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Disenchanted 2022

Very slow starter and at one point I had to keep myself from turning it off. The second half of the movie is much stronger thgh and really enjoyable. Music wise there wasn't really a song that stood out, although Idina Menzel's Love Power will surely grow on me

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A typical sequel filmed on sentiment, but it could be worse... plus for inserts from other fairy tales.

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Musical sequels never hit the same with songs like the original but Badder is a banger. I loved the acting and Idina can sing to me in every movie or tv show and I would love every minute of it. Love Power makes me want to listen to the Wicked soundtrack. I love how Disney is airing sequels like Millennials were hired and decided we needed sequels to all our faves and I love that for us.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Disenchanted’:

  1. I absolutely loved revisiting these characters — and Amy Adams nailed it once again — but this film failed them. The wicked stepmother premise was a fantastic idea, but the execution was ultimately disappointing and the plot got a little sloppy. Many things didn’t connect. (Why exactly was Giselle dying at the end???) And Dempsey’s character had a ridiculous, unnecessary arc.

  2. That production value. Wow. The difference from the original film is a bit jarring. I know this was a straight-to-streaming project, but many films that go this route still feel like a cinematic experience. This felt like a mediocre episode of Once Upon a Time. It deserved better.

  3. None of the music stuck. Again, in complete contrast to the original, zero songs were catchy. There was more than enough time to create a solid soundtrack.

Bonus Thought: Enchanted was a film with so much heart and humor. There were glimpses of it here, but SO much of that was missing. Super bummed fan here.

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Okay but rhyming sleeve'll with evil is crazy :sob:

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so sad to be disappointed by this one :( too long and too many (and unmemorable) songs. not as magical as the first one.

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This was just okay. I enjoyed Morgan, but i think everyone was very underutilized. Amy Adams was great, but the plotlines were a little underwhelming. Patrick Dempsey and James Marsden definitely should've gotten more screentime. I liked ideas, but this definitely could've been half an hour or so shorter with ease. Slow start, songs that don't stick. A fun enough time, but unlikely to be something i ever revisit. It was hard enough to get through just the once.

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Slow start, cute premises not developed well even tho Amy tries her best. Pretty shallow overall, seems like a 2022 straight to dvd sequel.

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Awatchable film with characters you love back and new character you fall in love with. Honestly it was a little too close to the rail. It didn't really chew the wicked step-mother angle that way I anticipated. Amy Adams really nails her character again even though it feels like the character had to regress a bit in order to end up where she is in this movie. Maya Rudolph was fun as she always is. An excellent Evil Queen who knows how to rock a ball gown.

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it could really benefit from a larger budget. i had fun watching it but i wouldn't say it was a good movie, it was decent

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What a terrible cash grab. Don't bother watching this movie if you loved the original film.

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soooooooooooooo I got so pleasantly surprised with this sequel that I can't even. of course the original was better, the idea was completely new and all that but they made a sequel that somehow made sense. the story is fun, the effects are of course much better as it's been 15 years, and I love me the whole wicked step mother evil Queen bickering bit (the amount of times they brought up basic stereotypical villain lines and actions in this movie and made it work is amazing). the whole thing was super enjoyable and not underwhelming as most of these late late late sequels are lately. (looking at you hocus Pocus)

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First movie, was rock solid. This one I can't help but feel is just a money grab. Plot worse, songs worse, charm worse, effects worse...cast is just as good/better. Kids will love it, but as an adult it isn't really needed.

Rating: 1.5/5 - 6/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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The movie is good for me, different from many others cliches ones. I only dislike some of the songs, they were weak.

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It just didn’t make the transition for me. ENCHANTED had a charming naivety to it but this sequel vacillated between saccharine and overreach. The vocal talents of Amy Adams and Idina Menzel are undeniable but the lyrics were colloquial and uninspiring. I give this film a 4 (bad) out of 10. [Fantasy]

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Legit think Amy Adams did a brilliant job acting. Really sad that this will get rolled over by the poor plot

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The best movie I have ever seen! Sorry, to quote Morgan from this film, I am being sarcastic. Consider me disenchanted by this lacklustre sequel that has little of the charm or magic of the original.

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How did I not even know there was a sequel coming out to this? It was OK, bit of a meh storyline if you ask me but great if you are a fan of the original. I just love Amy Adams!

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It's fine. The original was one of those "can help but love" films (a la Paddington) but unfortunately, the sequel doesn't match up like Pads did.

Though, its biggest crime is that it has Yvette Nicole Brown and Jayma Mays in the cast and they don't sing at any point.

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Disney is Dead ... To ME Sorry.
They don't have anymore good stories just throw a script with some acting thats all.
BAd movie not recommended

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i love it and o laugh so harder kkkk

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going to be a classic in 10yrs

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Shout by Jim222001

A sequel that exists for the heck of it. So did Top Gun: Maverick and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Disenchanted isn’t saved by nostalgia though, like those films.
It does pick up though once Giselle (Amy Addams) makes a wish and turns the real world into a fairytale. Addams mostly shines when she is slowly turning into a wicked stepmother and struggles to stay good.
It’s just a decent sequel, not as magical as the first film. With the otherwise talented Alan Tudyk distractingly using his King Candy voice for a talking scroll. It’s unlike him to phone it in but he does here.
Surprisingly enough it’s Patrick Dempsey who steals the show when the spell makes him an overly heroic Prince.

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