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Cat Person 2023

Okay, how do I rate this movie. It was certainly something? And hat a lot of nice bigger and smaller references to the current times and culture. I think it was quite clever in some areas.

Then, in some scenes it was so strange and didn't really make sense... And when they talked about reddit it felt like it was written by some 50 year olds again who have never visited that site.

Eh, I mean I was entertained and I think the film gives a lot of food for thought. So I'll be generous and give it a 7.

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This twisty turny thriller plays on dating paranoia. A great script that leaves plenty of room for thought.

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This movie is infuriating to watch… as a gay man! Idk if this was supposed to be a “feminist” movie but what in the actual f*ck? Girl meets boy, from the moment they meet, girl already vilifies him as a predator or serial killer. Girl has sex with boy, girl can’t communicate what she likes or doesn’t like in bed. Girl dumps boy and suddenly feels like he’s stalking her? What is he supposed to do… find a new movie theater to avoid running into her? Leave town because of her?

Best line by the cop “average Joe likes young p___y, gets frustrated she doesn’t like him back. Drinks too much calls her a bad name. Drives to her work and try to plead his case, Chickens out. Next time he picks a less hot girl”

Net net: communication is key. Guys are not mind readers. So don’t automatically make them
Out to be the villains of your dating story.

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This movie did a good job of building some suspense behind the horrors of just existing as female in today's society.

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I normally don't write reviews, but this movie has made me angry.

The girl is a psycho, but in the way they present it, she is justified to blame the guy only based on her sick imagination.

She acts as a victim of something that just happened in her mind.

She even enters his home to place a tracking device on his car.

But still somehow it's presented that somehow it's his fault.

If this is the way girls nowadays are thinking, there is really no hope in humanity.

Also, the way he reacted in the end was way over the top. What sort of image of men do women have?

I'm so glad I'm way past dating, but I'm worried for my boys.

It's not only this movie, obviously.
There are tons of videos on YouTube of women saying men are not needed at all or just for their money.
Constant hating on the men; it's becoming the norm.
Maybe men should just stay away from them for good, advance the technology, and build companion robots, and let humanity get extinct.

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Your enjoyment of this will depend on what you think it's trying to say. For me, it's about the reality women live in and the resulting anxieties. And the reality men think they live in. Could potentially be a 7 upon rewatch.

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someone watched promising young woman and said “you know what we need? more blatant trauma porn”

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my friend sent me this trailer months ago and I've been SO looking forward to seeing it but - woof, what a disappointment.

it was too preachy and omg the pacing. at first there was almost a camp quality to the feminism rhetoric that I found fun but as the movie went on everything just started to draaaaaag.

I understand what they were going for with it all but it just didn't stick the landing or even really the launch, tbh.

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Social priviledge meets disempowerment meets social priviledge meets disempowerment. Think opposite poles of identical magnets. Yesterday's guardrails have been rejected and dismantled. Proceed with caution. Great movie.

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