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The Beekeeper 2024

If you like watch the other action movies that Jason Statham is in you'll probably like this one. He is in his prime. After a friend kills herself he basically kills his way to the top for the remainder of the movie. Some of his methods for getting rid of bad guys were pretty dang awesome and involved some methods I've never seen before. Which was cool.

Was it completely unrealistic? Yes. Was it fun to sit back, munch on some popcorn and watch Statham do his thing? Oh hell yeah

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skip this and watch the bee movie instead

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He is the Beekeeper. That is an indisputable fact. Another typical action movie with Jason Statham in yet, yet also another good one.

SPOILERS BELOW (since spoiler toggle isn't working)----------------------------------------

There is a plot hole that kinda makes me grit my teeth; the mother got scammed and she immediately just kills herself rather than consulting her FBI cyber security daughter... uh... like why wouldn't she do that first before just saying "meh, time to off myself"

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The last fight scene was the only salvation in this shitshow

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Not enough bee puns.

[5 words]

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"You have laws for these things until they fail, then you have me"

Look, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. This movie's plot is about as thin as Jason Statham's hair. Speaking of Statham holy shit he has got to bee one of the best modern action stars ever. Statham is no Shakespearian actor but when you see action and Statham together you know it's gonna be good. From the get-go you can see this movie was heavily inspired by John Wick and it's not a bad thing at all.

By means the movie has one of the most mediocre plot and story ever, nothing too big and unoriginal but the direction was good in this, the action choreography and the sound design holy shit the sound design was god tier. I loved every second of it, I am glad they didn't crack many jokes because even the few ones in the movie didn't land at all.

Overall one of the better executed modern action movies but falls short in terms of script, it all depends on how you expect it to be.

"Fuck bruh!"

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Well what would you expect from a film like this? It is just fun from beginning to end. Statham goes full Jason Statham in enacting revenge on scammers who drive his elderly friend into suicide, while trying to evade that friend's FBI daughter and her comrades. It's nonsense, but brilliant nonsense. You don't watch these films expecting hard-hitting drama and Oscar-winning performances, you watch for the fight sequences, the guns, the witty lines and to escape mundanity for a couple of hours.

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I liked the movie. Some people compare this to John Wick. In my opinion it is really different. For me it is more like earlier action film. There is no pointless talks, romance, hidden arcs or other fillers. Just straight action.

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Definitely a John Wick knockoff but you can't go wrong with Jason Statham killing and beating the crap out of everybody. I certainly didn't need a lesson on bees.

It put a smile on my face to see that bridge scene in the first 30mins which is a location that's close to my heart, been going to the seaside ever since I was a little kid

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Its gonzo John Wick. I loved it.

Absurd, campy, over the top in every direction, and yet it pulls it all together. Some people might think it's a poor clone of Wick or the 80s/90s action cinema it tributes, but it was just fun. As long as it executes it well, no complaints from me.

This is Statham at some of his finest

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The opening sequence with the call center is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. The second dumbest thing I've seen in a long time was the beekeeper's detonation device rigged to explode by the next call while he was standing with the bomb. How did he survive this long with such stupid devices?

Edit: I spoke way too soon. It just keeps getting dumber every minute. It's one of those movies. I'll try to shut up and enjoy the ride.

Edit2: Now they're just killing innocent people, I guess the Beekeepers is a terrorist organization?

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Loud and ridiculous movie that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I had a blast. Statham always brings the charisma, cocky charm, and crisp martial arts. The action is fast and brutal. The puns are eye-roll inducing (I enjoy this). The final fight is very good. The ending is REALLY abrupt and kind of weird? It’s a fun, non-serious movie.

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very poorly written and a waste of time

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Uhm...... holy cr*p. Haha this is like watching a crazy late 80's or early 90's action movie.

Dont expect a proper story. Dont expect a serious plot. Dont expect intelligent dialogues.
Then this is a pretty cool action movie. Statham at his best since The Transporter.

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Ok, so what if John Wick was a Beekeeper? Dumb, but not bad.

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I dont get it ! 4/10 !

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Join along as a whacky Apiarist tussles with law enforcement as Jason Stathom bee keeping his promise of revenge ppphhhfffrrrttt

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Be honest, you watched this because you like watching Statham kick ass. Well... that's what you'll get! It's John Wick with a dash of Jason Bourne except everyone else is a douchebag.

