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Elemental 2023

Liked it. Simple good fun and more mature than other animated movies. Could see young kids hating it but older ones prob would and adults prob would enjoy it too

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Shout by darksidelsd
BlockedParent2023-07-10T17:02:29Z— updated 2023-07-17T21:22:09Z

A fun and good animated movie. A lot of element-related jokes - that often aren't that funny. Overall really solid tho.

My personal rating:
-Plot (Story Arc and Plausibility): 6.5/10
-Attraction (Premise & Entertainment Value): 7/10
-Theme (Identity & Depth): 6.5/10
-Acting (Characters & Performance): 7/10
-Dialogue (Storytelling & Context): 6/10
-Cinematography (Visual Language & Lighting, Setting, and Wardrobe): 8/10
-Editing (Pace & Effects): 7.5/10
-Soundtrack (Sound Design & Film Score): 7.5/10
-Directing (Vision & Execution): 6.5/10
-The “It” Factor (One-of-a-Kind & Transcendent): 6/10 [The city feels like a rip-off off Zootopia]

Overall: 7/10 || 68.5/100

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The water character “Lake” is gender FLUID. Wow didn’t see that one coming. Guess it was a pun “they” couldn’t resist

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Buncha boring fusspots on this site! Instead of judging this movie against other Pixar movies, or other movies with similar plots, just enjoy it for what it is: a gorgeous movie with inventive little details (I especially liked all of the Fire clothing being made out of metal and glass), a great soundtrack, and an excellent message throughout about race, racism, immigration, and how people treat each other. My mom and I just watched it and while yes, it's not Pixar's strongest, and we both liked Inside Out better, it was still a fun hour and forty minutes, and the sort of movie where if I spotted it on TV, I'd probably hang around to watch it.

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I think I've seen this somewhere :thinking:
a being of fire who falls in love with another being she cannot touch.
seriously I'm trying to remember, does it have something to do with a princess.
a princess made of fire, who falls in love with someone she can't touch, if not both will get hurt.
I already know adventure time, with Finn and the fire princess
it's just a pity that the couple didn't stay there until the end of the work, they liked them together

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This is the Pixar I know and want.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Elemental’:

  1. One would think that such a creative idea of elements as characters, opposing elements falling in love, would make for a dazzling, emotional story perfectly-fit for Pixar. Alas, it was all a bit bland as there was no true focus. This may actually be Pixar’s messiest project.

  2. The pacing was off from the start, as I initially struggled to stay awake. Our blue water lead, Wade, had a moment when he tells his fiery Ember that they changed each other’s chemistry. But their relationship, their struggle, never properly evolved. There was no chemistry.

  3. The characters themselves were cute, no doubt. I found the excessive crying from the water clan particularly amusing. But, placed in a lineup with the rest of Pixar’s roster, they’re sadly sorta forgettable.

Bonus Thought: Everyone made a big stink that fire and water simply cannot mix. To me, that was supposed to be the big conflict, a major part of the story that would culminate in some epic revelation. But they basically gave each other a high five and all was well. Underwhelming.

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Tears may have been shed. Overall good show with a needed message for a divided world we live in.

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Like writing a middle school book report on a book you didn't read the night before it's due: uninspired and can't be bothered.

If Zootopia only had four animals and no plot, it would reassemble this simple flick that would've worked better as a short.

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Just finished the movie and after the news and critics I had to read and listen to beforehand I was really positively surprised in this case.
And I really don’t get it why all the people joined the hating parade…no girl boss, no over the top racial philosophy etc we came to hate over the last couple years. The mouse house is really doing quite well here and I might bet that 4 out of 5 critics did not even finish the movie or watch more than one of the trailers.
It was not one of their groundbreaking masterpieces like Up, Finding Nemo, Zootopia or The Toy Story but once and for all it is a solid piece of entertainment especially for younger audiences these days we live in today.

That’s it for today … be safe and take care. Bye

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"Elemental," the new Pixar film, pleasantly surprised me. It's better than I initially thought, but it doesn't quite reach the heights of my favorite Pixar movies. However, what it lacks in comparison, it makes up for with a lot of heart. The concept of Fire and Water becoming friends is a unique and endearing touch that adds a special charm to the story. It might not be a Pixar classic, but it's a heartwarming addition to their collection. :fire::droplet::movie_camera:

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An inventive way of speaking about cultural discrimination, relationships, and when the two meet.

