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Bumblebee 2018

yessssssssssss I finally want to rewatch a Transformers movie

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a John Hughes movie with robots.

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This is the most I've cared about the human story in any transformers. It has a lot of heart and is quite funny too. The music is fantastic and it never lets you forget you are in the 80s. Hailee Steinfeld is great and John Cena does what he does best. The action isn't too over the top. There are definitely the way too much CGI parts but those are few and far between. I would like to see more prequel stories with new people every time without Michael Bay.

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Apparently not being a Michael Bay style movie makes it a good movie?? yes im very much attacking all the 7-9 scores this movie is generously getting. Personally love the movie all you want but this movie is really really bad. objectively! . uninteresting , cringy , full of bad acting and moments.
It had great potential. But it failed.
Michael Bay movies were also bad but at least they made it up for all that with the flashy visuals and action. This movie lacks that too.
BumbleBee is a DUMB movie. waste of time and potential.

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From the rating and comments, I must be one of the few that found it absolutely terrible. More teen drama, than a Transformers action movie.

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Unlike a lot of people, I've actually quite enjoyed the Michael Bay Transformers movies for their bonkers level of mayhem. I really liked Bumblebee, but not just because it was different to the Bay movies - I just thought it was a great movie.

The humour worked, the characters worked, and the action sequences were great (and perhaps due to their smaller scale, pretty coherent). Hailee Steinfeld in particular is perfect in the role of Charlie, and her care for Bumblebee comes across as real and earnest without being sappy.

There's a lot to love in this movie regardless of whether you are an existing Transformers fan or not.

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The best story of the Transformer movies. I just wish they would have player John Cena less over the top and more like a military person.

Best Herbie the Love Bug movie yet.

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They took it back to its roots and I was excited that they went with the G1 Transformers. This had a more human story to it, and the first of the Autobots coming to earth, the initial battle scene with the G1 Transformers was nothing short of AMAZING. Bumblebee has a lot of heart and some fun comedic moments. The music was great and the best part is that its in the 80s and they don't let you forget it. Hailee Steinfeld is great and John Cena does what he does best. The action isn't too over the top, and some times the CGI is over but those parts are few and far between. This was definitely a setup for the next one and I hope they go all out Autobots in G1 and bring out a few old school characters and some interesting Decepticons.

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I didn’t realise this was a reboot movie till I started watching. So soon, nothings sacred.

Apart from the kick ass 80s soundtrack, the rest of the setting did nothing and felt about as nostalgic as yesterday’s breakfast.

The main character was constantly reminded by her family for being drab and bringing down the mood. Guess what, she had exactly the same effect on me as the audience member. Shilo Leboof at least had some humour and charisma. And what was with the 2d emasculated guy following her around? I mean if you have nothing to write, don’t tack it on.


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Exactly what a Transformers film should be. It rides completely on 80s nostalgia (which is, to some degree, a flaw) but for the most part it works, works so, so well. All it does is put a smile on your face and I'm perfectly okay with that.

The fact that this is the lowest grossing Transformers film is upsetting.

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The Transformers look like transformers, not a collection of random grey parts. Best transformers movie yet.

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Bumblebee was better than I expected. It has good moments, specially when they explore Bumblebee's naiveness towards the world (silly robot!). I also love when a movie is able to work well with its soundtrack, and they used the 80's setup to feature a some good music moments. It may feature some cliches throughout the story but it was enjoyable overall.

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Had high hopes but it was like watching a modern herby teen drama movie.

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I don't know how this movies has this rating, boring plot, awkward scenes, ok acting, the fights were meh. This is more like a bad kids movie.

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Not only is this set in the 80s, but it feels like an 80s film too, skewing close to a mix of ET and Short Circuit. The special effects are superior, of course, but in heart and story, this is akin to something from that earlier era. This is a good thing or bad thing depending on your point of view. Moving away from the bombast of Michael Bay's Transformer movies, this has less action and more sentimentality. I can understand why some have complained about the film, and admittedly, I would have liked a little more bombast. Still, as a child of the 80s, I appreciated the nostalgic feel it gave me, and enjoyed the film for what it was; an ode to another time.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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Best Transformer movie yet (and, yes, I trudged through them all). A whole new cast (the only one to repeat was Peter Cullen voicing Optimus Prime) and a good cast (although, I didn't feel Pamela Adlon fit the role or added to the story - I'm not sure just what put me off her contribution to the movie). This was the first of the franchise to not objectify the female cast and, indeed, cast women in primary roles (as well as hiring a woman to pen the screenplay). Hailee Steinfeld was perfect in her grounded role and the emphasis on her relationship with Bumblebee (who was well drawn as young and naive in his new environment) and her own personal journey to find herself after a great loss was a good match with the action adventure origin story. I give this film a 7.9 (best yet) out of 10. [SciFi Action Adventure]

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I am about 40 minutes in the movie. I searched all the comments here an what I really, I mean really, not understand, is, that no one said anything about this whacky job continuity wise. Didn't one of the former movies put Bee way earlier on earth?

