Hey Zach, not every action scene needs slow motion. For fucks sake

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Not what I expected, way worse!

What did I just watch? Really. I have no idea what the plot really was other than stealing bits from many other franchises, I mean those rip-offs are so obvious that it boggles the mind.

[spolier]Really, the bird training bit that is clearly a copy and paste from Avatar, and oh boy, really had to do the Anakin Skywalker in the lava rescued and revived??? [/spoiler]

Honestly, I've already forgotten it 30 minutes later. Production and effects are top notch, but there is no story, and NO characters worth remembering.

I'm really disappointed.

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We all know by now what the oh so important critics think of this movie. I for one, did enjoy it. Is it a masterpiece, no, but that does not mean there aren’t any good parts to it. The story is entertaining enough, the visuals are great and the score doesn‘t disappoint either. I thought the ending was pretty cool as well and I will definitely watch Part Two next year.

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Wait there’s a Griffon. I love Griffons. Ok I’ve improving my score. But dang this is some stupid writing…

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It’s like Netflix approached Zack Snyder to make his own “Everything Everywhere All At Once (2023), so he wrote down “every thing, every great scene, from every where, every great movie, and make it all happen at once”.

I have never seen anything so unoriginal. That steals so blatantly all the great scenes and great shots from every great movie. Based around the plot from 7 Samurai, one of the greatest movie plots. And all of it was done so terribly it’s just beyond difficult to watch.

Within the first few minutes the main character is doing a really awkward and long monologue to explain plot points. Then later on in the movie she does an even longer one but at least this longer one later on is done over visuals of the events.

The acting is terrible from everyone. The script writing is terrible. The direction & production couldn’t be worse.

And there’s apparently an R rated version coming plus a part 2? Pass. I don’t hate myself that much.

“Directed by Zack Snyder” is now a massive warning sign.

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I could write a lot about why this film is awful but I can't be bothered to waste my breath after sitting through this

Worst film of 2023.

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Loved it, but if you don't like Snyder style this isn't for you.

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Even aside from the ridiculous woke diverse virtue signaling, this movie is pathetic. Admittedly, the effects are top notch, but the story and acting is so bad. To be fair, the acting suffers from the ludicrous cookie cutter script. I am relatively certain AI could have written a much more original story if it was trained on more than a dozen movies.
The production companies seem to greenlight the most generic copycat crap anymore, is there really no one that reads anymore, there are abundant new authors and novels charting new directions in science fiction.

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Feels like a star wars fan fiction written by a middle schooler during lunch break. Totally unoriginal and uninspiring. Everything from dialogue to the characters and plot is mind jarringly cliched and predictable. With that being said, I don't watch much space movies if any. so I'd be lying if I said I didn't mildly enjoy it. And also credit to where credit is due. the visuals are outstanding. If a movie that looks like this costs 88 millions a pop, my kuddos to the production team. They certainly know how to handle their budget.

And to finally to sum it up, some people will say it's absolute garbage some will defend it with their lives. But the truth is... it's just... very average.

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That was really, really bad. It felt like it was written by a kid.

Also, can I ask... when Nemesis is fighting the spider thing, why is everyone standing around twiddling their thumbs for what felt like forever... they had guns

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Some of the designs are nice. And that's all the positives of this movie.

The saying "show, don't tell" is something that the director and writers should write down at least a million times before they try and make anything else. You are being told about these great characters the whole movie, that just do nothing.

There is no real story here. The acting is mostly mediocre. Bad fight choreography with pointless slowdowns. Too many useless characters. Drawn out boring scenes. Was a pain to finish this, and I don't plan to watch the sequel.

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CGI 7/10
Acting 4/10
Story 2/10

I was very disappointed

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Visually was not good. Right from the beginning you get the feeling that the plot is just "inspired" by other popular franchises without bringing anything original to the table at all.

I'm just glad i didn't know this was directed by snyder until afterwards. its a personal confirmation that his movies are just bad and i'm not just being biased...

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Without all that slo-mo and the over-extended dialogues, the film would be over in 30 minutes.

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She would have made a much better Ashoka. I’m following her.

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Best Netflix movie ever. Snyder is at his best.

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I seem to be one of the few that actually really enjoyed it. Some people are saying that it's too vague and messy with different SFF tropes being mashed together, but for me, it gave the exact kind of vibe that I get from the 40k Universe, which is wildly popular. I don't really get the hate, but maybe it's from a wider crowd that isn't a fan of 40k. shrugs

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Nice movie! Don’t mind the negative comments. Can’t wait for the second one!

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This'll go the way of John Carter.

