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Now You See Me 2013

awesome twist, very good movie

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I also thought about 7 diamonds ;)

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That terrible end destroyed my image of the movie.

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The movie has these moments where they explain the 'trick' of how the robberies were done throughout the movie, and they always play it off as "OMG did we just blow your mind???". But with even a small amount of knowledge of magic and some basic logic, the tricks are pretty easy to figure out (except when they use SciFi gadgets that don't exist). Also I don't understand why the four magicians did all those crimes. For the fun of it? Because the plot demanded it? Kind of dumb.

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this is dreadful, appalling acting, terrible script, horrendous story...utter pants

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A good movie overall, but I agree with others on here the ending was not as strong. I expect we will see a sequel.

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Very hard to take this movie seriously after having seen Rick and Morty - One Crew Over the Crewcoo’s Morty

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It just felt like they had the need to make a mega plot twist at the end... and that didn't work. Entertaining movie, though, I must say.

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Damn, that was a fine movie! That's the kind of movie were it doesn't matter if they use a lot of SFX, as long it is good and keeps you entertaining. They kept the ethos of illusions (a la David Copperfield) and matched it with the brilliant scammers from Ocean Eleven. People who complain about the belief of the movie, try to use a different views when you watch these movies!

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This movie actually was not as bad as expected. I'm definitely not a fan of Dave Franco – who has no talent for acting at all – or Jesse Eisenberg – who plays the same fast-speaking-no-emotion-character over and over again – but they made a good movie out of this quartet.
Effects are really nice and conclusion at the end as well (you ALMOST don't expect this ending). I'm actually looking forward to the second part during the next rainy afternoon with nothing better to do.

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I didn't like it at all but what makes me really passionately dislike it is that there is not a single second of it where there isn't some cheesy background music.
It makes it so much worse than it needs to be.
The musical director for this production needs to be slapped in the face with a cold, large halibut.

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Looked good at the beginning, but the ending was dreadful

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This is one of the movies I love even though I know it is not good. I think all the spectacle with the lights, the visual effects and the music amazes me. The plot is interesting and maybe the execution is not great but I just love it. And I find the title very attractive.

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Brilliant movie. Gripping from the get-go. Great effects, incredible acting, and a sting of unseen twists throughout. Even having seen it now a number of times, it ceases to get old. I will be rewatching the sequel tomorrow.

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Epic movie. Has that mysterious "wtf is going on" feel for almost the entire movie. Really entertaining.

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Very beautiful written, brilliant cast & very well executed.

Some of you may already know that I am not a fan of the simple (brain-dead) stuff & this one got my little brain working from the beginning to the very end. So... hurray! :D
I didn't expect much from the producers Louis Leterrier, Boaz Yakin, Ed Solomon and so on (Alex Kurtzman on the other hand does a great job in what he is doin IMO).
Even more surprising the result of 2 hours of best entertainment!

With a gross of over $233 million worldwide and a budget of just $75 million, "Now you see me" is probably the wunderkind of the summer 2013.
But see for yourself & look closely ;)

Conclusion: Superb - definitely deserves to be among "The Prestige" & "The Illusionist"!
--- sequel has already been ordered ---

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Shout by Deleted

Oh please the detective Come on !
this is not reasonable at all couldn't they come up with a better ending

in the begining I was sure that I am gonna give it 10/10
but I changed my mind now

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Actually really enjoyed this film, cleverly done and had a good twist!

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Shout by Deleted

muy entretenida

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Come close. Closer... Cause you'll see one of the best movies ever made

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This movie is so ridiculous. It's just so absurd. Rewatched this in anticipation of going to the sequel in a few hours. Man oh man. If it has less than 10 twists I'll be disappointed. (Update: Not disappointed!)

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You'd think the failures of M. Night Shyamalan would have taught filmmakers that a plot twist at the end of a movie isn't enough to compensate for a meandering and unconvincing plot. And, isn't the entire reason we, as a society, enjoy magic tricks the idea that they're physically plausible?

