Loved it. Sam Raimi's touch, trippy visuals and a satisfying ending. Definitely one of the most unusual and interesting MCU stories.

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All you need is madness

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A lot of this movie is equivalent to us finding out Evan Peters in Wandavision wasn't X-Men's Quicksilver

It's a good movie, but there's so much lost potential for a movie about the multiverse. No 'What If?' characters, no real links to 'Loki' and only one alternate universe is actually featured (for more than a second). The reshoots are also very obvious and parts seemed like they were missing

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I hope John Krasinski plays Reed Richards in Universe 616. He deserved more screen time (same goes for Patrick Stewart).

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Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness is an enjoyable movie. Don’t expect too much though :sweat_smile: but you’ll certainly love it

Small spoiler : Total waste of the illuminati :sneezing_face::sneezing_face:
Mr. Fantastic total waste
Black bolt: absolute waste
Killing captain carter like a game of fruit ninja is just horrible :joy::joy:
Never knew if a building fell on captain marvel she could die
And how tf does xavier get killed in his mind? I thought he had the strongest mind???

They could have thrown a bit more light on the scarlet witch, at least we get to see her “throne”

Dr. Strange turning into 3 eyed Dr. Strange sets probably the next movie or an appearance in a series. Who knows?

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World Premiere Review: Sam Raimi, you legend. This was one of, if not the most, fun MCU movie yet. It's very Evil Dead inspired visually, particularly the camera work. The character arcs here are fantastic, the action is wonderfully violent (the multiverse gives so much opportunity to kill off characters without impacting the main timeline too much), and the pacing is great, just go see it.

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Sam Raimi brings us Evil Dead for the Marvel Universe.

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Really wanted one universe jump where he meets himself as Sherlock Holmes :drooling_face:

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So random. Felt like a TV Movie. They had the whole multiverse at their disposal and this is what they had to show for it.

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They really said Fuck Wandavision here. As if any of that character growth and emotional journey had never happened. Plus, the dialogue was flat and full of clichés and what kind of unearned plot device is a randomly convenient Memory Bank? Ugh.

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Shout by Robin
BlockedParent2022-05-08T21:03:28Z— updated 2023-07-21T23:50:47Z

A weirdly paced, pretty much pointless second act left me bored. Despite the limitless possibilities of a multiverse, they came up with an incredibly bland and uninteresting alternate universe.

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Feeling a bit swindled. Its a Scarlet Witch movie. The movie is about her no matter what spin you want to put on it. I was expecting a lot more cameos but the Illuminati scene held up. MASSIVE opportunity missed to include White Vision! Remi done well and some parts were fun but felt rehashed from pervious movies. Wong is a weak Sorcerer Supreme to the point it’s infuriating. Graphically they done well and its a bright, sharp CGI fest. Soundtrack was pretty standard, no real clinch tracks. Xochitl over acted her part, if she was directed that way then thats on the studio but constant screams and dramatic facial expressions and beyond cringe. Hopefully she will remain a foot note.

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Doctor Strange in the Fan-Service of Madness.

There is nothing important in this movie. Oh, there are multiverses now. Nothing matters anymore, noone stays dead, nothing is of any consequence: just go to another universe and everything is fine.

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WTF JUST HAPPENED MAN! This could be so amazing!!!!!!! I just hate America Chavez, her caracter is totally expendable, her image is based on a ridiculous stereotype and her being there didn’t cut out for me. Such a waist of potential. Wanda is so unstoppable it makes us lose interest! The instigating thing about a superhero is literally the things they can’t do, so if nobody can stop Wanda, it is boring. They didn’t even really explore the multiverse. Sooooo many things I didn’t like, it was a total miss for me. And it makes me really sad to say that, cause I love marvel, it makes me happy, but this movie….. :((((((

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Watching the movie, I kind of got the impression that Sam Raimi wanted to change the style of the Marvel movies, but Disney prevented him from doing so, instead reintroducing the same old thing. Yes, you can definitely see Raimi's fingerprints in some of the scenes, and my god are they good! Seeing Wanda kill so cruelly in a Marvel movie gave me goosebumps, I loved the chase scene to death. But otherwise, it's the usual Marvel story, nothing more, nothing less: story written in a forced way, I didn't like America's actress very much (as well as the character), the musical fight is a ridiculous setup.


Holy fuck how beautiful is Elizabeth Olsen btw

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What marvel did to Charles Xavier is blasphemy.

