how could a film that bases an entire storyline around a Ratatouille joke not be absolutely fantastic?

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This movie is pure evil, like its title, it made me laugh and cry all at once! BEST commercial movie I've seen in my life with an amazing cast and performance backed by an awesome story about "IRS" your own life.
By the way, the directors are the DANIELS, who directed the famous music Turn Down for What, no wonder they have so much similarity in styles, hahaha! Big ups!!

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Funniest movie I have seen in years. There is no way Dr Strange In the Multiverse of Madness is going to do multiverse better.

Yeah, there's plot holes. But the movie is so damned funny you just don't care. When they first explained how the multiverse thing worked my reaction was "Really? Is that all?". But it just got better and better and better.

There's periods of the movie you're struggling to breathe you're laughing so hard, and others that are just slow, deep, and sad. It's heartbreaking and hilarious. Slow and a thousand miles per hour. Nothing happening and more happening than you can possibly keep track of at once.

This movie is, without a doubt, brilliant.

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Too silly for my enjoyment. Tried to send a message, but apparently pressed the wrong button.
Probably the most overrated movie of 2022.

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Shout by pandaym
BlockedParent2022-05-22T07:40:25Z— updated 2022-05-29T12:35:55Z

I do not usually write reviews, as I generally find ratings etc. on Trakt to be somewhat accurate. However, I found this movie to just be insanely overrated. The movie tries way too hard to be grand and funny, but is neither.

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I loved this movie from beginning to end. I can’t say enough about it. I will say it now makes me feel super small

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not a good movie. i didn,t like the concept of multiverse switching

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Boring AF, not funny at all, no script, terribly story line, silly jokes... the list goes on.
The most overrated movie of the last years by far.
How people managed to watch more than half of it? It's crazy

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Good but overhyped , confusing and too long

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The writers for this film are genius. Punto. I haven't laughed like this in a long time and yet it was so moving and deep and so silly and stupid at the same time. The acting is incredible. The scenes and effects were well executed. It was perfect.

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A glorious movie in many ways. The ending leaves a bit to be desired, but other than that - a superb cinematic experience.

I hope to see it at the cinema again, but there are vanishingly few screenings for such a big film so I fear I won't get the chance.

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This was a hell of a ride. Did absolutely not expect this. I was prepared for another mediocre movie ora failure but got surprised by this movie.

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Wow, such a great movie. It was a little confusing in parts but then it all came together. Had the laughs, had the feels, had everything to make it a great movie. Definitely a big recommend from me. Can't wait to watch it again.

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Absolutely worth watching, it's a good movie but extremely overhyped.

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Probably my new favourite movie of all time

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There are plot holes, there are plot holes. It's a comedy masquerading/parodying movies with actual philosophical meaning. The only philosophical question in this movie revolved around high school nihilism - but that too was a setup for the absurdism of the movie.

It absolutely has some pacing issues, and there are some crass scenes that confuse and detract in a way that feels forced.

For what it is, it is great, but that is also its ceiling.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’:

  1. What a RIDE. I loved it. It was an onslaught of absurdity and randomness. I’m still processing it. And I don’t quite get everything just yet. But, at the very least, it was a masterful work of art. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  2. It’s insane how something so ridiculous can be so moving. There’s a lot to unpack here. Beautiful messages about the choices we make, the complicated relationships with those we love, and the extraordinary things in living a simple life.

  3. It’s gonna be a while before I eat another hot dog.

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Did you all give high ratings to make a point? Half way through the movie I could not keep my eyes open. Seriously... 8.7 / 10 in IMDB. Crazy!

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You know this is Cinema when the movie makes you cry over rocks.

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The Matrix meets Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind…meets Ratatouille?

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Sorry, 6 out of 10. I don't know what I've watched.

Don't get me wrong, The actors were great and I love parallel worlds/timeline stories which I dissect for others to understand. But this one? It was as if a newbie writer wrote a story with all the genres in the world and jammed it into a 2-hour movie with a lot of unnecessary sexual scenes.

The constant switching between universes were also very distracting. It is understandable, the idea is there, but they used it excessively. It is fine if done in novels but totally not in a live-action (or animation) show.

The comedy. Was it really necessary to add that genre? All the comedy scenes were funny but the tone of the story, the plot, it doesn't fit at all. The excessive use of comedy not only was a distraction but it killed the movie.

It started as science fiction, turned into sex fights, became a comedy, then a teenage drama.

It was fun at first. Then it dragged on and eventually "what is the show about again?"

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Shout by Bussun
BlockedParent2022-05-19T01:35:34Z— updated 2022-05-21T11:54:16Z

Wow. Such diversification. And please, keep the multiverse movies coming, we haven't had enough.

