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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 2023

This movie is like the last Thor.. A bunch of friends (and A Heard) gathered to have fun and in the process trying to make a movie. The story is weak, the acting is questionable, it's shot badly and there is no colors what so ever for a movie in the sea. Jason is "playing" himself in the suit of Aquaman, Amber and Nicole Kidman are barely there (i am not complaining about Heard but the way they "handle" it is comical), There is no budget for William Dafoe, jokes are not landing. The villain is the worst in the history of the villains in the first movie, but here is just sad. SPOILER Arthur beats him up every time he sees him. Manta is always running from him (barely escaping) and I am suppose to be scared from him or for Aquaman? Really? Really? He has to die in the first 20 minutes when he discovered the forgotten kingdom and leave a space for a new villain that the movie hyped for us for 2h and kill after literally one breath of air been alive. The dumbest thing ever END OF SPOILERS

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The rift between Momoa and Turd is evident in this move. Aquaman barely had a dialog with his wife Mera :smile:

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Did Aquaman just reference Loki and Azkaban in the same sentence? Lol

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Aquaflop: Deep Dive into Dissapointment

Another disappointing movie from the superhero genre. Who would've guessed right? Like most superhero movies I went in with shallow expectations. Aquaman 2 is filled with CGI soaked fighting sequences, terribly done dialogue and some pun-derwater jokes (I am proud of that pun). The only good thing about the movie that got going on is Patrick Wilson's acting and Jason Momoa's charm. But not even that is enough to save this shipwreck of a movie.

Overall I would rather recommend you to skip this watery mess.

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Good fun, but ultimately pointless. It also felt very similar to Thor and Loki's MCU relationship, just not done as well.

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felt forced, should never have been made, straight up MCU copycat

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Shit film by shit franchise

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It’s nothing new but was definitely watchable given the relatively short runtime of just over 2 hours. Some of the CGI (especially the creature physics) and fight choreography is pretty spectacular (this was especially apparent because I watched it in 3D), but the movie as a whole borrows liberally from other popular sci-fi/fantasy works (sandworms from Dune, the Star Wars cantina scene with a clone of Jabba the Hutt, Power Rangers-like setup for boss battles, an Indiana Jones-esque quest sequence, and finally the Lich King from Warcraft.)

The dialogue is pretty mediocre and some of the jokes/quips are cringeworthy but don’t judge too hard and you’ll like it fine. 6.5/10.

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I didn't think it was as bad as the reviews made it out to be. Easy movie to watch with some very good special effects. Worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Mr. Wan, what you've just directed is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever watched. At no point in your rambling, incoherent movie were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber for having watched it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

(H/t to Billy Madison obvs)

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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom successfully bridges the gap between adult and child audiences, offering a superhero movie with universal appeal. The film maintains a delightful sense of humor throughout, keeping the audience engaged. Unlike some action-packed counterparts, Aquaman's fight scenes are carefully balanced, avoiding monotony. Black Manta's appearance resembles a Power Rangers villain, adding a nostalgic touch. However, the anticipation built around the ultimate adversary, 'The Lost King,' culminates in a somewhat underwhelming showdown, leaving audiences wanting more from this otherwise enjoyable underwater adventure.

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It's amazing that they shelved Batgirl yet this was apparently ok to release. The most generic modern superhero film yet. I'd rather watch Batman and Robin.

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This was bad!
Bad plot
Bad acting
Really Bad
Post credit scene is disgusting

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Aren't they rebooting the DC universe??

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Not a cinematic art piece but defo a decent watch. Give it a go.

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Surprisingly entertaining. If not for Heard's off set antics, this movie would have been that much better. What little she's in is an eye sore.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2023-12-27T21:49:45Z— updated 2023-12-30T02:17:22Z

Despite all the bad reviews, I think this is better than first movie. Even if Aquaman having to break out his brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) from prison and team with him. Reminded me a lot of the Thor The Dark World.
Throw in Black Panther where Wakanda make themselves known to the world. With Aquaman wanting to make Atlantis known to the world as well.
Amber Heard haters will like that she doesn't have many lines. I think it does hurt the film a little when Aquaman tells the villain to stay away from his wife. Yet never checks on her when she is hurt and she she is barely mentioned again :joy:.
I was into this movie more than the first thought. I admired the visuals in the first film more than I actually liked the movie itself. The Aquaman and Orm scenes of them bonding are quite fun and occasionally funny.

