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World War Z 2013

I wish they would follow the book, rather than buy the rights to the book, then throw it all away and just make up new stuff which is apparently what they have done.

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Oh hello there Mr. Shakycam - I hate you.

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Thought this was much better than I'd been led to believe, or than the trailer made it out to be. Fan of the book, and it is utterly unfilmable, so this could only ever be 'inspired by' really, and it does a good job in that respect.

Took Brad a long time to figure out what the weakness was though! Considering his reputation he really should have seen it when they met the soldiers in Korea... Massive signpost.

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I enjoyed this film, and I thought Brad Pitt did well despite his age. Having not read the book, I was very much entertained by the story and its pacing.

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The best zombie-based movie by far!

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I'm a sucker for zombies... Book is lightyears better though

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Started Out Pretty Good But Quickly Faded Away After The Half Way Point.

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It's not really anything like the book, but it's still a decent movie. And these are the scariest zombies I've ever seen onscreen.

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Back when I saw the trailer in 2013 I avoided this movie like a plague. I decided to watch it with my little sister today and I can say I enjoyed it. More than I thought I would.

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A very tense and exciting movie that manages to grab your attention for the entire two hours.

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I do wish it had been more like the book (which if you havent read or even if you don't read will be sucked incredible book..almost as good as Day by day Armageddon) BUUUT..that being said..this is a great zombie movie so if you came here to talk shizz about it gtfo here lol. Just enjoy an action packed flick mannnn no wonder why mom doesn't like you

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This is an overbudgeted, generic mess of a film. There’s definitely money on the screen here, it looks and sounds pretty good. Sure, a little heavy on the orange/teal colour grade, but it knows how to present a sense of scale that’s often lacking in movies that try to be as big as this one. However, ever since Quantum of Solace, Marc Foster has proven himself to be a third rate Paul Greengrass when it comes to directing action. He has improved a little here, but it’s still not that great. I also think it’s generally underwritten. There’s nothing intriguing about this premise within the grander scheme of zombie flicks and the characters are flat, despite being played by very capable actors.


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:zombie: Never seen hordes of zombies like this before!

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It must be said im not a big fan of zombie movies apart from the Dawn of the Dead remake which i consider far superior than the original & Shaun of the Dead which i like just for Simon Pegg & Nick Frost im just not into zombies but i liked World War Z mainly due to the fact the movie had a huge budget & believable story highly recommended

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Zombies on a plane! Love it!

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Action packed movie, exhilarating and the science behind the movie is believable. The acting could’ve been better, and that WHO head is such a pain the ass, thrice he made noises that attracted the zombies. Why was he even there, they could’ve indicated which infection to take through the cctv cameras and the light on it.

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Please take the vaccine - it will be good for you - developed and approved by the WHO. What can go wrong...

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Zombies are just not that interesting. Even the speedy ones offered here are pretty boring. The only frightening thing about them is that they'll rip you limb from limb. Problem is, that can't happen in "World War Z" because it's rated PG-13. So there's zombies, whose best club-in-the-bag is their ability to be repulsive. They can't do it in this movie, though. So the question is, what is this movie trying to do?

It doesn't do a good enough job of presenting the apocalypse that is rapidly taking place. The only solid indicator of world wide chaos are brief shots of smoking cities and a quickly accumulating death counter. The main character escapes impossible odds and because it's Brad Pitt, you know he's not going to disappear.

There were some spectacular special effects. The swarming zombie hordes provided the best moments. There were also a couple of twists that I didn't really expect, however they were overshadowed by my expectation of a scary story.

Don't be fooled. This is strictly an action movie with essentially no scares.

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Awesome movie! Love B. Pitt!

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It's easily the most ridiculous zombie movie of all time, but it's a fun ride.

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What to say about this one... I think it's an ok movie. Better than what other people say. But there're some things which I didn't like:

• Most of the shots were there are hundres or thousans of zombies, have a bad use of CGI. They clearly felt cheap.
The way that Gerry figures out how to "be invisible" against the zombies, felt not that realistic. I get that it's a movie, but would have wanted a more scientific way of figuring that out.