Massive info dump at the start. Cringy dialogue throughout. Every introduction to a new member is the same. Too many things just happen to go just right to make the good guys look good. Like the bird horse thing. It knocks him off and happens to fly in front of him just right for him to jump back on. In slow motion. Which this movie also has a lot of. I'm sure this would be 20 minutes shorter if everything was shown in real time. Also, why does Charlie Hunnam have that horrible Irish adjacent accent?

My favourite genre is scifi fantasy but between this, the Creator and Avatar, I'm getting really tired of being dissapointed.

God the acting is atrocious.

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Rebel Mess would be more accurate.

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30 minutes are enough, won't be able to go for more, such a collection clichés, be they for characters or plot. And visually so so cheap. If it's the new star wars we're doomed!

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Total waste of time. complete garbage. He watched movies that were and still are very good at the time, but he stole them without understanding anything. He said he would put on some cool scenes. the editing sucks. The scenes have nothing to do with each other. Motivations are meaningless. The audience has no idea what's happening and why. Suddenly they got excited and set off. Since all the scenes are stolen from other movies, they have no connection with each other and look ridiculous. The acting is also extremely bad. The lead character plays extremely cheesy. The action scenes are also garbage. No matter how you hold it, it stays in your hand. I give 1 point. And that's because some images look good.

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My ol'lady liked it but she liked the chick Ghostbusters too

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Overall this movie has a lot of problems and the sum of it makes for a rather disappointing experience.
Especially the very weird blurry background that gives me nausea as if I’m drunk and the movie’s ridiculous amount of slow motion scenes would be enough to not like this wannabe SciFi Epos but it goes so much deeper than that.
It feels like playing a video game that doesn’t know yet what it wants to be. Every 20 minutes we get another boss fight with an entirely different choice of weapons and to make matters even worse the CGI effects are often not as I’d expect them to be in a 2023 blockbuster. And the story is so forgettable for some reason not to mention some of the dullest dialogues of a long time. Still this movie certainly has its bright moments but unfortunately they’re too rare to overlook all of its problems…

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Weak story about a small angry woman that physically defeats an army of bad Nazi-like white men and some more silly idealistic rubbish. Overall pretty boring. Could have been so much better.

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Well, I went in thinking "It can't be that bad"... It's pretty meh. If I had to describe this movie in five words I'd use; generic, desaturated, lens flare, slow-mo

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What a silly and long movie! Sofia Boutella had not more than 2 expressions throughout the movie. We get to see the introduction of the fighters she collects, but they don't actually get a chance to shine.
What became annoying real soon was that all the fight scenes were in slow motion. A moment or two from a fight being slow are understandable, but the whole fight? That became too much.

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Formulaic garbage. Downright larcenous plot points and characters. Uninspiring performances. Apparently, if you had a mediocre music career and a role in Game of Thrones, you were a shoe-in for casting. And, of course, the severe pendulum swing of Hollywood's guilt-ridden campaign against its social injustices of the past continues. Meh.

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I liked it, guess I’m in the minority.

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I liked this film, but I tend to enjoy Snyder films more than most people. The slo mo fight scenes aren't distracting to me, and I enjoy the Sci Fi tropes. It's what I like about the genre. This film was originally a script for a Star Wars film, so I'm not surprised at similarities to Star Wars, but to the other franchises George Lucas used for Star Wars. While I prefer more originality, familiarity works for me too.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.1

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I really don't get all the negative reviews this is getting. Are people really becoming this self-righteous and self-absorbed they actually think their personal subjective way-too-critical reasoning is the way to go with everything now?

I, for one, have really enjoyed this movie. I had not heard anything from it and wasn't sure what to expect, and was pleasantly surprised by what I believe is an epic movie. The fact it took me by surprise even added to it... I was gonna give this a 9, cause I haven't seen the rest yet (which might normally change it in any direction), but I'm now giving it a permanent 10 out if compensation for all these self-titled critics that don't like anything anymore these days (mainly cause I can't vote 20 for the same reason).

Anyway, whatever you read online these days (including myself :sweat_smile:):

I recommend greatly!

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It's good that the streaming services exist. I would be ashamed to physically own a movie like this.
People are starved for good movies and are putting their hopes in the skills of some bellow mediocre directors. And here we have the results.

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Totally worth it! Hoping for the director's cut to come out soon!!

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What's with this director and his love for slow motion in every action scene?

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Derivative, brainless, and soulless. The only redeeming quality of the movie is that it won't kill your dog

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Why oh why all the slow motion, light flares and cgi. And on top of that just a uninspiring movie. What a waste.

