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Candyman 2021

First Candyman more better than this one.

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Like many others I feel the movie was ruined by the social political views. Peele tends to cast all whites as these disgusting moronic people (the few that he does cast). Rather than trying to praise equality, he’s just tipping the scales the other way. Yes, racism is an issue, but to say that things are not better just weakens everything the minority (not just black) community has fought for and won already. The fight is and should be ongoing, but it’s short sighted drivel like this that hinders any real progress.

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This was much better than I thought! When I heard the movie was coming out I purposefully ignored all the press surrounding it. I wanted to go in with fresh eyes. That being said, I thought it was a remake. I had no idea it was a sequel. Once that was revealed early on I was able to relax and just enjoy. Overall it was predictable but still an excellent installment to the franchise.

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Too much social commentary, not enough horror (or suspense). Easily the least impressive Peele production.

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There is no point in turning a story that already had racial components into a silly representation of BLM. Candyman killed to avoid being forgotten, but now kills for racial revenge, which simplifies the depth of the proposal. Nia Dacosta's forceful directing and Robert Aiki's extraordinary electroacoustic soundtrack elevate the quality of a film that sacrifices the horror in favor of a simplistic racial view.

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I was looking forward to this movie... Sadly enough they turned it into a "White people are bad and racist, Kill all white people! Black Lives Matter!!!" movie.
Some characters are very unlikeable and the acting is often really bad.
Horrible movie and a waste of time.

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why did you rate a film, you haven't watched yet?

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A failed adaptation. Candyman's only motive was to be remembered so that he could live. He did not targeted especially racist and bully white people. The original discussed the political and racial issues of it's area, meanwhile it's a pure sjw nonesense. And Candyman suddenyl becomes a hero? Also, the body horror part is straight out of The Fly.

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TERRIBLE film. Moral of the story... WHITE MAN BAD. Just terrible. If this was reversed it would be called racist.

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This movie is horse shit! I blame jordan Peele. What, he makes one decent movie.... And now we are subjected to all the shit he has any affiliation with. Sad sad world.

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Even better than it needed to be. Not quite transcendent but pretty good in its own right. Overall really fun. Seeing Anne Marie again was delightful.

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Easily the worst horror movie of 2021

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aside from the lazy writing and constant loathing of white people while, it's a disgraceful retelling of a classic. Yahya is just such an uninteresting actor. no charisma. was terrible as Morpheus, not great in this. can't really think of any likable character in the movie. only redeeming quality would be some decently gruesome kills, and some decent cinematography. but I'd rather watch Candyman 3

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Boring, boring, boring. Bad acting, Bad acting, Bad acting!!!

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2021-09-01T00:45:34Z— updated 2023-10-19T12:59:12Z

A little overrated since I found it to be the usual Jordan Peele. Like he only used Candyman to tackle racism and racist cops. Which he actually did better in a Twilight Zone episode.
Despite some nice visuals, you can always predict when a murder will happen. So the movie never made me jump. Get Out and Us were better. Candyman was decent but not memorable. Well, this one anyway. The original is quite messed up and stuck with me.
The ending is like “of course.” I am pretty sure Candyman killed black people too in the original. In this movie he is more of a black person defender. Which just feels like Peele himself made him that way. As someone to call when there’s a racist cop around.
If you liked this, watch: Candyman (1992), Mirrors, Us, Get Out and Peele’s political version of the Twilight Zone.

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I enjoyed this Candyman movie because they gave it a nice twist.

Spoiler alert about white police officers and white people in general killing black innocent people cold-blooded a nice urban legend scary picture Great job.

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Like a political speech, it's creepy at moments and even scary sometimes, but it sounds too much like preaching to convert me.

Better than the original, but only just, Jordan Peele refuses to hide his politics so the actors, and the story, keep tripping over them.