But taking everything into account, I liked it. It catches your attention from start to finish. 7/10

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Strip away the title and any associations with the source material and this is a mildly above-average action/horror hybrid. It's nailed the gritty, vivid tone I expect of a dawning modern zombie apocalypse - the panic, confusion and outright helplessness of civilian life at ground zero - but does gradually get carried away in terms of scope. Brad Pitt as not just humanity's last great scientific hope, but also its vigilant watchdog and bombastic action hero, is something of a reach and smells like several characters were mashed together for the sake of simplicity.

In a few instances, World War Z tests the waters of political and social reactions, enduring themes of the novel, but these are contrived token efforts at best and certainly not the film's forte. It's generally content to simply flush the screen with crumbling cityscapes and spitting, sprinting, screaming infected hordes, both of which perform quite well.

At moments it's intense, shocking and borderline iconic, but storyline depth is an Achilles' heel, and most of the third act plays out like a bland, predictable obligation.

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One of the few Zombie apocalypse movies to really capture the grand world wide scale of the problem.

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virus > turn into a zombie > bite everybody > turn into another zombie > head shot... end.
shit movie!

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The movie sure had some good ideas and concepts, but I was really let down by a build up that was too ambitious for its own good pissing off a lot of zombie fans in the process.

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Fast, scary and much better than expected!

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I remember getting so excited when I first heard about this movie.. Just to feel cheated and confused when I left the theater... "zombies"(if you can call them that), that spread their "disease" through healthy people, SERIOUSLY?!? THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!!! Worst "ZOMBIE" movie EVER!!!!


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Very intense and fun!

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This was an alright movie and definitely a good way to pass the time, but never really more than that. It was entertaining and had me hooked from start to finish, but I feel like there was potential for this to be great if some things had been done differently

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"Mother Nature is a serial killer."

Another classic case where they changed so many things from the book that you don't really recognize the final product. That being said, I actually enjoyed it! Fast zombies makes for some great scenes and Brad Pitt always delivers.

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Bourne Identity but with zombies.

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Somehow I had never seen this movie, despite loving zombies. Something about the serious / non-horror vibe prevented me from jumping at it. To my surprise, I liked it more than I thought, but less than I want to love a zombie film. It’s good. It’s worth watching. I can see why this appeals to a wide range of people.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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one of my favorites... love love love. please make 2

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Shout by Ro

“Mother Nature is a serial killer. No one's better. Or more creative. Like all serial killers, she can't help the urge to want to get caught. What good are all those brilliant crimes if no one takes the credit? So she leaves crumbs.”
ELYES GABEL - Andrew Fassbach

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Fantastic take on a even better book.

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Guys after the fall of the airplane which was fake (who can live after an explosion inside the plane that created a big hole and after a crash that destroyed the plane) i said ok it just lost two points in my evaluation... although it did have a quite good ending that i liked it.

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The best zombie movie ever!

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"Gargantuan spectacle with a human touch."

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It wasn't terrible. I like it. I still feel like they dropped the ball, but whatever, I hope they make up for it in the sequel.

By the way, Karen Lane was the most annoying person in the entire movie. Gerry couldn't be gone more than 30 minutes without her ringing the phone.

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Shout by Mai Ander
BlockedParent2017-06-17T05:58:48Z— updated 2017-11-27T01:42:42Z

It is so so boring. Thankfully I did not waste my money & time watching this on cinema. Thank you Cosmos for small mercies!

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This is what we could call the "Starcrash effect". In 1977, Star Wars blows everyone's vision of science fiction in cinema. One year later, Starcrash comes out. And even though I enjoyed this film because of its kitsch kind of beauty, it's just as if on one side you would have the genius with a vision and on the other, the kid with broken toys trying to make a movie.
In 2010, the Walking Dead install a new standard in Zombies look and feel... And THREE years later, World War Z comes out just as if the director had never heard about... Well... Anything at all...

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A whole different perspective for the zombie movies! Really good stuff!

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I didn't enjoyed this movie at all. I didn't liked the "zombies". I didn't liked the special effects.
I really like zombies, I really do, but this movie is just so "meh".
I don't recommend it. Just because it has Brad Pitt has the main actor doesn't mean its good.