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Good strange, bad strange, zombie strange, good Wanda, bad Wanda, zombie Wanda, good jack Ryan, sliced up Jack Ryan, no bree Larson, innocent girl, bad girl, hero girl. Good start, medium middle, bad ending.

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Went into this one with expectations of epic proportions after how much I've loved Spider-Man NWH, but I didn't feel this one. The acting and CGI was top notch but it's Marvel, so that shouldn't really be mentioned as an upside. The script wasn't really good and the whole "multiverse" concept and theme felt like false advertising for me. And don't even get me started on the cameos.

Multiverse of Madness means the main universe and one extra apparently.
Nothing about mutants being brought to the MCU, Prof. X gets about 4 minutes of screen time and a stupid death.
Why the fuck did John Krasinski play Mr. Fantastic? Was Ioan Gruffudd busy or what?
Also Strange Supreme was a total fuck-up and false advertising.
So many missed opportunities... Michael B. Jordan Black Panther, Tom Cruise Iron Man, Chris Evans Human Torch, any Quicksilver, any Blade, damn.
And the post credit scene. Just a big fuck you to ticket payers.

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raimi i love you, but you should have made a scarlet witch movie.

this one had so much potential but since its marvel we wont get any surprises. everything exciting was told in the trailer, the mainvillian has suddently a change of heart and the movie is over, no multiverse of madness, just two other ones and smashing some cameos in for the claps. no twist, no suspense, nothing new. i will watch it again at home in some time, but i think i am getting tired of those movies...

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I've never been such so disappointed with a MCU movie! Big MEH :expressionless:

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Doctor Strange : It's Not You Its the Darkhold

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Still better than "Everything, Everywhere all at once".

This said, Wanda's reasons are weak at best and make no justice to her growth and grief in Wandavision , some jokes try too hard (tho the dynamic duo WongStrange is really good in this one) and some frames are questionable.
Enjoyable tho

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Shout by delta
BlockedParent2022-05-11T04:37:39Z— updated 2022-06-26T23:14:47Z

I'm not one to watch trailers. Despite this I still had a certain level of expectation that wasn't met by this kind of a movie. The fact that we barely see any avengers at all was a big letdown. I thought the point of the multiverse was to introduce and mesh characters from different worlds together. The effects were good but the storyline made little to no sense.

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It's okay but overall I was disappointed with this movie. I didn't enjoy the first third at all really. Wanda was just annoying in this too. Got better towards the rear end at least.

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Doctor evil dead, enough said

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I think for they first time, it would be better if you watched the TV series #WandaVision before seen this movie, you'll understand Wanda's pain more

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my mouth is still wide open

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Desperately wanted pretty much the first doctor strange for another 2 hours but instead got a movie about a random star girl with a weak back story & a confusing murdering wanda.

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Yet another Marvel disappointment! The only character they even get right is the Sorcerer Supreme himself. Not even the teenaged newcomer, America, is done right. The Marvel movies may be good for those who don't know their comic history, but for those of us who do, it always just seems like one massive disappointment after another! I do NOT plan on being suckered into another one! At least the others do stay relatively true to comicbook movies, but this one doesn't even follow the right formula. It's like they took the very basics of comic characters they knew and spun not even a filmed comicbook movie but a B-rated horror movie! Oh, how Raimi has fallen since the Xena days!!

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Good movie, but leaves something to be desired. Some holes in the script, which spoils the experience for some.

To be honest, the first movie beats this one very easily.

Low quality CGI effects and some glitchy scenes. In the end it's not a bad movie, it's just more or less..

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One of the darker Marvel movies, and I say thank you! It was not the best Marvel movie. But, it worked well in playing off the past and setting up several (possible) directions for the MCU to go.
P.S. - I love Bruce Campbell!

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I really hope we continue to get solid films like this and we've not yet reached the apex of what they can do with these characters.

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-I love you in every universe. It's not that I don't want to care for someone, or have someone care for me. It's just... I get scared sometimes.
-Face your fears :)

This hit me hard, and the fact that we actually don't have portals to other worlds where we can finally tell someone. Just face your fears !

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Pizza Poppa always gets paid!

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Fun for the most part with some dazzling visuals, stylish cameral trickery, and some surprising horror moments. I think more could have been done with the story and more cameos would have been nice. Still, this is entertaining stuff and while not up there with the recent Spiderman movie, it's still a quality movie.