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I didn't believe the reviews that it's crap and had hopes that maybe there is a new interesting sci-fi franchise being born (finally, right?). But my oh my! It is a pile of crap indeed, unfortunately.
The story itself is very "second hand", fights are weak and not believable, ears of the Star Wars & Dune are sticking out from everywhere, and - oh my freaking god - so much pathos in slow-mo it's unbearable. I don't know how they didn't eat soup in slow-mo too.
Oh yeah, and don't worry he didn't forget woke agenda too. The main protagonist is a very strong female lead, the party is very inclusive and all the bad guys are white men. We're good on that side.
Can't wait for the second part! (nope)

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - I don't know why this film is getting trashed, it's actually pretty cool

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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What a pathetic piece of shite. Say no more

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A really, really terrible Movie. It seems as if an AI wrote the script and mixed all the successful films of every genre.

Then there are the terrible sets, effects from the 90s and the usual idiosyncratic Netflix look.

This is not SciFi, not fantasy and not action. A new genre like “cheap AI” is needed.

I will never watch the second part and recommend that everyone not watch this part either.

Heartless Waste of time

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Now that they have a Griffon those space ships have no chance. :upside_down:

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A movie with significant potential, it could have been something extraordinary, but ended up being nothing more than a colossal mess. The story is scattered, and as a result, the movie struggles to establish its identity. I mean, what is the genre? Sci-Fi? Action? Drama? Western? Fantasy? Historical? Each of these genres demands a different style of storytelling, making it challenging to blend them seamlessly, let alone execute it well.

In terms of acting, Sofia Boutella did her best given the circumstances and the limited opportunities the story provided. However, even with well-executed visuals, some poorly written movies can be salvaged. Unfortunately, this one fails miserably in that aspect as well. The CGI is subpar, appearing cheap and blatantly obvious. Certain old Syfy shows have done a far superior job in this regard.

Oh, and before watching this movie, I was always conflicted when deciding what is worse during an action scene: the overuse of slow motion or too many cuts. Now I know. Using slow motion in EVERY action scene just ruins the dynamic of the mostly well-performed acts.

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Zack Snyder's films are immensely frustrating. He clearly has bags of talent for striking visuals. He rarely seems able to turn that into a good film.

The same is, sadly, true of Rebel Moon.

OK, so it's clearly choosing to take The Magnificent Seven as an influence. Fine. That's a solid story to work with.

But this part 1 just blows it. It's annoying in almost every way - the constant slow motion, the lack of any logic. As you would expect, there are some really striking visual sequences, but they are just not enough to keep you engaged.

And it all ends in an empty sequence with characters you don't care about doing things you don't care about either.

And we've got part 2 coming - which you certainly aren't left eagerly anticipating.

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Cottage core space viking village meets caricature space nazis with their last shred of humanity in a pacifist battle android meets complex back story gun fu mistress that rides by not-horses to alien china town saloon to dance a plasma bullet ballet and leave with space gypsy to space griffin cowboy ranch to gamble for a space indian and head off to space Hong Kong and befriend sad space ninja and complete the gang with mournful white beard space gladiator from Roman ruins planet to meet up with King Fish Face and upside down Christmas tree hairline rastafari and their merry band of literal eye liner space warriors and head off to prepare for The Epic Battle but find themselves in a sticky situation that reveals everyone's true creed and devolves into an anti climactic high altitude cage fight. The End. Insert teasers. Don't miss episode two next week with more space nazis and evil space Ice King.

Welp, pretty much what I expected.

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I thought it was great. Just sit back and enjoy the show. I can't see where part 2 goes now that the crew has been formed.

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A bit short to the point in many cases, needs some more Clarification. Explanations which come out of nowhere, it is like there is some story missing. Characters dying without getting any background at all. Lucky prt 2 is coming in April, let's see what it brings.

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I liked it. Steampunk, "Seven Samurai..." eight if you count Jimmy, the flower-child droid (seven since Jimmy's replacing Bloodaxe).

The, um, slo-mo didn't bother me as much as everyone monologuing, but it's still...okay. Won't mind seeing them again. "Final Space," had more emotional impact, IMO.

The Disney Princess was a nice touch -- kind'a think she's alive too.

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Random spider lady in the movie... What the hell was that about?

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Pretty bad movie, no real flow and just a series of cut scenes and action in slow motion. Some of it is done well but the characters are not really likeably and the leading lady doesn't seem that badass. I think it would have suited a male role or different actor. There are some good effects but it feels very comic book style with no real rhythm.

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The art of the film is very beautiful, the proposal is very interesting, but it was not executed correctly, the characters have no charisma, they are not explored as much and the way they are put together is very fast and repetitive, very cliché, it seems more like a FanFic bad Star Wars.