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Aquaman and the Lost Abiity to Make a Decent Superhero Movie

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A big step down from to the first film, which was already not great. Superficial writing, bland action, questionable CGI, and less than compelling acting from most everyone involved. I'll give Patrick Wilson credit for being the only somewhat okay part of the movie. With the material he's working with, somewhat okay is actually pretty impressive.

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Really? Baby-pees-on-the-dad joke right of the bat? Spongebob Squarepants underwater physics.

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I guess camp is James Wan's new middle name because this was campy as hell. Reminded me of Fast & Furious with how over-the-top and silly it is while being entertaining and funny. It's good camp, actually but everything around it is just bad; story, dialogue, acting, characters, emotional moments are funny, even special effects... and I don't think calling it camp nullifies this. Even the action I found forgettable for the most part.

Aquaman felt off as a character in this one but his interactions with Patrick Wilson's Orm was by far the best aspect about this movie, wish we got more of that. I actually think Amber Heard should have gotten more scenes because her character felt meaningless with the very little she got. Or don't include her at all. One or the other. The villains gave me Power Rangers villains vibes, not very credible but fits with the camp aspect I guess.

As a conclusion to the DCEU, it's even more disappointing. There were no stakes... felt more like a coffin than a grand finale.

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Weak plot, weak acting,darn weak everything. Expected more from DC. Childish comics from the main character no real dialogue. Disappointing

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it felt like I was watching a marvel's movie
I will stay away from his wife and child...

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Not the disaster I was expecting after all the negative press. There's nothing special about it, either. It's watchable.

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Shout by ArchAngels

A superhero movies with a humour mix inside, its the movies type that I like about. Aquaman and Ocean Master can fight together is good too. A minus only in the last battle againts King Kordax, too easy and no need fight to defeat him.

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So the message of the film is to live in harmony with nature and aquaman keeps going on about cheeseburgers lol

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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The buddy-brother-movie part feels like it could've been done in 30 or 40 minutes. The rest feels like a religious propaganda movie. Cut out the blood-sacrifice already, weirdos. That foolishness should stay in the corny eras it was popularized in.

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Decent watch

Characters 6/10
Story 6/10
Pacing 7/10
Visuals 8/10
Rewatchability Factor 6/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 6/10
Average Score 6.5/10

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Shout by Ro

‘Common Cast Away, grab Wilson and let’s go’

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Anyone rating this above a 4 deserves a firm kick in the kneecaps. Jezus...

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And so the DCEU ends...not with a bang but with a soggy whimper. There are a handful of decent moments but it's far from the swansong that it should have been.

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A movie to play in the background while you prepare dinner and feed the cat. A 4 for comedy.

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more diarrhoea juice as usual from this series and franchise.

just lazy in every way. not worthy of your time.

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Piece of crap movie. We have failed as a society.

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It's typical DC fantasy fun (when they get it right), with a good story, CGI, delightful fight scenes, and nice music. I felt like it was better than the first Aquaman film, and I enjoyed that.

7/10 - for a little exciting escapism.

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Colourful scenes + insignificant predicable plot = *checks notes*, ah... DC Films, it now makes sense.

I wanted to dislike it for including some amber turd, but said turd had barely few moments and most of them seemed flat and artificial, and often cringe.
Instead I ended up disliking the movie for nearly everything else.

The movie could conclude in 70 minutes, it also could use a much better script.

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Everything is literally CGI. what a mess

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this movie was so much worse than madame web how did it do better in ratings. 5 mins in i regretted demanding to watch this for movie night. this is why i never get aux

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Basically, a cringe climate science class comedified for kids.

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Probably the strongest point of the film is the ice dioramas at the beginning of the credits. ;)

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What a shipwreck. One of the worst movies I’ve seen in the last few years, though I’ve probably forgotten which the other ones have been to be fair. Hopefully I’ll forget this one too. I hope Gunn can revive the DC franchise.

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Okay, first off. Aquaman comics were always a bit hokey, so if you're not expecting hokey, campy and/or "dumb" jokes, you might not like it. In the comics, especially Justice League, he was only slightly less campy than Flash, but always the well built, healthy, surfer type. This film really sticks to that image better than any so far.

CGI is great. Patrick and Jason have great scenes together. Gotta admit I'm not an Amber fan, but she's not overdone in this so it's not distracting that she couldn't act her way out of a paperbag.

As far the "messaging", save the planet, that's always been Aquaman. It's not some conspiracy nonsense. It's always been the brand for this character since the very first Aquaman comic book to the 1970s TV cartoon series for Aquaman and the correlated Justice League to present. If it suddenly stopped? That would be suspicious.

