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Expend4bles 2023

A bunch of rich "teenegers" live their fantesies in front of a huge greenscreen.

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Not worth the title of Expendables... unfortunately.
The script in action movies typically is succinct, but with good punch lines. It was a let down on this one. Poor lines, not well connected or delivered. And the plot is rather predictable, from start till the end.
And don't get me talking about the vfx... someone forgot to color correct the green screens in some shots, or didn't test the result on a laser projection.

The action and the fight scenes somewhat saved the movie, but there is too much saving to be done and not enough good action.

I'd rather save the movie ticket money and watch it when it streams somewhere.

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I know the screen writers are on strike I didn’t realise SFX people were too! The green screen scenes are so obvious and so poorly made I would have easily assumed this film was produced in the 80’s

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Is this real? How was this movie made? Is "Direct to DVD" still a thing?
So bad.. Bad acting, bad script, terrible greenscreen, waste.

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If you liked the others I'd say that you'd like this one as well. There is a vague story that somewhat puts you on the path for the entire movie but lets all be honest, you're there for the over the top action, excessive shooting of bad guys and explosions. This has all of that and more. I will say that even my wife was able to see through the story twist and she's usually just there for the popcorn. Nothing wrong with that but I'm telling you this to stress the point that this film isn't going to win any academy award for best story. Like I said before, you're going to get fights, gunfire, lots of dead guys, explosions, and some good cheesy one-liners.

To sum up my review it was pretty much everything I wanted in the movie. Just sit back, munch on some popcorn and enjoy the old school action popcorn flick.

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meh is was ok. I guessed who the main bad person was way before it was revealed. very predictable.

nice to see Megan fox with no bra on. dam she is hot :)

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Golden raspberry awards will love to nominate this movie. Pretty bad, worse. Andy Garcia didn’t deserve that.

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It was nice overall. Seeing these men old shows how quickly time passes. They do a great job

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Another star studded cast, but man is it lackluster. It’s not outright bad, but it’s easily the worst of an already average action franchise.

Rating: 1.5/5 - 60% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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'Expend4bles' is a mixed bag. I was never entertained, though I was also never all that bored - odd.

I think it's ever so slightly watchable because of those who are in it, given they all fit their roles to the T. However, I can't class it as anything 'good' because the sole job of these films is to be entertaining - and this just isn't, even if I wasn't necessarily craving the end credits. It's all simply rather dull.

Jason Statham and Sylvester Stallone (who is strangely, given he is the series' star, sidelined) are a solid pairing, while Megan Fox does quite well throughout - her best performance that I've seen, admittedly I haven't yet checked out anything with her in a lead role; 'Transformers' (meh) aside. Andy García, meanwhile, is alright, the best of the rest if I was forced to pick one of 'em.

I'm kinda surprised this franchise even got a fourth entry, since its release I kept forgetting it even existed... and sadly, post-watch, I don't see that changing. Weakest of the tetralogy, for me.

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Godzilla 1998 has CGI 100 times better than this.

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Come on Megan wear a fucking bra!!

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it felt like Magen Fox movie not a Sylvester Stallone.

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ExpendFOURbles... more like ExpendBOREbles

[5 words]

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Of the former team members being absent is very frustrating. Why is the team from the third movie not included? Even though the team from the third movie was newer compared to the teams in the first two movies, they were very cohesive. I had warmed up to them. And now, in the fourth movie, there wouldn't be a new team. It would have been nice to see them in the film. The new actors in this movie have ruined the harmony that the old actors had. Megan Fox somehow manages to save it, but I couldn't get used to the new team. Finally, many things, including the CGI in the film, were very bad.

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Jason Statham totally carrying the film! Is true that in my opinion is the weakest movie of all 4 but is an easy watch, full of action and not really long.

As someone commented you can see that the VFX are worse in this movie but not as bad as I expected

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The worst movie I've ever seen of this couple. We can quickly forget this film.


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Lower budget, more gore, lower-tier supporting stars with bad lines, but still enjoyable.

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That death made me cry, but that comeback was brutal!

This is just pure action, Megan didnt fit in between en the rest felt a bit soft. Decha was a welcome surprise.

Don't watch it if you don't like action without a story.

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I really wanted to love this movie, but Megan Fox with the blow up lips sucks. So the movie is downhill from her first scene on. The CGI is awful. Fox can't act her way out of a paperbag. Not that you expect this to be great Oscar worthy acting, but the story sucks and is utterly qbsurd....add in Fox having to be half naked even on a mission would be comical if it was a comedy.

Also getting old watching geezers run around after women half their age. It's lowering Statham's real estate too.

4/10. A rainy afternoon? Maybe. Otherwise skip it.

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:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - "Expendables 4" - A Disappointing Addition to a Beloved Franchise

I am a huge Expendables fan, first 3 films were amazing superb, but this is terrible from CGI, to acting only credit goes to Jason.

They should have let Expendables rest with the last film. I hope they aren't planning another one.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Aaand that's the end of the expendables. This movie should never have been released, script and sfx are generally terrible, a far cry from the first 3 movies and have likely caused the franchise to pass into the void

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Typical film same as the rest but 50 is in it

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the girl that became famous by bending over a car engine is now leading a team of mercenaries makes it even harder to find this a decent movie.

