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The Fall Guy 2024

2 hours of comedy and entertaining action wrapped in a love letter to all the stuntmen

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It's a very straight forward light-noir, but fun all the way through because the cast is great and the script is clever. It doesn't overwork itself trying to be anything more complicated than it needs to be and is filled with plenty of fun references and head nods. The perfect level of self-aware.

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This movie is fucking awful. I enjoyed the last 10-12 minutes of it but I don't know if it was because it was almost over or because of the awesome cameos by Jason Mamoa, Lee Majors, and Heather Thomas and Blake Shelton's cover of the theme song. The rest of the movie is just garbage.

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Utter garbage. This has to be the worst movie of the year. Cant believe Gosling & Blunt would waste their talent on such crap, (unless the paycheck was VERY large) Moronic plot, mostly unintelligible dialogue, unfunny, unromantic & uninteresting. Dont know who the target audience was, apart from die-hard Gosling fans, but it certainly wasnt aimed at anyone with more than 2 functioning brain cells. Truly awful!!!

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Stuntmen/women should get Oscars!

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Smiled and laughed throughout the whole thing! It's nice to see a movie that feels genuine again :relaxed:

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Went in with zero expectations and The Fall Guy was a lot better then expected. And a totally unexpected plot twist, lots of action and the right amount of comedy thrown in. Totally enjoyable, and another brilliant part played by Ryan Gosling, he played the role perfectly with the right flavor, and Emily Blunt was the right person to play his costar in the movie

Honestly a totally fun movie and shouldn't be missed in the theaters due to the crazy and fun action scenes.

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"Did you just turn Jody into the sexy bacon?"
"She's been the sexy bacon all along."

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I can't help it.

I've grown up with the "original" fall guy. It was good entertainment.

This movie tops it. Good story, great action, awesome fan service, very much love for detail, and lots of laughs.

A must see, IMHO.

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I'm torn on this one. On one side I really like that they just tried to make an entertaining movie. On the other side, it's just too bloated and mostly just stupid. But still watchable. I just wish they used the dog more. The dog just stole the show.

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I heard all the hype about this one and I was not impressed. If I were a 13 year old girl with a crush on Ryan Gosling, wanted some action to surround the predictable (and done to death) romance story, this might be a good fit. I didn't hang around to see if there was action as everyone said, as I shut it off about half way through.

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I love movies about filmmaking, so this premise was right up my alley and, for the most part, I think they leveraged it well, delivering some fun action sequences and solid humor throughout. That said, I do think I enjoyed the first half more than second, as the plot started to lose some of its cleverness, with several very predictable sequences through the final act. Overall, a worthwhile watch, but not the instant classic I was hoping it would be.

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An aggressively mediocre movie. I think Ryan Gosling is a lot of fun, but him and Emily Blunt lack a lot of chemistry, so their romance isn't very engaging. The humor is a bit hit or miss. It did elicit laughs from me, but a lot less than I was expecting. The movie also struggles with pacing, with it being surprisingly slower than expected, and the core mystery/intrigue being very predictable and bland. I get that's not the main focus of this movie, but considering the slower pacing and the limited impact of the romance and comedy, you'd hope the plot could carry the movie more. The cinematography was pretty good at times though, including a cool meta scene involving split screens. I also do appreciate the focus on stunt people. However, the movie is still extremely disposable and carried solely by Ryan Gosling in most places. I think if you appreciated some of David Leitch's prior movies such as Bullet Train and Deadpool 2, you might appreciate this one more than I did since I found those equally bland and mediocre.

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Undoubtedly fun, even if I did want a touch more from 'The Fall Guy'.

The cast are great, definitely the film's strongest part in my opinion. Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are an all-star pair and I enjoyed them both, they worked well together. Hannah Waddingham and Aaron Taylor-Johnson add good showings too. Stephanie Hsu and Winston Duke are involved as well.

The story produces entertainment, even if it could've had more flavour added to it. I felt watching that in a few parts it does overstay its welcome ever so slightly, not for a negative impact but enough that I couldn't rate it any higher. All the stunt stuff is fantastic though, as it ought to be given the subject matter. It's solid humour-wise, my favourite bits were actually the background actor interactions; s/o wife's sister guy.

Overall, I liked this one. Improvements were possible, though what's there is good enough - an easy watch, to be honest.

