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Cashback 2007

Any men at least once dream in their childhood about stopping this world and doing something immoral. What is it like? The frozen second is full of wonder If you have ability to find beauty in every single detail. I had to recognise again because of the film that how women's bodies are artistically captivating and it really easy to guess why countless artists have ever been attracted by them through the history. Moreover you can watch this movie really easy because it includes many funny scenes which made me laugh a lot. I love it.

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Despite being a cliche movie, I liked it. During the entire movie, I never felt bored or misguided, It was simple yet beautiful. I had some great laughs during the movie. 7/10

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Sometimes has deeper layers than what may be on the surface. Sometimes films are just enjoyable to watch. This film was definitely the latter. I liked the characters and I liked the story and I smiled when it ended. Sometimes that's enough.

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It began following a failed relationship. It was like being 19 again and listening to a friend (a narcissist one at that) go on about their own failed relationship (again), which was obviously bad anyway but he was too self absorbed to see it.
Then the movie.. boring internal monologue that's like a poor mans Adrian Mole. It was supposed be many things... funny, relatable, thought provoking. It was none of those.
The humour is that of a 13 year old boy.
It's like watching the childish unfunny dicks at work who drain your soul mixed with one of those soft porn Confessions movies from the 70's.
It's got nudity. Because this deep thinking arty character only really thinks about tits, bush and arse.
A movie I couldn't finish because it was so unstimulating.
When I watch a movie I also want to escape reality. Not seriously follow the story of the types of people that are unbelievably boring and tedious in real life.

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I've watched it yesterday and God, it was the worst movie I have ever seen. I don't get why the hell the main character can stop time just like that and why he gained that ability after getting insomniac. It's one guy talking non-stop for 2 straight hours about nothing in one tone without any emotions. I gave it 3 stars because you can see a lot of boobies and assess in there. That's the only good thing in this movie.

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The end is cliche, but its a good movie

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