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Family Switch 2023

A body switching movie that's been told to death trying to wrap itself into the gold that is the Christmas yearly re-watch. It tries to hard to be THE Christmas movie to be legendary like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or Elf, but it fails. It tries to one-up other body switch movies that went the way of the dodo because they've been done to the point of nauseam, yet for some reason it's pulled out of the old dusty trunk for this movie.

Ed Helms plays the same guy he always does. He has precisely one character and it's been played to death since The Office. He joins the ranks of Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler, Ryan Reynolds (not there quite yet but almost) and so many that just play the same person every single time.

Seriously, there are some great Christmas classics you can watch instead of this and have far more fun.

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Too fast paced, so many good acting gone to waste.
If your grandma asks what cringe is, show her this. But then later give her cookies, because you're not a monster.

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The best scene in this movie was in the outtakes at the end

I'm so sorry, you're kissing your mother, who is also your sister. I'm so so-
Don't talk about it lets just do it

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I laughed way more than I expected, so... mission accomplished. I don't even care if it is another switch movie.

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I was afraid that this movie will be full of second-hand embarrassment and boy did it deliver.
The "humor" is very low-standard, predictable and unnecessarily disgusting. Story-wise there's nothing new but the acting is surprisingly good, so we could have had a charming Hallmark-like body-switching Christmas movie, but instead, we got this.
I cannot even fathom why did they include the dog and the child with very obvious CG and extremely try-hard scenes.

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Only 1 of 2 reasons why you should watch this:
- Jennifer Garner as a hot football mum.
- A Christmas body switching movie.

You Pick?

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pretty amazed at a Netflix movie in 2023 that doesn't feature interracial marriage and unnecessary LGBTQ+ pandering children. for that alone, 8/10.

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This was a pretty fun and lighthearted movie. Nice one to watch in the Christmas period.

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A good film, with a story that follows the body swap pattern, providing lots of laughs with the peculiar moments typical of this type of plot. Despite following a well-known formula, it still manages to captivate the viewer.

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even with a plot already seen a lot, it was funny and entertaining

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It was actually funny. I enjoyed watching this, and it’s fun to see new faces when I’m watching movies, especially those lowkey actors and actresses. Although I noticed a lot of mistakes in the script, etc., I must admit that their lines are witty.

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A pretty okay movie. It's entertaining and that's important. A "can watch" movie, but at least for me it wouldn't have the chance to become a Christmas tradition movie like "Home Alone" or "Scrooged".

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A very standard body switching movie with a new Christmas twist. Good family fun movie (If the kissing your sister part is cut out). My first laugh out loud moment was the first scene with the baby switching the body. The rest was very standard. Turn off your critical thinking part of your brain and enjoy the light hearted family fun movie.

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One of the most bizarre and unhinged movies I've ever seen. Plays like it's written by AI with frantic editing and a tone that switches from seeming like it's aimed at small children to suddenly having Gen X/old Millennial references in a way that is jarring and uncomfortable.

The story is nonsensical and disorienting, a parent's fever dream run through ChatGPT.

Also, so much incest bait. Like someone who worked on this really wanted to kiss their sister and mom or brother and dad. So many uncomfortable age gap moments and consent issues, and just so so so so so much cringe.

I genuinely don't know how to rate it because while it is a truly bad movie, my friends and I had a blast sending each other gifs of our souls leaving our bodies during our watch party, so at least I can say it's not boring. Given that I come to holiday movies for bad entertainment, this certainly delivered.

The baby, doggy, and Rolf were the MVPs of this film.

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This is a basic body switch movie - pretty standard faire - The biggest difference in this movie is that it's not just 2 individuals but an entire family body switch.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Another Hollywood movie that's been done 100 times and each one of them use the same story/writers.
EVERY scene/situation was predicable.. we've seen it all before, remember?
And none of it was funny either.


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It was so cheezy that I think I've developed lactose intolerance, but good for a laugh.