And I am 100% certain that the autobots were neutrally coloured. They became their well known colouring after scanning vehicles on earth. So why on earth were they displaying those colours on Cybertron???

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It's not perfect, but it doesn't need to be. Bumblebee absolutely steels the show, his animation is the best anthropomorphization I've seen since WALL-E. The dialogue and pacing are the only detailed things that are lacking. Besides that this is a must see that even brought a tear or two to my eyes.

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By divorcing from Michael Bay's formula of churning out CGI-heavy robot-on-robot slugfests filled with needless machismo, Bumblebee appropriately honours the spirit of the original Transformers toys era, while also presenting an endearing, satisfying coming-of-age story that stands on its own feet even without the enjoyable robot action scenes.

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Just take this franchise from Bay's hands. Knight is the way to go.

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I liked the the first three Transformer movies but I really loved Bumblebee. The Story was heartwarming and exciting at the same time and Hailee Steinfeld did an amazing acting job here. Just everything was on point in this movie.

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Good movie two thumbs up I was very entertained

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First of all, the action was pretty good, cybertron was amazing, the fights were great.
But like what others are saying, the teen drama/romance was incredibly cheesy and annoying. It took a lot of time out of the movie and was not worth putting in.
I hope in the future we get a movie that's actually about the transformers only NOT some teenagers running around.

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This movie isn't amazing, it's not bad but almost every scene here you've already seen in many other films. But after the mess that was Michael Bay's Transformers films it's nice to finally get one that is just good.
It corrects every mistake Bay did by just being simple; simple and memorable designs, simple easy to follow story, simple relatable characters, decent action without too many things going on screen, I'm happy for original Transformers fans that they're finally getting something that I think is closer to what they wanted and hopefully it only gets better with the sequels.

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What a pleasant surprise: the only genuinely good Transformers movie is not just good, it's actually great! Not only it's finally faithful to the original characters, it's also faithful to its original decade (sweet '80s nostalgia!).
And Bumblebee is such a cute little puppy (when he's not being a badass brawler)!
This movie is definitely one for the fans.

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I have no idea why I wanted to watch this one. It´s not as if the last Transformers movies were that great. But this is a different production team so why not give it a try.
Althought much better than the last one I wouldn't say it´s spectacular. It´s entertaining to a certain degree. Having been a teenager myself in the 80s I enyoed the vibe and the soundtrack is great. The whole movie is more of a reboot than a prequel - well it´s both I guess. It suffers from predictability that often comes from the blueprint used in this movies. There are no surprises. And I don´t understand why those military types always have to be so clichéd.
Overall it´s a good popcorn and beer movie and I guess it doesn´t want to be anything else.

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A heartfelt story dripping in a synthy, 80's aesthetic, Bumblebee is far removed from the dumb, uninteresting schlock Transformers movies that came before it. Surprisingly solid characters, a lot of humour, and scaled back action allows Bumblebee to shine where it's predecesors failed. Definitely intrigued to see where the franchise goes from here.

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I'm not exactly into Transformers, but Bumblebee was pretty awesome. Fighting 'robots' are always cool, of course. But I really liked Hailee Steinfeld's character and how things played out between her and the other characters.
The film is set in the late '80s and features music and pop culture references from that period, which was also nice.

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Pretty standard transformers film. I go for the visuals and Cybertronians, and just sit through the mostly uninteresting mid sections of human drama. I found these human characters mostly unlikable, it's a large step down from Mark Wahlberg, the military guy's writing in particular was meme levels of horrible. The deus ex machinas in the story are really heavy handed and obvious.

The biggest redeeming quality of this film is that it has some wonderful returns to G1 Transformers, a sweet appearance by Soundwave for the older fans, and had a really nice view of Cybertron for the audience in general.
Now if we could just do away with the cumbersome humans and do a whole movie there I'd be ecstatic.