Disregarding the hypocrisy and lack of creativity, this movie was all over the place. A lot of chit chat with no point, childish, haven't laughed or even grinned throughout the movie so have no idea what the "funniest movie I've seen this year" comments are about.

Overhyped Hollywood BS.

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‪Amazing. Stunning. Wildly imaginative. A visual and emotional journey I never expected. Seriously one of the best films I have seen in a long time.‬ The primary cast were absolutely perfect and I’m happy Yeoh has this vehicle.

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What a waste of time... overhyped movie...

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I don't get where everybody likes this movie. dumbest movie ever watched

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Shout by movieswatcher
BlockedParent2022-05-17T20:30:03Z— updated 2022-05-21T19:16:30Z

This movie is random. And that's not a positive. There is no thought behind the multiverse aspect and there is no consistency behind how it works. They just do whatever. The jokes in this are so infantile that I had to check if this was really written by adults. Breaks the overall more serious tone of the movie and is mostly out of place. The main couple was good, but the daughter was horrible. She and some other supporting actors felt really fake. The trailer was promising, the movie was one big letdown. The original idea was probably good, but they should have worked on it more before making this movie.

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Far too long, completely overdone. By the end, you are just wishing it will be over.

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I’ve been eating films for a while and people ask me why I never give 10 out of 10. I now have an answer, I was waiting for this film. It is the best film I’ve ever seen, it reaffirmed my love for cinema and made me very happy.


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Quite messy script and boring at times. Some funny parts but overly silly. Acting was ok. Watched in a cinema, wifey has been tricked by fake rating in IMDB and rotten tomatoes (she didn't see only a couple of hundreds score and half were 10)

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It has its sweet moments but I've read "best thing I saw in the past decade", "best movie I've ever seen" and things like that and this is definitely not the case.
Moreover, I've watched things that I immediately considered masterpieces and yet I would never write something like the aforementioned - which makes me think that most of those shiny reviews were coming from overexcitable viewers.

At times too frenetic, at times too lost in its own weirdness and quirkyness. It plays out a bombing of emotions like other movies place explosions or Ryan Reynolds places wits, one every 3 seconds and I feel it's like the new target for the average 5-sec-attention-span-casual-viewer.
Like a kid in front of fireworks, eyes wide open in front of a videogame-styled movie, that viewer gets hyperstymulated and thinks he/she has never seen anything like that.

Swiss Army Man had the same basic weirdness, it was as deep as this one and yet it had no "Best. Movie. Ever." reviews. Why? No multiverse, no videogame-ish feel, no word of mouth hype that makes you feel so so cool and intellectual for liking this.

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One of the worst movies I've ever watched. Inception inside inception and outside inception with multiverse crap and a bit of matrix like skill uploading, and all this to go over the relationship of a mother with a her daughter.

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Awesome, an instant classic.
A24 and the Daniels made a more entertaining movie than the studio system has been able to put out in years.
How are these action sequences so well helmed with a budget of only 25 million? Did they get the Daredevil crew or something? It’s insane.
Great acting, imaginative, really well edited (it takes a few minutes to adjust to its pacing, but its a smooth ride from there on), funny, stylish, moving, and it manages to blend many film genres in fascinating ways.
It also gets surprisingly substantive and profound in the second half, but that shouldn’t be too surprising considering that it’s A24 (it’s hard to imagine that they’d finance this without the second half).
This is destined to be one for the books, it’s going to be remembered for a long time.


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Enjoyable but massively massively overrated.

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My, my, my, my, my. What a boring, annoying mess with the loooooongest ending in movie history.

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An absurd film full of heart and humor. Amazing action, brilliant setpieces, and a strong core message that's expertly delivered raise it above the crowd. GOAT for me!

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A truly sensational film! The utter definition of a must-watch.

'Everything Everywhere All at Once' is impressive from every single viewpoint. I had heard murmurs of it being a great film, yet it still managed to completely smash my expectations. This 2022 release features a superb cast, a fascinating story and some top notch visuals. The editing and pacing, in particular, are brilliant.

The onscreen talent are all fantastic, but Michelle Yeoh is still the absolute standout from this. What a performance! I could watch her in this role over and over and over. With that said, Ke Huy Quan (welcome back!) is awesome as well, as are Stephanie Hsu, James Hong and Jamie Lee Curtis. Everyone plays their part very, very well.

All of the humour lands, with some parts being truly funny. It also manages to show supremely enjoyable action alongside a highly meaningful side too. In short: EEAAO is outstanding - you must see it if you get the opportunity!

Raccacoonie :eyes:

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Maybe the greatest film ever made? probably yeah.