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Pretty dang good. Definitely feminist garbage but good action.

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The director focused so much on the world building and VFX that he totally forgot about character development. Result - you couldn't care less if a character died , got betrayed.

Also , the dialogues were the worst ! some of the laziest dialogue writing I've ever seen in my life. The conversation between Kora and General, where she motivates him to join her crew was so bad.

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bit of a Star wars ripoff, but it's a good ripoff. maybe the best ripoff. (certainly better than Phantom menace)

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I’m a bit surprised by the viciousness of many of the films critics. Even though I agree with many of the criticisms…. It’s derivative, the initial aggression against the first village required much more cost and effort than would be retuned in resources, it steals heavily from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Seven Samurai and all of its remakes… BUT it looks good. This more closely resembles pulp inspired space opera than most recent sci-fi movies. The action set pieces are well choreographed and the colour palette is attractive and resembles high end graphic novels. There are MANY good films that are derivatives or remakes. Yes, there are some lazy narrative choices but all in all I really enjoyed this and while I respect others may disagree with me, I think many of the critics who have cranked up the bile and the negative superlatives are just examples of the polarisation of discourse where some people think they have to mark to extremes to make a point.

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Honestly this might be the worst big budget movie I've seen. Ever. How the director saw the final cut and agreed that this is the vision he wants to share with the world really baffles me.

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What a complete clusterfuck of a story and execution. Great SFX though. Such potential...

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I don't mind the story: cliché and no cliffhanger as expected from a story submitted to Disney, but at least watchable.
I despise the casting made with an Excel sheet only to include just about anyone (woman hero, Asian ninja, transgender rebel, black -funny enough, in a coliseum-, Arab, native Indian, Irish farmer, "Scottish" traitor... Gosh, it sounds like the start of a joke), only missing the Indian programmer and the overweight savant. Though anyone with half brain would have known an Algerian-French would not really fit the Arab Muslim stereotype.
And fortunately Titus gave up trying the Nigerian accent already after the first sentence.
That was not just poor, it was the definition of bad.

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Star Wars + The Seven Samurai + just a dash of Warhammer 40k = this derivative waste of time and money. Snyder should never be allowed to write another script ever.

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this was just to simply put it... terrible

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It wasn't too bad. Better than a lot of Netflix films. It takes heavily from Star Wars, especially Act 1. Act 2 is a major drag though. Act 3 is decent enough. Once again Zack Snyder relies too much on CGI and slow-motion. Also a lot of shots were out of focus. That's just poor directing.

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A lot of people didn't seem to like this , personally I quite enjoyed it. Looking forward to part two.

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I didn't find it so bad. Some scenes were bad and some parts of the story was cheesy. It felt like reading a space opera. And it had a little bit of everything, western style scifi, cyberpunk(ish). There was some interesting stuff here. Not intellectually engaging, like, not at all, but I enjoyed it. Maybe I was just in the mood for this. I'll know when the second part is released.

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The amount of cliches they jammed into this movie is really remarkable. The most "Written by AI" coded film I've ever seen.... Still watching the sequel tho lmao.

In other words;
Story: D-
Dialogue: D-
World building: C
Acting: F
Cool Vignettes: A
Action: B+
Music: C

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visually good, story not so entertaining

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It's not a terrible movie, but it's not particularly good either. Go in with low expectations and make a game of counting all the, let's say "references", to Star Wars, Warhammer 40K, Seven Samurai, Matrix and Dune. I'm sure there are a lot more movies where elements were copied and pasted from. Everything was by the numbers, bland, and I hope you really like slow mo shots. Also, the implied backstories to all of the characters sounded way more interesting than this movie

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Zero original ideas, hideous characters, unspiring action scenes. A complete Star Wars ripoff written on a toilette paper sheet.

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I was honestly into this movie for the first hour, then they randomly start building a team. This is usually where a movie like this shines but here everything is rushed and worthless. Nobody feels connected and it’s like we’re jumping from movie to movie with each new character. Weirdly enough a Snyder Cut could do this justice?

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a movie made only for Zack Snyder cult followers

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How in the hell did they think this is a movie worth filming and publishing :joy: This looked like a parody of every fantasy/ sci-fi movie smush together :joy:

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Like most other works by Zack Snyder, this is style over substance. The production design and world building is amazing but I don’t feel for any of the characters. Action scenes are beautiful to look at but the slow motion becomes draining after a while. Feels like the movie could have been half the length if the slow motion was normal speed. I get that it’s the director’s “style” but when it becomes so distracting that I’m noticing it more than the story then it’s a problem.