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I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and am glad I knew nothing of the plot going in. I mean, besides magicians steal stuff, which is all I remembered from the ad campaign a while back.

Best moment had to be the fight between Rhodes and Wilder in their evacuated NYC apartment. You know that boy idolized Gambit.

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* The first ten minutes
* The Redhead (when she doesn't talk)

* Virtually anything else

The overdid everything with this movie, not a single actor is convincing, CGI looks pretty bad and kills all the tricks (what's the point of tricks if you have to resort to FX anyway ?).

The storyline isn't great either, AFAIK I can't say the ending was very surprising. At any rate the acting was so emotionless that I didn't really care anyway.

Action scenes are average but at least this movie won't make you fell asleep

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I was dis-interested the whole way :[

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stupid, silly, dull and uninspired.

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Big letdown. If the magic is all CGI, it doesn't feel like magic anymore.

There are some really entertaining sequences in this movie though. Not a bad movie to play in the background or dip in and out of.

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Worth watching once but not for repeating

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At its core, this film was rotten. The dialogue was insulting awful, the characters ridiculous, and the storyline was as dumb as it was improbable. Not only this, but it was written by three men, who clearly have a distaste and disregard for women, as the two women in this film are disregarded caricatures of human beings. To give you an idea of the type of dialogue, a culmination of one scene is, "New York, thank you for the magic," unsurprisingly spoken by a woman character. Oh, the direction is terrible, too.

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It's entertaining, most of the time. The other part of the time it's cheesy and stereotypical. There are great sequences like Jack Wilder's escape from the police when he uses all the magic tricks against them, tremendous choreography. But then there's the romance between Dylan Rhodes and the French police; His only function was to give a loving touch to the tape, but it only serves to blur the tape.

The twist at the end that Dylan, Lionel Shrike's son, driven by revenge, was the one behind everything is nice, but when you repeat the movie you can't see any details that lead you to that conclusion, it's just a ending that surprises you and nothing more. "Now You See Me" has no replay value. The film is a set of very entertaining shows, the problem is the moments in the middle of those shows: boring, irrelevant, without substance or style. Beyond small fragments, it is not worth spending two hours on this film to watch again.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Wow, Now You See Me is an absolute blast!

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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This was different from most films I've seen but the the acting was good and the plot was decent. A fun watch.

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Finally got around to watching this and found it to be your average light weekend entertainment with candy and a carbonated beverage. The hook is the delightful fourth wall breaking card trick at the beginning that makes you think the film has lots more to offer, but then the slight of hand is everything in-between that gives you the fabrication of depth, and finally the concluding twist is utterly ridiculous but I guess it adds to the "magic" of the show. All in all, it's a fair circus act.

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After rewatching, I had to up my rating from a 9 to a 10. This is such a good movie, inspite of the, somewhat, groaner of a twist.

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"First rule of magic: always be the smartest person in the room."

I watched this because there are many actors I like in it. Surely an ensemble like this wouldn't sign on to an insane movie right? Magic and heist.. count me in! Unfortunately they made the magic part seem almost like real magic instead of practical, and the more unbelievable the magic tricks it became, the less I liked the heist part. Still fun to watch to though.

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The movie is entertaining. The twist almost ruins it though. It just doesn’t work.

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I’d like the twist more if we weren’t following him the whole fucking movie, I swear this film cares more about big reveals than having actual good protagonists

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Overrated trash :) and really boring

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Not a superb movie as much as some people say but good movie to watch.

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A dazzling heist film, Now You See Me is more shadows and mirrors than substance. The story follows an FBI task force that is pursuing a group of magicians known as the Four Horseman who are carrying out a series of heists under the guise of their magic act. Featuring Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Melanie Laurent, Isla Fisher, and Morgan Freeman, the cast is quite impressive. However, there are numerous plot holes and inconstancies. And there’s no magic to the magic, as the acts don’t seem to live up to the hype that they’re given. Still, Now You See Me is a fun and entertaining ride, at least for a while.