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Good movie with good chemistry between the actors which is missing in a lot of movies lately. Loved the humor we enjoyed it.

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The ratings for this makes me sad. It’s not at all a bad movie. Sure, it’s full of clichés and it’s hella contrived, but it actually made me tear up quite a bit at times and it made me laugh a very fair amount. It was quirky, wholesome fun with a sweet message.

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I wanted to, i tried to, i had to for Jennifer but what a total disappointment. The trailer was more fun than the movie, i mean you see something on the trailer and smile and you see it on the movie and it is bad. I freaking love Jennifer, super hot on those heals as a soccer mom but the movie was bad. Fart jokes! Total let down.

Oh and the goalkeeper fair play was ridiculous. She could easily kick the ball and then go there, all the time wasted looking back and forth, she needed half the time to kick it and go to the goalkeeper who she was not dying, 10 seconds made no difference. We have seen this in real life football many times, it proved nothing just how stupid she was.

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Cringy and absurd, but a decent holiday movie to watch with the kids. Good for a few laughs. Lessons learned by all.

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From McG comes the Netflix family comedy Family Switch. After going to the observatory to see a planetary alignment, the Walker family finds themselves having switched bodies and have to live out each other’s lives (with the kids having to go to their parent’s jobs and the parents having to go to their kid’s school activities) until they can find a way to switch back. Jennifer Garner and Ed Helms lead the cast and deliver good performances, and the child actors, Emma Myers and Brady Noon, and pretty good too. Also, the writers do a nice job at using the body swop tropes without making them seem overly silly or trite. And the comedy is well-done too; finding a nice balance of broad humor and satire. Still, the plot is formulaic and predictable, and full of contrivances. Yet while it has some problems, Family Switch is a fun and entertaining holiday film.

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Rolf was the best part of this movie

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"Family Switch" had me laughing and slightly squirming at the same time. The cast delivered, with everyone from Jennifer Garner to the young actors bringing likeable personas to their roles. Sure, things get a little bizarre for my taste in spots, bordering on uncomfortable, but the charm of the characters pulled me back in. Lauren Ash was a total scene-stealer, even with limited screen time. I left feeling entertained, but also content that this story is a complete package – no need for a sequel in my book. It's a fun holiday romp with a good dose of "strange," worth a watch if you're looking for something a little different.

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Funniest part was the baby and dog switching bodies, but goddamn that baby CGI is horrendous. Overall, an enjoyable comedy about family values.

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I'll be now watching this every Christmas!!! Love this!!

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Good family fun Christmas Movie. :christmas_tree::thumbsup_tone1:

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This film is average for adults but kids will love it

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Despite being nothing fresh, it still manages to be a lot of fun. At least I don’t think we have ever seen a baby switch places with a dog. That especially stole the show.
Jennifer Garner and Emma Myers are also great.

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I don’t care if this was silly, I had funnn:satisfied::heart:
This really is the perfect Christmas movie to watch with your family ;)

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Man, daheck???? At the bloopers, Ed Helms just simply said Beelzebub, all casual, like it's saying something random and the bloopers just moved on, like it was no big deal. I mean.. WHAT? WHY? In a Christmas comedy movie, without context?

Could it be that when he sold his soul to the devil, one of the clauses of the pact is to randomly say the name of the devil he had made pact with? Man, what a waste...

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Light comedy... it's nice to see Jennifer Garner laughing and dancing... :grinning:.

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I love the cast and loved the movie. :relaxed: Very funny and has a lot of heart! :hearts: You can’t take it so seriously… Y'all just hate fun lmao

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Decent movie. Not great, not great at all. The funniest parts are on the trailer, minus a handful of other scenes that made me chuckle.

Will I watch it again? Definitely not. Do I regret the last 2 hours? Nah.

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Wow! Wow! This is just cheesy it was sad. A MUST NOT WATCH!

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