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So glad I avoided any spoilers for this, and it had surprises. I enjoyed the film overall, some nice flourishes and nods, but for one of Marvel's huge tentpole films, this is (mostly) surprisingly mid. Go in with diminished expectations. The horror aspects of it are pretty great though

i blame Everything, Everywhere, All at once for absolutely wrecking me for any other multiverse story. They'll ALL pale in comparison

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Fucking finally. First time I have been engaged by a MCU flick. Well paced, maybe like Infinity War, enough and sensible dialogue, cool action scenes, and high stakes. Also, Danny Elfman does half the job in making this movie good (and that's probably something more to thank Sam Raimi.

PD: No, you don't need to see anything. I think it's enough by watching this movie to get a feel on Wanda.

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The first one was much better. I preferred Morbius.

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Disappointing, to be honest. Maybe I was a bit too hyped or the film's a bit meh, really. Even silly, sometimes. But Sam Raimi does got a lot of style, though. The horror sprinkled throughout the film is nice. Overall, it's one of those Marvel canned products where you'll have fun while you're at the movies and you'll forget about it in a couple of days.

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It had some cool visuals, okay music, and fine acting for the material. Those are the only positive things I can really say. Every other aspect of this film was sub-par at best. This is in contention for the worst MCU movie I've seen.

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I am surprised many liked this. I found it drug on and story just stretches because they don’t have a good script. Way too long.

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This film was, at times, enjoyable to watch, but overall, it wasn't great. The story was weak and superficial; I could not find anything meaningful to take away from the film. I was disappointed by the lack of creativity and boldness because the concept of the multiverse remained largely unexplored.

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Shout by Kouji *:・゚✧
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-12-08T12:40:23Z— updated 2023-10-20T04:42:42Z

Good to talk about this masterpiece.. Man this movie is so bad but so bad, that there's no way to think about recommending it to anyone.

bad cgi effects, story without just so-so, some grotesque flaws in scenes .. in the initial scene where the doctor fights .. there is a glaring flaw, where he appears in a scene in x place, and already in the next scene he appears in a totally different place as if he had simply teleported, but the scene clearly shows that he did not open a portal. the movie's villains are simply, cgi art that a child would make if he took aftereffects for the first time in his life, he is able to do better than the studio itself.

Anyway, I hated this movie, keep the first movie, because it was designed and created in a descent.

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Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2022-10-19T01:55:57Z— updated 2023-05-09T22:42:17Z

I do not understand how people liked this movie. It felt disjointed and bloated, like it was missing the necessary vision to tie it all together.

The multiverse premise was barely explored at all.
Wanda's character development was completely reversed. It's as if WandaVision never happened.

Maybe if you're a Sam Raimi fan there's more here for you. I can't speak to that.

Edit: Elizabeth Olsen says, "It’s a similar arc in Multiverse of Madness that it is in WandaVision... I proposed that to the writers who wrote Multiverse of Madness. I said, ‘Do you know what we’re doing in WandaVision? Have you seen it?’ And no, they had not seen it because it wasn’t finished yet." (source:

I think that about says it all.

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This movie sucked. Went in expecting typical Marvel stereotype, and the movie could not even match up to that.

Things pulling out of no where. Antagonist all of a sudden having unfathomable power. Strange motivating the Hero to save the day in the climax with couple of words.

No depth in the story. Lately it feels like Marvel movies are degrading in quality every passing movie.

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A 2 hour film that feels like it was 3. The story (what little of it there was) between the endless CGI action scenes ranged from a bit limp to totally uninteresting. Hard to fault the spectacle of the movie overall and the action scenes were very well done, problem is you need more than a relentless stream of action sequences to make a movie interesting.

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cgi unicorn vomit with a scenario that ask more question than it answer.

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Possibly the worst Marvel movie ever. A triumph of form over substance. A hodge-podge of special effects cliches, leading to s totally predictable ending, at which point, my only hope was that this trite, pointless and formulaic mess would not spawn a sequel. Clearly, it will, more’s the pity.

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This is the first marvel movie that I was surprised how bad it was. It was over hyped.

So many plot holes like when Strange suddenly learns to control the black demons and America suddenly learns to control her powers.

The CGI was also really bad, especially the dumb third eye on Stranger's forehead.

But I did enjoy a few things like Wanda being a freaky demon and killing everyone was fun to watch. And the soft introduction of Mr. Fantastic and Professor X.

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This could've been so much better...