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If it wins an Oscar, it's not worth watching. This is always true.
I don't understand how this won. Really, it's total nonsense, no flow, no story, nothing... just a bunch of nonsense, totally disconnected...

How is this a great movie?? I mean almost every other movie this year was better. A man called Otto - should easily have won...

Performances were great, and actors did a good job, but as a movie, this is pants.

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They forgot the principle that “less is more”

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Totally weak sauce.. I don't get the hype. What is it about this utter mess of a movie, film goers like?! Even reading positive reviews, doesn't help me feel better, for time wasted watching Everything Everywhere All At Once!!

Rating: 0/10

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-05-18T23:30:37Z— updated 2022-09-10T03:40:20Z

So original and stylish, an instant classic for sure! It mixes so many genres and so well the transition between them is perfect. The comedy is some of the best i've seen (especially from Jamie Lee Curtis' character) while the action is jaw-dropping. It's very silly at times but also knows when to get more serious and make you feel all sorts of emotions. The acting is oscar worthy i'm putting my money on Michelle Yeoh and Stephanie Hsu! The others were all great too.

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Too long, too weird. I don't understand the hype.

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truely a piece of garbage, i wish i never watched this

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Couldn’t get past the first 15 minutes. Why does it have these high ratings?

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I seriously do not understand all the high ratings. People are way too easily entertained. I mean, c’mon, there is no way a ballistic shield is going to act like a boomerang in ANY universe. If you’re going to do that, at least make it canonically plausible and flashy instead of using the worst CGI known to man to pull it off and giving absolutely zero explanation. Also, what’s with the super weird lesbian side plot they’ve got going on? Nothing against lesbians at all, but it feels like something an intern suggested that the writers just sorta went along with so they didn’t hurt his feelings. It’s poorly executed and just doesn’t fit with everything else they’ve got going on.

I’ve never been as disappointed in a movie as I am in EEAAO. This is a rare case of a movie with no redeeming qualities. None. Please don’t waste your time on this filth.

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Honestly It was a long boring movie for me. It's the combination of Multiverse, Matrix and alittle bit of Inception, but with Chinese casts. I was just surprised by the high IMDb ranking. Maybe I'm stupid that didn't enjoyed the movie, or people really have a bad taste in movies these days.

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This movie is just insane and I loved every minute of it. #Raccacoonie

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Profoundly deep, genuinely moving, utterly hilarious, highly imaginative and a visual feast. Haven't laughed this hard, cried this much or thought so deeply about any film in 2022 Much less all in the same viewing. This was indeed everything, everywhere all at once.

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Have you ever wanted to experience every movie genre all at once? Well, 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' does just that! It's like the filmmakers threw every idea they had into a blender and hit 'puree.'
One moment you're in a kung fu action scene, then suddenly you're in a sci-fi dimension, and before you know it, you're in the midst of a heart-wrenching drama.

But let's be real, the real star of the show is that Ratatouille joke. Who knew a single joke could be the foundation for an entire movie? It's like the movie is saying, 'Yeah, we know this is ridiculous, but just go with it.'

So if you're looking for a mind-boggling, genre-bending, and utterly ridiculous movie that somehow manages to make a Ratatouille joke work, 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' is the one for you. Buckle up and enjoy the ride, and don't forget to keep an ear out for that famous dish!

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Someone please get me some weed, I think then I will be able to enjoy this 'oscar winner'.

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I think we lasted 30 minutes before stoping this stupid movie

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It was visually stunning, extremely creative and original, well acted, and also completely nonsensical. Just became too goofy and lost my interest. Yet another best picture nominee (possibly winner as this was written pre ceremony) that I don’t get at all.

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Everything, everywhere, but will it just end already? Terrible. 1/10.

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as someone with severe mommy issues i genuinely enjoyed sobbing my eyes out during this movie

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ig the multiverse aspect was alright but everything else was just plain mediocre or boring

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Complete piece of crap movie. The result of Hollywood running out of stories. Never seen a movie this bad. Even a 3/10 schoolmade blackmarket, no budget horror movie is more enjoyable.

Everyone giving this a high rating is either trying to be interesting “Oh look at me getting it!” or on a hero dose of acid.

This movie actually makes me not wanting to see any other movies just out of fear somebody tries to top this.

Seeing my favourite team losing a final is less painful.

Having said all that, I still feel I didn’t really make my point clear enough. The effort will never match the experience.

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What the fuck did I just watch. I fell for the high rating movie trap, god damn it! The constant switching between Chinese & English was annoying as fuck. Pick a fucking language and stick with it. It’s not art when you switch language mid sentence, it’s called annoying your audience.