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Megan Fuxx the death of the expendables! If it was not already… but Need I say more? Why is this bimbo plastic fantastic even playing a role? And the should have stopped after the second one

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Bad cgi. Bad acting. Bad plot.

Not worth the time.

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Ok so this wasn't by far as good as the other expendables movies, but it was fun at some moments.

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Shout by Kenneth Sundby
BlockedParent2023-11-27T12:29:03Z— updated 2023-11-30T18:55:25Z

The opening bar scene was enough to make me hate this movie and its characters.

Edit: I just realized Stalone totally murdered that guy from the bar... because he beat him in poker I guess? wtf

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There are too many 3d effects used in the filming of the movie, resulting in a too fake picture. The plot is too simple and the characterization is very perfunctory.

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This is definitely the worst one in the franchise. And probably one of the worst action movies of all time. The all-star cast didn't help it one bit. The thing I enjoyed about this franchise from the beginning, was the fact that they used action stars from the 80s, 90s, etc. But they really screwed up with this one. Who is that young Antonio Banderas wannabe? I've never seen that dude in my life, or the tattooed Asian girl. Also, Megan Fox has never been considered an action star, she was definitely brought in for the eye candy. And she wasn't even decent in that area. WTF!

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It's entertaining for a nights movie when there's nothing else to watch, not great but not bad either.

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Shout by f

Did I get it right the one dude with the alcohol problem started drinking again so he can perform (hit targets) again? Such a disgrace.

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Shout by Great Veky

i don't know why but this part was a real offset and i realy dont know why. First 3 parts where no more real then this disaster but yet i enjoyed first three much more. Maybe:
1. money hungery monsters didnt want to spend money on any mid class actors and used actors for even expendebles franchise would class as a thirs rank.
2. every action scene poorly shot and unreal in all of its layers
3. scenering a III world war by drssing up tanker as an aircraft carrier ok this was funny as hell
4. running away from coast on a ship that travels 12 mph per hr at best with an nuce that should erase miles and miles of coast.

I know what to expect from franchise but i didnt expect this this was a big missfire i hope they wont turn this into another bullshi.. like fast and furious franchise world with all war's hunger disasters and social crisis can handle another franchise like f&f :sweat_smile:

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Another addition to the list of 'worst sequels' for movie franchises.

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I loved The Expendables, and enjoyed parts 2 & 3, but this film killed the franchise for me. 50 Cent and Megan Fox were horrible, Jacod Scipio was annoying with his over the top impression of Antonio Banderas, and honestly the rest of the cast just seemed to be phoning it in for the paycheck.

The plot was ridiculous even for this type of film, plot holes so big you could sail a poor excuse for a fake aircraft carrier through. Honestly if you can't figure out who the villain is and "surprise" before you're half way through the film then your not paying attention. The writing was just bad, jokes fell flat, and the dialog didn't mesh with the scene half the time. The cuts and vfx were bad, to much shaky cam, to many cuts back and forth, and my god the effects....the effects looked like something out of a 1995 direct to video SciFi film.

I hope for the sake of the franchise this films kills it and we can all just pretend like it ever happened. Do yourself a favor and skip this disaster and go back and re-watch the original.

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I'm starting to need negative numbering on the scale. 1 of 10 is not enough to convey my disdain if this piece of SHIT!!! -100? -1000? No! -1 Googolplex bad is this CRAP!!!

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-10-19T14:55:13Z— updated 2024-05-26T13:41:57Z

There's something funny about 50 Cent joining the dadrock of cinematic franchises.

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Watching this was a waste of time. Typical war movie with great actors, great casting. Shitty story, effects.

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With a 4 in the title replacing an A is all you need to know. Terrible directing, poor camera shots, weird cuts in scene transitions. This cant be a 100 mil budget. 1 guy with blender can make better cgi for sure. Hollywood needs to stop this crap.

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Megan Fox - the Expendable with perfect make-up throughout. Poor CGI, no story and plot holes you could drive a tank through.
A sad 4th installment indeed

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When did Megan Fox become an action star? I am not impressed.

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Ok non stop action. Passes the time, if you have time to spare. :thumbsup_tone1:

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A disgrace to Expendables series of movies, lacked the action that made these movies unique, filled with cheesy drama and poor CGI...
++ Megan Fox although a hot model, she does not have any acting skills!!

Feminists campaign ruined another movie I used to enjoy

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The worst one in the saga. However, it's what I was expecting: shots and explosions for an hour and a half. The humor and dialogue remain good, eliciting some silly smiles throughout the movie. I would have enjoyed it more if some more prominent characters had appeared.

I believe the biggest mistake was adding Megan Fox and her character to the movie. Any scene with Megan Fox doesn't make sense and doesn't align with the energy and theme of the movies.

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is the weakest of the 4, with jokes, jokes and dialogue, action and effects not very far. The only highlights are Jason Statham, Tony Jaa and Iko Uwais.

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I fell asleep watching it so f****** boring

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