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one pf best movies I see this year.

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Completely ridiculous. Rather than a crime thriller we almost get a straight up super hero movie in the magical feats and magician team, which didn't surprise me. The rest of the movie is a cat and mouse chase, a secret group based on the logo of an eye and a dodgy fbi love story. And non of it is interesting. I still watched till the end out of sheer fascination. It's shallow stuff and even immoral.

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This was an entertaining movie throughout. The ending was not as good as the movie itself, but to be honest I did not see that twist coming. Not the best I have seen but it kept my attention through all of it, so it was worth a watch, but maybe not good enough to watch again.

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Exciting, but not really very convincing. I thought that the characters could have used more introduction too. They seem to all be random street magician nobodies, then all of a sudden they're famous playing shows in Vegas? Where did that come from?

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When the magicians were on screen, the film was interesting and sometimes even exciting. But when they weren't, the film dragged. The FBI and interpol agent were written SO poorly that I had zero interest in their wants and desires. Jesse, Isla, Woody and Dave do a GREAT job in this film...but you can tell the writers favored their dialogue over anyone else's. Not to mention, Mark Ruffalo's phoned in performance. Just a poor attempt at what could have been a much better film.

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Great! Recommend by a former colleague from work, I watched it without too high hopes for it an was certainly awed by the entertainment it proved! Definitively going to watch the sequel.
What was a little annoying IMHO were the special effects, e.g. when the horsemen meet for the first time in the abandoned apartment in New York and see the plans projected into thin air or when the Building Block where the final showdown takes place is illuminated with the rotating tiles and such, because they are absolutely unnecessary!

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Four talented and diverse magicians are hired by a mysterious organisation to perform heists live on stage, giving the money out to the audience. Sort of like Robin Hood but with magicians.

If the premise of Now You See Me doesn’t really make sense to you, then the bad news is that actually watching the film will not make things much clearer. Magic tricks are not the best way to pull off a heist, and heaven only knows why you’d want to do it while showing your face to the world.

For those of us able to move past the naff concept, then this is a film that actually serves as relatively good entertainment. It’s slick, has certain clever moments and is bolstered by an all-star cast.

If you’re after some mindless popcorn munching fun then you could do far worse. Just don’t ask questions and try not to think too far ahead.

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Why as it taken so long to watch this movie? Really enjoyable with a ending twist worthy of the Kaiser soeze twist in The Usual Suspects a solid 7 1/2-10 onto part 2

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if you can guess about what will happens, then you two step foward

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Great cast, good cinematography, retarded plot. The major action/chase scene was unbearable.

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Shout by Deleted

my XMBC box won't let me watch this movie grrrrrr
does anyone have a suggestion for me??

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Shout by Deleted

com certeza esse é o melhor filme que eu já vi ... sem palavras

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-UR BAE #ShiftvW8

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Watch that movie. That's all I can say.

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Shout by NeoRame

Good Movie.... BUT i don't like these S.A.W.ish ending.

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This is a stupid movie...incredibly predictable, absolutely nothing unexpected. I knew who the mastermind was 30% into the movie. This is just a lot of big name stars thrown into a stupid cheesy movie.

If they did actual magic it would have been awesome rather than relied on CGI bullshit, it took all of the fun out of it.

This movie isn't complete garbage but close...though I still like pretty much everyone as an actor still so I suppose at least it didn't ruin my opinion of them.

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still trying to figure it out

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OBSESSED. bring on the sequel

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Shout by Deleted

great movie. enjoy a lot :)

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Shout by Deleted

movie of the year ★

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J'ai adoré l'ingéniosité du scénario.