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For the first time in human history: a decent Transformers movie. Much more laid back than Michael Bay's vomit inducing cringefests, this film managed to restrict itself on the nonsense action and actually have characters for once. But I must admit I'm not sure if John Cena was aware that his character was a mockery of the kind of Bay villains you'd see in these movies, as he was playing it pretty straight.

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I had hope due to the director and some good casting. Then they added John

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FINALLY A GOOD TRANSFORMERS MOVIE! less explosions, less dumb gags, less Michael Bay! Hailee Steinfeld is wonderful and John Cena...I mean, there is no movie John Cena wouldn't make better so... yeah, I loved Bumblebee.

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I loved the first several Michael Bay Transformers movies.
The premise is action, action, action.
Not some soppy teen drama like this was
I was disappointed, sadly

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Just saw an Early Access Screening. This is essentially what the first Transformers movie should have been - clearly, the sensibilities of Travis Knight (director) are a better match for those of Steven Spielberg than for the first series. If it had been the first movie, I would have come out with a huge smile on my face, now it's a slightly smaller one. Still, the best of the bunch, and essentially a reboot of time line (not that it was coherent before) and visual style (much nicer, G1-inspired designs), despite some references (Sector 7) and easter eggs (appearance by a certain character) - Paramount can (and should) rebuild the franchise on this foundation.

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Well that was a fresh and surprisingly good flick!!! This is a Transformers movie! 80's nostalgia! No Shia... No Marky Mark...
No complaints from me!!

MY favorite line happens toward the end ..."He's more human than you'll ever be." - Charlie

this is probably the one only defined Transformers movie. well-acted, great script! ...just Wow!

PS. John Cena needs more bad-guy roles!!

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I had emotions at a Transformers film. Yup, Travis Knight and Christina Hodson did it. Ironically, what was missing from a film series about robots, was soul and they've well and truly returned it to the franchise. Bumblebee also smartly treads the line of being a prequel, but also potential point for a 'soft reboot' if the production companies decides too.

Also casting Hailee Steinfeld as the human lead was an excellent choice. Possibly the most talented young actress going at the moment.

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this was a cute movie. it was a perfect story on how Bee got here and how he lost his voice and his journey!

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Movie was surprisingly good. John Cena was awful in it. Could have done without him in it. Besides that, completely watchable!

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-12-21T00:44:44Z— updated 2023-06-08T21:33:40Z

Definitely should be the start of a reboot. Bumblebee feels like the first movie meets the Iron Giant. It has more of a brain though. Than the first movie. Especially more than Michael Bay’s loud, long and brainless sequels.
It feels more like Transformers. Some might just not approve that it’s a cute and heart warming Transformers movie.
While Cena’s acting is like he’s doing a segment in WWE. Hailee Steinfeld and Bee own the movie. The Cena scenes are not really the strong points. When it cuts back to Steinfeld. It’s like “yay the good movie I was watching is back on.”
Cena’s character is annoying where Bumblebee even protected his men in the beginning. Yet Cena still has a vendetta against him.

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Easily the best Transformers based movie. Hailee is just amazing as Charlie.

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Action packed from start to finish. Great 80's feel as well. I don't doubt that I'll watch it at least 2 more times

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Wow, just wow didn't even feel like a transformers movie that's a compliment it didn't feel like a transformers movie meaning that it was just that good that you don't even think about the crappy michael bay movies. I was hoping to like this movie but loved it actually turned out being one of my 10 favorite movies of the year which isn't something I expected at all. I hope for a reboot but I dont know if they can consistently make good transformers movies but hears to hoping. I heard that the movie's good but is also pretty much a copy of ET and Iron Giant and i've seen and love both of those movies and it is obviously similar to those movies but not once during the movie did I think about either one or how it was a copy of it. The movie just has you so drawn in and so invested. Haliee Steinfeld is great and thank you Travis Knight.

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While I liked Hailee Steinfield as much as always, the rest of the film felt like a cheap action comedy. Except for his first scene, everything with John Cena felt forced. The love interest was so over the top and poorly acted (as always with Jorge). Bumblebee was a cute character, but I felt like this should have been a dragon movie (see - Hiccup and Toothless touching for the first time).

Ultimately forgettable.

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The casting is top-notch, the visuals are quality, the soundtrack is artful, the acting is striking, the script is pulsating, the jokes are buoyant, and the story is beautiful. It's just a great Transformers movie, full of fun and action. I loved the character development and the pacing. It was the perfect length for an epic from beginning to end. Even if you barely know anything about Transformers, you'll have fun. Honestly, it's bordering on a higher rating from me, but I want more—more well-written stories packed with action and unforgettable visuals, and Hailee.