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A Star Wars themed Moonfall.

Just to give one example among many: In one scene the characters wax dramatically about the dangers of revenge over justice, in the next they recruit a general by promising revenge. Was this made during the writers strike? Surely they could have found someone to read over the script a second time?

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Visually very stylish but too many aspects of the film were too close to those popularised by Star Wars. It could have been better but there is still plenty to enjoy, even though it's a little forgettable.

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DREADFUL! Bored 10 minutes into the movie and started skipping. Half baked characters noone cares if they live or die, the chick protagonist is more untalented than a pile of laundry BUT she's a dark skinned woman and lgbtqixz friendly so... Let's push her. Hunam although great in SOA he is an one trick pony and equally untalented and has 100% flops in all his movies. Lovely movie nonetheless if you hate someone send him to see it. Rate 3/10

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I fee like he too things from many other good-to-great sci-fi franchises, mashed them all together and tried to pull off the first Guardian's of the Galaxy movie in terms of introducing the characters and parties involved. I was very disappointed, as I haven't seen someone try to create something original, since JJ Abrahams "Wrote" (or just changed the names of characters) in Force Awakens.

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Found it entertaining, but ultimately forgettable.

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It has good effects, it has a Star War style... it's interesting.

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This movie is building to more. Its decent, not great. The plot is a little weak, but we are overstimulated. Its OK, not a waste of time. But I am holding my breathe about the next one. I hope it doesn't fall flat.

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I had really high hopes for this. It was pretty slow for it supposedly being an epic sci-fi movie in the vein of starwars. It's so slow! And it's so obvious when they're on a sound stage. I mean if you're going to be doing an outside shot just be outside. Too much slow mo. Too many lens flares. Not everyone needs to be dark and brooding. Not every side character needs to be ridiculously perfectly muscled.

I was hoping so much for an epic space battle. There are none. The robot with a conscience would have been great to have more story time. Also it's ok to have the characters have a sense of humour. They all seem universally depressed.

I'm just disappointed. This is one of the longest 2 hour movies I have ever seen.

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Learning that this movie will have two versions, this one that is released as a PG-13 movie and a director's cut that will be rated R, I feel like the director's cut will be the one that I will enjoy more. This movie in its current form, while it does have a lot of great shots, feels very rushed and repetitive. I'm interested to see the director's cut and whether that version will make me enjoy this story more.

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A bit better that the usual Zack Snyder content but still being overall boring. Too much slow motion, as usual with ZS; and some scenes too slow making the movie unnecesarily long. I get it, it is his take on Star Wars (maybe hoping to be the next big space franchise?), but the movie could have benefitted a lot with half an hour less. Lot of characters, faces and names that have little to none importance on the story and they are "just there". Maybe in the following movies we will see their part, but for now, they are just filling. Even tho that is quite violent, the movie show little to none blood, guts or anything like it; don't know why. If I had to take on a positive comment, is that the mix of practical effects and CGI looks nice (although some CGI scenes felt cheaper than the rest). A 5 because at least it is something original (even tho that it has some STRONG influence from SW)

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Basically a much shorter remake of Seven Samurai, with lots of random slow motion shots that probably didn't need to be there. This doesn't really bring anything new to Sci-fi, and probably would have just been better off as the Star Wars universe spin off it was originally supposed to be. Not bad, it was fine. Nothing new, nothing great. If you like Sci-fi, you probably won't hate it.

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Looks and feels like every other generic Netflix movie. Some decent visuals but characters are extremely forgettable. And writing is lackluster. If he set out to “make his own Star Wars” he succeeded. Because Star Wars sucks too

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don't know why people get excited for snyder's movie

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This was really good I wish there was more to it

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For the countless people who will come here to complain how similar it is to star wars and its world building. That's literally because it was written as a star wars pilot script and rejected, then netflix funded it to be created with some legal maneuvers to prevent IP infringement. I like to imagine it as the star was that could have been

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Do you see the slow motion? Do you hear the music? Well then for sure this forced emotional conversation fills you with feelings! Great! Next scene!

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Shout by Theo Giannopoulos
BlockedParent2023-12-26T12:11:57Z— updated 2023-12-31T23:24:50Z

A lot of film critics. Get over yourselfs

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:christmas_tree:Christmas comes early this year, 22nd December I have high hopes for this as it's Zack Snyder I'm sure it'll deliver

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  • Mc Star Wars
  • Great costume design and world building, but bland story
  • No stakes felt as Big Bad who was defeated gets immediately resurrected
  • Lots of hand holding on plot-twist reveals
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