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Schindler's List 1993

I just watched this for the first time. I cried like a small child through the whole "I could have got more" scene.
This movie is heartbreakingly perfect.

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that burning scene were the mutated body of that girl in red coat, man that pearced my heart. everything was horrifying, but that scene...

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Made me cry was proper emotional and they got everything right

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Fantastic movie.

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I cry like a baby watching this movie. A tremendous Schindler's sensitivity to the Jews was shown by Liam's interpretation.

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It's long, it's not an easy watch but this is Spielberg's most important movie. This is a must watch for everybody.

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It's been awhile since I've seen this powerful film, and it truly sadness me... well made film... good cast... RIP to all that have lost their lives for the wrong reasons.. spot on from Steven Spielberg...

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'i could have got more.'

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I adore this movie, every damn moment of it. Oskar's character development from a businessman who doesn't really care to a man who could only save one more. And then there's Ralph with his Nazi look, every time Amon killed someone I said out loud What The Fuck!? I ate a few candies during the movie and thought I'm so damn lucky to eat that, be on my couch, watch a movie and eat candy! That's how this movie made me feel.

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The way this movie is directed it all feels very surreal and like you're watching it unfold right before you. The cinematography is some of the best and what truly makes this movie stand out from many other war movies is the John Wilmas score. And the depth of the characters and their dynamic writing is absolutely phenomenal and beautiful. There is a certain satisfaction and energy embedded into the final hour of the movie. One of the best meta-ending films I've ever seen. Truly, it is the best work by Steven Spielberg. Perfect 10/10 movie.

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The best movie Ever, Spielberg is a Genius.

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If this doesn’t move you, you’re a liar or a sociopath. Profound.

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Schindler's List is a film that everyone should see and appreciate to its fullest extent. Spielberg will remain an immortal filmmaker through the work he put into this film.

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Rewatched this in 2023 and upped my rating. Im older now and have a new perspective on the brilliance and significance of this film. It’s quite a harrowing watch TBH.

Ralph Fiennes is superb and totally creepy.

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This is one of the most impressive stories of all time. What I can’t believe is that this wasn’t a mandatory watch at my high school or something. It’s a real shame that I only watched it today, because it’s so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. Everyone should see this until the end of days.

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I lost it when they showed true survivors leaving stones on his grave. This movie is a masterpiece

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Was kinda disappointed with this film. I feel bad in myself that I wasn't impressed. It was just a bit uneventful for me and that sounds ridiculous considering the subject. Obviously that brings emotion and the story was interesting but my attention and emotions weren't played with enough. It just didn't impact me and my expectations weren't met at all.

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Fantastic movie, heartbreaking. It's hard to believe that things like these could happen...

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I Absolutely Enjoyed Literally EVERYTHING About this film..

The Pace was just TOO SLOW.


2/2 Plot/Writing
1/1 Acting
1/1 Characters
/1 Pacing
1/1 Dialogue
1/1 Directing
1/1 Theme/Message/Symbolism
1/1 Tone/Mood
1/1 Living Up To It's Genre

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Boring movie and not up to the hype. Cinematography was flat and just plain mediocre.

If the editor had cut about an hour or so, then maybe he would have had a good movie.

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The most horrifying part of all is that it actually happened.

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No words. Best movie i ever seen.

"I could have got more"

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Dehumanization, utter depravity, crushing despair... but still, there's an inkling of hope left for humankind.

"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."

Neeson and Kingsley play off of each other perfectly. Schindler's greed slowly changing in the light of what he sees, Stern's quiet grace... and Fiennes... well, if there is evil incarnate on this world (and history and present show that there is) Göd is a prime example.

Granted, those 3 hours are hard to get through as this is no happy-go-lucky movie, but heartbreaking and soulrendering - but it's important to do so. Even more so now, not only as a testimony to the past but as a reminder to be watchful that it doesn't happen again. But I guess, the latter is wishful thinking unfortunately.

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People list this as one of the most depressing films that can't be watched more than once but the filmmaking is so extraordinary that it's worth revisiting every few years.
And of course, antisemitism still being alive and well makes this even more important.

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"Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't."

This is by far the best movie about the holocaust. Not all war movies show you the worst parts of war but Schindler's List doesn't shy away from that. It is difficult to watch, but that's the point. Everything from the script to the score to the cast is borderline perfect.

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Wow, I cried a lot at the "I could have got more" scene... It hit me hard...

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Haven’t watch this one since the release... made me feel exactly the same... just chills...

How the Holocaust was captured in this film and the cruelty... and that puts in perspective the amazing person that Schindler was...

I visit Auwzich few years ago.. just seeing it again in the film when the train of the women got directed there, I felt the terror, I can’t imagine what they actually felt.
I didn’t remember what happened in the movie...
I was sure it was gas that was going to come out from the showers, can’t believe it was water, according to our tour guide those showers were use for extermination purposes, I was glad they were spared long enough for Schindler to come get them.

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It's a good movie.
It was just hard for me to watch.

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Wow, this is a very poignant and must watch film. I even teared up at a few parts. I lived the fact that it was filmed in black and white so it added to the authenticity of the time period in which it was portraying. Literally, nothing more I can say than wow!

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Powerfull movie with a story we need to know about.. Neeson was lucky to be in this but with his perfomance he showed that he was great for this role.I am glad Spielberg eventually decided to direct this movie! 8.4/10

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3rd time i watch this movie in my life and each time it's always tough.

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I'm going to be honest and say that even though I think that the film was amazingly directed and scripted, portraying the story of Oskar Schindler astonishingly, I found this movie extremely boring. It was really difficult to keep myself engaged in the film's story. I guess that going into the film with such high expectations from reviews, I expected a lot more action to happen, but instead, it was a lot of conversation and very little pauses for a three hour movie. World War II is such a widely utilized topic that I guess I just wasn't that shocked having watched so many other movies based on it beforehand. I have to give it up to the cinematography though. My fucking god, Schindler's List's has the most amazing scenes in cinema history! Steven Spielberg captured the reality of the second world war exceptionally flawless. The cinematography is 100% what kept me engaged. I really felt the harsh, brutality of concentration camps. Really sad.

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not my favorite genre.but won 7 Oscars enough to put among the best film ever.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing movie.
My heart is quite sensitive to Nazi action related themes.
To all those who loved this movie, and also loved "The pianist" (another gorgeous movie): ponder watching "Surviving with the wolves".
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Quite unknown, but emotionally devastating - following the Nazi action on peoples lives on Europe - and how many hearts rotten. Following a Jewish girl who got away.
I believe it's score is low (with only 4 votes) thanks to it being filmed in Belgium, hence originally filmed in french. I came to see how many uncultured people sadly despise any movies that aren't spoken in english, as they don't like to read subtitles.
That indeed limits life. How sad.
But since there are many openminded, cult, artistic users in here, I am recommending that movie to them (actually, all those three mentioned, if unwatched).

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Watched it for the first time. A very strong movie.
Unfortunately, after so many years of people praising it into heaven every time the name 'Schindler' is said, it could not live up to it's legendary reputation. It is one of the best films in its genre but not THE best.

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This is just too perfect...

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97%? I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?! This is the(!) greatest movie I've ever seen, and I saw a couple.. What's the problem with it?

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