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Dune: Part Two 2024

Dune Part 2 is visually spectacular. The picture is stunning. Ignoring the worn-out tropes, the problem with the film is the lack of emotional attachment to characters. The scope is too big for its runtime which leads to underdeveloped players. The movie is so impressive, yet hollow.

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It was everything they said it would be and then some! Supreme spectacle with otherworldly intensity. Fan first was an experience I’ll never forget. A film for the ages. Long live the fighters!

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Too Much Sand: The Sequel

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I haven't read the book and I really don't like the movies. This movie just feel soulless with flat and bland characters where their motivation is unclear and with a hollow plot.

When it comes to the pacing and action, yes action, is was just so boring. The chemistry between the two leads is just non-existent.

Some of the editing was also really weird.
Paul ventures out on a solo quest and all of the sudden they attack an spice harvester.

I really don't understand why some people say it is intensive, epic, spectacular and a masterpiece.

The visuals and acting from some of the cast (Butler) saves it from a lower score.

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This is the most overrated movie I have ever seen. It is not a terrible movie but people giving this 9's and 10's must be in love with the smell of Timothee Chalamets farts.

Some of the dialogue in this movie is laughably bad which is a shame because the cast is extremely strong and capable.

There were pacing issues throughout the movie - the fight at the end seemed like it just kinda happened with no build up. There was no tension or payoff to the big battle, just a big fight with a bunch of decent looking CGI.

Austin Butlers character and the Harkinnen moments were the best parts of the movie. I enjoyed that arc.

The penultimate moment of Timothee vs Austin was super predictable, and executed in a dull and boring way. The outcome was also very obvious.

Great visuals, although I would not say "innovative" visuals. The Creator, released last year, for example, was far more visually appealing than Dune Part Two, on a lower budget.

Super mid movie, worth your money, and nice to look at (especially in IMAX) but giving this a 9 or 10 is wild

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Hans Zimmer is so hot

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what an amazing experience. Those 3 hours just flew by and it ended with me wanting more


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Much as Avatar took story elements from Dune, Dune takes the questionable box office success of Avatar. Along with that will come those blindly calling this "the greatest movie ever made" vaguely recalling it a decade from now.

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It's like Schindler's List, everyone will tell you how great it is, but who wants to watch it more than once.

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This was a huge waste of time. Boring af.

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This movie was a mess, the pacing is atrocious, and they butchered too many interactions that helps build more context to what happens, and to build the finale. This movie was much more pure spectacle instead of the needed subtly that Frank Herbert did in the second part of the book.

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This is Cinema. I guess this is what older people were feeling when movies like Star Wars the original trilogy or LOTR were airing. This movie is going to be generational defining and I am glad that I am a fully grown adult with opinions and taste to really see how good this movie is

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This WILL be the best sci-fi movie of the year decade

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The standard for what constitutes a quality movie has plummetted so badly in recent years. Dune 2 is another example. Yet another movie that focuses on psychosis, pornographic violence, and very little else. The chemistry between Zendaya and Timothee is nonexistent, not that it matters because their relationship, as is in most cases with superficial films that inject a love story, is as inauthentic and if anything adds to the lack of substance of the film as a whole. What is all the fuss about!?

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Shout by Emm12321
BlockedParent2024-03-21T08:40:00Z— updated 2024-04-17T21:53:36Z

Going against concensus here and giving it just 5. Firstly, the movie weas overly long . The first haIf in particular, focussing on the relationship between the leads, was boring. I feel Zendaya brings nothing to the role; her Chani is quite unlikeable and, as someone has mentioned, lacks any chemistry with the lead. I found the cinematography uninspiring., there were very few shots that showed any stunning scenery at all, despite the exclamations of the leads as they look over the dunes. The shots of huge audiences and masses of people were overdone, and looked like a cut and paste job. The special effects for the worms were minimal, with all efforts being focussed on blowing stuff up ... very tedious. On top of all that, they have left out / altered important elements of the story!! Was looking forward to this, but unfortunately, was very disappointed, Wish the TV mini-series had been given this one's budget!

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The only scene that was worth a damn was Paul's speech at the Circle; the rest of the movie felt like watching a trailer for a graphic novel adaptation of the book. The dialogue for the most part was atrocious, especially for the Harkonnens. Zendaya's line delivery and mannerisms were too "American", compared to the other Fremen, breaking the Middle Eastern-inspired atmosphere.
In 2024, conflating the terms "psychotic" and "psychopathic" is inexcusable. How the fuck did none of the story editors/producers pick that one up?