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badass soldier goes into place A
place A seems safe
place A is overrun by zombies
everyone dies
repeat with place B, C, D, E and the whole alphabet

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Shout by Adam K.

One man hero "Pitt" saved the world from Z... obvious ;)

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it gets a fair cuz it is brad pitt and i love him.. but as i said and will repeat often I just don't like zombies. I don't get the lure...People go on and on about 28 days and the tv show The walking dead but both are soo stupid to blahhhhh zombies require 0 acting skills...zombies walk around making funny noises and eating things i dunno they look like monsters with special needs who need to ride the short bus...

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People comparing this to the books will come up short, which is usually okay .. unless something is produced as an Epic (Lord of the Rings,Harry Potter) then compromises between media will always come up. But in short, a good movie with fast moving zombies and some good shock moments.

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Positive surprise. Interesting creation of the world presented, good ending, naturalistic visually. And what's shocking - good Pitt!

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Très bonne surprise

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up there with 28 days latter enjoyed it!

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I thought that this was a decent action flick and those zombies moved faster than no other! I agree!

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I heard this movie was bad, so I skipped it in theaters. Watching it on video, I have no problems with it at all. It's a good zombie movie, not about surviving a zombie infestation a la The Walking Dead, but about investigating the cause of the outbreak and researching a possible solution. But really, it was just a good action film. It was at least better than 28 _____ Later.

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This movie is awful!

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Terrible film. I heard it was based on a book, and I am 100% sure it wasn't this bad. So I guess we have to congratulate the screenwriters for doing a really bad job.

As a movie it is one of the worst blockbuster movies I have seen so far. It makes me want to rewatch Cloverfield to make my decision which one is worse, but I can't do that to myself.

Plotholes, bad background information, easy ending, the (ever occuring in bad movies) unrealistic non-anticipation of practically everyone, irrelevant side characters, ignoring the laws of physics and too good to be true coincidences.

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I really liked this. I must either be in love with Brad Pitt or in love with tense action films with superb special effects that deliver the goods. Yes, there are plot holes, but who gives a monkey's... I was scared and on the edge of my seat. That, my friends, is reason enough to watch it! 7.5/10 :-)

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Omg ! The fastest moving zombies ever.
Great film for zombie movie fans.

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If they hunt by sound, why would bursting their eardrums not work? Or thumpers, ala the sandworms of Dune. And considering the world is not a silent place, and their movement would do things like break glass in the process of moving around... ugh, holes, holes, everywhere holes.

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Lots of hype but just another zombie movie. Ejoyed it.

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Awesome Movie

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Loved it!

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Pretty entertaining.....Made for big screen.....turn off the lights....sit close to tv....and crank that volume up.....bound to enjoy it......peace....

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Pryvet vsem!Kak robyty uvydel filmu?

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The book was NOTHING like this movie. In fact, it gave the book a bad name. Guys, read the book...and be truly impressed.

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not impressed .. that was a very poor film..

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The zombie made me laugh , but the movie was fine

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One of the best zombie movies I've ever seen.

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Good zombies

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Brilliant movie, had some minor issues but I don't care. I loved it anyway!

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i loved it, is good to show that is possible to make a movie about zombies with out show discusting bodies all the time, you make a point when you show dead people walking, but not necessarily you need to have blood and body pasrts everywhere.

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This movie was a let down for two main reasons. Firstly, the zombies. Something about them just wasn't right, they came across almost super human and the sounds they made certainly didn't sound like they were coming from a human voice box. Also the cgi at some points was quite poor.

Secondly, the general flow of the movie scene by scene, it didn't flow well at all especially during the beginning 30 minutes. The camera work didn't help with this.

As for the story, the way it was told was very predictable and you will see everything coming from a mile off. Other than Brad Pitts performance, I didn't find any of the other actors very convincing and found it difficult to care if their characters they lived or died.

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Absolutely nothing like the book, but the movie had some good action & suspense scenes. It was low on the character development, but as far as zombie films go it wasn't bad - I'd see it again (just not in theaters).