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There is a small inconsistency in this one; being that it is shown that Bee arrives at Earth in 87', but in The Last Knight, it is said that he fought in WW2 against the nazis (weird considering that there is but a year between releases, but alas)

That being said, it felt a nice change of pace from not only the last ones, but all Transformers franchise. Shorter, funnier and it has a better relation (in my opinion) between Bee and a human. The action is taken like 10 notches down, and i'm not complaining tbh. Still, is the spin-off that probably nobody asked for, but because money, they should squeeze every ounce of characters that the franchise can handle. The storyline itself is ok, nothing fancy; but at the same time it was as flat as the others. Just a bit of background on how the initially came to Earth (at least the autobots) and not much more. Still it was a bit more fun than watching the last 2, so it's a 6; with an extra point because of Hailee and that character cameo of young Simmons.

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The movie is kinda cool.
But we've seen these tropes a million times, without anything new. Yea the movie is set in the 80s but there's other songs than the 10 we hear in every movie...

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Shout by JulieNicoleTV

I finally watched this with Rise of the Beasts coming out after giving up on the Transformer movies long ago.

For their considered reboot this is a great start. I love that they focus purely on Bumblebee and see his origin story, but also great that he can handle his own and they don’t bring Prime in to save the day.

Great funny moments and story. Definitely you should watch more so if you love that adorable bumblebee :honeybee:

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Bumblebee is a fantastic spinoff of the Transformers series that takes us back to the original roots of the franchise. The movie features a good plot that is both engaging and entertaining, and the action scenes are amazing. Fans of the series will love the attention to detail paid to Bumblebee's character development, and the chemistry between him Charlie, is both heartwarming and hilarious.

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A great reimagining of live-action Transformers that was definitely needed after the previous entries. This movie does not have as much action in it as the previous ones, but rather has a more emotional story attached to it.

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The first act is what every kid in the 80s imagined a Transformers movie was gonna look like. This movie hits everything; soundtrack, action, comedy, emotion. Definitely one of my favorite movies. This is big budget summer blockbusters done right!

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I am surprised that this movie got as much press as it did. Full disclosure - I've seen most of the superhero movies (although none of the other Transformer movies) but I am by no means a fan of the genre. This one was ok. A girl discovers a robot, treats it like a dog for a few days and then there is some fighting. It just seems like they could have come up with some other plot points. Then again, maybe I am over-thinking this.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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I've never before watched one of the Transformer's films because they just didn't seem like my think and I will completely admit that I chose to start with this one because Hailee Steinfeld is in it. Overall this movie is okay, I feel like John Cena did not need to be in this movie as his talent was wasted, however Hailee shine as she always does. The story was a pretty basic action movie storyline of good Vs evil. This was alright but failed to blow me away.

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John Cena was wasted on this movie. The dialogue was childish and there was definitely more 'action' than necessary ("there's a door in my way" blows it up) but the story around Charlie was quite interesting.

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Definitely a waste of time.
It's cheesy, the acting is also meh.
If you've seen The Iron Giant this is nowhere near, although playing on the same theme.

John Ceena is kinda fun at pints. But in general this movie has a lot of cheese.

5 cute but dumb Bumblebees out of 10.

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While incredibly flawed, but it's just refreshing that we finally got a live action Transformers movie that wasn't directed by Michael Bay. It at least opens new doors for other film markers to come in and make something decent, hopefully. And man, Hailee Steinfeld really gave it her all in this.

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Didn't like it the 1st time round, but hey I was wrong it wasn't half bad.

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Great movie. Loved the animations and the chemistry between Charlie and Bee!

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Well that was a fun watch and so much better than the second one from (Mark Wahlberg) and the third one from (shia labeouf) the other 3 it didn’t live up to but it was still a great film with a heartwarming story, lots of cool effects and a great soundtrack.

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I loved the first movie in the franchise but this blew it away really. I loved the story and how it eventually tied in with the first movie. I especially loved the 80's nostalgia. I was an 80's baby and I finally got to see the original transformers and not the updated ones that I never really quite liked. The transformer cgi is brilliant and way better than previously done, the sound effects are far more original too. Absolutely loved it, oh and the soundtrack is great too. Super Xmas movie go watch it.