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Wow this movie and the mcu movies are constantly staying on one theme. And I won't mention it but endgame and same theme figure it out. There is no way Wanda can just walk through these other powerful avengers like nothing and the concept of her wanting her kids that she created was already solved in wandavision.
Such a disappointment.

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as much as i do love dr strange i feel like it should've been told w/ wanda's point of view instead of strange's... or maybe i just really liked wandavision... idk but overall wasn't THE best for me... loved the illuminati part or at least the casting <333

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Yesterday I watched Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of What The Fuck Was That.

The movie was kind of cool but also kind of strange. (haha) I didn't like that Wanda was the bad girl. I did, on the other hand, really like how she took out the heroes of the other world. I don't know. Overall, it wouldn't have needed it, but I probably lack too much comic book knowledge. Doctor Strange was never someone I read.

Short and sweet: Partly strong effects, a few really nice ideas and otherwise - for me - superfluous. No matter. I got to know and love the character through Benedict Cumberbatch. From there go 4 it.

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It's like they didn't understand the whole point of WandaVision. I haven't been this shocked by an MCU film in a long time. They took this movie in the one direction that it shouldn't have gone. Raimi was fun. Great director but the script here is not good.

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Everything Disney is putting its stamp on is going down the toilet. It starts off good but ends terribly. Childish stuff.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’:

  1. Well, that was dark. That Xavier scene literally made me gasp.

  2. I really enjoyed this MCU entry. Multiverse plot points can often make my head spin, but this was a super straightforward and cohesive story — and it made for an exciting, edge-of-your-seat adventure.

  3. Elizabeth Olsen is one helluva talent. I had no idea that she’d be the main villain of the movie, based on the trailer. She absolutely killed it. Give her her own movie now.

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Elizabeth Olsen was the best thing about this movie… which maybe doesn’t say much considering I violently cringed both when the “Illuminati” was introduced and John Krasinski showed up for.. some reason.

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The Illuminati was done terribly in this film. I've never seen a group of prominent characters such as these get one-offed the way they did. Just disgusting.

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The vertical plot is sincerely quite terrible: the main lead was childish, with the usual American moralism that has fed up by now. More interesting the horizontal plot, which may need the other previous movies to be fully appreciated.
Good for entertainment, but I cannot see a strong difference from other same-genre films, packed with not so intelligent citations and cliches.

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Not a fan of Marvel movies particularly, but that was probably the best one I've seen since I started getting free cinema tickets last summer.

Cumberbatch was good, but Olsen was the real star. The grief in those eyes! Remarkable performance.

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I watched this in 3D, and only rolled my eyes 5 times during this Marvel madhouse, so that earns it a 'good' rating.
Elizabeth Olsen kicks so much ass as Scarlet Witch, just such a badass villiain! This film really highlights that she is by FAR the most powerful Avenger. Like, DAMN.
I hate that this was an introduction to American Chavez, whose limited comics runs means many probably didn't know before. And even fans like me never knew her as this messy, confused, less powerful, unself-assured pre-teen. It made her more a damsel in distress than the older college-attending, multiverse-punching, highly sarcastic, short-tempered, out lesbian who had 2 lesbian moms intergalactic supreme being superheroine that she is in her comics.
Given all that, I'd say the film title isn't accurate, I want to suggest others more appropriate:
"Scarlet Witch and the Dark Hold" ~ "America - Punch It!" ~ "Dr. Strange (Love) or How I Learned to Roam the Multiverse" ~ "The Power of 2 Lesbian Moms" ~ "Love Trauma Got Us All Here" ~ "Hey, Did That Just Happen?" ~ "Who is Really Supreme?"

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Liked the darker edge that the director brought to a superhero movie. Benedict played perfectly.
America Chavez as a character was useless (bad screenwriting or maybe some scene cuts ...)
Scarlet Witch's motivation was just stupid.... and the final moments even stupider :(

Worth seeing it in the cinema.

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WandaVision spun such an amazing and intricate tale, and this just tossed it all out the window for the luls. What a waste.

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All I can say is avoid any and all trailers, it will be worth it. Genuinely love how Marvel is tying up all the shows and movies together, picking up after Wanda Vision and Spiderman: No Way Home you jump right in - Multiverse of Madness is a visual rollercoaster that doesn't pull any punches in the visual effects department and is surely on par with the biggest Marvel movies - I honestly liked this movie more then the first Doctor Strange movie - Loved the twist in the plot and how everything played out, and totally enjoyed the movie - Totally a must see

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Sam Raimi created something unique and stylish with this one! I love the horror aspects and you rarely get to breathe once the action starts it never stops until the very end. It went absolute bonkers crazy and a little cringe at times but I think it makes it's charm.