Spoilers ahead:
Everything else in this film is forced, poorly scripted and overacted. The main reason that Adam Clay is such dangerous badass is because every single person he comes in contact with is utterly inept. Somehow, the CIA, Secret Service and FBI are all completely useless against one man. The plot is weak and many of the devices in place are simply there because the plot demands it. The enemy is a snake with many heads but the film ends with only the death of a few. The credits roll and you are left with many questions on what was really accomplished.

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Buzz bee :bee: This guy is amazing. It reminded me of the carrier in this movie. The action scenes are amazing. This guy really does this sport. Thank you for your efforts, a real actor and bee :bee:

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Shots, blows and bombs, the guy is a one-man army. And more of the same, it's that old formula found in all Jason Statham films that always works. And that's okay, if you have fun while watching that's what matters.

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Thank you to Jason Statham for keeping these campy/silly fun action movies alive. These are the movies you're meant to sit and enjoy after a long day or on a weekend. Low stakes, but big fun.

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This movie is hot garbage. Only thing that stung from the beekeeper was having to watch it.. if you have nothing but time and want to waste brain cells have at it...

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I swear this movie is written by a boomer who got scammed once

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This is probably the most Statham movie ever.

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It's just so over the top it becomes embarrassing to watch..
I'm of a certain age where I like the movies I watch to have some basis in the real world. This has none..
If that's your bag you'll probably enjoy it.
It's not a terrible movie but it's not good either. I just hope no bees were killed in this movie..
Spoiler alert I don't think that real honey was used in the film, it was far too clear and runny.

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The trailer had all the good bits. I managed to watch it all for the action sequences, but other than that, it was mediocre. Big John Wick vibes too, you can really tell how good John Wick is compared to this. It's not a bad movie. It's just trying to hard to be something it doesn't have to be. Now that I think about it, maybe it was a bad movie. I have no reason to love it, not even Jason Statham and his dodgey accent.

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As others have stated, probably the worst part of the movie is the FBI lady, who shouldn't even be in the script, or at the very least they shouldn't have made her related to the victim. When you happen to house a retired black ops dude and at the same time get phished for so much more money than anyone this negligent would have ever been entrusted to manage using a computer, having a high ranking FBI agent as a daughter is one coincidence too many.

That being said, when you tune into a movie like this, you accept that everything is just going to be a setup for Statham being a badass, and the action and pacing are too well done to give a shit.

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Probably the best jason statham movie I have seen in a few years. Not really a "new" premise or anything plot wise but is still worth one watch.

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Statham 10/10, fun as always, writing 3/10, uninspired and boring, everything else 1/10, and I feel I'm being generous. The only reason to watch this is if you like a Statham action, nothing else. If I did not recognize some of the actors from other movies/shows, I would think they were random people they found on the street—total amateur hour. And the whole dumb and dumber FBI act got tired so quickly. Why were they in the movie? What was the point?

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10/10 so so so over the top

This movie was made in the 1990s and has somehow been transported to 2024 lol….

Over the top
Camp as hell
Makes no sense

But it’s so good at all these things it makes it a 10/10 movie for me, it’s so so so bad, it makes it so so so good lol

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The best movie i have seen in the last time with Jesson Statam!

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Expecting this 2 be another 'Mundane' Statham flick an i didnt lnow he could actually act, full of trending stars from both side of the pond.
The Beekeeper really is a fast pacing, adrenaline pumping hit.
Well worth a watch, especially if u go in expecting the same i did, trust me its worth the surprise.

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I went to this movie without seeing any trailers, and and I had no idea that the tone of this movie would be absurdity. I can’t believe what’s in it. This movie is played so seriously to a point where it is laughably so stupid it’s fun. Don’t mistake this though, this is a very bad movie, but it’s fun bad. Like I would watch this again with friends drinking.

I almost did a spit take when the “new” beekeeper showed up.

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Shout by Bart
BlockedParent2024-01-10T23:03:04Z— updated 2024-01-15T22:21:38Z

The bricklayer, the painter, the beekeeper what’s next?

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Clay: "I was bringing her a jar of honey."
Parker: "Who are you, Winnie the Pooh?"