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a solid 8.5 ; nice blend of action and comedy ; last act is super flaky/unbelievable but still a great experience overall

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What more could anyone want? Every minute has something to offer and is a joy to watch. Loved it and stick around for the mid credits

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It takes awhile before stunt man Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling) is on a mission to find a lost movie star. When the movie gets moving though it is definitely a blast.
It’s like half the Nice Guys, half Drive. Since Gosling was also solving a mystery in the Nice Guys and a stunt man in Drive. He’s about as lively and hams it up as much as he did in the Nice Guys. You can throw a little Ken in there as well.
The music choices were great in the movie too. Especially hearing Kiss throughout.

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A fun to watch movie ;) I do recommend for the comedy and feel good.

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Looks like the Rotten Tomatoes critics have rocked up here as well. Trakt used to have credibility. I always depended on a rating of 75% or higher in Trakt as a good indicator that normal people liked the movie and it's worthwhile watching it. As we all know, it's a well known joke on the Internet that in the case of Rotten Tomatoes, this is usually the opposite. The career/full-time critics will rate utter garbage very highly, while the rest of us will hate the movie.

Of late, some of the movies rated >75% in Trakt have been following a similar trend to Rotten Tomatoes. Fall Guy was boring and over-acted to the point I stopped watching it half way through to start another movie. Reading some of the comments here, I realise that there was a series or an older movie that I should have watched before? Either way, giving this thing a 5 until I'm in the mood to waste 2 hours in the future to see if I like it then.

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Mediocre movie at best. Ryan really disappointed this time.

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I loved every single minute of those Two hours, Very entertaining, I think these heros behind the cameras who make the unreal real should have their own category in the Oscars.

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Fall Guy was great, was fun and ridiculous yet entertaining love letter to stunt actors and the stunt community who deserve more time in the sun, told through a charismatic and action-filled performance by Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt. Quality filmmaking - strongly recommend!

Jody showering Colt with praise and Colt is just straight up malfunctioning :joy:, I loved their chemistry.

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I was grinning from ear to ear throughout the entire movie absolutely superb and so much fun in fact just complete sexy bacon! 8/10

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Like when she realizes I carry salami in my shorts: what's up front and what's inside are not the same, and one of them is a big disappointment.

Forgive me, but from the poster I didn't realize this was a rom-com. A stuntman falls (in love) and lands (the girl) and everything else is just as predictable.

Thank God Aaron Taylor-Johnson is in this to spice it up a little, because the rest of it is only white bread levels of interesting.

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I really needed that kind of movie today. Light romance, cool action, great stunts.
And Emily and Ryan really looked gorgeous and had a nice chemistry ♡ would watch again.

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It was a nice movie. I was expecting more action but was fine. Loved Jean-Claude. Can’t wait for Metal Storm to be released (please make that movie!!!)

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Marvellousy intriguing and a mind blower, it’s a true metalstorm!!

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That guy took so many falls. Too many, in my opinion.

Bullet Train was better but this is still good.

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What a fun movie, I thought the story was original and I always love seeing movies being made inside a movie. Lots of funny moments, good music and great actors.

Jean-Claude is too cute :weary::weary::weary:

Also, I feel like it happens more that the actor and director say something to the audience before the movie starts in cinemas, I like that! Makes it feel like a lil event.

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Leading up to this movie, the first trailer made me want to see it. Every subsequent trailer made me want to see it less and less. Almost gave it a miss.

It's very much a movie where you need to switch off your mind before you go in, otherwise the flaws, plot, etc will ruin what is essentially a fun movie. It can be very enjoyable if you switch yourself off enough. But that's a big if. The fun aspects made me want to rate this movie an 8 out of 10, the flaws & plot made me want to rate it a 3 or 4 out of 10. I compromised on 6 out of 10.

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It was a very entertaining and gripping movie. Actually, I was a little prejudiced when I started, but I watched it without getting bored. As you know, they shot a movie within a movie. They mixed it with a different subject, entertainment, and embellished it with a little comedy. The plot, effects, action and fight scenes, etc. are great. Thank you for your efforts. "An epic love story" hahaha

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the best part of the movie was when it ended, but the dogs were cute.

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I'm sorry. Not for me. Whatever media coverage, again, not for me.

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Turned it off after half an hour.