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I love Dune and have enjoyed all incarnations of this (including the PC game from 30 years ago) and while I enjoyed this I think maybe knowing the story back to back made it less enjoyable for me. Villeneuve's style of directing for me I don't think is quite my style in the pacing and shot style so it doesn't quite click.

Visually it's stunning, cast is great but it's not one I'd rush to watch again myself. 6/10

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This was worse than the first movie. Dune: Part Two has terrible pacing, weird cuts, bad editing, and feels completely disjointed, especially in the second half of the movie. Unpleasant to watch.

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I don't understand people rating this above a 7...

  • Dogwater pacing
  • Went from average joe to leader in less then 60mins
  • The mother in 15 minutes
  • Acting ain't bad.. But average casting at best

Listen.. The lore isn't bad... But there's simply not enough screen time for us to care about anyone living or dying.

I imagine if you read the books this movie is a sight to behold.

But as a non book reader. This is well deserved 6.

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Definitely a blockbuster but not a very good film. Characters were wafer thin, and no real sense of the passage of time. Perhaps a fortnight's package holiday on Arrakis. No real sense of culture at the level of the community. Again it seems more like a opera influenced by German expressionism, more choreographed than depth. The technology however was really well done, the worms and sense of place. The film never seemed to me to be intimate, it felt I was there to witness it like some liturgical rite. The acting for me seemed a bit off too, even though the players are talented. Maybe for me they didn't really fit. It was a good stab at the story, but like many others a failure. Perspective will come to those who think it a fantastic film in years to come. Hopefully one day some director truly gifted will blend sights with insights, without losing too much context and nuance in the execution. I did like the ending though, covering the Holy War a bit.

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I just have to say it's a masterpiece.

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As a reader of the original books, I don't like the changes to the characterizations. In my eyes, this isn't a Dune movie adaption, it's a fanfic.

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Amazing. It's much better than the first one. Probably will be the best movie of 2024.

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Take a nap instead of watching this PoS. You'll thank me later.

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The first one was great I thought, despite people labelling it slow, I found it interesting because of the introduction of the world and the characters. This one needed a little more pace. It drags for soo long. And the Bene Gesserit crap is getting irritating. The whole seeing the future is very dumb and gets in the way of engaging with the film. The prophecy/false prophecy discussion is interesting but again, it doesn't have any real weight on what's happening. The romance is kinda rushed. The visuals are top notch. But you can't rely on that to save you again. Also the Paul transition seemed to happen overnight with no buildup. Went south, drank poison bam I'm your leader now. In the end, you realize that not much really happened in the movie, no resolution of any kind. Felt like a two-and-a-half-hour episode with the next one probably coming 3 years later. 6.5/10

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I won't be going much about the details and ideas in the book that are completely lost in typical director's vision with his long meaningful shots of the wind, or poor harkonnen whose planet is black&white apparently and that's why they all look like freaking walking dead.
But I should say it's annoying to see how every movie these days is turned into some woke propaganda, this way or another. In a book Chani loved Paul no matter what, she admired his qualities, when he decided to marry emperor's daughter she tried to commit suicide to show Paul her love. And this action later made him to rethink about his destiny and leave the life of the Power, return to the life of freedom with fremens and Chani.
And in the movie they turned her into another strong and independent woman, who doesn't kneel and goes alone back to the desert to ride a worm without face mask, because strong and independent women don't need that, obviously. They just need to look strongly into the camera to make this movie about them.

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This is an auditory masterpiece. Hans Zimmer's score blends seamlessly with the world and imagery. It becomes hard to distinguish the music from the sounds of the world. You can hear the wind, the sand, the hum of machinery and aircraft... The score honestly breathes life into the movie. I would watch this again for the score, alone. But it's also visually stunning and an all-around stimulating experience.

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This movie hits perfect scores on all the technical aspects, I can only think in terms of superlatives when trying to describe the looks, sounds, acting, soundtrack,... in this movie.

But on a personal level, it's not completely my cup of tea. It was a bit overwhelming and complex to follow at times. I think I'll enjoy Part One more knowing what it leads up to, I'll probably enjoy Part Two more now that I know where the movie is going and after the third movie, I might love this franchise.

But for now it's not something I could easily rewatch, and that's a shame because I really wanted to love this movie. On the other hand, I always think in terms of rewatchability and maybe I shouldn't do that.

But I'll end positive, I think it's a highly interesting world, the final 30 orso minutes were epic and even though I found the movie a bit slow at times, I was never bored.

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Being a reader is more often than not a curse when it comes to films based on well known, and loved, books. But not this time...