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When I heard that the studio had scrapped the screenplay written by JMS for a more action based story my expectations were lowered. But this movie was even too "Hollywood" for my expectations. There is practically no character development apart from the fact that he is a dad that likes his family.

The action was good however as were the special effects. But I just didn't care about any of the characters and no amount of action or special effects can make up for that.

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People are just to dumb to realize that this is NOT about zombies. Try reading the book and maybe... just maybe you will understand. I will give you a hint: there is a reason why the movie travels around the globe. ;)

But yes, the movie failed the book but it has some entertaining parts.

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Average summer movie

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Surprisingly good movie. I normaly can't stand Brad Pitt, but this time he was a good choice for the main character.
Could have gone without the 3D, 'cause it made the movie sometimes crazy confusing, without adding to the tension.

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This movie looks intense. Going to watch it now!

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I have not read the book, I could not tell if the film follows the story of the book (although you can read everywhere that this is not the case). The film itself is not bad, it's easy to look. The plot itself is fine, the story easy to follow and doesn't seem far-fetched. The actors are fine too, it's not the great comedy, but it doesn't make you want to be deaf and blind. However, we regret some awkwardness in the screenplay, some moment you will want to slap Brad Pitt in the face for being so stupid, but luckily not all the time.
So it's not a bad movie, you can go watch it, but you'll be fine without going to see it either, it's not great cinematography, or don't bring anything special.

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Better than the book and way different. Liked the action and pace of the story, bit didn't care for the family angle. The book was documentary style and realistic, the movie is not.

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Simple stort, but good special effects nd even the 3D was decent.

Perfect movie to watch in the theaters.

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Simple stort, but good special effects nd even the 3D was decent.

Perfect movie to watch in the theaters.

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I wasn't sure about this one, yeah another zombie film, but actually was better than I expected.
Is fast paced with some good thrilling action sequences and a solid acting from Brad Pitt.
When I first saw the trailer the CGI looked terrible and if theres a thing that I can't stand it's a bad CGI, nowadays theres no excuse not to do that right...but after all CGI wasn't bad. I don't know why did I got that idea while watcing the trailer, was I the only one?! Anyway.
The film doesn't clarifies a lot of questions that you want to know but I guess it's on purpose because I've already heard that maybe will be a sequel. But that was the main problem about the whole thing, at the end you feel kind of empty.

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Gostei bastante do filme e o mais interessante é não encontrar uma cura mas sim um tipo de camuflagem, bem criativo!!!

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not the best movie of all time, but incredibly entertaining, watched today in 3D on the theater and really liked it, laughed a lot in the huge open world scenes where everyone is freaking becoming zombies!. 7/10

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Enjoyed the movie. 7-10. Nothing too complex but a nice story to follow.

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I haven't read the books. I went with an open mind & low expectations.

I had a good time. The movie was gripping & I never felt bored. What more could you ask from a summer blockbuster? :)

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If you leave the artistic licence thingy out of it, WW Z was pretty good. It´s not the best movie, but I had a fun time watching it. Yes the CGI was bad but not the worst i have seen in a cinema, I am legend had an equal piece of CGI Bullshit. Storywhise a lil bit cheesy, but what do you expect from an Z Movie ?! The action was good, the Visuals were good ,too ( CGI Mobs not included). The ending is screaming sequal but I went out of the cinema with an smile on my face. I cant wait to get the R Rated Directors Cut to watch.

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Saw about ten mins of cam copy, shit. Shit. Shit. Not the movie just the quality. People if your going to record movies with a camera you must spend more then $49.95 on a camera and for fuck sake hold the dam thing straight. Go home recorder your drunk.

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Irredeemably bad, it;s an awfully made film from the ground level and taking a name that means you're instantly drawing comparisons to a rather excellent book makes it worse (FYI I tried counting parts of the book that made it onto screen and I got to 2).

Quick tip for any potential zombie film makers, don't set your zombies up in such a way that during your supposedly tense final act the audience is too busy laughing at the zombie to take in what is supposed to be a dramatic scene.

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I haven't read the book but as a zombie type flick this was a great movie, I loved it.

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