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Artemis Fowl 2020

I hope Kenneth Branagh was drunk when he made this film because i don't recognize him. This film is very lacking of heart, passion and dedication, and meaning most of all. I don't know, things happen for no reason, there are a lot of characters half-explaining things i'm not able to understand completely and the rescue of the father is completely cut out. Then there could be a lot of other things to say more about this film, but i don't even know what have i just watched. Maybe Artemis Fail. 1.5/10

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They drained the wondrous world of Artemis Fowl of all its charm, wit, and heart. It fell flat on its face, and it never got back up.

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More like Artemis Foul amirite?

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I can't believe I waited nearly 20 f*cking years for this to be the end result.

Disney absolutely BUTCHERED the books to the point where the characters aren't recognizable AT ALL.
The story makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever. Even if you didn't read the books and you know nothing about Artemis and his world, the movie has no discernible plot, no character growth, terrible acting all around, horrible script... I could go on but honestly I'd rather just reread the books and forget I ever watched this.

A disgrace is what this movie is.

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Really bad movie with a super rushed narrative. I haven’t read the books so i can’t say anything about it’s fidelity. Half the time it fails by not giving you the information needed, so you don’t understand why things are the way there are. The other half is someone explaining what’s happening so fast he/she doesn’t have time to breathe, let alone allow the words to sink in, therefore it doesn’t create emotion. To me is a 3/10 and only because of the good special effects and originality of the story’s idea.
And to be clear, came to see without watching any trailers or synopsis, and without seen any reviews or critics. Sad, I’ve never seen Disney fail like this.

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so now i know the reason why this one skipped the theaters

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Worst movie I've ever seen. Barely any relation to the books. None of the characters are interesting, they've all been completely modified from how they are in the book for no reason and their motivations are pretty much non-existent. It's all rushed and makes no sense whatsoever.

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Holly and Mulch were the only redeemable actors. The plot was irreparably convoluted by the fact that they crammed several books into the same movie. This would have done far better with a different cast, different script, more research into the books, and a format change from movie to TV series. As a kid I read these books from cover to cover, absorbing myself in to the world of Artemis Fowl and the Lower Elements. This movie is just a disservice to such an already rich world.

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Sadly, not very good. A rushed narrative, a Disneyfied move away from the source novels, and some uninspired directing means this film isn't the next great YA movie you may have been hoping for. This tale of the mastermind criminal is more criminal than mastermind.

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The entire film felt like a sprint (to nowhere). Josh Gad was the only redeeming aspect. And if you expected the film or characters to be ANYTHING like the books, forget it. Disney, why? Just why?

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Welp this movie was complete dog shit! AVOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Good:
* Some of the visuals are really nice

The Bad:
* Pretty much everything else.
* Film fails to get you invested in any of the characters
* The meaningless "plot"
* The acting is pretty terrible / not believable.

The Best Part:
The visual transition from the "real" world into the fairy world

It's clearly a movie for kids so I guess it could be ok for that, plenty of other (better) movies for that though.

Although some of the visuals are pretty they are not frequent enough to warrant spending an hour and a half. I'd skip it.

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The movie lasts 1 hour 35 mins approximately and it felt like 4 hours of garbage. What an awful film!

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This was utter rubbish. Pure crap. Honestly I have got no words to describe the utter disappointment I am feeling from this movie. Anyway that’s it from me.

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This was magical. I was full ready to see it, watched the first 20 minutes in full attention and then magically fell asleep. I tried so hard to stay awake, couldn't save my life. Kept seeing minutes of it and dozing off the moment the action started. Again waked up when it got quite and there was dialog. It was quite magical and annoying this strange occurrence.

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Well. What can I say. Boring?
Looks like an overly ambitious project that fell way-way-way short (pun intended).
It's a kids movie, where I'm not really sure about what the intended age range would be or should be. Graphically stunning. Story adaption for the movie, terrible.

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I really liked the movie, and I hope that there's going to be more to this than this one.

It has some Harry Potter movie vibes, and I'm loving that. I'm indeed recommending it.

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Not what I had hoped for. Loved the books and this doesn't do them justice. It's a decent film, don't get me wrong, but nothing near what it could have been.

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There is nothing more demonstrative of this film's failure than the fact that Kenneth Branagh transformed the swashbuckling adventures of Artemis Fowl into a weird chamber piece. It's almost as if they tried to make a heist film, but the stolen object is in the protagonist's house unbeknownst to him — thus eliminating the most exciting part, the theft.

It's true, Fowl never leaves his house once the film is properly underway and only leaves it again once the film is concluding. Thus, the occasional flashes of visual interest in the underground city of magical creatures are few and far between — as Holly Short's time there is brief in comparison to the length of time we spend in Fowl manor.

Even more fundamental to the film's quality is the straining of narrative coherence. Occasionally, characters will reference plot points that they weren't aware of before and didn't learn at any point on screen.

There are a few moments of fun to be had here, but the film is a mess. Poorly edited, poorly shot, Artemis Fowl should have stayed in development hell.

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Where do I start? First of all, I really hate 90-minute movies, they almost never have enough time to properly set up character development and any kind of background information that would be nice to know. It felt like an unfinished movie - like the second half of the movie was just missing. I wish all movies had a beginning, middle and an end. The "End" part is sadly what seems to be missing in a lot of movies these days.
I did still enjoy the movie - in the time of COVID, it's always nice to get something new to watch especially something that could have been a summer blockbuster. I did find it to be an enchanting movie, especially the two leads Shaw and McDonnell. But it was lacking in substance.
In this case, I agree with Jim222001 - this would have made a much better Disney+ series.