I've said it before, and I can certainly say it again... Denis Villeneuve is one of the best visual story tellers of our time, and I'm ready to fight anyone who says differently... Especially when he also respects the source material, and is not trying to make it "better".

Dune: Part Two is some of the most spectacular filmmaking I have ever seen, and you really have to see it to believe it. Every scene... Every damn scene... both lighting and framing... Absolute Perfection!!!

I really need to see this again... soon...

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I am commenting as someone who has read the book. The director continued his adaptation success, as in the first film. Every scene, every detail was compatible with the book and it was a cinematic show. He made you feel the art of cinema to the fullest. It was a satisfying movie and well worth the money. Thank you Denis Villeneuve.

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Epic on every scale. The action, the cinematography, the acting, the score, and just about everything else was amazing in this movie. The set piece when Fremen were destroying spice machinery was one of my favorite scenes. I really enjoyed this, but need to give it a rewatch to see if this grows on me a little more t like the first one did. I missed some dialogue here and there and also with this being as dense as it was, it was a lot to take in. I am very excited to see more from this universe.

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The first part was a bit boring, overly focused on the Fremen world and how Paul and his mother were welcomed into the desert people. In the second part however, the pace was excessively hasty, at several moments you have the feeling that someone has pressed the fast forward button, and you find yourself out of breath at the end of the film. A real shame, because Dune part one was an authentic narrative masterpiece, and personally I had high expectations for part two. Of course, the photography is always amazing, and the acting is also excellent, but narratively the film was a disappointment. In the end it felt like I was watching the second episode of a TV series, waiting for part three (?).

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Shit's fucking dope dawg wtf

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Wildly imperfect and absolutely astounding.

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I never thought I could watch a better battle scene than The Lord of the Rings.

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Finally part two came out and totally worth it. They did right by the story and what an action packed rollercoaster.

The first movie might have been too slow paced but this one hit the spot, takes a bit to remember the details but comes together for an epic ending and I hopeling for a Dune 3.

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I paid full ticket price to watch Zendaya make Resting Poo Face for 2 hours and 47 minutes.

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I watched the first movie and liked it very much. This is a disappointment for me, I have only been able to watch episodes since the day it came out. It broke many box office records. Personally, I didn't like it very much and I think it was watched just because its actors were known. I love movies with this kind of theme, but this was boring. Still, thank you for your efforts.:rolling_eyes:

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The universe they setup is cool, the story of Paul is quality, but it didn't land for me. First one was quality but this was a shadow of the first. The fremin are the least interesting and the majority of the focus. The seriousness of the sand worms was gone when they made them ubers. Zendaya was boring, del toro is wasted, and all this playing in the sand for two hours made me sleepy. The end battle was over in an instant and an easy fight for the fremin. Wanted to like it similar to the first but was left quite bored during the majority of the film. The lack of attention to details throughout both films is dissapointing.

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Seriously had to watch a recap of part 1 before diving back in, but what a ride! Truly epic, beautifully made, awesome plot and great performances all around. Leaves me wanting more. Give me the epic conclusion to this trilogy! Now please!

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Just loved it
And Zendeya is ugly

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Best sleep I had since part one! Go watch the Lynch movie. This is a woke worthless cesspool of nonsense RATE 1/10

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It might be that I have no connection to this source material or previous iterations but this ends up being slightly above middle of the road. More enjoyable than the first one with a bunch of silly fluff around it. A series for people that want some extra artistic clout to help wash down their sci-fi junk.

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My bigest problem is the love story subplot between Chani and Paul, which feels like too deliberately, no chemical at all. And the movie put it on forefront, it is a big down for me. For comparison Rebecca Ferguson's character are far more memorable.

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the first ten minutes and the arena theme need to be programmed in every cinematography course of every university on earth

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What a phenomenal thrill ride! The film exceeds all expectations and I am eagerly waiting for the film to come out so that I could watch it at home! Please let us have Dune 3 soon, I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

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Is it just me but watching Dune: Part Two eating a hotdog and the only thought going through my head was... Say hello to your little brother?

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What an incredible movie! Managed to catch it 3 times over launch week , i have been able to watch this glued every time. A privilege to be alive to whiteness this marvel in action!

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It's absolutely amazing!! As soon as it finished I was ready for a rewatch.
This is a perfect end to the first story, opening us up to w third film covering the holy war. Can't wait.