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Very beautiful with an informative story for children and adults.

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Bland is the most appropriate definition. The animation is not particularly inspiring or innovative, and the plot flows away without particular emotions. Moreover, I am not really sure this is the most appropriate way to cover the intended underlying meaning.

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It's not bad, but boy how this movie would benefit from an extra 20 or 30 minutes of runtime. It feels like it fails to develop a lot of key moments that would elevate it from a decent movie to a Pixar movie

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They played zombie nation! For that scene alone in the quidditch style air game, a gazillion out of 10 from me.

In some ways this film is more connected with reality than most of the other pixar movies. The fears and realities of being a minority are so well captured here. The world envisioned here where authorities work towards making the world inclusive and welcoming, slowly but surely is a message of hope for all kids. I loved the two main characters - the girl with her emotions locked up behind anger and the boy who could unlock others by being in touch with himself. The tensions of growing up to be different from the rest of your family/cultural group. And the power of love and a soul mate to make the world brighter and bearable.

Gorgeous. The animation was lovely, particularly the fire animation of ember and the tree scene. I cried.

This is a growing up and love story. A really lovely well told story. Recommend

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Cute! It’s reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet / Zootopia (I see the influence of the latter more). While I found the plot to be a little thinner/move a bit less nimbly than other Pixar movies, kids won’t care about that. I think the undoubtably fun draw here is seeing how the elements live and interact in Element City, and watching how it’s all animated. Worth a watch!

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A nice way to tell a story about race and cultural differences. They didn’t hold back with some of the jokes. Nice to see a movie from Pixar that is a bit more mature. I was really surprised by the ‘hanky panky’ joke at the end. Didn’t expect that at all! Same for the part that is clearly joking about white people who can’t handle spicy food. I’m sure this will make some people annoyed, though.

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An entertaining opposites attract movie. That isn’t anything fresh but it’s a nice movie.

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Honestly, better than I expected. Lightyear was, sadly, Pixar's low point for me so nice to see them bounce back with a good film.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.2

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Superb movie. I was a little bit not into it until I watched it the whole

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My 5yo enjoyed very much, me as well :)

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3.5/5 stars as an animated film. Not one of Pixar's best. I had problems suspending my belief about fire and water mixing.

4/5 stars as an animated film that pay tribute to the immigrant experience. It was fairly spot-on. I cried near the end.

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This is one of the better Disney/Pixar movies since Inside Out from 2015.
It hit all the ranges of emotions, the animation is really good and I was captivated from start to finish, which doesn't happen that often.
Beautiful soundtrack, quirky but fun dialogues, good match on the voiceacting for most characters. Thoroughly enjoyed this. 10/10.

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A lovely animated movie about love, choices, finding oneself, with full of joy and humour and with a sweet message.

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Far better than I expected. We enjoyed this quite a bit. A lot of course is too on the nose, but everything is forgiven w the beauty of the animation. It looks absolutely spectacular on the (humble brag) 65" OLED. Some good humour and then some over the top cheese that was a bit much yet still easily digestible feel good entertainment. 7.3

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The animation is very nice to look at. I enjoyed the nerdy science parts of the elements mixing and what they can do the most out of everything. Some of that is pretty well-thought out and cool character elements designs. Made me want to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender. The whole commentary is super obvious just from the synopsis and trailer, so is the romance. Of course it's beautiful though... just one in a million. But we need more of these right now. Didn't really laugh at the comedy, romance was unfocused and the fixing pipes adventure is straight out boring. Great final scene.

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This is a decent Pixar movie. It definitely has the heart of Pixar. But something felt just a little off, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it's the fact that plants are not an Element, or how fire & water can co-mingle without canceling each other out.

But it's definitely an enjoyable movie and most will enjoy it just fine.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Beautiful to look at, lots of very realistic looking streets, but boring to watch.