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100% this one is just for the kids, the short runtime is a blessing. Once you use a direct narrative vehicle to explain the detail, you're left with an elevator pitch length storyline. Could have easily been a 40min episode of a series instead.

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Kid's fantasy crossed with secret agent. Cute, feel good movie. Adults can enjoy it, so not really sure why the lower ratings. Maybe they were expecting it to be risque with Colin Farrell in it. Still Disney and the main character is a 12 year old. So an 8.

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There's really not anything good about 'Artemis Fowl', except for the decent score perhaps. The premise is terrible and poorly told, not helped by the fact it takes itself pretty seriously for much of the 95 minute run time. The pacing is off, while the effects are meh. I haven't read the source material, so can't comment on that.

The cast don't work any wonders. Nothing personal against Ferdia Shaw but he isn't good in the lead role, I thought his age-mate Lara McDonnell did alright as Holly though. I like Josh Gad but his role here is bad, his narration is particularly ropey. Judi Dench's Julius is irritating too, while Colin Farrell and Nonso Anozie are underused.

A big misfire, unfortunately. Not the worst film I've ever seen though. They openly set up a sequel at the end, which I'd imagine won't be happening given the reaction to this - a situation like 2007's 'The Golden Compass' potentially.

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An absolute disgrace not only on the books but as a movie in general. After Cats I wasn't surprised by Judi Dench, but I was sad to see Colin Farrell be a part of this.

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I really enjoyed this film. I'm not sure why it's getting so much hate. Looking forward to a sequel if it happens.

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not bad just good if you don't compared this to the books this is really good. Comparing this to those book alot of things changed like the story, and the characters. Idk but for me this movie is good because it has good acting and awesome CGI / Special Effects.

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How does Cats even have better reviews ? lol. Critics are enjoying hating on this too much.

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This is such a bad movie!

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The Dwarf was kinda annoying

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The whole movie felt like a Disney Channel movie. Stay away, not worth your time.

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Movie was so bad. Over an hour of my life Im not getting back.

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The worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to watch.

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OMG, I readed all except 1 book, and they managed to spoil me that book. WHAT A SHAME of Movie. GO AWAY FROM THIS ONE. 1/10 and because I cannot put a -100/10.

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Almost a Netflix movie. The kid is stupid, dont really know if thats acting ir just fail.
That story can give a 10/10 movie, but i think the director didnt read the same book.

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Disney have definitely lost their touch. This is one of their worst movies I’ve watched in the last 10 years. Idea wise it was good but the execution and pacing was awful.

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Shout by Linck's Typhonite
BlockedParent2020-09-05T22:29:26Z— updated 2020-09-14T13:19:16Z

Once I thought Eragon was the worst book-to-movie adaptation. D'arvit. Now I miss this innocent thought.
I mean, Eragon, as a movie in itself, it's quite enjoyable if you haven't read the books.
But this "thing" here is so shallow, the writing is so empty, it can't even be considered an ok movie. Not even a "meh". It's beyond bad. It's simply not enjoyable, not even by someone who likes the theme and have never read the books, like my girlfriend.
I actually feel sorry for the young actors, as the more experienced ones managed to get through the bad writing and directing, but unfortunately not enough to make it a good movie.
What the writers/directors of this atrocity did should be considered crime, and the sentence is to never write a script or direct a movie again.

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What a utter garbage. Maybe Disney should fund someone's indie film with that money rather than producing this bull. Opera music in slow motion, really?

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2020-08-22T22:45:10Z— updated 2020-09-14T10:27:31Z

Yikes. Almost nothing made sense in this movie, the boy is the mother of all Mary Sues, and Josh Gad narrating with that fake deep voice was cringe-inducing.

Based on the comments I didn't expect a masterpiece, but maybe something passably fun like Spiderwick Chronicles? Nope, just a pile of garbage.

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This was one of the most AWESOME movies I have ever seen. There will be a sequel. I hope for many more!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Not bad, the movie doesn't make much sense at all, I was expecting Artemis to go to the fairyland, but no, I don't want to say where it happened because I'd give a spoiler. Anyway, the ending is a bit bad for him, and there I was expecting something else, that Artemis had gone to the villain to save his father, but it didn't happen (it's not a spoiler).
From what is understood at the end, a second part of the film would appear. More than grade 6, this movie might not be worth it if it was longer, but the story and the action might have been at least grade 7 if it had been better.

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This just looks so lame. I feel sorry for those who watched it. You have my sympathy

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just there. with nice effects

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Didnt know anything about the story coming in. Ive heard it’s a book well i hope the book is better because this is so bad i couldn’t watch it all, and that’s a lot coming from me that watch pretty much everything to a point of it becoming an unhealthy obsession lol.

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Did anyone else got a bit of a Golden Compass feeling here? I liked it but I got a feeling it could be so much more.... The feeling they packed to much story in just one and a half hours kinda leaves me with a bad taste. Guess we have to wait to see if they will make this a tv show so. Can't wait for that tbh...

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I enjoyed this movie. Good entertainment, just the right length and an obvious sequel to come. Well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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It will be ok for kids but it's not good overall.

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I'm shocked at the low ratings in just a matter of days... Hmmmmm.. Guess I'll wait this one out.

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What I can say 3 Stars just to make them happy. This is a Bad Movie...... Bad Play by the Kid and some others....

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"I take responsibility" - Kenneth Branagh suicide note.

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