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Truly a sci-fi epic from the master director of them. The story picked up and was far more engaging than the first installment. Timothee still felt like cardboard that speaks for most of his dialogue. Thankfully much of the film is show don’t tell. I hope Hollywood gives Denis as much money as he wants because there hasn’t been science fiction this strong in decades.

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An incredible film which is easily 10x better if you've read the books and understand the deeper lore.

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Spectacle is undoubtedly the focus, and in that respect the movie generally delivers. The one exception might be the worm riding, which is something that seems cooler in theory than it looks in practice. The set-up for it is cool, but once they actual get on the worm it just looks goofy (especially when they show it from a distance). But like I said, that's the exception - there's plenty of fantastic production design, visuals, and audio throughout. So what about character and story? This was a mixed bag for me. I think there are some ideas that worked well (Emperor/Princess interplay, Bene Gesserit intrigue, Feyd-Rautha set-up), but Paul's central conflict of accepting or rejecting the prophecy felt repetitive and ultimately fell flat. Now, I do think the ending salvages the arc and makes it work as best it could, but the path to get there was less than compelling. All in all, I think Villeneuve's two-part adaptation is worthy of praise for its ambition and technical brilliance, but I don't think these will be movies I feel the need to re-watch with any regularity.

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Dune 2 is like a second scoop of ice cream, still cool but not as tasty and kinda mushy towards the end.

Dune 2 is a great film. Not as great as Dune, imo, which I finally learned to appreciate during my third watch, but still a great film. I felt like the visuals weren't was consistently striking as in the first part, and the pacing felt drawn out in the first two acts and then rushed in the third, but yeah, it's a great film. See it on the biggest screen possible.

(Seen in IMAX)

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Well it's a great movie, no question. Clearly it's better than the first part, but hope the imdb rating stabilizes at below 8.5 imdb (currently sitting at a ridiculous 9.1 as upvoted from the die hard Dune fans) as the movie is great, but it's clearly not in the best 10 movies (maybe in the top 100 at the very best...)

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Beautiful images. Still want to see what's next, but I did not like this movie a lot.

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Well you’re right, Denis, it’s not exactly difficult to sit through 166 minutes of film when it’s like THIS. When it’s this masterful you could happily make me watch a 6 hour movie too, it just does not lose its grip on you for a second.

First of all, Denis Villeneuve and Timothée Chalamet (with the reflection of Zendaya’s portrayal of Chani) created an image of Paul the way Frank Herbert intended for him to be seen as in the first book, and I think that’s an honorable thing to do because it wasn’t the easy way out, really. It speaks volumes about his confidence as a filmmaker that he’s willing to tell this story at all, and willing to do Messiah especially.

I hope seeing this film makes people understand that part one was also done with intention, in its entire prequel-of-lore vibe glory. The contrast of innocence to corruption is so powerful.

And man is it an unfortunate release date but you can’t tell me this isn’t going to plow through the next award season anyway. This is it. This is why we love film.

Now we wait.

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A true film in every sense of the word: visuals, soundtracks and sound effects, and above all a well built and rich story. Not since the Lord of the Rings trilogy have I been so enthralled. A must-see if you're into science fiction. Cannot wait for part 3...
Why 9 : Because Rabban (Dave Bautista) should have had a real fight for f*** sake :joy:

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Out of words to describe... Just finished seeing the Dune Marathon, part 1 + 2, in the cinema.
The books are good, these adaptation is second to none! One of the best I've witnessed.
Watch it, seriously, go see this story, it is worth it.

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Watching credits now as I write this. I split viewings into 30 min chunks (strangely if you do the same it cuts right at 30 minute parts perfectly.) So Ive spent around 5-6 days watching and processing slowly. That being said, it is relatively unwatchable: Could not have sat through this in a theater beyond 10 minutes. Timmy is super mid. Zendaya is a’ight. The rest of the cast is from Guardians of the Galaxy and Prometheus. It plays like a slowly moving sand painting. If you’re into that. The best 30 minutes “section” probably the one before the final act when Timmy micro-balls Mad deep grows a pair. Beyond that would never watch this again, just like the first long tiring snooze fest. Spare me with this over dramatic Dennis Villanueve circle jerk, Arrival wasn’t good, his BladeRunner also super garbage. Twelve thumbs down from all the Benny Jezerits in this hizzy.

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they cooked with this one:fire:

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Walked out, with a big smile. Will go again, with my son.

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Somewhat of a better watch than it's predecessor, probably because of the better pacing afforded by the extra actions scenes and the satisfying closure (to some extent) of the story.

Probably the best ever screening of the classic Frank Herbert story, but still not there in terms of capturing the magic and feel of the original book. I think.