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Not a great movie that i really liked

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The bad:

  • The script is a complete mess
  • Plenty of gratuitous terrible woke inserts

The good:

  • The music fight - which is highly original
  • Zombie Strange
  • Evil Wanda is a smokeshow

Honestly I'm left kinda empty after watching it. The cameos fly past... the box ticking. It's all vacuous in the end and mostly doesn't make sense. I get it. Sometimes directors want to do go for a cool visual and ditch logic, but at least make an effort. This is mostly tiring to watch. Sam Raimi is a talented director (he made the 2002 Spider-Man) - and before any of that he made The Evil Dead movies - full of comedy horror. Lots of references to that show up in here.

Should you see it? I'd recommend giving it a miss to be honest, or catch it when it hits a streaming service.

The MCU hit its peak with Infinity War and tied that up with End Game.

But the movies and TV shows you are seeing now are long after Disney sunk its claws in and infected the movies/shows from the start. It's not worth saving now.

Remember it as it was.

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Really good movie!
The ending could have been better but otherwise 9/10

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Underwhelming ending but it's overall a good movie

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Sam Raimi is my brother, my father and my son and is to be protected at all costs. I love you Sam Raimi.
The world needed Evil Dead vibes, I loved every single shot in the second half:heart:

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Amazing sound & visual, great story. It could have been longer, definitely more horror than Marvel has had upto this.

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The third act of this movie is kinda trash.

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Thank the Lord for Sam Raimi

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It was enjoyable. It added more open questions to the MCU. I hope they will bring everything together in the next decade. I doubt Wanda died. She’s the :pound_symbol:1 character in the lineup

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008)
The incredible Hulk (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Thor (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The Avengers (2012)
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Black Panther (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Phase Four
Black Widow (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Eternals (2021)

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
The Marvels (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Fantastic Four

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More of the same, including the ideological stupidity. Entertaining but not really good.

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Shout by Jimmy
BlockedParent2022-05-04T11:32:52Z— updated 2022-05-18T18:14:49Z

You don’t really need to watch what if to understand this but it’ll help. You really do need to see Wanda vision though, you don’t have to but it would be incredibly confusing if you don’t understand wandas motivations as she is the main antagonist

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A good film ruined by political correctness and silly writing.

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Meh. Felt like more like a Wandavision two part finale. The treatment of the Illuminati was awful. The plot still doesn't make sense. Is Wanda bad or is she the victim or what? She should have been locked in magic prison after her show - she mindraped thousands of people - but whatever, she cries a lot so I guess we should like her again? Claptrap.

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The end of the movie was the very first time I agreed with one of Wanda's actions... Good thing it was her last action too.

  • Christine living to the end was odd. I get WHY it happened, but really? She could at least have closed that last door to the Good!Book.
  • Why dear Xavier had to bite the dust???? Again???? WHY????
  • Stephen finally Let It Go. ("It" being the gorgeous Xtine, that totally deserved the hot husband she got to marry)
  • Zombie!Dr.Strange was Dope.
  • America Chavez is Badass AF.

Can't wait for the next movie!

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Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) did multiverse better.

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Multiverse of Madness is Marvel's gateway to so many things they have not done before. This phase is shaping out to be getting away from the generic Marvel formula!

Sam Raimi has straight up created an eerie atmosphere with well designed horror elements and jump scares which in every sense ensures that the Master of the Mystic Arts isn't mentioned just for the sake of it.
Olsen has ensured that Scarlet Witch is the name that scares you now when you look back the earlier phases - what a joy it is to watch her unfold the layers of the one who should rule it all

Another fantastic fast paced - keeping you at edge of the seat - story post Infinity War which weaves aroundm your mind, without having to have a lot of cameos.

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I'm waiting for vehement replies to this comment, but this gave me a very bitter taste to the opus so far : what made the force of the first film was left behind in this one : no coherence in the world building (yeah, sure, multiverse), poor and bland scenario, almost no character building (didn't see Wanda vision, so I might be biased here, but prove me wrong)...
The only things that might try to save the film are some very good (yet isolated) realisation ideas, and maybe a lot of references to other external works

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