Fun movie. 9 out of 10.

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Though I rather enjoyed this i couldn't stop thinking about the Lich King in world of warcraft...IYKYK.

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While Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom offers dazzling visuals and engaging action, its muddled plot and uneven humor leave it treading water rather than making waves.

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A pleasant film, with a simple plot that offers fun moments, however, at times, it can seem a little cheesy. Highlight for the special effects, which are well done in most of the film, although there are some questionable points.

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Film 65 (Goal: 300) of 2024

There's not a lot you can say about this tired and dead franchise. Aquaman 2 limps its way to and from cinemas, without much care or interest. But this isn't a case where an amazing film gets overlooked. Instead Aquaman 2 is a true reflection of the DCEU. Lifeless, empty and devoid of any of interest. The film tries to incorporate the brotherly journey of Thor / Thor: The Dark World and the comedy of Thor: Ragnarok. Even that style of superhero film is tired. The film is heavy on CGI battles that look worse than the first film several years ago. Nothing about Aquaman 2 is worth your time, other than being a DCEU completionist.

Ranking: 12 / 15 (Blue Beetle not seen... yet).

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This movie isn't bad but not good either. Something about this movie didn't really have that spark compared to the first aqua-man movie. There were way too many one liner jokes that weren't really funny which ruin the moment. The cgi wasn't as good as the first movie as well and kind of became an eyesore. Believe me there were some parts of the movie that were really beautiful but most of the time the cgi didn't really hit. The side characters felt really bland and I wished they had more depth instead of just being there. The story also felt rushed as well which sucked. When it got to the action I was pretty impressed and I was entertained so that's a pro.

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Gone are the days of hero films being good. Nowadays they focus so much on mixing action with comedy, that it gets boring. They did this with Thor at Marvel, and now Aquamen at DC

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I'm very disappointed in the movie .

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Great movie to enjoy in a well configured dolby atmos and vision home cinema. Who cares about the script when you hear water bubbles all around you :)

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No matter how much you polish a turd, that shit ain't turning gold.

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As someone that loves the character Aquaman, I was always upset with the first one. It’s decent in both substance and execution, but there were noticeable flaws and inconsistencies. This one, I wanted to love it again, but it fell to the same plot holes and inconsistencies. Is it unwatchable? Not at all. It’s just worth nothing that it’s a generic superhero film.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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Bad cgi - and this is like 99% a cgi movie. Dull story, like any other superhero movie. Laughable enemies. S.. No. Don't waste your time with this shitshow.

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 6.4

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Definitely not an Oscars performance or movie for that matter, but it was okay. Not really anything surprising story-wise.

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meh, you aren't missing anything if you never watch this

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Loved the cgi, liked the brother antics/redemption storyline. Surprised by how coherent it ended up being after reading all the rumors of reworks and tension between cast/director/studio.
The runtime is a bit crazy and i ended up watching it in several chunks instead of all at once but overall is an enjoyable sequel in my subjective ambivalent to Snyderverse opinion.
Hope Aquaman and Oceanmaster get a cameo in Gunnverse!

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Shout by Abdullah

The first one is better than this one that's for sure

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I lasted 15 minutes into this steaming pile of seahorse manure

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I liked Patrick Wilson more in this one than the first, but he absolutely limped through that Necrus monologue lmao

Could have used more Mera #JusticeforAmberHeard

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Black Manta looks derpy as fuck with that helmet.

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Is this meant to be a joke?

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A movie filled with action, I loved it! Love the singing sea creatures

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it's fine, she who must not be named is barely in the movie, plus the physical training Wilson must've had to do is actually really impressive, the man is in his 50's.

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Another dc disappointment

Honestly don’t know how to feel about this, 5, 6 or 7 rating? 6 it is. The cgi and costumes doesn’t do it for me, it feels to fake. The bond between norm and Arthur was well writing and played, loved that part a lot. The sea creatures are nightmare material, they didn’t even try to make them better looking. The manta storyline I didn’t like, in the first movie he was annoying and unrealistic. But now it was just over the top.

If it wasn’t for the end where did both said “brother” and the part that norm eaten a burger this would have been a 4.