Pointless waste of time movie. If you don’t have anything to do for 2 hours, watch this movie.

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What a movie! This cinematography was revolutionary. I didn't think I would be so invested in something so weird and yet amazing.

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nothing but an Awesome movie through and through !

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This is why i love cinema. It truly is everything everywhere all at once. Did not know that something this brilliant could be creatively possible untill i saw it. Just watch this amazing piece of a art. It's a very very special movie. 10/10

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Just a magnificent piece, beautiful, touching, hilarious and heartwarming. It represented the AAPI community in ways that Shang-Chi couldn't even dream of. I want to scream the praises of this movie from the rooftops. I can't wait to see it again.

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I want to see this so much

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This sucks.

I like the concept but the screenplay and the direction are awful.

The tone is completely off. Zany sci-fi comedy action. None of the elements are done well. And the humour, especially, falls flat. Lame joke after lame joke.

The fight scenes are unimpressive which isn’t good as there are so many of them. The performances are all annoying and tongue in cheek when they don’t need to be.

Just a long flashy bore.

I suppose the editing at least is up to standard.


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I don’t understand the hype.

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I laughed so hard I choked on my bagel and jumped universes.

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This movie is over rated, much boring, from starting to the ending

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There are probably more holes in this than there are in a bagel, but considering the imagination on display here, that doesn't really matter. An action comedy that hinges on the philisophical; this is a mind-bending delight.

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Not as good as they say.
First hour is okay.
From sixty to ninety minutes it's great. You know when the good part is over because The End is going to appear on the screen. Kinda like the season two finale of OA- a show that also deals with parallel worlds (I hate the word "multiverse")
Last forty minutes are the most goddamn awful thing you've ever seen. It was excruciatingly painful to get done with those. Each second was a masterclass in cringiness, sappiness, and ultra boredom. Kinda like a Chinese blockbuster, only worse!

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Garbage. Overrated and spoiled. Don't waste your time.

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caricaturesque multiverse matrix parody, made to cook your brain to mush

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I hit recommend button tryi figureout what the lightning bolt was for. I would not recommend. This was one of the worst movies, a colossal waste of time.

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I watched this movie because many people recommended it, but from the beginning I'm just not into this movie, and finally stopped watching halfway. i can only give a rating of 2. such a lousy movie and yet so many people like it. I'm really surprised. the rating is divided into two categories, most people rate it 10, and the others rate it 1.

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"Every rejection, every disappointment has led you here to this moment."

THIS! And THIS freaking movie!

Everything Everywhere All at Once? Nah, more like "Into the Multiverse of Madness".

Directors Dan Kwan & Daniel Scheinert once again deliver a chaotic overload of absolute creative insanity, which at times I couldn't believe what was happening, and yet, they can still manage to tell a compelling, deep, and moving story that we can find relatable with its profound message.

Not for one second is there a dull moment. One of the best of 2022.

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Naaah wtf i just watch? Buttplugs dildos?? I didn’t like it

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Somehow I ended up in an universe where people think this was funny, guess I got to pee myself.

But I'm no gamebreaker, so a 10.

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A crazy, beautiful human experience :)

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Manic story line .. funny n confusing on so many levels a good laugh

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It took me forever to finish this. It took 5 sittings over several weeks, but I'm glad I finished it. It's not my cup of tea, just a bit too out there for my taste. But the point did come across and it was a sweet one. It started great imo, but was too long to stay enjoyable, but it wrapped up great, which made it a decent 6.3 I'd say. I get why it gets higher ratings, but it's just not for me (like pulp fiction, 'one of the greatest films ever created'). Might watch again with friends, but not by myself. The watched-box is checked now, well done me.

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This is a masterpiece. The very first minutes you're totally lost and you feel like it's gonna be a total trash-cult movie where nonsense is the key, but damn... it does get a deep meaning and everything is just so beautiful and stunning to watch. I really loved this way more than I expected to, even after seeing it being critically aclaimed. Definitely one of my favorites for 2022!

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A multiverse story, without Spiderman or Doctor Strange, that ends up being a fable about the importance of family.

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Still an amazingly absurd movie that shows how important enjoying life can be. There's so much fun and action packed into the first part, and that all leads into the rest of the movie which is such an emotional rollercoaster. Amazing acting all around too.

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its trash
review review review

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waymond is cute !!! i love him

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this is my love letter to my mother.

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Maybe I just don't like contemporary American films. This one did not appeal to me at all. I really wanted to like it, but nothing held my interest. Bad comedy, bad CG, bad Kung Fu. I do not get the hype.

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An absolute waste of time from beginning to the end. Can’t remember when I saw something so incoherent and random on a screen last time.

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Utter utter utter utter rubbish!

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