Fun, dumb, entertaining and violent. It's essentially a copy of John Wick, even Statham's character gives off John Wich vibes; quiet, impassive, a man of few words... not much of a performance BUT he's great in the physical scenes. It's a shame there's no unique style to it but the action is good nonetheless. The gas station and the final fight were pretty epic.

A simple story of revenge like we're used to, fast-paced and straight to the point. So satisfying watching scammers getting what they bee-serve. The villains are over-the-top and take ridiculous twists and turns. The dialogue is awful but the bee puns really sting, you know it's bad but can't help but chuckle. Bee puns are good for your health, they give you a dose of Vitamin Bee!

Overall not very memorable but I had a good time. I want to know more about the other Beekeepers but I don't think this is worth a sequel. Buzzing off!

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Wow. That was hard to watch. Good fight scenes but awful dialogue and every joke fell flat.

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The best thing this movie gave us is Dan Murrell's review of it. The second best thing is vast quantities of dumb fun it provides.

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Shout by J G

This is John Wick directed by Law and Order's Dick Wolf with a techie bad guy worse than the one in Die Hard 4. Action is good, story is shit. Wait for Netflix.

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What a pile of crap! Don't bother

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Jason Statham kicking ass, is always a good time

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Great movie, this is why I watch Statham movies! Hell yeah he makes your it worth watching. One of the few real action heroes left these days.

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A very bland and poorly made John Wick rip-off, where the dog is replaced by grandma's charity bank account falling victim to a phishing scam. Basically, Jason > Keanu, but unfortunately, not enough to turn this complete trainwreck into a watchable trashy movie (that would be "The Pope's Exorcist"). At least it lasted my entire 14-hour flight (I think I fell asleep at least 6 times).

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Good old classic action and with no boring moment.
The premise is great, I loved it. Hoping for a part 2.

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Could have been great but let down by a poor story

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the bee pun is just non stop!

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Absolutely loved it. Statham at his best. OTT, absurd and utterly brilliant!!

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I don't get it ! 4/10 !

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I dont get it ! 4/10 !

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I dont get it ! 4/10 !

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I dont get it ! 4/10 !!!!

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I dont get it ! 4/10 !!!!

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oh boy, this is so bad! what with the high rating??? I dont get it ! 4/10 !!!!

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The worst plot/script of any movie I have ever seen. Literally my only 1/10 rating on here.

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The worst plot/script of any movie I've ever seen.

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The worst plot/script of any movie I've ever seen.

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A competent and chaotic action thriller. Although the story gets a bit muddled at times, the fight choreography and set pieces are top-notch

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Finally a movie that's worth watching. I enjoyed every minute. Now do a Wick cross-over. Thank you!
Oh and the first call center scam scene was one of the best I've ever seen!

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This was a surprisingly great movie. I hope to see a sequel to this one, it would make for a great series

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"The Beekeeper" is an action-packed thrill ride. Everything moves at breakneck speed, leaving little time to ponder its coherence. It's undeniably entertaining, and Jason Statham delivers yet another solid performance. Highly recommended for action films lovers

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take it for what it is. an entertaining movie that you don't need to think while you watch. just make yourself a drink, relax and enjoy after a hard day's work.

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Another perfect badass performance by Jason!

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Beautiful movie, well-made plot tells a half-truth in the world we live in

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43 minutes in and the acting is terrible. the plot is garbage. going to finish it hoping to see something interesting but stathom only appears to be there to kill things with very little dialogue.......

Having now finished the film the action got better and closer to a Stathom movie, still very little "acting" from Stathom the rest of the cast act like they should be in B cinema from the 90's

Entertaining enough scenes in the last 40 mins or so of the movie.

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Standard Statham fair but with a half decent supporting cast

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Very poorly written. I love Jason Statham, but he’s scrapping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

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Action....action...action... fun to watch flik

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I don't know how this still has a 74% rating. There's nothing fun about it, it's just Statham's worst film.

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Not the bees! Not the bees! Even worse than Nicolas Cage's The Wicker Man.

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your usual statham flick,decent film,better than I expected it to be,don't have to think just sit back and enjoy the action!!