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A prequel, or possibly a reboot, Bumblebee is a mediocre action-comedy that really scales back the level of action and adventure that the Transformers series is known for. As the Autobots face defeat on their world they send B-127 to Earth to establish a base, however he soon finds himself on the run from the US military as well as Decepticon soldiers, and hides out undercover as a teenage girl’s Volkswagen Beetle. Once again the Transformers mythos is changed up, so there’s no way of knowing if or where this film fits in the existing series. And both Hailee Steinfeld and John Cena give rather poor performances; particularly Cena, who’s playing a cartoonish military commander. Additionally, the special effects aren’t very good. The Transformer designs have been scaled back and don’t have nearly the same amount of detail or photorealism as before. Still, there are some exciting fight sequences and the soundtrack is energetic and fun. Bumblebee, while mildly entertaining, has no real ambition and is a pretty pathetic attempt to revive this waning series.

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Trust. Friendship. Teamwork. Determination. Bravery.

Yes! The movie is about Bumblebee. Also Charlie’s, by the way. Definitely the relationship of B127 and Charlie too.

Optimus Prime (to B): “Bumblebee, there is only one way to end this war, you must protect Earth and its people.

Bumblebee or B127, is one of the most trusted Autobots of Optimus Prime. He has a strong determination to fulfill his job on Earth and his bravery is definitely evident throughout the movie.

Uncle Hank (about Charlie): “It’s a death trap.. . . At least she’s happy.
Charlie (to B): “Thanks for making me feel me again.

B127 is lucky that Charlie is the one that discovered him. The friendship she offered to B built a good trust between them. With those, they created a perfect teamwork to defend the Earth.

Loved to know how and why B came to the Earth. Loved B’s emotions throughout the movie. Loved to see a couple of funny things with B. Just sooo cute! But Charlie’s still so screwed. :laughing:

Spectacular movie! Loved the CGI and great sounds that it can offer. Side note, I love Charlie’s outfits.

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Not a good movie imo. This movie would have been good a decade ago but you can't go with this generic plot with no twists in it.

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They are better than Michael Bay's usual mass-produced slowmo crap, that doesn't mean it's all that good, but it's watchable. But i really gotta complain about one thing : who the hell decided to have it made in 1.85:1???? thats the stupidest choice ever!! feels like a home movie from time to time!!

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So if you have never seen a Transformer before and you are 8 this movie could be something for you. For me it was a generic and boring story about a kid who found something strange and tries to protect it from the bad government. You could replace B with some Big Foot or cute alien and nobody would notice. Completely exaggerated characters (wtf is up with her mother and stepfather?), cliché music and .... it was just dumb and bad, sry.

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Superman called and wants his plot back!!

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If this had been the first Transformers movie, this series would have been so much better. But, despite being a good movie, its not a great movie, and its not enough to erase a decade of botched movies. To be honest, with all the hype I was expecting more, but I think its easy to exaggerate because everyone was just so surprised to see a Transformers movie that was actually good.

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not bad. not good either.

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Really good. Easy to watch. Good pace. Well worth your time. Reminds me of A-X-L. :sunglasses::thumbsup:

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Shout by Deleted

I love it. that's a decent Transformers movie

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Why isn't there a poster for this?!

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The weakest of all the Transformers movie. They picked the worst music of the 80's too. It needs a better human connection to the other movies.

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Its one "almost" Disney movie and less Transformers. Good cast, good soundtrack, and thats all. Seems to me that the name to call is "Yellow Herbie" because beside John Cena action, its Herbie remake.

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After the fall of cybertron Optimus sends B128 (aka bumblebee) to Earth to await the autobots scattered around the universe because they always lose. Decepts follow bee who gets bought up by a California brunette who looks like a young Megan Fox, herself unwinning, antisocial and hated by everyone for some undescribed reason because well, the movie is a cartoon. Hijinx ensue. Bee continually gets pounded and killed but keeps coming back to life, girl gets picked on. A dude with an Afro who is super cheesy hangs out with her and has seemingly zero relevance outside of it being a Benneton plug. John Cena is this toxic military dude who for some unexplained reason is on the decepts side and continually tries to kill bee. Overall its Logan with a transformer meets Commando with four songs from the Cure.

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Bumblebee takes a disappointing turn at the end, because the script is still a careless stretch and that the producers still do not care. The relationships between the characters are developed hastily and making the low quality of the script stand out even more.

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Is the movie a prequel or a continuation of the last movie?

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Seems pointless when they have said that the franchise is being rebooted after.

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