One of the kids loved it, the other said it was "ok"

I'm not gonna repeat other reviews about the story, so I'll add my annoyances:

what's the deal with the rules? water hits fire, half their face disappears.
Fire around tree people, their leaves are burnt, but holding a leaflet is fine until fire decides to burn it

I really didn't feel that fire fell in , a romance for sure, but not love, but water definitely did.

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Watched in the theater by Corinne’s request. I enjoyed the imaginative world the animators created. The characters in each of the four elements were fun. I enjoyed the love story between fire and water. The story was a little slow at times and the movie could have been shorter. Overall, better than I expected!

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Just watched this in The Theatres with my two Daughters..You know it wasn’t good when before the Movie starts..They had a Short before the movie of That Old Man from “UP” and his talking Dog..It was about 6-10mins before the movie..Ya there wasn’t really much to this movies..

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Kids loved it. I found it a bit boring but wasn’t expecting to like it. But it entertained my girls, actual made one cry a little

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"Elemental" stands out as a sparkling achievement in Pixar's storied lineup, masterfully blending imaginative storytelling with awe-inspiring visuals. The film introduces us to Ember and Wade, characters from divergent elemental worlds of fire and water, respectively. Their journey through a beautifully rendered city teeming with elemental beings underscores themes of diversity, acceptance, and the power of understanding differences. Pixar's craftsmanship is evident in every frame, portraying complex interplays of light and texture that bring this unique universe to life. Engaging, poignant, and visually spectacular, "Elemental" is a compelling tale of unity that resonates with all ages, reminding us of the strength found in our shared humanity.

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This was a surprisingly good movie for being a Disney movie these days.

It is a decent story without being filled with heavy handed far left preaching.

Sure, the lefties can probably construe some message that suits them out of it and, as can be seen from the blurb, there are a message that you can exist together even if you are very different but it was not heavy handed, no preaching of certain sexual preferences or religious or political fanaticism and it is a message that I can get behind.

My girlfriend and I have both different skin tone and religion after all.

The story was good, plain and entertaining. Some adventure, action, suspense, romance and of course quite a bit of humour. It was a movie I could have let my kids watch when they were younger without having to explain the political bullshit and downright evilness of Disney’s woke script writers.

The animation was nice. Especially the fire guys. The various jokes and comical moments in the movie was generally good.

Overall it was movie that me as well as my (now adult) kids enjoyed.

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I fucking HATE the character designs in this film. It's the main reason I give this film a lower rating than it deserves. When it comes to the story and pacing, this film is created masterfully. I went from being angry at looking at the characters to caring about them half way through.

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Film 80 (Goal: 300) of 2024

Like most people, I've been out on Pixar for a while. And the trailer for Elemental did nothing to interest me on viewing this. And even when it came time to watch it, it took a very viewings. I find the characters very grating, especially how cringey Wade is. And I found all the scenes a bit off-putting in the way they were filmed. Elemental has a pretty standard story, forbidden love with allegories of racism, and class. I believe the fire people would represent the Middle East in this case?

But to give Elemental it's dues, it's last 20 or so minutes are really good. Even when you don't really care about the film, Pixar still knows how to tug at the heart strings.

But that aside - the film is ultimately forgettable.

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A good film with a simple but well-executed story and an interesting world, full of details. The romance is well developed, and it's clear that the characters have a genuine connection. In summary, I would recommend this film to anyone who wants to watch a great romance film, but don't expect something in the style of "The Incredibles", as the focus is completely different.

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The use of elements as a metaphor for social dynamics in the human world struck me as remarkably undercooked, decidedly better exploited in other works. Although it’s worth mentioning that the social critique plays a very small role in the film, as the world presented on “Elemental” has already achieved a certain level of integration between cultures, to the extent that it’s the previous generation of immigrants to adopt a cynical position. Also, the film manages to redeem itself on several other fronts, particularly in portraying the protagonist's conflicts, both in her romantic and family relationships. Of course, everything unfolds and resolves in an oversimplified and wildly optimistic manner, yet I must admit that as a son who left his family to pursue his own path, it’s been hard to bear the tears.