Edit: the climate bullshit also ruined this movie for me, ffs man

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King orm is look different as hostage from metal slug?:sweat_smile: and finally he eat a Cockroach Yuck:face_vomiting:

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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom - :heart:x6

Let me start with the best part of the movie. It was the interaction, the back-and-forth between the brothers Arthur and Orm.
The rest was kind of a mess.
Wan seems to have thrown everything including the kitchen sink into this movie. The Sunkin Citadel felt a lot like it was directly plucked out of Star Wars movies with its own Cantina Band and even had its own version of Jaba the Hutt. Even the control room on Manta's submarine looks very similar to the ships in Star Wars.
And of course, we have the obligatory message about Climate Change.
And why not throw a few scenes of Land of the Giants into the mix - i mean - come on Wan!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I find the CGI and costumes to be horrible. Just looks so fake and unnatural. Boring story line and mediocre acting.

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Made with recycled characters, recycled music and (judging from the subpar CGI) recycled post-production hardware. As such, kudos to the film for standing by its own environmental messaging... but as a film it's garbage nonetheless.

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Not the worst thing ever, even watchable in some places, but overall forgettable. The whole movie feels more like a collection of random scenes, that they just needed, not as a story. Could be a result of reshoots, but that does not make it better.

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What a yawnfest. They removed the heart of the first film and instead focused on the most boring characters in order to make just another generic broflick.

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Has action scenes. And more actions scenes. Topped with action scenes. And just for some continuity, they sprinkled in some more action scenes.

Terrible plot. Even worse execution.

The philosophy of this was to jam pack as much meaningless actions scenes as possible. No time for anything else.

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My first movie of the year, and oh my goodness, what a bad film. I was even sad because I'm a huge fan of DC. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me, even though it made me laugh.

Regarding the special effects, soundtrack, and stuff, I liked them. Found it well done and beautiful, unlike the Flash movie, but it didn't help much since the story was horrible. Anyway, I'll watch it again when it comes out on HBO Max because who knows, maybe by then I'll go crazy and start liking the movie.

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Like sushi in a Walmart freezer when Aquaman arrives: this didn't speak to me.

The directing and action sequences were fine and the film moved along at a good pace but it felt like DC just wanted to get this over with so they could move on to the next hero franchise they want to bury.

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Saw this in UltraAvx w Dolby Atmos w recliner seats. This is the pinnacle of how to see this type of flick imo. Monster screen with booming sound. Some good fight scenes, and the humour was solid. It's still a kids movie with 95% cartoony CGI. To be expected. I'm happy with the 5.8 I'm giving it. Expected it to be a little worse than it was. Pleasantly surprised in spots.

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Standard save the world movie. No major plot twists here, maybe due to PG13 rating?

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Punchline, action scene, Punchline, action scene, Punchline, action scene, Punchline, action scene, tragedy, violin and pianos, essemble, wtf, Punchline, action scene, war with million soldiers, redemption, final boss, false scare, just like the end of the rock, iron man, Burguer and coakroach

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Run of the mill, save the world movie. Don't expect any plot twists. Stay to watch the credits

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Pretty surprising to see people that praised the first one somehow have a problem with this, as I think it works better overall. Honestly shades of The Marvels with better set pieces and a step up on the villain.

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I liked it, it's ok, they don't pretend to start anything, or close anything, or contact anything, totally independent, I liked what they do with the characters, 1 post-credits scene.

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Saw this tonight, I enjoyed it. There was some great humor moments and the story between Arthur and Orm was good in my opinion.

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I am sure glad I didn’t put too much into the reviews. So many saying it sucks which I thought it was decent and enjoyable. Everyone has a stereotype super hero. Well just sit back and enjoy 2 hrs. If you’re on the fence of going or not going it was worth it for me.

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ma note 80 j'ai adoré excellent !

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It looks like the DC Extended Universe will end with neither an exclamation mark nor a total train wreck. "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom" is a pretty mediocre superhero movie, though it does have elements that appealed to me. Jason Momoa still seems to be having fun with the title role, and his interplay with Patrick Wilson also worked pretty well for me. Furthermore, the colorful, bustling underwater world seems extremely vibrant, even if the effects are not always the smoothest. On the other hand, the predictable story, which has far too much seemingly endless exposition, is rather underwhelming. Meanwhile, the villain played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II remains one-dimensional, and there's not much more to say about most of the other supporting characters than that they're just there. Overall, however, the runtime of about two hours flew by for me. The second (and last) Aquaman film with Jason Momoa is entertaining and enjoyable; nevertheless, it is unlikely to leave much of a lasting impression on the audience.

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Shout by Nitrone

Story wise it is much better than the first. The ending is quite boring and just not there. Was expecting something big of a war. Amber heard appearance should have been reduced as much as possible given her scandals. Overall 9/10

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worst show ever.
Total waste of bloody time and brain.

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