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A film about revenge. It never goes old. We've got to protect the hive.
I never thought I would enjoy a film which asks a question like "to be or not to be" and someone actually answers "to bee"

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Statham doing what Statham does best. Being a stonefaced badass... The Beekeeper is nothing new, but entertaining enough that I wanted more when the end credits rolled. I guess this ended up being more for me than most...

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As others have said, it's completely over the top and almost nothing makes sense - but it's a fun watch. Jason Statham's American accent is awful, but at least they tried to explain why. If you're looking for any sort of seriousness or realism, this is not it.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: -LOVE IT! The Beekeeper is by far the best fast-action film so far during Jason Statham's career. The BEEKEEPER movie is exceptionally well-crafted, and captivating from start to finish. I don't get bored even for a second watching this film.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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BLMkeeper John Wick for Mastodon users at Harvard.

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A descent movie with predictable but good storyline and some great visual effects.I liked the directing too. 6.6/10

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I like Jason Statham. I also like the concept of the movie, but it’s not something that I would watch again.

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John Wick, The Equalizer, The Punisher.. Every once in a while we get a good revenge action movie and this is one of those. It's nothing you haven't seen before, but it just delivers on the things it gives you. A fun and simple storyline, great fight choreography, a likeable cast overall and a lead actor we all cheer for.

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Jason had like 5 lines. I guess he decided to make this because no prep work.

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Statham deserves an award for keeping a straight face throughout this Monty Python inspired assassin flick.

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John Wick but with Jason Stathman, very bee much hive

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If they had portrayed the villains as some early 20 year old hackers in the early 2000s I could have forgiven them. But it's been commonly known these "hackers" are run by for example Indians in some filthy office as the masterminds are an invisible shadow crew. (you may not like it, but this is backed up by evidence)

This entire movie screams "boomer director watched an article about elderly being scammed".

Whoever write this script deserves to be fired.

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Awesome action movie with a great message. I was at the edge of my seat the entire time!

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Woody acting by Statham, but it was a fun and ridiculous action movie. The call center people were way too cartoonish though.

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Muck a waste of time

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"The Beekeeper" delivers classic Jason Statham action with brutal fights and thrilling set pieces. While the plot is familiar and the characters lack depth, the film is a satisfying popcorn flick for fans who crave a good dose of vengeance.

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Old guys killing millennials, what's not to love?

So basically nowadays if you're currently employed as a Bee keeper/Brick Layer/Pancake Flipper that automatically means you're an ex CIA employee.
Seems they don't have the best retiree plans...

That FBI woman was the worst she should have died

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Jason Statham has made way better movies. The amount of action is ok but can't really do much about the shitty dialogues and ed up story.

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I highly recommend this movie

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Pretty decent action all along, classic Jason Statham movie. Plot is nothing out of any of his other work, but his movies usually are entertaining. Not a fan of the abrupt finish (a small epilogue is always welcomed), but still, a solid 7

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Hate is or love it. I loved it hehe

Yes Jason is the new Bruce and Mel let’s just enjoy what comes next

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we don't watch Jason Statham's movie for its story, we watch it for action

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It’s dumb. It’s loud, and it makes no sense. And I’m all for it.

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It's Statham doing what he does best. Surprisingly good and doesn't take itself to seriously.

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David Ayer film on steroid

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It's an action movie! and I appreciate the concept. It means this will never happen in real life, though.

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This tried to be like John wick with the bee keeping bs. Story was told poorly and so it felt quite shallow. Like Someone going all the way to President just to avenge a person they showed for 3 seconds. Also so many times people were pointing guns at the bee keeper but wouldn’t fire. Please make it convincing. The new bee keeper was such a small cameo

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This was pretty dumb. It's worse Nobody. The bee themed killing is just so stupid. It almost felt like a PSA for scammers as if the film was talking directly to them going: HEY DONT SCAM PEOPLE ITS WRONG.
The fights were alright, but the stakes weren't there because of just how insanely OP the protagonist is. I really liked the fight with the south african guy but the dialogue was so shit and memey. If you like more of the same, it's alright.

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I changed my mind. It’s not so ridiculous it’s good, it’s so ridiculous it’s potentially the worst film ever. Big claim eh? Well, watch it. Even the worst and cheesiest Arnie line from his 80s films was infinitely sweeter and more palatable than this horrific, soulless joke of a movie.

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