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seemed a bit reverse racist. the victims of the Candyman were all white

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I thought it was a good reimagining. I really liked the back story of Candyman. And I watched the last line of the movie probably 10 times. Just something about it that I thought was great.

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A solid sequel that amplifies and in some ways clarifies the original story, and the marionette show during the credits seals the deal.

Also, that bee-stung hand is truly disgusting, well done make-up and prosthetics.

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Felt like a solid film for the first two thirds, a great modern sequel/reboot, with quality filming and fun music. Last third felt like it was done by different people than who had done the rest of the film, with a very forced racial message that wasn't even consistent. There was a lot of good here, but sadly a lot of bad at the end to tarnish the memory...

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Inventively directed and suitably horrific. This might overplay the social commentary a little but it's still an effective horror movie.

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What I like about Jordan Peele is that he shows an interest in creepy and strange things, not everyone has an interest in those things.

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Had my first kiss watching this movie n i wont ever forget that feeling especially coz it was w the love of my life so i wont forget this movie <3

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Fucking stellar in every way.

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Another social media hyped bullshit movie

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Far too many strobe lights to end it. Ruined it for me (photosensitive) but for most folks might just be mildly irritating.
Overall a competent sequel to the original which I watched last week in preparation for this release. I enjoyed Tony Todd's voice overs in the first one as it added an effective heft to the aura of the Candyman. This lacked that for the most part. Still for fans of the original it's worth a peek. 6.3 for me.

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Why cant I find the play button lol

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this is definitely the most gorgeous horror film I’ve ever seen (ignoring the somewhat interesting cgi). like other have said, I think the plot and characters should have been fleshed out a bit more, just because the ending felt like being pulled in a lot of different directions at once.

this is the first of peele’s I’ve seen so far and I’ll just go with… pretty good!

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-09-17T11:03:23Z— updated 2023-11-06T16:42:56Z

Really well directed with interesting themes and characters, but takes too long to get going or get scary.

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I really enjoyed Candyman. It integrates nicely with the original, and while you don’t have to see the first to understand this one, it makes the viewing experience more enjoyable. It combines the same relentless, hopeless, feeling of the original and mixes in some effective social commentary. An effective horror movie overall.

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Candyman Candyman Candyman Candyman Candym...
Don't say that name!

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They tried to make it decent, but it kinda sucked more than the original.

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A lot of racist white people are going to hate the movie because they can't handle the truth that in the real world they are the monsters.

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So this movie had some really awesome effects, and really cool creepy scenes, but on the flip side, they really went over the top on the race baiting, to where it was obvious they were pushing a narrative. It’s bad enough our world is where it currently is, but you can’t even get a break from it when you watch this movie.

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Candyman's story was intriguing and with spectacular visuals it is a decent watch, but for a horror film there was a significant lack of... horror. At no point in the film was there tension, dread, or a sense that I was being lead to a thrilling climax, it was more of a character study on Candyman. The character study aspect was great, I loved hearing the mythos of Candyman from different people in the community. The investigation into the backstory of Candyman paired with commentary on police brutality was really well done, but this was marketed as a horror film and it did not deliver. The cinematography was excellent, there were some really great shots utilizing mirrors and different angles but is that enough? In the end, this movie left me wanting much more.

Score: 58%
Verdict: Decent

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I honestly thought it was a good movie. I enjoyed the added story the film gave and I found myself intrigued through quite a bit of it. so if you're a horror fan I would recommend this, but I would say that the originals are preferable to it.

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Yahya Abdul-Mateen II is Candyman in this sequel to the classic ‘90s horror film. When artist Anthony McCoy hears of the urban legend of the Candyman, he incorporates him into his art and unleashes a supernatural evil. Abdul-Mateen gives a solid performance, but the storytelling is pretty poor. Also, it’s preachy as all get-out about gentrification and racism, and the violence is pretty gratuitous and doesn’t have any tension to it. Still, the mystery of Candyman is fairly interesting, and there are some suspenseful moments. A horror film that doesn’t want to be a horror film, Candyman is a convoluted mess that doesn’t touch the original.