Still kind of flat, lifeless and wooden as most Villeneuve flicks.

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Can't add anything to most of the positive comments, but I'm ready for Part III.


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i felt sleep after 30min. bit off by non English conversations too.

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Started slow but half way through it did get good. The first half seemed disconnected and the scenes and timelines jumbled. I guess watching it again might help but the second half was smooth, fun and interesting.

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Dune: Part Two as a cinematic experience is practically flawless. With the exception of some odd editing issues that come during the crucial halfway mark, the movie flows much like Part One in terms of slow and fast constantly. The storytelling effectiveness in this climactic second half is...mixed. For better & worse, Part Two faithfully adapts Herbert's novel in amazing but also jarring ways. Certain adaptation choices range from making complete sense, being glazed over despite being vital and crucial to the plot, and jaw-droppingly altering to the story itself.

While I was hoping Villenueve would expand many of the anticlimactic aspects of the book, he decided instead to make an incredibly true-to-source adaptation instead and, in this particular case, I think that's fairly disappointing. I can't say this movie is perfect, but it does close this immense space opera in a way that is truly unexpected and epic despite major hindrances.

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Time and time again my friends promise me „space politics“ and each and every time I get disappointed. This time I got space taliban instead. While I loved the first part of Dune, the second part had too much of a focus on the religion and culture of the Fremen tribe for me. To have a religious party in a futuristic setting is fine, but all the different houses are like that and I couldn‘t care less about it. Add the obvious political implications and the great action sequences are just not enough for me to enjoy three hours of runtime. Still going to watch the third one probably.

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I think my expectations - from what I heard people saying about it - made my experience while watching not as good as it could have been.

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Even better than the first movie! I am so hyped for the third part!

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Despite not getting around to seeing this in theaters, this movie was awesome! I was a bit skeptical hearing about how great this movie was considering I did not love the first, but this one surpassed the first quite easily for me. Where the first introduced us to the characters and world, this one ran with it!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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I loved both of the movies so far but the part two had something that was missing from the previous one, a climactic ending. I was pinned to my bed watching it and I mentally orgasmed when Paul used the voice to silence that old witch. The bass was so deep and unexpected that I shited myself hearing it through the headphones. I imagined how it must have felt in an IMAX theatre.

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It's a well-made film, but I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a fan of white savior stories. No matter how you slice it, white, fascistic oppression is still white, fascistic oppression.

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Shout by Nitemice

While this movie shares many strengths with its predecessor, like its amazing visuals and strong performances, it also shared (in my eyes) its biggest weakness: an unsatisfying ending.
The one complaint I had walking out of the first movie was the "This is only the beginning" ending, which undermined the arc up until that point, and left me on a sour note. So I was looking forward to this movie quite a lot to bring that to a satisfying conclusion.
Unfortunately we don't get that here. Regardless of if the original book ends here or not, I felt conned (again!) by the way the ending sets up the next part so hard.
That's all especially frustrating given how long the movie is, and yet it struggles in spots with both being too fast and too slow. At this point, I think I would rather just wait for all the "parts" to be released, and watch them all like a series/miniseries.

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What a masterpiece!
Best movie of this year?
Yes, probably!

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Now this is cinema. While I have reservations about the haste and overall pace of the finale and the apparent need for a massive final conflict, Dune: Part Two still manages to be one of the most awe inspiring, visually captivating and transportative pieces of film I've ever seen. The way Villeneuve has managed to make something so succinct and captivating out of Herberts stodgy, self-serious epic is truly amazing; I just want more and more of the world and I can't wait to see where he takes us in Messiah. This will join my limited physical collection on release. Truly the best scifi of this century, and it's not even close.

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This is a masterclass in blockbuster film making.

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Start is slow but the end is a great spectacle with beautiful music and scenes. Can’t wait for part three.

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Sounds like an unforgettable experience! Can't wait to see it myself.

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great movie cant wait for part 3

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another superb movie from Denis Villeneuve !

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Denis Villeneuve is way overrated. He has no ear for good music. The music in his movies are atrocious and he is not good at directing either.

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imax watch was incredible even if i was seated too close

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Dune: Part Two - :heart:x8

This was an amazing continuation of Dune: Part One (2021). I can not wait for Part Three to arrive.
This second outing, I felt, might even be more epic than the first one.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Scratched my sci-fi itch in many, many ways. Nothing short of a masterpiece in its class - and I’m ever-thirsty for more Dune lore. What a movie.

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Not a bad movie but enjoyed part 1 more 7/10

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