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7.0 a a a a

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This animation is beautiful from the beginning to the end. I don't always watch Disney's animations but this one is definitely worth it. :heart:
The song is very beautiful too !! Steal the Show by Lauv

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[Disney+] It is as well executed as it is lacking in originality, using an interesting premise about natural elements, but wasting a good part of the potential that this magical world had in which water, fire, earth and air coexist, but focusing especially in the first two. It is a beautiful film with an Asian-inspired soundtrack that works as a representation of immigration, but in the end it gives the impression that Pixar has remained stuck on themes such as family, parents and children, and the barriers of love, repeating messages similar to other more successful films.

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It is heartwarming Pixar; it is still good even when it isn't their best! Animation is top tier (as expected), the plot is decent, and overall, it appeals to the whole family. I will not be running back to watch this anytime soon, but it is a pleasant entry into their grander catalog.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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Given the not-so-good things I heard about this movie, it was pretty enjoyable. Pixar's take on the opposites attract cliche is good in my book. The inclusion of immigration as a plot was also quite intersting, and I think they mixed that with the romance pretty well.

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Writer: ""oh shit! We're 2/3 through the first draft of the script and we never set up the bowing tradition for the end of the movie. Should we go back and set it up when the fire dad talks about leaving home?""ù

Writer 2: uhhhh. Nah. Just throw it in wherever we are right now in the script even if it doesn't make sense and it grinds the story to a halt, that way the audience will recognize it at the end of the movie and go ""oh I remember that from 15 minutes ago!""ù

Writer: nice! God it feels good to be too big to fail!

Then they high fived maybe.

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the movie is nice overall, great visuals and heartwarming moments, it's just not that original of a story, in the sense that it feels pretty basic.

The concept is cool, but the plot is far too simple to really make it stand out

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Elemental was a really amazing film

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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I loved this movie! ir was just so cute and lively! I wish I had seen it on cinema!

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it was cute but didn’t really hit like pixar normally hits.

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I wonder if there will be small hydrides and oxides as a result of thermal electrolysis in the possible sequel? ;)

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A good movie, without all woke propaganda!

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I appreciate the messages the movie was trying to convey but this is still a disappointment from Pixar.

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Visually appealing. Overall boring. I didn’t care for the main character. She was annoying.

Some parts were fairly funny. It was surprising sensual. Not in a conservative-dont-show-your-kids type of way. But in a way that left me with a LOT of questions that probably were more inappropriate considering this is a Disney Pixar movie.

Favorite parts: when the grandmother died and poofed and at the end when the water dude told her that she needs her chimney cleaned. Overall, it was okay. I wouldn’t watch it again.

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So much wasted potential here, the worst Pixar ever (they were all good, I didn't know they could produce a bad one). No real reason why the Fire family had to leave Fireland. Stupid leak plot that doesn't make any sense. No romantism.

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A lackluster and unimaginative result of a concept that sounds really good on paper. If you’ve seen most/if not all other Pixar films, this one ranks near the bottom of the totem pole.

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Released 13/9-2023 on Disney+

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What a relatable stories I've had

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Erratic pacing and an over-ambitious first act ultimately hampers this visually astounding film from hitting its full potential.

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Movie focused on fire but the water animation is soooo much better than the fire animation. Also so many plot holes and stuff the world building is not as thorough or creative as it could be. Kinda lazy

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I am a sucker for animated movies. Maybe animated movies are going to save dying Hollyweird. This is simply a MUST WATCH!

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Average film, not the best to see, but not the worst either. an animation different from what we are used to watching, a pixar movie if you don't see it, you won't miss anything either

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It's literally unfair to describe this movie, the first 3/4 are literally made by a toddler, laws of the world building work in a scene and in the next they are broken in some way, its literally a 0 from the start to 3/4, then last 1/4 is cheeky in a good way, a very good and heartfelt final that made me cry, so, the in between vote is 4, cause 8/2 from first part and final

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They have the elements, I mean, the basic elements! And they created a generic story of boy meets girl. It is like a boring Romeo and Juliette. Air and earth completely irrelevant. They used a bit of physics, but it was not enough. The characters are not even adorable. It is fair because animations is well done, but in terma of story it is plain and irrelevant.

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Why did they need to emphasise that Wade is gender fluid? Why is that a topic of discussion in a children’s animated movie? :rage:

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