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don't mind the negative reviews of some white crying offended. it's a nice horror movie with great direction and photography. even the acting I found it flawless in spite of what I read in the comments below.

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A pointless remake / reboot / homage to the original.

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As a story, I thought it was great. It wasn't a rehashing of the original, nor was it a "sequel" to the original trilogy (which, in itself, was nothing more than the retelling - twice - of the original). It stood on its own merit and could have been a fairly good movie. The acting was sub-par however, and the plot was pretty muddled. Add to that the whole racial feel: "White people just want to keep us down..." tripe rehashed over and over and over. The film was average at best WITHOUT that; having that thrown into the mix just turned everything off for me. The special effects were only a touch better (let's face it: the scene in the girls' bathroom could have been so much more gruesome!) and apart from the bee sting and its subsequent damage, there was very little exciting, frightening, or "horrifying" about this reboot. Like so many of the movies that are being thrown at us these days, this one had absolutely TONS of potential but they got distracted with the social agenda. Ruined a good movie. I wouldn't recommend this simply because it's too political and not "scary" in the slightest.

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After watching the trailer, I expected a stupid slasher full of jumpscares. Surprise: it was the exact opposite. This spiritual successor of the 90s' "Candyman" joins the growing list of sophisticated horror movies with social commentary. Unfortunately, the captivating atmosphere and elegant presentation are brought down by the contrived writing. The characters walk in circles for the whole thing, and then you get a forced change of perspective in the very last ten minutes. You can't let Candyman pass as some kind of martyr superhero after he killed so many innocents for the whole movie. The social commentary was uncomfortably on the nose from the opening, yet they still bothered to shove it into your face with that ridiculous scene with the evil white policeman in the car. The writers either think they are too smart, or that we are too stupid.

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Solid acting, great body horror, and fantastic visuals, especially the paper puppets sequence. I like how this movie takes the Candyman legend and makes the point that every generation of racism has its own Candyman tragedy of injustice.

Despite saying all that, I found the rest of this movie so forgettable and nowhere near as effective as the 1992 movie.

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Episode 10x04
Jodan Pelee has returned to produce another story of resentful blacks. Do we really want to see a Candyman with commitment and social denunciation? I think the essence of the genre is lost and the first two thirds end up boring.

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Shout by Georgina Vincze
BlockedParent2021-11-14T20:51:16Z— updated 2022-03-19T18:21:38Z

Sooo this movie was at cinemas?! Terrible... :cold_sweat::sob:

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It's not horrible. It isn't great either. It's watchable, just not sure we needed a new version.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by chrundle1

Retro horror feel and pacing. Could have used more thematic development: lots of interesting threads (gentrification, white policing of black communities, police violence, etc.) but doesn’t quite tie it together. Ending was a bit confusing as someone who hadn’t seen the original

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Shout by Deleted

the film is a product of it's time, if a director choose to remake or make another vision of an old one, it ought to be something new there reflects it's time.
i saw that in here in this film, i saw the social and racial commentary is fine, and what the film wanna say about the responsibility of the artists to reflect upon whats's happening around them, not only use it to gain fame.
i liked how they used the reflections as a motif, because " you only see what your eyes want you to see!"
and how reflections always mislead and lie.
and finally here candyman turned from a myth to an abstract idea of the mistreated minorities.
and i believe the director with her vision did exactly as the last lines that been said by the Candyman: "Tell"

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"Tell Everyone."

The first half of this film is really good. Cinematography, characters, art, tone… it is all great. The second half lost me a bit on how everything was unraveling and by the end I felt a little confused. Without spoilers, they changed Candyman enough where I am not sure if I consider him as scary and interesting anymore.

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Virtue signalling. Woke nonsense. Avoid. Terrible film. Should never of been touched.