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Shout by ketu

It took a long time before I watched this movie, because I thought it has a different plot: A movie about some magicians, who are doing tricks - a show in Las Vegas, and there is also a movie about that.
Well, in some way that is plot ^^ but it was better than expected, because they build in a nice plot with the FBI around it to also get some action parts in the story line.

But I have to say, that the movie didn't convinced me at all. The characters were nice, but they don't felt like magicians - they felt like actors - as they are.

I gave this movie 6/10 points because it was "fair"... definitely I won't watch it a second time.

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Ahora me ves...

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Buena pelicula

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Shout by Deleted

The movie was great!

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Interesting movie, but fell short to what it pretends to be. Just look very closely and you probably won't notice :P

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The magicians do simply aren't possible under the laws of time and space currently known to man. Merritt McKinney hypnotizes unwilling participants in a matter of seconds, then controls them with post-hypnotic suggestions so thoroughly that I suspect the writers learned everything they know about hypnosis from sitcoms and cartoons. Daniel is a sorcerer-level pickpocket; Jack can open any lock in the blink of an eye; Henley floats over an audience without wires or harnesses. With no earthly limit to their skills, they're more like superheroes than magicians. The problem is that the movie keeps insisting they're mere mortals. The movie wants us to believe that four talented conjurers could really do these things.

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Genius storyboard!

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Shout by Deleted

Best movie in 5 years hands down!!!

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Very good film can't fault it but it's a bit odd seeing Bruce banner in it as watched avengers recently

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Shout by Deleted

what the hell? i love this movie =)

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Is more worth it because of the redhead one, because the twist is... ok.

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A very enjoyable bad movie.

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The twist was predictable but had its moments.

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Shout by Daniel

good until the twist, makes almost no sense at all, so the cop was pretending his whole life? even when he was alone he was "in character". Feels like they forgot to write a twist and at the end was like dam lets just make the cop the guy behind it all.

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i wanna marry the french actress , she is so cute

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Boring and dull. Plus to much SFX replacing real magic... yet for unknown reasons people like it.

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Shout by Deleted

Excellent story with a great twist

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Awesome twist! Awesome everything! Overall 10 out of 10!

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What a twist!

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Looking forward to this movie.

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not a bad movie at all, but some things were a litte bit weird. But i liked the cast very much.


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Shout by duyfken

How did the Four Horsemen get into The Eye if Dylan was the mastermind? Especially when he was the one who took "four strong solo acts (and) making them work together". Just think about it, is there a bigger trick at play? ;)

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Shout by Deleted

It was entertaining and even if the ending is so clichè, I still wasn't expecting that twist but the plot is not good, you don't know why and how some things happen and there's no character development.
Great cast that was completely wasted on such a poor storytelling.
It's easy to forget.

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty good! Great twist at the end!

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All over the place with a sloppy ending that ruined the whole movie.

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Shout by Rick de Bondt

Good movie but the unbelievable ending ruined it.

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Shout by Will

Yea bad ending, but...

Be sure and skip to 01:55:58 :) hint-hint

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty original plot, managed to keep me engaged for most of the movie with interesting plot twists and lots of questions...

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Great story but lack of execution, although great actors

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Great movie (albeit the ending was a bit undone) and an amazing cast.

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie. Actually gave me a headache but it was worth it. the ending aka the part after the names and stuff doesn't really make any sense at all. they would have put a better ending. But really great acting and very entertaining.

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i really don't mind whatever the illuminati has (if there really were any) in this film. i enjoyed it a lot.

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Shout by Abdullah

The Movie is amazing but the ending was the worse :(

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Shout by dineth

Overall decent movie. But the last scene was quite unnecessary. The ending wasn't very strong either.

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Really like this movie. Would like to know more about the 'eye' though...

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Shout by missix

the movie was ok :) .. the ending a bit poor (after we get to know who the eye is or represents) . And 'the eye' isn't clear at all .. what is it exactly? what do you achieve when you can enter its ranks? ..

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie. My new favorite.

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