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The movie and pop culture references are some of the best. The acting and script was brilliant, I almost cried afew times. I don't know if something is wrong with me, but the amount of genres this went through was intense. I loved the action sequences and stunts, of course. I'm so glad David Leitch, or anyone for that matter, finally made a stuntwork movie. Behind all the great action stars is a stunt person. Banging soundtrack and costumes. Also, can we actually get a Metal Storm movie, i loved the plot of that as well as this. The experience of everything felt so 4D.

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The best reference in the movie is a fight dog named Jean-Claud which understands commands in French only.
Otherwise great movie, very entertaining. And yes, stuntmen definitely deserve their own Oscar nomination.

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The Fall Guy (2024) - :heart:x7

You want stunts? You got stunts! Tons of them.

This is a great tribute to The Fall Guy (1981) TV Show and to Stunt men and women everywhere!

The movie was a popcorn munching good time - just a whole lot of fun to watch. I hope they make a sequel or 2 or better yet - bring back a rebooted TV Show.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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'The Fall Guy' was a ton of fun. Great action with the right amount of comedy, the romantic plot feels believable and sweet, and Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt sell it excellently. At points it gets a bit over the top but it's very self aware about it, and it never tries to be anything more than it is. Plus what it does, it does it really well, and it's got a blasting soundtrack too.

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Unlike Bullet Train, which I felt would be a marmite film (and judging by the comments over there, it is), this has a little bit more for everyone.

I hovered between 9 and 10 but ultimately, I am going to rate this for what it is and whether or not it achieved what it set out to be. On that basis, I think it's a roaring success. And then it does have some more subtle pastiche and homage running throughout it as well.

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Boring as hell , No plot , No Scenario Nothhhing

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It's a pretty normal action romcom but it's carried by the performances of the star cast. Especially Emily Blunt and Winston Duke. Additionally it's got good stunts and VFX, genuinely fun.

Cinematography was good but there was one camera with a certain lens that had a lot of fringe or aberration and it was really annoying, definitely nitpicking though.

I think the story gets a little messy with the shifting between the action and the romance scenes so it gets a little boring before the climax.

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This is typically my type of movie, I’m usually all in on a fun action romp comp but this one doesn’t live up to its potential. Gosling and Blunt are very good but the humor is mostly miss and it way overstays its runtime.

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Liked the movie, very entertaining :grin:

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Really enjoyed parts of it. Just too much cheese for me in the end. Why, Hollywood...WHY??

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Extremely fun with the added Blunt likability and Gosling charm and charisma. While the premise lays a strong enough foundation, it's the actors that carry this movie.

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That was a disaster. Except Jean Claud of course.

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I saw the extended version of the film, so can't speak to the theatrical. This had good charm despite some of the overacting being eye-rollingly bad. A love letter to stunt work that gets a bit messy w the writing or lack thereof. Still, we found it to be entertaining on the whole. Punches slightly above its weight. Friendly 6.5

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.9

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Like this Tom accidentally blows himself.:sweat_smile:

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I really enjoyed this movie, I don't know why. I laughed a lot. I don't usually like Ryan Goosling's acting; but he was funny without trying too hard (same happened in The Nice Guys). A solid 8 for me

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Didn’t see the point of this movie. Ok it put the stuntmen under the spotlight but it’s way not enough to make a movie. Bad déjà vu scenario, no sense of romance what so ever, pointless stunt. Boring for 2 hours.

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Yes! I haven't had as much fun with a movie as I have now. I had this stupid smile on my face the whole time, because I grew up on movies and I've lived on movies all my life, and I've always admired stuntmen. I'm also from the Czech Republic, where we have some of the best in the world, right. A film where there is nonstop action and where there isn't is a pretty solid comedy where nothing is taken seriously except for the beautiful legacy of people who make movies more interesting! Without them, it would be nothing. So I tip my space hat. Well done!

Btw: Emily Blunt is so good to watch! :purple_heart:

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It's a great film that goes a bit flat at the halfway point. If this had been a 2 hour film it would have been a spectacular rollercoaster of a movie..

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it’s so hot when men are pathetically desperate and have zero regard for their own well-being

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More evidence that stunt coordinators make lousy storytellers.
Even the stunts didn't impress me because almost all of them were "digitally enhanced" which leaves you with an aftertaste of "fakery".
I would've appreciated it if the fights "IRL" were distinctly made to not look like "stunt fights".
And the romance story was completely unnecessary and full of toxic romantic moments.