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A masterpiece, a perfect successor of the first movie! If you wanted to watch a horror movie this is not the case, yes it is a little bit scary but it mostly depicts black lives issues. The ending was a movie in itself, it made me cry. Please go watch the movie you won't be let down.

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It really should be sold as a horror, it’s more of a really dull drama. No scary bits or anything that will make you jump it’s just a load of people complaining!

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The movie itself is not the most terrifying, but that was not the point of it. I like how Peele explore cultural themes on his movies. This one is not different. Maybe it could have more suspense and be a little bit longer so we could dive into the idea that the Candyman is that mysterious and frightening thing. But those elements disappear fast. Maybe it was my expectation, but that's my opinion on how it could have a better plot twist.

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I enjoyed the way the depiction of Candyman himself worked and how the kills were carried out, that was really cool. The movie itself kinda slides into the same old horror we've seen before by the second act and then the conclusion falls flat in the third act. I liked how they tied it to the first 'Candyman' film from 1992.

What I didn't like is how no one suspected a certain character of all the murders, even when they had real motive and connections to the victims that was more than coincidental. They didn't flesh out the legend of Candyman returning enough, especially in the age of social media and BLM; it felt like we were still stuck in 1992.

Then it ends with what appears to be "sequel bait" and a squandered appearance from Tony Todd.

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candyman needs to start giving out snickers

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Apart from some nicely done things happening in mirrors, and
the final 5 minutes {"message!"}. it's another dull, scarefree Peele layer.
I'm sure he'll get to the good stuff one day.

Feels like a slightly altered sequemake (TM). But not as good as I remember the previous sequels being.

A few hilariously bad effects.
TheGore sound effects are over the top and squishy like an 80's troma movie.
Uses that damn "person wearing headphones can't hear shit" cliché

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While I enjoyed my time with Candyman, I can understand why some would find fault in this latest entry of the franchise. Gone is the subtlety and nuance of the original and it's commentary on race and social structure; a much more heavy handed, on-the-nose approach is taken here which portrays the message more directly, but comes off as clumsy compared to it's predecessor. I enjoyed the call backs and links to the original (specifically Anthony being the child saved by Helen from the original), as well as some of the additions to the lore (with Candyman being more than Daniel Robitaille, but rather the trauma of many black men who faced injustice through time). I even enjoyed the critique of the main characters and their own part in gentrifying and commodifying the plight of the residents of Cabrini-Green. It's just the muddled and awkward mid to third act that really lets this down. A little more time to breathe and a little more polish and I think this could have been up there as a tent pole entry of the modern, meta horror genre.

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I think people seem to forget that just because a piece of art deals with important subject matter, it doesn’t automatically make that piece good and/or important. Jordan Peele is becoming the king of this

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I feel like they could have built the story a little more, otherwise, I enjoyed it

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Shout by Corey
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-08-28T02:41:51Z— updated 2021-09-03T08:06:50Z

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Candyman’:

  1. I’m so angry after leaving the theater. This could’ve been so good. It took such a turn out of nowhere and devolved into utter nonsense.

  2. I originally didn’t think this was gonna be a sequel, and I was thrilled to find that it was. The throwbacks and nods to the original were exciting. The fact that he was the baby from the original, and that they brought Vanessa Williams back as the mom… so great. But, if you’re gonna continue the same story, Tony Todd is the only Candyman. I can appreciate the message and fresh take on this “lineage” of Candymen who faced the pain of injustice…. but then start a new story. Sherman wasn’t cutting it. After bringing up Helen and reviving the story we’re familiar with, he was only a disappointment.

  3. Was this movie PG-13? All the death scenes were off-screen or a mile away. They wanted us to like this, right?

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Never accept sweets from a stranger

There was a lot of potential here but it just rushed along and forgot to flesh out the characters, so to speak.

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It's like Nia DaCosta saw the mirror shot in "Contact" and said "hold my beer"

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