movie is so disjointed, and confusing that I left the theater telling people to avoid it.

The movie was very hard to follow. At times, there was either no reason provided, or it was so convoluted that you couldn't find it for the things happening on screen. At other times you got slapped across the face with blatant foreshadowing.

The story from the first one, progressed about 10 minutes and nothing was really added to the story line.

My best guess is that you could watch the first and third movie in the series and have no idea you missed anything.

Skip it.

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Some people said that it was easy to lose sight of the main plot in this one and unfortunately I have to agree. That being said, I think this was done intentionally. There isn't just one story here (Newt and his fantastic beasts), but there are many more plots. If you keep the big picture in mind whilst watching this, it does make sense to a certain degree. I believe that this movie was/is mostly intended to serve as a catalyst for the war that seems to be brewing between Dumbledore and someone of his own bloodline that is now being controlled by Grindelwald. This makes sense since Grindelwald and Dumbledore can't clash yet (can't tell you why if you haven't seen the movie). Overall however, I would say that this was somewhat worth the wait and I look forward to the next!

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Great images, very delightfull photographic scenes, but two hours late, and you keep the same point into the history. Nothing new, just some franchise to keep audience between movies. Not cool, too much "money thinking".

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Why the hell do they still let David Yates direct?

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J.K Rowling and David Yates still don’t give us much of a good reason to why these movies exist. Fans rather have more Potter.
The Fantastic Beasts stories have yet to fully get off the ground. Despite a likeable cast and some magical moments.
The Crimes of Grindelwald is bit over-stuffed with too many characters and subplots. You also have Rowling annoying fans. By messing with the time line and having some characters introduced way too early. To how she originally wrote them.
My main problem is how they used the delightful Queenie though. Having her tempted by the dark side is like Mary Poppins tempted by the dark side. To me that worked least of all.
Well that and flashbacks of Dumbledore (Jude Law) and villain Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) looking at each other in lust. To show as Dumbledore said it “they were more than friends.” Rowling has said they were an item. However on film it came off a bit goofy.

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