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Boring love movie, after 10minutes i wasn’t interested anymore

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Didn't really get into it. I guess I went in looking for some full blown action movie. However; it wasn't that at all. The love scenes hung around way too long. The garbage truck scene and the final 10 minutes were really good action wise but the overall movie was just missing something IMO.

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Very good nice, i like it

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Good action tribute to stunt men and women. The dialogue is rather lame some times, but otherwise an easy watch, a bit too long, but with brain in neutral it's an okay movie. :thumbsup_tone1:

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The Fall Guy without a cameo from Lee Majors?
Of course not, it's in the end credits! :thumbsup:

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The Chemistry is effortless. Just needed a little fine tuning on the script.

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Good movie with good action and a not so original plot line. It's a love letter to stuntmen so don't expect to see a complex story or character development. Simple enough plot to showcase the action and it works. DON'T WATCH THE EXTENDED VERSION.

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This was awful, really bad, the only pleasure was the end credit theme tune and the nods to million dollar man. Watch the Lost City instead a much better film along the same lines.

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The money they spent on fake Metalstorm was probably higher than the whole budget of the real Metalstorm.

Oh… and whoever made that horrendous KISS cover should be banned from the music industry.

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Got to 30 minutes and that was about 1/2 an hour too long. We completely lost interest in it - where were the funny bits? Everyone was overacting in a juvenile way. Glad i didn't waste time going to the theatres for this crap!!


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This film appeals to aficionados of action cinema, featuring a plethora of breathtaking stunts, predominantly executed through practical effects—a rarity in contemporary filmmaking. While the plot may be considered mediocre, the compelling performances of the actors ensure that the film remains engaging.

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A very cool movie to watch, full of action scenes. The story has twists and turns and exaggerations, due to the emphasis on the stunt profession, and in this context, it's very cool and different. There are a few other scenes that make no sense and there are some conveniences, but as the movie is very dynamic this doesn't hinder the experience and everything ends up being very interesting and fun.

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Yup not good more of a romcom fall guy falls short ofc cause its a ryan film

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To what l can say "Cool Movie"

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20 minutes was enough. They categorized it as action/comedy but it's actually a romcom. Not for me.

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A whole lot going on at the same time

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A fantastic movie for anyone who likes action movies and has ever, for even a second, wondered how they're made. Plus, there's a solid romance throughout, plus some tidbits of sci-fi parody. What more could you ask for?

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Absolutely loved this movie! It was nice to see comedy that didn’t lean so much on innuendos. Definitely laughed several times throughout the movie, and would see it again :)

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Great movie from start to finish. Excellent stunt work and flawless cinematography. Definitely worth a trip to the theater. I’ll probably go twice.

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It's not a great action/comedy, it's more David Leitch's fantasy of what he wishes stuntmen/stunt coordinators dream about.

That said, it's still fun and worth the watch. Gosling and Blunt continue to prove they can have on-screen chemistry with an amoeba opposite them regardless the final product. If you enjoyed all the John Wick-ian stunt-heavy movies in the last decade, you probably won't be disappointed by this.

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I wish they went deeper next time and film a movie about a stuntman playing a stuntman in a movie about a guy playing a stuntman where the latter movie is about a stuntman too. DiCaprio_suspicious.jpg

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Both Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt usually manage to sell a movie for me. That's why I knew in advance that I would find “The Fall Guy” at least rock solid, and that's exactly how it turned out. The movie is perhaps a little too goofy, but it's also a lot of fun. As a love letter to the stunt craft, it delivers some cool action sequences, even if, unfortunately, nothing is really that memorable. In terms of plot, I particularly enjoyed the romance, while the rest dragged on a bit. Ultimately, what bothered me the most was that the movie doesn't really know when it's time to end. A little more focus would certainly have helped it overall.

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The best part of The Fall Guy is the BTS stunts shown during the credits. The movie is fine. It's a rom-com with not enough laughs and silly action. Let's be real - The draw is Ryan Gosling. Everything else is secondary.

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not bad, good tribute to the speciesists.

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Shout by Deleted

Oh man, Gosling, really? I'm somehow not excited anymore. But I love the Fall Guy so I'm probably watching it anyway

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